IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Ya pd says its a combination of eczema and fungal...
Cos i myself have eczema problem...
Its also due to saliva, heat... And it will come back again..

Dr gave me a stronger anti fungal cream.. With steriod in it.. Says it will get better by a few days..
Yr bbs want to nap aft 2-2.5hrs awake sounds abt right. My girl needs to sleep aft 1.5-2hrs awake. But some naps r power naps only. 30mins nap n she's ready to play again.
Baby, problem solved

Pandwife, I'm lucky I never train my gal. Last time my son is more problematic he don't sleep at nite and he is very sentive to noise. I have a hard time training him.
Try playing with them.
My girls also need to nap after being awake for abt 2hrs..
Im aldy v good in differentiating their cries and body language.. I will know from the look of their face and cries i know they wana sleep...
My small girl will keep using her hands to rub her face and will cry non stop when she wants to sleep.. I will then carry her and rock her for awhile and she will fall asleep..
My elder girl eyes will get smaller when she is sleepy... And i will carry her.. Give her pillow for her to hug and give her pacifier... Then she will sleep...
Its amazing such small bbs have such distinctive differences in character...
grumpus.. smtimes they take the long nap.. usually at around noon time to about 2pm..then wake up for feed..after tht continue to zzzzz...for another hour.

blissful, i tried..but very tiring to be giving 3 bbs playtime one after another... by the end of it..i m dead beat!

baby, yup..its the same spoon. i din buy the bowl..coz few spoons of cereal v little..i use the avent milk storage cups coz i hv many of it n din use.

my two boys can flip..and starting to learn how to "crawl".. they need slight support when seated..i put them on rocker with two small pillows at their back so tht they sit more upright when eating.

my eldest boy refused to sit or lie down during play time.. always wanna be held standing up! i hold him until my hands v tired.. yesterday i surrender.. put him into a walker! so he can "stand" and play... but i had to restrict his movement...dun want him to start going around knocking into things...
PandaWife, my son only need 10 min to 1/2 hr nap & he will be fully charged. It is very hard for me to get him to bed, now he is watching tv with me
u noe today i let my mil take care of my ger while i go out for a short shoppin. i came back n found out tat she had fed my ger, but with 3 feeds!!! coz she din realised tat one milk powder container has 3 compartments n when she thot she couldnt get d powder out, she opened up d lid n pour all out! which is equivalent to 3 feeds, 15 scoops of powder!!! she used 150ml for tat!!! i only found out fr my instinct tat something must b wrong after my ger cried for a long time n refused to slp which she usually does. n traced back to d possible cause, initally she denied but later after realisin her mistake, she even dared told me my bb cried aft drinkin milk like she wanted more...
i have discussed with my dh n will not return to work but to be sahm liao. coz my mil really got no common sense n if not i probed her, i wldnt have found out tat my poor bb ger has been overfed!!!
anyone knows what will happen if a bb has been fed with excessive formula milk? do i need to bring her see pd?
sooo silly...
dun think u need to bring her to pd lah. just monitor her. whether she can poo and whether she's uncomfy or whether she throw up. she will be uncomfy for awhile but she shd be ok after awhile
my girl will hv a short power nap in the morn abt 10am. then a long nap from 12-2pm, wake up for feed, poo etc then sleep again from 3plus till 5plus. 7pm she will hv another power nap then sleep by abt 9plus.
Rose, Next time before you go out "teach" your in-law when to feed n how to make the milk etc. Every nite before I go out for dinner I will remind my mum how much to feed and what time.
How is your gal?
grumpus, yes ..tht looks quite similar to my bbs nap times....but i tink mine naps more... as i type, they are taking their early morning power nap...

wanna ask u smthing.. my eldest boy ever since he learnt how to flip, doesnt wanna sleep on tummy anymore. everytime we put him to bed on tummy, in less than a minute, he flips to his back. and thru the night, he starts to kick. he will kick n slam his legs very loudly onto the mattress.. is this normal?? i dunno if its part of his development or due to his block nose now.
rose, OMG... U must have really gotten a shock! aiyoh.. but i can understand.... ermm..i dun use those container with more than 1 compartments.. i buy those multi tier ones that can be separated into individual containers and i label each one coz my bbs take different amts. even then, i avoid letting anyone else make the milk. if i hv to go out for short while, i plan it such tht i go immediately after a feed and come back before the next..

