IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi Petals,

I did my Nuchal Fold Scan to test for DS today (12 wks) and also a few bld test which include Thalassaemia. Doc says the scan is good and both babies are at very low risk. They actually based on the nose bridge and the thickness of the neck to tell the symptom.


yes, pure panadol it's safe for pregnant ladies but nt those type with extra or cold... glad tat ur headache s gone. however, like wat dodo said, rest s our best medication at this stage. any meds will hav their side effects, just some r nt so serious. so take care n hav plenty of rest!!


congrats on ur long feng tai!! maybe u want to put small pilow or sth to support ur back while sitting down or even sleep, tat wil relieve a lot of pressure on ur back bones. and also when u get up frm bed, try to roll over to one side first, then use ur both hands to support urself while u getting up. tat wil reduce ur abd n back pressure as well. for e water retention, try to eat low salt diet as salt wil draw more water to ur body cells. dont forget to put a pillow under ur feet when u sleep, tat wil help excessive water go back to ur heart n reduce e water retention. hope u wil b fine


hi, how r u? glad tat ur babies r in low risk! since u already past e 1st trimester, any plan when u wil b back to HK?
That's great news! Now u can relax a little. Did u also do the additional DS screening blood test in addition to the Nuchal Fold scan? I'll prob do both in wk12. And I'll also check with my doc on the thalassaemia test during my next visit.
Yeah, I tried taking a nap, but when I woke up, the headache was still there. I'm grateful that it finally subsided in the evening. How are ur babies now? Do u know their gender yet?

sorry for this late reply. I just got to know last friday i was 5 weeks and 1 days. including today i should be 5 weeks and 4 days. Was too worried to do anything over weekend.

Last week was not good. My blood test reading is very high, by 5 weeks, i am 40,000 uL. and the doc bring forward the scan to last week.

From the scan, luckily everything look okay, and i will be doing a scan this week again for the heart beat.

But heard there might be complication which the doc said no need to worried yet till 1st trim.

How not to worry? From time to time, sometime i feel aching near the tummy, but the pain is bearable. Just a weird, i dont know how to describe as i never felt this way before.

Did anyone have the same problem as me?

Did doc say what's wrong with having a high HCG level? Did u manage to see any sac during your scan? As for aching below belly button, could be the uterus expanding.
Hi Weiwei,

I will be going back to HK this Wed and probably back for a few days during my week 22 for my detailed scan. Although dr mentioned low risk, still feel a little worried also.

Hi Petals,

I did check with the dr for the DS bld test but he says that it will not be accurate for those carrying multiples. He says that if i still worry, the detailed scan during 22 week should be able to tell too. Did your doc advise you to do DS bld test beside Nuchal Fold Scan? What bld test is that???

Hi Ximi,

I do feel aching near the tummy also during the early weeks, the feeling that i have just done a 100 sit-up. Beside that, there is also funny pulling and poking sensation which i feel very uncomfortable too. So how many sac did the dr saw? I can understand that there are many worries as i used to be but i learn to take things one step at a time. How to keep on worrying as this really makes us feel exhausted and draining, we have just started on a new journey and the road is still long so just pray hard and leave it to God's good hand. May God bless you.
congrats on your long feng tai!
Please rest more as you know it is that time of the year in school...
Your babies come first, ok?
Hi Jeni,thanks. trying to take things easy in school. How's everything going for you and your boy?
must update how much he has grown liow.

weiwei, i have been sleeping with 5 pillows these 2 weeks..hee hee....two under my feet, one for me to hug, one under my back, one under my head. I think due to my job nature, i tend to stand for long hours and walk alot, climbing up and down 4 storeys a few times everyday. Bo Bian, the classrooms are all at that level and my school has no lifts leh. I am trying to get used to sitting down and teach but so difficult. After a few minutes i will surely get up and talk/write something on the board one.

The doc on duty just mention at the later stage might have complication, but what more crucial is the first trim first. Yes i managed to see that there is a sac during the first scanning. The doc in charge of me was away during that week, but he has instructed the hospital to give me a last min scan last week .

yes, almost the same feel. The worries feeling is really terrible. Especially when you dont know what is going on only after scanning. i am telling myself not to think too much.

Will you be visiting gyna in HK too ?

same as u, my job also require me always walking n rushing around. by e time i reach home, my two legs wil b like tons heavy... think u'd better take leave n rest at home early to keep ur babies longer inside u. hav u consult e Dr?
Hi Dawn,
my baby is already 2 months old. He has been sleeping in a quite satisfactory manner for the past few days i.e. woke up only once at about 5 plus in the morning for feed and that's it till 8 plus in the morning. Previously, when he was less than a month old, he had no sense of day and night and woke up for a few feeds and then refused to go back to sleep from 4 plus till maybe 7 plus in the morning! However, now he is having a bad case of colic and was crying mad these few nights before he went to sleep. It broke my heart and frustrated me... as I don't know what to do to ease his pain there and then. His pd said it will go away when he is about 3 to 4 months old. But meanwhile, he can only take some medication to relieve the discomfort... Lots of burping, farting, diligent feeding of the medication that gets rid of wind and PATIENCE!!

