IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I'm not too worried abt babies' weight. Just surprised to hear how big they are as I certainly don't look that big to my own eyes.

There's still plenty of time for the placenta to shift. As for breech or head down position, no matter how cramp it may be inside, the baby turns within its own water bag so anything is possible till D-day.

Hope that you find something to help with your rashes soon! It must be horrible tolerating the itch.

Can I know how big were your babies when u did natural delivery? Dr Loh said the same thing for me. If my boy comes out first, then can go for natural. But if it's girl (she's in breech at the moment), then can't. I think I'll ultimately go for c-sect if they are too big cos it's my first time delivering and I'm afraid of tearing!

Read some ladies recommending the use of this shampoo and body gel in replacement of the traditional herbs during confinement. It's also gd to use that after confinement too. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4975746.html?1299215604

I have a question. I understand that we have to use a binder immediately after natural. But what abt c-sec? How soon after c-sec do we use the belly wrap?

Rostrum & fancy,

Thks. Was getting rather concerned as my preggie friends started qng abt my bb's weight after every mthly chk up.
hehe, my girl is sort of adjusting her pooing schedule also. instead of every feed now is abt 2-3 times a day only. but each time is a huge load. the type that will leak everywhere!
I have used the shower gel and shampoo u mentioned during my confinement.. I like the shower gel.. Its smells of lemongrass and have a cooling sensation after bath which we need it most during confinement when our body feels so hot with all those heaty foods...
Baby, I am using Grorich follicles shampoo…My hair drop quite a lot before using this shampoo. Now improves quite a lot, before preggie I already start using. This shampoo prevents hairfall and hv heat treatment to nourish the scalp…the smell is not v nice though but is ok to me. Not everyone need 1 year to regain back hair growth la..dun worry!

Soon to be, what is spinal c-sect? What is the difference? I always tot there is only 2 types of c-sects, that is epi and GA…U mean C sect with epi will not work for everyone??

Syrah, yr boy’s position now is head down and girl is breech? I recently experience kicks quite low, wonder whether both is in breech?

Bb_jo, u can ask yr gynae on yr next visit…but my frens say not every chk up will update on baby’s weights…Its good to kw baby’s weight for every other visit, so that u can see whether to eat more or cut down on carbo….

Just did my detail scan at TMC today. I was previously concerned about bb's CRL but today weight is 325g which is within normal range. Scans indicated that my low-laying placenta still hasn't shifted up. Discussed with Dr Cheng and he said am just halfway through the pregnancy so placenta may shift up. If tummy scan still shows low laying placenta during Trim 3, then he will do a v-scan nearing to EDD to determine if c-sec is really necessary.
Oh that's great to know. Ok, in that case I'll def place an order for that. Btw, have u tried their belly wrap before? Any idea if it's good?

Yes, boy is head down and girl is breech. Girl used to be head down at 20 weeks scan but turned ard at 25 weeks scan. Just before my 25week scan, I've never felt kicks below belly. All on top. The low kicks were on left side which is where the girl is. So that explains when I saw her new position.
my boys fussed for the last 3 hours n finally all asleep now..... i m hungry and tired! hb going to buy supper now...

blissful, u were right..my boy wanted to latch...happily latch for 40mins just now.. i tried bottle feed him just before he slept..he was ok..no more fussing over the feed...

today brought the bbs out for about 3 hrs to the pool at my bro's place. my dad wanted to go for swim. we stayed w the babies in the clubhouse function room and chit chat... the little ones slept thru out the outing... but the minute we reach home, all started fussing..:S
Day, congrats! Yr baby's weight is great! Hw many weeks are u now? Like what the other sisters & Dr Cheng's advise, its still early to talk abt placenta position...anyway if really need c-sect, there is nothing we can do...as long as can hold our precious on our arms is v heartwarming already.

Meanwhile, u just rest well....Did Dr Cheng says u need total bedrest? I dun tink so right?

Sometimes can go shopping for a while to get some bb stuff?

syrah, then I tink both my boy's is in breech position now...hopefully can see some changes in week 25 scan
My pd prescribed steriod cream for my boy on the neck rash.
It's very effective but not good in long run. I trying out california baby calendula cream now. It works for his arm but not sure on the neck yet.Will let you know if it works.
Can we mix paracetamol syrup with baby's milk to feed them? If they take the syrup after drinking milk it will be mixed with milk in their stomach as well right?

Thanks for the link. My babies are taking Enfalac now. I'll get 13 tins this weekend. Sounds like alot but my babies will probably finish in 2 months+. What's the expiry date of the last batch of Enfa you ordered? Not so soon right?

My babies just took the 5 in 1 with the pneumococcal vaccination this afternoon and have been very tired and sleeping for a long time since then. My girl just developed fever. How's your girl now?