hope ur gal is feeling ok now...

blissful, my eldest is a fast learner among the three.. headache now.. i just bought an exersaucer for him to play.. seems more suitable than walker for now....
Panda my gal ever since she knew how to flip always flip to tummy to sleep instead of back, she used to sleep on back. And she also slams her legs on the mattress
Is normal. As bb get more mobile, they will choose whichever position they want to sleep. Both my girls slept on their backs at night and both kick n slam their legs during the night. It's sort if how adults toss n turn n change positions when sleeping.
But if the leg slamming goes on for very long or the legs go up very high, I will usually check on her. Cos sometimes it means she's got gas or a tummy ache. But most of the time as long as she dun cry or eh I will just leave her be.
actually i have oledi taught my mil how to make milk, just tat she never hands on coz she always say i know i know. n i oledi prepared d exact water quantity n milk quantity. never expect tat she can make such mistake. if as i am still using 125ml small bottle for milk, 150ml is to d brink. only aft i find out n asked her, she den tell me milk overflow...she always stand besides me when i make milk, how can she see but not know that she has made a mistake. esp when i returned n puzzled why there r milk chunks in d bottle n even till next feed, when i asked her do again, she still never let me know she has made a mistake n continued let me feed my bb. only aft i recall back n felt something wrong, n asked her if milk overflow during her makin of milk, den she got d guilty funny expression on her face. if she is honest n quickly let me know aft so many times of asking her, i wldnt hav fed my ger for d next feed n will monitor her liao. if next time i go work, she kept mum or thot she is right in doing certain things for d first time, den very risky esp my bb got some congenital health condition.
gan, grumpus, thanks! aiyoh..he started doing this for a few nights and I have been having sleepless nights! coz he slam until wake up n cry or smtimes wake up my younger boy who is a light sleeper... esp when he drops his bolster..he will wake up very easily :S
Yr bbs all can flip... But my two girls still hvt flip yet...
Alamak im abit worry leh... How come they so slow.. I tried training them.. Putting them on their tummy.. Both can do mini push ups.. But no sign of flipping le...
I wonder is it due to the fact im still wrapping them to sleep at night??? But during the day i didnt wrap them when they nap..
I tried not wrapping them at night.. They cant sleep.. Keep tossing and fussing... Once wrap them.. They wil fall asleep...
Sigh.. So difficult to wean them off...
baby, my girl cant flip yet too... only can lift her head up when on tummy... different bbs develop at different pace.. even my 3 born on same day dont develop at the same.. so no worries
baby, yes..the way they sleep will affect.. my one sleep on tummy..so PD says they will have more difficulty flipping.. the boys only flip very recently...n one way.. from tummy to back..
my babies after the 8plus power nap.. near to 10am nap again until now.. way pass their feeding time.. they woke up crying 20mins ago..i try to feed milk they dont want.. wanna slp again.. so pat pat, sleep sleep....
grumpus, regarding starting solids. does it hv to be the same time everyday to do the initial feeds? i m having a hard time trying to feed the same time.. in fact its like mission impossible. the day before was in the morning, yesterday was in the afternoon... today until now no chance to feed! :S
Rose, my hub AUNTY who is staying with us also like that, they will said I know I know...last time when she is looking after my son, he tends to fall sick later I found out that she always give him drink milk as and when my son ask or give him eat titbits when I told her can't . One sun morning my son woke up early he went out to the hall to look for her, when I wake up he was eating tibits at 9 plus in the morning. I was so mad that I hit My son scolding him.... Guess what she do!!! Lock herself in her room when my hub when to her room to take my son clothing saw her crying so my hub ask her what happen... She still got the cheek to tell my hub she cause my son to get bitting from me...due to that my HUD n me quarrel...
blissful, yeah..tried.. doesnt work....all my bbs sucking thumbs...hehe.. not very interested in pacifiers ever since..
For solids, u do want to try n feed them at ard the same time everyday. Eventually it will be quite fixed like breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Y dun u pick a time in the morning when they're always awake.
Pandawife which brand cereals u are feeding ur babies? Which Exersaucer u bot?? I bot the evenflo mega splash from eBay... Have yet received
grumpus, hmm.. very challenging for me.. coz usually morning very busy w bathing them, followed by feeds.. plus there are 3 of them to look after... and must catch a timing when bb is not so hungry.. n in happy mood! the previous two feeds i time it 15-20 mins before the next feed is due.. giv the cereal followed by the milk.

gan, i m giving the nestle pack samples from my PD's clinic... have not even finish a small pack yet... i got the bright starts tropical fun around we go.. pick this set coz the seat is detachable..when bbs are bigger, can use as activity table. i m going to pick up mine this sat.. its preloved from the forum..
No need to be in sequence la. It's more so bb get used to eating at a fixed time. Can even be evening.