So...be mentally prepared... but then again, all babies are different and special in their own ways... I wonder how Stacy is coping...
Oh, at KKH, I got this brochure that offers 3 packages for DS screening - Nuchal Fold scan with/without the blood test.

Congrats on ur LFT combi! Your jobs sounds tough leh, with so much standing. Will u be stopping work ealier to rest?
Hi Weiwei,

Just to check with you, what was the thickness of your babies neck when you do your DS scan? Can you still remember? Mine is 0.9mm and the other one is 1mm and dr says it is good but still feel abit worried.

Hi Dawn,

You had mentioned that dr needs you to do amniocentesis (hope the spelling is right), have you done it? How is the procedure? Hope you can share.
Hi to all mummies who gave birth in kkh, may i know during delivery will the husband be allowed into the delivery ward? Is the husband only allowed in for natural delivery and not epi-csect?
congrats on your long feng tai! so happy for you... looks like you'll need to rest early if your job requires so much standing! hmm.. on second thoughts, the school hols are approaching so should be quite timely for you to rest early huh?

meanwhile, do take care... do take MC to rest if need be. your little ones are more important!!
good to hear that you are coping well with your little boy...

ximi, theresa,
just enjoy this period.. do not worry too much! talk to your little ones and tell them to be brave and strong and walk this journey together with mummy! that's what i did during the first trimester cos i need to bedrest then due to bleeding ... ;) just stay positive!
Jeni, ur boy quite guai, only wake up once at night!
u taking of him all alone? peifu peifu! *Sigh* quite scary when i think how i going to take care of my twins. are u going back to school or extending your leave?

weiwei, dr loh din say anything leh when i complained about my swollen feet, i think he feels
that it is too early to take leave now, prob 1 month later ba.
dodo, thanks thanks. I am trying to see if I can last one more month until i go into my 3rd trimester, then prob will take leave to rest at home. u got everything ready?

Theresa, your NT thickness for your twins is very very good. As long as below 2.5mm (for singapore), it is fine and yours is so much lower! one of my twins' NT was 1.2mm, another was 2.7mm , so was quite worrying. But i did the blood test which came out alright, plus last week 20 wk detailed scan was ok, so din do the amnio test in the end. Hope the babies are really fine. I understand your worry.

miracle, i tot if twins deliver by C-section, hubby cannot go in?
Oh is it? I'm glad to hear that. It really helps to have hubby there. And it'll be a great experience to share with him. I hope he allows that for twins too.
Hi Miracle,
Thks n glad to hear tat Dr Loh allows hb to be in for epi-csect. So i guess like wat Koala mentioned, only if under GA then hb not allowed to be in.
Just saw yr posting, so for csect under GA it depends on doctor ah...hopefully hb can accompany us thru the process.
hi dawn,
ye... already got majority of the stuff.. just a few small items missed out.. but no prob, can get at any supermart, keke..

hope you've got more of your stuff too.. cos for twins, when it comes to third trimester, you'll need to reduce walking so that's really not the time to do shopping... well, on-line shopping still ok, though... keke

how's things? have not seen you around for a long time! have you given birth?
Hi ladies,
one word of advice... refrain from buying too many stuff as at that time, you may realise that some of the stuff that you have bought may not be useful and come in handy yet and yet, you find yourself still buying stuff that you actually need currently for the baby.

Dr Loh is a good and understanding dr, I am sure he will smuggle hubby in for his patient...

my maternity leave will end in 2 weeks' time and I will be back on the 9th week. Go back for 2 weeks and then it is holiday again. However, I am worried that my mom who is supposed to take care of my boy, can't cope...

hi, sori for e late reply. my babies' data: 2mm, 2.1mm, 2.3mm. so, urs r very good results, dun wori!! now u hav already went back to HK?


i think Dr Loh dun knw abt ur work nature tat's why he didnt giv u a date to rest. why nt u tell him abt ur work nature n environment, then u ask him when s e best time to start ur rest. everyday climb up n down 4 stories s no joke for u. i m sure he wil understand ur worries n help u to arrange HL if needed.
hi koala,
my due is next month too! due to twin preg, it will be a month earlier compared to single preg. the est. date is 17 Nov. When's yours?
dodo and koala, dun forget to come back and update us on your birth stories! I think it is an extra big achievement for IVF mummies cos we went through so much effort/tears/frustrations/worries and not to mention $$$ to get preggie. Haven't really started my shopping yet, just checking out brands and prices, but dare not buy yet.

weiwei, yes, maybe i will ask him again next friday when i see Dr Loh.

