IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Grumpus at times when my gal cries badly for milk while I warm up the ebm, I wish I have a magic wand n milk appears. When she is hungry, she doesn't latch well n gets more frustrated when I try latch her. Is it becoz latching is harder to drink the milk compared to bottle?

working wife..
yes...its normal for the bbs to drink lesser for the few days after the jab. my younger boy was taking only 40ml every 3hrly for a few feeds when he normally takes 120-140ml. their body is adjusting to the vaccinations..so its also normal for them to fuss more as they are feeling uncomfortable ...but it will pass in the next few days..

my babies also will wanna be carried to bed..wht i do now is i hold them lying on my bed n pat them... so not so tiring..after they get into deep sleep...usually 30mins later..i put them on their cot tummy down.
rose...there are different schools of thought about weaning bbs off night feeds. i spoke to my PD last week..he told me usually bbs in their 2nd to 3rd mth will sleep thru the night.. there is not need for us to deliberately make efforts to wean them..

now i no longer drag their feeding time.. its auto 3hrly.. smtimes longer.. night time is one midnight feed n one early morning feed.
working wife, i also discuss w PD about the feeding amounts.. he says its an adult problem tht we wanna know how much bb is drinking n either enuff or not...

he gave example tht when we latch bb...we dunno how much bb takes..but bb knows when to stop when they are full n will scream for milk when they are hungry.. so the same applies for bottle feeding.. when bb is full, he will stop. no need to worry too much about over or underfeeding them.
I started shortlisting new maids for some months and told the agency that I want her to arrive earlier, b4 agency works backwards and advised me to confirm by which date roughly for their processing etc.

We wanted to let maid arrive earlier to familiarise herself around the house and how I want things to be done my way. I will send her to my BIL place for "training" with his wife whos a SAHM now with a 4mths old baby. Weekends I plan to train her myself for chores at home.
Also who knows we are expecting twins, how early we deliver.

I was also lookin at new indon maids initially due to no off days and easier control. After their salaries raise to $450, we chose Phils cos of the fact $440 cheaper and can get an english speaking one. The off day part, had to really get agency help to nego with her when she arrives, or else work at 2months off once. But all is subject to maid's approval too. I also disliked the fact she goes out meet people and get influenced easily. Will see how by then...
gan, grumpus, same here leh! my bbs also cry more when i carry them smtimes! n when my hb or mum takes over, they quiet immediately! i was telling my hb issit the babies dont like me! :S
yes, if yr girl is not used to latching all the time, usually they'll get frustrated when they are very hungry.
cos when latching, it takes awhile for letdown to occur and milk to start flowing. u shd be able to see that when u pump.
for bottle, once the teat goes into their mouth, milk flow is instant.
re: feeding amounts
the scienfic way of calculation is 150ml per kg for the entire day

for example, if your baby is 8 kg, he will need to drink 150ml x 8 = 1200 ml. the amount per feed will be 1200 / 6 times (e.g 4 hourly) = 200 ml per feed.

this is just a guide. really depends on baby..
i think sometimes we also selective memory lah. we always remember the times when we couldn't calm down our fussy bb but pass to hb/mil/mum and bb immediately quieten down. but we dun remember the numerous times when we did comfort our fussy bb and the numerous times when we took over a fussy bb from hb/mil/mum

hey, i sent u a PM on the breastpads, u received?
grumpus..yes yes.. read the PM n forgot to reply u..i go do it now...

more "free" now coz my mum bane me from goin near my bbs..even though i m wearing a mask..
Pandawife how much is ur current maid salary? She has working exp beides working in the family before transferring to u?
GAN, congrats.

My girl need to be carry to sleep to. Normally pacifier will help to wean of nite feed. But I try not to use pacifier as I have very bad experience on my son. Ionly manage to wean of the pacifier when he was 5
4 plus.
Yeah experience maids need minimum training but some still blur sotong. Get those with overseas experience coz the way they work in Indonesia might not be the same as ours. Very relax type.

Try not to get a maid that is older than u. Also dun forget many under declare their age. My ex maid is actually 40 but she declared 37. She thinks I am in my 20s because my kids are so young. Climb up my head! Always act like she is my elder.

From my experience, those old Indon maids ex Msia are tend to be quite stubborn.
Indon Catholics eat pork. Their salary is abt $10 more. In their contract they will handle pork.

Working wife,

My agent is Upview in Kovan. 6383 1221

Oh dear. Hope u can resolve whatever issue u r having. We are good. Now they are very playful. Everyday play with big kor kor. Hehe
I might consider calling this agent.
We can just go down and look see the bio-data right? I think Indo catholics sound like great choice, since my family is catholic...
Hi ladies,

Those who are interested in banking their babies' cord blood, there will be a roadshow conducted by Cordlife in the upcoming Baby Festive held in Expo from 18 Mar to 20 Mar 2011.
blissful fate, great to see u online again..

yeah.. war zone very sianz. ..i m hanging on for the bbs..n hopefully can find suitable maid soon.

singapoh, now i hv the problem of finding somebody who has experience n same salary as my current n no off...seems like quite mission impossible leh..
panda - now those maids with experience will want min 1 off day per mth. I'm trying to find one with experience & hopefully dun wan off day
Pink destiny,

Call Madeline and tell her yr requirement. She will search and match yr needs. U dun hv to waste time going there and search. Will only get confused. This is what I like about small company. She works solo and handles everything herself.

After that u can interview the maid.

Yes salary difference is another problem. I m quite lucky to get both with the same salary. Both my maids are very experience. 1st one ex Hong kong 7 years and new one ex my and sg 5 years. Both agree not to hv day off.

