IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

During feeding try to rotate carrying bb on left hand n right hand. So this feed bb lie on right, next feed bb lie on left and so on. No need exactly equal lah. It'll be a bit awkward for u in the beginning but it helps bb develop left and right side more equally. Cos now is the start of the kpo phase where bb like to look here look there. When u carry on the right bb hv to turn right to look out, when u carry on left bb hv to turn left.

well, first and foremost i wanted to minimise the no. of jabs my girl had to take.
for Hep A is mostly transmitted through seafood, half cooked food etc.....so i felt is very low risk for my girl since we dun even let her those kind of food. even my PD felt it unnecessary.
for influenza, i felt tat there r so many strains of flu virus tat my girl will bound to get some kind or flu anyway so i rather let her fight it on her own.
Grumpus thKs will try that out. Actually during feeding she does turn her head around n coz I support using my left hand she will look to her left. Looking right is when she lies on her cot.

Panda coming early apr, u got ex sg too?
Aiyo seems mine is the most exp!!!
Yr $200 is 6in1 and rotavirus... Mine $120 for 5in1 and $99 for rotavirus!!!
Next mth i will bring my girls to polyclinic.. Its not worth it at all to get the exact same injections at such a big difference in price.. Somemore i got to pay for two bbs.. I rather use the $$ to buy bb tins...

U got to pay for 3.. Should consider gg to polyclinic.. The difference in price does not justify the qns u have for the pd.. Can always ask the dr in polyclinic.. If u thk not competent.. If qns not urgent can always ask in yr next visit to yr pd...

What is the position of yr bbs now? How come C sec?

Mine were 1 head down and the other breech. Dr Loh asked if I want a natural.
I read from polyclinic website that those compulsory injections are actually free!! I paid the 5in1 $120 where i could have it for free... Gosh.. Total damages $240 for two bbs...

These $$ i can buy lots of tins for them...
I'm looking for the LG play mat and happened to read at the bulk purchase section that you are looking for a 1900x1300 play mat too? You can check out the following website. They price is even cheaper than that offered by the world of korea.


I just managed to stop breastfeeding without getting any engorgement. It took me 1 month to slowly reduce the supply until it runs out. My twins can finish 1 tin of FM in 5days. How about yours? We spend alot on their FM every month.
Gan, mine was ex sing many yrs ago...2000-2002, so Madeline actually consider her fresh. her more recent experience is in Indonesia working for chinese family.

baby, i was telling my hb about going polyclinic for the next series of jabs...he says can explore.. and we will go to PD just for the development assessment. is tht wht u will be doing too?

just finished the graveyard shift feedings.. going to start pumping.. my hb covered the before midnight feedings, so i managed to grab a few hours of sleep.
bing, what brand FM are ur babies taking? i buy FM from an online seller in bulk.. each can is cheaper by $5 compared to outside price.
Pandawife does the online seller sell similac? Realized fm can finish quite fast, the week which I can't bf, my gal finished 1 tin of 400g n she is not a big drinker.
Ur new maid works for Chinese family in indo is good at least no need teach her cook Chinese food. She will get same pay as ur current?

Baby I think ur inject more ex coz done by PD? So got professional fees involved? Kkh done by nurse, I think similar for polyclinic
Baby, girl is taking her jab from polyclinic but I forgot how much is the 5 in 1 & 6 in 1, later if free I will call up to check on the amt. Weekday quite fast only sat may have to wait. It ok not to take the jab from your pd.

Pandwife, You can consider
Bb_Jo, it's not necessary tt the gynae will update us on the weights each time during d Appt. As long as the size is ok, it Shd not cause any alarm. Anyway Wgts is only an estimation. Sometimes not so zun..

Imp22, your next growth scan in 2 weeks time? Did he say when he will want u to rest at home till pop? He did tell me must rest more n will gv me more mc to rest at home during 3rd tri. Each time my Appt with him, he will advise to rest more...I m still working.. Too early to rest as I m only 21 weeks +. Keke..

Singapoh, during my week 20 scan, dr Loh commented placenta low. But funny thing is my detail scan at tmc stated not low. Not sure abt babies position, only kw one upper n one lower. He only say unless placenta moves up else most likely c-sect, tts y I m sad.. Hopefully it will move up soon. Actually when Shd we start to b concern about babies' positions?

Actually it all depends on the Delivery day. Because of my bbs positions, I had a risk of doing a natural AND C sec. He told me if my boy (head down) comes out first then natural but if my gal(breech) has decided to come out first and she is too deep inside, i will hv a C sec.