The reason why books always say to intro new foods in the morning is so tat in case of any allergic reaction, it will occur in the day and u hv time to react rather than it happening at night.
Last time brought my #1 to similar classes like gymboree at 9 mths, she was the most uncooperative bb there. She would crawl to the door prefer to play with the latch on the door but she likes the gym activity time, think she was already too mobile for singing and exercise.

Yes, once have eczema will have attacks few times a year, need to keep the skin moisturised, but spore weather is better for eczema sufferers cos quite humid.

Same here, bought him a walker yesterday, for the same reason, when want to carry always want the over-the-shoulder position. But he didn't like the walker leh, only 10 mins and he fuss.

I pick lunch time for starting solids, cos find that he naps longer after that, at least give me a breather. I gave him 2 tbsp today and he polish them all. Gave him some apple puree to try today also, gave me grimacing face.
aiyoyo...sometimes its like tat. older generation dote on bb in their own sue ga sue ga way. when i found out my mil mistake, i calmly explained to her n very very tactful on d words, coz i dun want another quarrel. den i realised tat she like feelin paiseh n i think she oso felt herself stupid. for ur hub aunty, think she oso felt guilty tats y she cried in d room. but again, why give tibits in d mornin...think its background difference, dun noe tibits r unhealthy...
we just have to endure, no matter wat...must respect them...
today my ger appears ok...but d thot of 15scoops of fm in 1 feed really scary. think tell ppl oso no one will believe...
Panda, Grumpus - your bbs very good, can nap for long. All my babies' naps are power naps! Lasting between 30-45 mins at best. My boy needs to be rocked, very hard for him to sleep long once I put him down in the cot. My girl can sleep without rocking but always seem to wake up at 35-45 min mark n cannot fall asleep again. End up having about 4-5 such naps during the day. They only last about 1.5 hours awake time in between.


My bbs can't flip yet. They really dun like tummy time so I hardly do that with them. My girl can sort of flip with a little push from me cuz she is much lighter than the boy.

I think all bbs same style lah... Mine also love to stand when I carry them on my lap. They keep wanting to stand on my lap! Thinking of getting the exersaucer. Tried it at my bro in law's place, my boy likes it.
Btw where can i buy cheap carters romper?
Or any brand of rompers which my girls can wear at home..
Mothercare do sell those rompers.. 7pcs in a pkt.. But exp lah... $56 for a pkt.. Too exp for home wear..
Bubbly bear my gal kept flipping during the class when the activity requires the baby to lie on their back. The other 2 babies are older than her at 5 mths plus, boys n they guai guai lie on their back. My gal wld also talk during the activities ... Very distracted loh. But I signed up a package as I think good for her to interact with other babies.

You sign your girl up for gymboree. I thought of letting her go and play. How much u pay for it for the package? did you go for the trial before you sign up?
Fashion spree yes sign her up for gymboree play n learn. There is a trial class at $42 n the package for 12 classes is $490 plus. Btw I just found out there is another place called little gym at forum. They also have trial lesson at $40 plus. Maybe u can try both n see which is better.
Gymboree has level 1 NB to 6 months, level 2 6 months to 1 yr n so on. U can check out their website for the schedule of the class n call n tell them u want trial lesson on the day of their class
Rose, What to do just have to close one eye lor. As my parents are staying with me now so they don't let her give my son eat rubbish so she is not happy......
At least your mil feel guilt...next time before you go out "teach" her

Monitor your gal for a few days should be ok.

Gan, my gal never poo for 2 days and she was cranky yesterday my parents gave her the grip water within few hrs so poo alot. Have you try giving your gal ?

Blissful, didn't give her gripe water but I added 0.2ml of ridwind in her last feed during weekends, helps that she doesn't cry at night coz of wind but today she not drinking much milk again.