Jeni, 9th week is a good time to go back, most things have wrapped up liow, so less stress. you will just be away for 2 weeks, then holidays u can spend with ur boy again! so good!
sure i will... yes, total agree with you on the achievement part! ;P think you can start buying soon else come third trimester, gynae normally will advise you to walk less and rest more due to multiple pregnancy.
hi gals, just to check with you have u signed up with cordlife or stemcord for your kids? Can share what are the expenses and things to look out for? What is it like for twins? double the charges? do they accept cord blood for twins?
Hi Dawn,
I've signed up with Stemcord for my twins. yes, it will be double the charge cos you are storing for 2. I am paying about $1800 for 2, including GST. From what I understand fr my circle of friends, Stemcord is the preferred choice due to their method of storing. I did not really compare as one of my preg friend was meeting up with the Stemcord sales person so I just went along and sign up then as they were having a promo then.

you also need to check with your gynae if he/she's ok to do it. for my case, my gynae is ok with it so i went ahead to sign up. In any case, if during the delivery of the twins, the gynae is not able to collect the cord blood, stemcord will do a full refund.
Thanks dodo, i will check with Dr Loh when i see him this friday.
1800 quite ok mah, what about per year storage fee?
hi dawn,
annual storage fee is $250 per child. Also, we can pay the one-time cost as well as the recurrent cost from the CDA fund, the government's baby bonus whereby they will match what we put into the CDA account up to a limit.
Hi Dodo

Just visited yr twins blog..interesting and lively! I also just succeeded with FET, now only 4 wks+. Will come in & exchange more info when i m bigger..

Btw, i saw that your yoga centre is True Yoga, i am also their member, may i know when did u inform them to suspend yr account and for how long?
Hi Dodo,
Read ur blog...your twins' weights are very good! I hope I will also be able to carry mine to the 36wk mark. Do rest more. Guess you are feeling their weight more now. Does ur doc monitor whether u have contractions during ur routine scans now?
no prob!

congrats and welcome! do rest well esp during your first trimester and DO NOT carry heavy stuff! I got scolded by my gynae during one of my follow-up visits when I carried a laptop, around 5th week or so.

yes, i am with True Yoga. I got my gynae to write me a letter saying that I'll need to avoid all strenuous and physical activities due to my pregnancy with the EDD stated. True Yoga will grant the suspension based on your EDD + 2 months (for my case). Once your gynae can hear the heartbeat, probably around 6th to 7th week, you can get him/her to write the letter.

no lei, my doc did not monitor if I have contractions. Is that the norm?
Appreciate yr advice! Yes, i m tempted to resume my normal activities but for the sake of this miracle life, i must behave myself and rest more and walk slowly..I am married for 5 yrs and finally achieve this goal is very precious.

tks for your info, i will do so by wk 6th..i wanted to call them but think it's too early now. Will also try to push for extra 2 mths..hehe..Rem to do more hot yoga sessions to lose the baby fats when u r back fr maternity leave yah..Have a wonderful and smooth delivery!
thanks, shara for your well-wishes. yes, this gift of life is especially precious to us as we went through a lot to achieve this milestone!

you take good care too and enjoy the journey towards motherhood! relax, rest and eat well and talk to your little one! ;)
Dr Loh would do the cord blood thingy... He did it for my boy but then again, it will also subject to whether there's enough cord blood to be collected. I am with stemcord too... they store the cord blood into 4 diff tubes. Hence it is better as once you thaw the blood, you will have to use it and cannot freeze it again. Hence, with stemcord, you will have 4 chances instead of 1.
I'm not sure actually. Just that I read that multiple pregnancy has higher risk of preterm labour. And sometimes these contractions are not necessarily painful or obvious. So I was wondering if the doctors will do a check during the visits. Just curious...
You're now in ur final stretch...5 more wks...so exciting!
yes, i am also excited just thinking about it, keke! just hope that I will be able to hold the babies till around 37 weeks!!
just to share with u... U r right that sometimes dilation starts without much pain or contractions. I only experienced some contractions which went away when I sat down, the day b4 I gave birth. I didn't even realise that I had dilated then. So, I was quite shock to find out that I was already 4cm dilated by the time they checked on me when I arrived at the delivery suite. So, those with multiple pregnancies will have to monitor closely...

if possible (though I know it is rare for those with multiple pregnancies), it is best to carry the babay till 40 weeks as basically, every aspect of the baby is mature... my son who was born on the 37th week, has problems like throat muscle not quite strong yet, skin still immature hence can't take the air pollution etc...
Sorry to hear abt your son's problems, but I thought 37 weeks is really very good already. For twins, that's already full-term and most docs will arrange for c-sect delivery then. Hmm, so many worries for multiples... I read that some mummies gave birth to twins weighing > 2.5kg each...and I can't imagine how it feels to be carrying 5kg+ of babies around when usually singleton is only 3-4kg. Worried...

Dawn, Deedodo, WeiWei & Theresa,
Do u all think it's necessary to switch doc to a Maternal Fetal Specialist since multiple preg is considered high risk? KKH has a Dept of Maternal Fetal Medicine and I was wondering when is it necessary to use their services... Any ideas?