On the D day, after he checked he said "might need a C sec so we better deliver in the OT" When I heard that, I also sianz. But lucky for me, my boy came out first (vacuum) and my gal came out in breech position 7 minutes later.

Got 1 sister here, one of her babies changed position near her D day. Doc was surprised coz it's very cramp inside.
Oho I will check for the 3 d scan when I go next week.
Ya getting in to 3 trimester in 2 weeks time .. my 2nd trimester was best – was quite active and good.. as it is nearing to end. Iam feeling very tired easily.. and unbelievably sleepy at 3 in the afternoon.
Usually for some people placenta initially low will go up and the baby’s position u need not worry at 20 weeks. Bcos the baby has lot of space to move and they will do somersaults, so that position is not permanent position and as singapoh said it all depends on the D Day it might even turn on last minute. most likely the baby’s position will be stable y 32 – 34 weeks , later unlikely to change bcos too cramped to change the position inside as there will be no space.

I don’t think they monitor the weights every week , might be they do so in 3rd trimester.
gan, i just email u the contact of the seller.

blissful, is the development checks for u gal done at polyclinic?
Singapoh, so I guess now is still early to judge whether c-sect or normal delivery...but when I hear wat Dr Loh commented I really quite sad....cos he is v experienced in delivery for multiples ma...so his words carries some weight to me...Then I shall wait for D day man....hopefully my babies positions are favourable for normal delivery...Actually every time I tink of c-sect or normal, I will tink of u as a good example...hee....hope to be as lucky as u..

fancy, can let me kw abt the 3D scan also like the cost? I am interested too..hee....ya, they say 3rd tri will be more tiring whereby tri 2 is babymoon...after yr 3rd tri will be even more tiring with baby out...lagi more tired...so I tink now babies inside us is still better...
O ya, I read some clinics got 4D scan also...u might want to chk it out...

If low placenta is the concern then hopefully it will move up later. Dun worry too much. Be it natural or C sec, Dr Loh is very experience.

Maybe it's my 2nd pregnancy, he said I shouldn't hv problem pushing 2 small babies. Heehee..
Singapoh, ya, Dr Loh also says hopefully it will move up later on...but base on 20 weeks to him is low. I will c hw in the subsequent growth scans and hopefully I really can go natural...else gotta c-sect liao. But this is beyond our ctrl la...as long as babies are safe and healthy can liao..

Maybe Dr Loh see my size n thinks I dun hv energy la...keke..
What yr pd check during assement?
I did the assement during the last visit and paid $15 per bb..
But i dont feel its good leh.. Nothing much.. Only tak weight. Head size.. Check lungs.. Eyes.. Etc..
Usually my pd will chk the above every visit also.. So i wont bother to pay extra for the assesment...

I told my hb abt the charges of injections with pd and polyclinic.. He got a shock ah... Hehe...

Thanks for the website... But i wana get LG Prime.. Not much designs there.. The one i want not listed..

Btw gals
The price of milk powder went up is it?
rostrum, dr loh aso commented that my placenta is low, but asked me not to worry...said that as my stomach gets bigger, the placenta will go up higher...but nevertheless, I will be doing c-sect as I did c-sect for #1
Baby u must pay to do development checks at PD? Yesterday the kkh doc also check wt, Ht, lungs, pull her hands, tummy time etc but no addition charges. I m now wondering can I just bring my gal for the 2nd 5 in 1 shot at 4th mtg without seeing PD so that I can take care of her as I m still in ml instead of waiting for the 5th mth. Hmmm
blissful, yeah..mil still here. hb ask me to tahan until 2nd maid is here..then send mil back home. otherwise w/o the 2nd maid, my mum feels imbalance since she is helping out most of the time...

baby..actually i dunno wht PD check..he will turn baby here and there..then open diaper look look... shine light into the nose n ears...n he will ask some qns about bbs behaviour at home.

yes.. the price of enfa FM went up ... not sure about other brands. i managed to secure 10cans before the price hike...
Ya my pd also open diaper to see.. Touch here and there.. Shine light at nose and eyes and mouth..

Do u gals experience hair loss huh?? Lately my hair drop out alot leh..
Ya mann... Esp during shower.. I wonder will if cause my hair to go bald.. Scare leh..

U buy in bulk enfapro frm the supplier? Everytime buy min 13 tins?
Rostrum, dr Loh mentioned too abt my low placenta during the 20weeks detailed scan. After that during 25weeks I 4got ask him if it is still a concern hehe..