I've just ordered the LG Prime 1900x1400 play mat today? Are you getting the play yard as well now? It seems too early to get as the babies can't even crawl yet.
Rostrum, I tried naturally for #1 w epi. As e epi didn't work well for me, I opted for emergency c sect. When they were discussing abt my condition, epi c sect is out for me, ga c sect will hv complications coz I already used epi. So e other choice was spinal c sect for me then. It was total relief for me but I slept thru e entire procedure as I was simply too tired after no sleep for 2 daya plus. Only woke up a short while when i heard my boy's crying.
I am now in Wk20. THink you are a week ahead of me ? Only put on 3kg since bfp. My baby is also in breech position during scans today. Pregnancy is even more stressful than my ivf cycle and now I will pray that I can carry my baby to full term.

When I was still spotting, I had restricted movement in the house. Can't believe that I didn't go out at all except to Dr visits since my discharge from hosp. Prior pregnancy, I am the type that can't sit still. My close friends are so worried that I will lapsed into depression.. haha! But now since my spotting has tapered off, Dr suggested to take slow short strolls around my neighbourhood but he still says NO-NO to shopping.

Guess I am paranoid too and will just let my fingers do the shopping while my hubby settles the rest of the items which I can't get online.
Bing my gal so far ok, no fever. Hope stay this way. Ya she slept alot today. Yesterday after the jab she cried abit then doze off, we have to wait for her to wake up to take the oral rotravirus. Yours is the second shot? Did u take the vaccination at polyclinic or kkh?
I've always mixed paracetamol into my elder girl's milk to feed her cos it's such a pain to feed with the syringe. even now she's 3 already and i still do that.
the only thing different i did when she was younger was actually prepare 2 bottles of milk. one with 30-50ml (basically an amt i know she will definitely finish) and add the paracetamol to that. the 2nd bottle is the balance of the feed. cos sometimes my girl doesn't finish her whole feed then if i add the paracetamol into the entire feed and she doesn't finish, she won't get her whole dose. this way i ensure she gets the entire dose of meds.
I didnt try the belly wrap.. I thk its a new item cos that time when i ordered my shower and shampoo.. There is no belly wrap..

I hvt order the mat yet.. Will order when the stock comes ij apr since we wont be using it now...
Ya abit too early to get the yards cos bb cant crawl now.. But it depends whether u wana get it earlier to be prepared..

Huh the smell no good ah.. Hmmm.. Then maybe i wont use cos i love to use nice nice fragnance shampoo... Hee..

Thats good that yr ones sleep thru yr outing!
I love my ones when they are sleeping.. So adorable without the crying... Opps.. Hehe..
Long time didnt bring my girls out liao... Except to my mil pl for dnr.. The last outing is bringing them along to eat zi char..
My small girl fuss so got to carry her while i eat...
Hello everyone
how are u mummies n babies doing ? I been reading silently but not much time to post. My boys three months already .. Time just zipped by like that. Missed carrying them when they were tiny tiny less than 3 kg. So far, me n my maid handle them day n night. Very busy but manageable. Sleep is such a luxury now. So Mtb enjoy ur rest time before little ones arrive

I also didn't realized pd charges were so high. I paid $600 for the 6 in 1 n rotavirus for 2 babies. Haiz ...
U got one fussy girl .. I got one very fussy boy. Seems that for twins one will be a easy baby n the other needs lots of attention. Ur mum still come n help u often or u handle with maid like me ? U so good still can go dating with hb

ur babies can go out for 3 hrs... Not bad
my fussy boy will cry after one hr outing n we need to zoom zoom home so dun know when can bring them out.

thanks for sharing the tip on mixing med n fm.
Panda, how's yr younger boy? My boy also same thing... Now he starts the feed ok but will auto stop at 60ml. Its like magic everytime. He used to be able to finish 100ml in the past. Then when he stops at 60, he appears still hungry when try to continue feeding, he will scream n push bottle out. Then when finally I latch him on, he will drink. Dunno if its the fm taste. Wonder if they can taste the diff already. Now I hv to think of 101 ways to get him to continue. Its been going on for a week plus now. Anyone else encounter same prob before?
Hi working wife yes brought my gal to see Dr Ong at aglow clinic once when she had rashes. I find him patient and appears good with babies. Our good fren's 2 kids go to him and has good review abt him.
But we go kkh to do vaccination as it is cheaper. Will continue to see dr Ong.
Thanks syrah

JJ, so dr Loh only suggested calamine lotion? I've been waking to find myself scratching. Some parts of tummy scratch till skin tear. Gosh. I'm only using powder to ease after showers. Gd that calamine helps reduces ur itch

Rostrum, dr Loh wouldn't mind as I made the extra slot thru the mainline not with him ma, hehe.. earlier during my 25weeks scan he did mention if 5 weeks apart is too far? I told him I'm open, in the end he jus tell me anything can email him or just walk in to kk n find him or his nurse.