The ex hk one was earning S$550 in HK. I was wondering why she wanna accept a lower salary without day off here. Her reason is she couldn't save much money in HK. 1 day off per week is compulsory and she had to spend money everytime she went out. U know HK is very expensive. She also had to buy all her own toiletries.

2nd one used all her earning to build a big house back in Indon. She said she didn't spend much while working. Money finished Liao so now back to work.
Singapoh, 6 this yr.

Pandwife, when I read your post I understand. Problem happen before I give birth thought will stop when girl is out
and I'm very wrong. Worst as I'm at home most of the time. Worst my hub and me quarrel over their issues, I was so piss of I told my hub off whether he appreciate my effort giving him 2 lovely kid
blissful fate, mine only happened after my bbs were out. before tht my mil basically bo chap me.. during my pregnancy, my parents were the ones who took very gd care of me.. send me my meals everyday, and also drive me to CARE for my regular jabs.

but once bbs were out n all gather at my house, trouble started brewing.... luckily my hb v supportive of me..he sees tht what i wanna do is for the good of the babies..thts y he says get 2 maids..so tht the maids will listen to me n i can raise the bbs the way i want..instead of everyday struggle to argue with mil or smtimes even my parents.

the sling is from pupsik..u can get it from mothercare.. easy to use...just wear it over one shoulder n stuff bb inside the pouch..hehe..n bb likes it very much.. always fall asleep in there..
gan, my maid's salary is $380 + $20 (compensate for no off days). this agency has not increased their maids' salaries yet.
she is quite gd in housework..knows how to handle most chores on her own.. but lacking in experience to handle newborn babies.. i hv to train her later.. as we speak, she is cooking indonesian food in the kitchen for our teabreak.

singapoh, u r very lucky..to get such experienced maid at a good salary. alot of those exp maids are asking for $500 or above and wants off days.

i wish the day for my house to be fun fair fast come!
gan, the test v simple..just go thru the motion.. pretty brainless stuff...

pink d.. yeah.. at least the house is always sparkling clean now.. and mil cannot complain she always doing housework! in fact, now she tells my hb she has nothing to do here.. no point of her being at our place?!
Thanks Liz, but I can’t seem to open the file…

Fancy, glad tt u are feeling better….suggest u highlight to yr doctor in the next appt and see wat he say…

Imp22, yup, will be intending to start looking soon for a maid….then can arrange for them to come during my 3rd tri…I intend to get maid with no off days….and no hp as well….so will tk some time.
Pandwife, at least you have your hub support. My hub think that all of us are ganging up agaist his aunt. Very sad. His family side are not aware what i been though to have our kids. Agree sometime i have to agure with my parents too.

Fun fair will come soon. My girl can smile at me when I talk to her & she like to talk to.
blissful, i can understand the situation. my mil also tinks me n my parents bully her.. went to broadcast to all her children abt this.. and my hb's siblings start to call up to interrogate him! initially he also doubtful...n question me, then i told him to observe his mother's behaviour when he is at home on wkends n tell me if i m bullying her.. he saw for himself n was convinced whats happening...

my bbs also like to talk now.. but also hv their fair share of crying n fussing sessions in the day... esp when the fussing is x3..can be overwhelming..
Pandawife ya those with exp r asking at least $500.
Wow ur helper good... Got Indonesian food for teabreak?? What yummy r u eating? I just had a cup of coffee since I can't breast feed. At my parents place relaxing.=)

Ur mil is like mine... Bo chap me. Even when I had complications in pregnancy also never offer to cook any bu at all. Luckily have my parents take care of me. My il even made the assumption that my parents wld be the care givers for my Bb.=s
I bout the pouch yday.. I bought medium size.. The sales ask me to buy large size.. Say my bbs are quite long.. Will be squeezy when i put them in cradle hold... I use the sample to try with my bb.. Its quite squeeze.. But i still buy m size.. Cos when i use it for front carry.. The sales person say L size will be too big...

My bb is abt 6kg now.. How heavy is yr girl? Cos the pic i see yr girl quite a good fit leh...

Is it suppose to be tight? Or cos im not used to it? The material will get softer after using for a while?

U can buy it from metro paragon mothercare... I got it yday.. Having 20% discount now.
Ey panda... busy also she complains...too free also complain?! Time to retire her home... tell her in her house it will be better... she can do what she wants!
Hopefully this is the right time for her to be "retired", then at least, some bit of peace in ur hse!
baby, my gal is small...so fits well into the pouch.. she is about 4kg when i took the photo.. now about 4.5kg only.. petite..keke...

i only sling her coz she is the lightest.. my boys are both over 5kg...i will put them in stroller or carrier..then my hb or dad can handle..

pink d, yeah lor.. everything also she not happy.. i cant wait to retire her.. now i bo chap her .. coz everything she will also complain de...
Pink D, Oic...

Ladies, just called up an agency for fillipino with no off days @ $360 + $20 ( no off day). But need to pay 8 mths of maid's salary in advance. Is this a normal practice?

They are charging me $288 for agency fee and $288 for maid insurance for 2 years..I am also wondering hw come the salary is cheaper than Indo????
rostrum: wow gotta do that? plus, what else to pay? air fare/ levy/ insurance etc?
I also wanna know what is the initial payment amt to pay...
wonder if there is a need for new and transfer maids...
Gd to know all these info now, before the real need to get one...

Panda: Ey how long does she wanna stay at ur place for, since she is not so needed anymore?
Ya just bo chup her, for ur own sanity!
Pink D, I just checked with a fren...yes, we gotta pay 8 mths salary in advance to the agency. The rest I din really chk yet, hv to go down and discuss with her further. This agency is recommended by dh cousin...but the salary itself is quite cheap though....she herself got one filipino maid from this agency and so far she has been with her for 3 years liao...so its a matter of luck I tink...
