IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Suyana, I am not too sure about this, but I tink cannot...I got another car seat instead...u can call up Baby Hypermart to ask, they can assist u thru phone...
Su yana,
Check out Peg Perego. Their infant car seats can fit into their prams. When bb outgrows the car seat the pram can still be used.
Mothercare also has a similar car seat n pram system.
Pandawife, added u in FB
U indeed hv v big eyes!
I just bought the cybex castillo n their infant car seat from hypermart. Can just install the infant car seat to the stroller.
rostrum, who r u in fb? got add huh? haha..i blur liao...

singapoh, now u mentioned...the photo really dun hv..haha..but i see mirror have! hahah... its there for sure...
gan, is the sales at isetan scotts? Do you know when does the sales end?

am asking my sil to pop by to buy some clothes for the babies...
Panda but must go dig for the clothes. Sizes u want... Coz quite messy but good buys. Manage to buy a pair of jeans for my gal too
Cotton on kids got sale too, can ask ur Sil go to the one at wisma, tops n bottoms 2 for $20
Gan, last Week cotton on 30% storewide even on top of sales price. My sil already bought lots. Hehehe. The quality of their clothes so so only.
I didnt switch fm gradually.. I just switched..
But i stick with enfa.. Cos both my girls are ok with it..

My girls now will cry quite bad when they are sleepy and want to sleep.. Im quite used to their crying.. Once they start crying.. I know they want to sleep...

What did u buy from baby gap? Romper?
Thanks Rostrum. Thought those mummies under Dr Loh would know having gone thru it before.

Panda: I totally feel u now. It must have been really challenging for u to carry your 6kg+ that time. Carrying this 5kg load is really getting tough. Still have 4more weeks to go. Dunno how much more wt they will put on.

Grumpus, can I add u too in FB? In fact I want to add all of u if possible!
Love to see all your little darlings. I find it a little easier to keep track of things in FB rather than in SMH.
Baby I bot rompers, jeans, tops ..wanted to get dress but didn't see any 6 to 12 mths. Maybe I didn't search. Oh ya regarding the jab I also dunno which one was given coz not reflected in the receipt n health book. Will ask during 6 mths vaccination.
Tomorrow back to work Liao... Sianz gonna miss my gal
Panda, thanks! Gonna b a bz day at work today....no time to go thru the fotos...will do it over the weekends! I also been shopping online which I dun usually do last time..
Panda or any mummies that had given birth,
Want to know the CDA scheme for new born.
i understand govt will match $ to $ to a maximum of $6k. I read the website that we have up till the child is 6 years old to do the saving for this. Is this true? I heard from a friend is till like few years old of the child.
I just want a confirmation.

so fast tml gng work liao...i still got one more week...
i oledi sianz with d thot of returnin after so long break...routines got to change again. so u wil bring ur gal over to ur mummy place in d mornin? aiya, if only sahm oso get paid den will be best. fat hopes.
Rose I m back to work today.... Sianz ... My gal was crying when I brought her to my mum's place n pass to my mum.
Didn't work for almost 20 weeks, need some getting used. Toughest is to not see baby 24/7 now
Gan, thanks for the info.
Coz this friend of mine i guess she has misinterpreted. She said needs to be done before child turns 2years old...i was quite shockeed to hear coz to save $6k within 2 years, for me it is not easy..hehehe....need to think of other expenses too.

So now, I can take it easy, i have 6 years to save the $6k...phew...hehehe
Suyana, me too to fork out $6k is not easy. Since I need to pay my son school fee so instead of paying to the school I bank into CDA. As your kid need vaccination you can bank into CDA ac & pay thought the ac. FYI, need to bank in the $ by mth end ( base on bank in amt)
Su yana,
Wat I do is setup a recurring transfer of $200 per mth to my girl's cda account so I dun hv to remember to do it and we can save $6k in 2.5yrs.
Alternatively u can set aside $100 a mth and u will hit $6k in 5 yrs. Still before 6yrs old.
$8 fo baby gap is very good buy. Too bad miss the sale by few days. How is 1st day at work ? Probably will take about a wk to get used to. I remember my 1st day at work is to hope 5pm quickly come and dash straight to the door...hehe.

Actually if can work part-time is the best option.
Panda, hahaha...ya, eat snake...quite sian to work now since gt like 5 weeks to countdown to ML? Can't wait cos I feel so threathened going for this ML....seems like everyone is eyeing on my position n using threathening tactics...Anyway I am not going to get affected...Am going to enjoy my pregnancy n look forward to babies' arrival before I deal with it when I am back...kekeke...

I really love yr triplets
blissful fate and gan,
thanks for the tips.

yeah, maybe will do that like grumpus, recurring transfer monthly. no need to worry about not putting in the money. Still can get the money by 6 years or lesser.

Do you ladies keep baby blood or cord thingy. I know it is optiional and there is this cord life and another company? Which one do u ladies take?

BTW, i feel at east chatting with you ladies. Maybe i know you ladies online longer than any ohter forum
rostrum, thanks! am looking forward to ur precious' photos on fb too!

when the bbs are out, u will be so busy buzzing over them tht u will forget about all the office politics.
Suyana, u talking abt me? **wink wink**

Panda, yeah! I also v looking forward to upload the fotos...heee...How I wish I can afford to be a SAHM and avoid all the office politics!

grumpus, I hv a hard time logging in FB after lunch...will add u once I can login smoothly...
Rostrum, yes abt you :)

yeah, sahm is good rite. .. No politics.my work plc is getting crazy too. Just can't wait till aug.
Im so tempted to start giving my girls rice cereal.. What u girls think?
My gf bb aldry start eating porridge at 5mths old.. She even give her french fries to ghaw...
Panda, wow 7kg+. How's your built like? I'm 159cm and pre-preg 45kg. So my friends are all shocked that I can carry this 5kg and will hit 6kg.

Grumpus, just added you to my FB.

This morning, I slipped while coming out of toilet. Luckily didn't fall but a piercing sharp shot thru my pelvic and I was immobile for quite a while. Had to lie down for a few hrs before I could even walk out of the house to go KKH to check if babies were fine. I was worried abt cervix opening. Luckily all's well with them. Contractions were abt every 5 mins though not of regular pattern. So doc allowed me to go home to monitor. Walking much better now. Really have to be more careful now with my big stomach.
Syrah, u better b more careful.. Did u place a non slip floor mat on d floor outside d toilet? And always eyes on floor while walking ya. I always gt scolded by dh if I m surfing my hp while walking...just now also gt scolded by him while I m trying a pair of shoes n din sit dw to remove it n almost can't balance. He chided me infront of d sales asst. So paiseh