I m visiting dr Loh tomorrow for an additional slot I requested at 28weeks, b4 my 30weeks growth scan. I hope to closely monitor at this stage, and also seek help on the itchy rashes on my body.

JJ, how are u containing your itchiness now?
pandwife, agree. i think my parents are having this thought to, if not why sometime make trouble for me :0

rostrum, not to worry as long babies are healthy.
Imp - the itchness still on-off but not as bad as last week. The calf & leg itch has subsided. Now move back to the Belly itch cos i think the belly is growing now hence the itch.

Seems like nothing can stop the itch & best solution is calamine lotion. I will put calamine lotion at night so the itch does not disturb my sleep. Then afternoon put moisturiser if not the skin will be very dry then itch more
Soon to be, u opt for 2nd C-sect is cos u get preggie less than a year after yr 1st c-sect? So u intend to do GA or c-sect with epi?
Yr EDD is in July as well? I understand u r expecting yr 2nd boy. Congrats!

Imp22, so low placenta at this stage is quite common? And not a cause of worry? My concern is whether low liao, after tt will become previa or not?
Dr Loh ok with yr slot in appt? Cos every time I went to him, he will say see me in 4-5 weeks time but usually is 5 weeks de...so I find its too far apart and plus multiple pregnancy, I feel close monitoring is required lor...maybe I too kiasu..

Thanks blissful fate!

RE : Dropping hair

Maybe u ladies can try getting those shampoo for thinning hair...or buy tonics to massage in yr hair scalp...it will help..I m using Grorich shampoo - can be found in Guardian.I think this is one of the symptoms after giving birth though not all experienced it...but most of my frens will hv their hair grown back after abt a year.
The shampoo u using can reduce hair loss?
Need one yr for the hair to stop dropping!!! Gosh!!

Im stil using my usual shampoo leh.. Maybe i will try the one rostrom mentioned...
Whole hse flr is my hair lor... Scary mann..
Is it normal for baby on breastmilk not pooing for 2 days? My gal has not pooed since yesterday, or is this a side effect of the 5 in 1 jab? get constipated?

Baby/grumpus/pandawife, does your baby sleeps more after taking the jab? my gal seems to be sleeping the whole afternoon today since 12 plus beside waking up for milk.
Rostrum, yes, I opted for c-sect but not coz it's too near to my #1 but coz I hv ZERO tolerance for labour pain and esp when epi doesn't work for me, and according to Dr Loh during my last delivery, my "passage way" is too narrow (n he only told me when I was 7cm dilated...#&*^*#*..damn painful liao lor).....even if I were to deliver a few years later after #1, I will still opt for c-sect.

I dun think I will do epi....might do for spinal one instead......need to discuss it with Dr Loh. Yes, my EDD is in mid July, but I m considering to c-sect in end Jun...
baby, no hair loss for me yet.. my hairdresser says i shld hv minimal hair loss when i went for haircut just before CNY. dunno if its true....

my bbs are taking enfalac HA.. bulk order is 13 cans... i took 10 coz another mummy wanted only 3 cans..so we share. each can save $5... 10cans is $50 savings.. quite alot.

blissful, this mum n mil r/s thing is really very mind boggling... now just from daily conversations, the two of them can make subtle sarcastic remarks to each other de... i cant wait to let mil go so tht there will be peace in the house.. n i dont need to be cctv!

baby, skies, my hairdresser says dun need to worry too much abt hair loss..coz the hair will replace itself... but if hv very long hair.. cutting it shorter would help minimise the loss...
my younger boy kept screaming during his feed again.. dunno why...i change teat, change bottle, all tried.. still like that....:S really dunno wht to do....
Pandawife, thanks. was wondering if she is ok coz i tried waking her up by putting her on tummy which she hated usually but she continue to sleep.

Pandawife when u say scream is really screaming? my gal was crying on off during her feed just now. is it the milk powder? maybe he didn't like the taste anymore?
soon to be, how to know if its colic? some feeds are ok, some feeds he simply just scream the minute the bottle goes into his mouth....:S
Pandwife, maybe he wants to be latch on. My girl sometime like that. My father is singing to my girl so that he don't have to carry her, he sing till he tired... Haha I told good if not he will nag nag.
BM has very little waste. so after the first few mths, some bb switch to pooing only once every few days. if bb is not uncomfortable and when she eventually does poo it's still the 'normal' BM poo then is not considered constipated.