Any mommies with massage ladies to recommend?
Soon to be, thanks... Think I will let d doc decide since they are d experts..but I still hope for natural though chances us slim.. Hehe..

Day, yup I m a week ahead of u... It's good news tt your spotting has tapered off... For the sake if your baby, u hv to endure. So mothers are Wei da de! U can get Yr frens to come your hse instead, it is already halfway of our pregnancy.. Jia you!!! There are alot of sprees in smh.. It will b even more bz to shop online n it's convenient too. The rest can just ask Dh to buy... Meanwhile, u just rest well at home..

Imp22, hv u been using stretchmark cream since early pregnancy? I hv been using stretchmark cream religiously every nite n hope it wun itch as much..it's v uncomfy to feel itchy in d middle of d nite
Thanks for the feedback.

Will powder help with the itch? I always hace the idea that powder worsen itch. Which stretchmark cream r u using?

I've been applying my oil day & night. Sometimes even 3 times n after every shower session regardless how how many showers I take in a day. So far so gd. Skin stretching well with no itch.

Buzz me anytime or msn me if u r bored. We can crap all the nonsense we want.
I also stay nearby united sq. Is the waiting time for Dr Ong acceptable ?

U r still with your current PD ?
baby: is the shower gel and shampoo from the BP spree from this forum?

I read that hair loss starts about 4 months after we give birth... and my hair is already fine right from the start...need to do anythin to prevent it from dropping man...otherwise I would be a BOTAK MOMMY already
Bing, I also mixed med Into the milk. FYI, my son is aware the milk is different.

Pandawife, you boy will be happy for now, till he fuss again.

My girl wake up at 5.30am for her milk n didn't sleep till 7plus keep talking but mummy to sleepy to entertain her..
Imp - Nope calamine lotion not suggested by Dr Loh, he say the itch can't do anything cos its a hormone prob. He was even relucatant to prescribe me tropical creams to ease the itch.

Only advice was to endure till after birth. Which is true la the cream didn't do much also ... My own formula is calamine lotion best suits me in stopping the itch. stretch mark cream also no use but still got to put cos it will moisturize the belly skin
Day I went for the evening clinic , waited abt 15 min but dun go on sat, my friend said sat waiting time is bad.

Blissful u got any toys to entertain her then u can rest awhile n no need to talk
syrah, I can only apply once at night after shower...morning is always in a rush, no time to apply and daytime I am working...
Syrah, some of my rashes watery pus which will ooze out by itself. Some r dry ones. So I apply powder try to dry up those with pus. The powder is that typical one with cooling effect after u apply, so I tot maybe can help relieve itch too. Haha self medicate man!!

Rostrum, was using stretchmark cream earlier b4 the rashes came. After my tummy got scratched till skin tear, i dare not use stretchmark cream afraid that it will complicate my open wounds Leh... My feet n legs so ugly now, red red with rashes besides the usual swell. Quite demoralizing.

JJ, ok me will try calamine lotion too if dr Loh reluctant to help.. Btw what is your weight gain now?
hi stb

I see you are sticking with the same Dr Loh for your 2nd boy? why?
Is he shocked to see you again too soon after your 1st was born not long ago? :p

Imp - todate gained 21kg le ... Think the bb's are growing faster now cos I gained like 1kg within 2-4days...

Janice - Now is to try to relax yr mind, nxt up would be the 1st scan for heart beat & fetal pole, also to confirm if its single / twins.

lots to worry for throughout the 9mths so no point over thinking everything u will be more stressed out, just enjoy the moment now (since MS likely to kick in soon)
Gan, thx.

I changed from Dr Keoy at Novena medical centre to SBCC Gleneagles. The doc at gleneagles is good but its too inconvenient for me... Far and parking horrible. Also dun like the fact that its in the hospital and a lot of sick ppl in the lift.

Dr Keoy I didn't quite like cuz he gave my son a lot of meds and said he had sinus. Thats when I went to gleneagles Dr Jenny Tang for second opinion and found her better. But too far, and dun have weekend or night clinic so wanna try united sq now. Not so keen on Dr Ang at TMC cuz heard not so good things abt him.
jj, thank u
me still no ms sign yet hehe... think it's still early? i dunno when will be my scan, prob 2 weeks time?
Janice - yr clinic didn't schdule for u ? usually around 6-7wks.
6wks might still be too early to see fetal pole/ heart beat so don't worry too much. Let nature take its course.
jj, was told that will let me know when the time comes. now only BT twice a week and yesterday juz did my 1st BT

Imp22, try not to scratch d itchy area if possible. Maybe can try cold compress, see if it helps.

Winnie, Blk 82, whompoa drive, hui heng garment, tel : 62548333.
