IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


Congrats on your pregnancy.
I'm also a "KKIVF - Alumni" under Dr Loh and i'm now into my 34th week.

Understand that u r going to do the Amnio test soon... i wld like to share the following info with u re Amnio test(things to avoid after doing the Amnio test) : -

-Pls remember not to exert yourself (for the following 1 wk) after the test. Pls avoid lifting heavy objects and straining your back. Best to leave it to your hubby or someone else to carry groceries etc;

- Pls try and lie down as much as possible so that the "amnio" wound will heal quickly, esp during the 1st 3days. We dun hv any medication except for a plaster at the tummy area.

- Amnio fluid will replenish every 1/2hr so pls remember to drink lots of water for the following 3days.

- Pls avoid all raw/uncooked food (as advised by the ADC staff after your amnio test). To avoid seafood as well cos it might produce pus.

I hope u won't mind me being "nosy" and approach u in this manner cos i feel doing the Amnio test really takes alot of courage.

My amnio test was done in early July and was conducted by Prof George Yeo (who is the HOD, Maternal Fetal Dept). The few days after the test was like a "nightmare" to me... i was badly affected.

If u hv any concerns to bring up for this Amnio test, feel free to pm me... i'll be more than happy to share with u...

In the meantime, take good care.

Based on the scan alone, my risk is 1:1800. Got to wait for the results of the bld test to get a more accurate risk assesement.
Yr scan result is v gd, mine is 1:600. All the best for yr blood test. Hope yrs is a low-risk one

Congrats and u can hug yr baby liao. Thk u so much for yr advise, not to worry, all advise are welcome, really need them now...lucky, at first thot of doing amnio on 3rd, then fly to HK on 8th, but later change to 14th after HK trip (just in case the pressure will affect the wound)

Yes, I am in my 12.2 wk today.
That's a good result. Mine will be in 2 wks' time.

Good thing u changed ur amnio date until after ur trip...better listen to Ashley and rest after ur procedure. I'm wondering, when they do amnio they are poking a needle thru the sac...will the hole close up later on? Oh, my friend told me that once u do amnio, you'll know ur baby's gender for sure, right?
LB, Petals,
Thanks. My result will only be out nx mon or tue, will update u all.

All the best for yr FTS. I'm wondering as we progress thru the pregnancy, do they need to continue to moniter the thickness of the baby's neck?

I think now i also shd be abt 12 wks 1 or 2 days.
Ya shd be once do amnio can know gender oredi...can start buying clothes for yr bb after that.

Thank you all for the advise. Think i will voice out my concern with the doc when i see him in week 10 about the test.

But i think i will want to go ahead to do with FTS first.
LB, Nano,
U both are about the same EDD then...abt 1.5wk ahead. Abt the nuchal fold, I think they only monitor it once during FTS... Nano, good luck for ur test result!

Wonder how is Rammy & Needle?
My EDD is 12/5/08.
All the best for yr FTS.

When I see Dr Loh this Wed, i will ask if he can see boy or girl. My HB also want to capture the baby moving his legs and hands on the screen with his handphone, donno Dr loh allow or not hor?
Hi LB n Petals,
Dr Loh ever suggested to us to bring video cam to record the scan. Dont worry, just let him kn before u bring out yr cam. he is a very accomodative doc.
Petals, LB, Miracle,
It's gd to know tat we can actually record the scan..thought of that too but was wondering can or not. Hmn..maybe next time will try.

Our EDD is indeed very close..mine is 15/5/08

Hope u can see yr baby's gender nx wk.

When is yr EDD? Guess yrs shd be abt 2 wks fr mine?
U're 10 days ahead of me.

Think i'm falling sick...my throat feels a little painful when i swallow...think it's going to be a start for a sore throat. Also having runny nose now.
Do u know whether we can take anything? Thinking of seeing GP tmrw if it gets worse. Hiaz...
Ur EDD is pretty near to me n LB too.

Did u drink alot of water? I find that my mouth becomes dry easier now, maybe bcos i did not drink enough water n the body temp seems higher, somemore wif itchy skin, not too comfortable. I dun have runny nose but i will get 1 or 2 sneezes almost daily whereas last time i hardly sneeze. If u not feeling well, better go see GP cos usually runny nose n sore throat might develop into fever, mus moniter.
Thanks, will ask for it next scan.

Mine is 12/5/08, Nano is 15/5/08 and Petals 25/5/08. Wow, all May babies (Tarus)

Last night, tired could not sleep well, legs bit bit numb, and whole body dry dry. Now, at work but zombie...

Asked dr and he said all dr doing amnio very gd
guess he has to say that right
LB, Petals,
Got my bld test result, it is 1:1640.

I also have not been sleeping too well recently, kept waking up at nite. But realised tat i do not need to nap so often now.
That's good n considered low-risk, right? Yah, i sneeze in the mornings when i switch from aircon to fan. But in aircon, my nose very dry n easily blocked since preggy. But today, my nose is runny the whole day. I have been drinking honey for my throat too. Need to hydrate lots. Will monitor for fever.

I also find that now i sleep better on my side, cos when lying flat on my back, i feel that the uterus is heavy and pressing down.

Yes... Dr Loh is kinda "proud" of the high standards of the doctors doing the amnio test, in KK Hospital.

He also assured me not to worry at all when i had to do mine. Because the doctors in the Ante-Diagnosistic Dept do amnio tests on a daily basis, they are actually experts in doing such procedures.

Just remember to relax while the doc is doing (cos' you will be fully awake during the whole procedure) and u will be asked to look into the scan monitor as well, so as to ensure your baby is far away from the needle.
miss you so much, and found out this thread and read bout ur girl. will pray for her, hope to keep positive thinking and surrender the problem to God. cause He makes things beautiful in time. I remember my friend whose son was diagnosed with DS, but finally baby came out healthy. Prayers work. So don't too worry ya.
That's good news, now u can enjoy yr pregnancy w a peace of mind. I am so happy for u

Yr friend did amnio and found DS? and she went ahead despite the results? thot the result is 99% accurate...so even tho results no gd, can still pray that baby is ok

I set air-con timer for 2 hours, so that I will not incur too much on electricity bill...

thks for all the info, very helpful and assuring. Guess if I am brave enough, I will follow the whole process, if not, I will jus close my eyes
LB, Petals,

As long as more than 1 in 300, doc will treat the result as low risk. All the best for yr FTS nx wk!
Hi all,
Guess i'm new here.
Nano, Petals,
I did my FTS on the 2nd Nov. Scan result indicates 1:580, but blood test + scan shown a 1:2483 result. I was quite worried before as i belong to the above 35 age group.
Wei Wei,
I read about your gal. I felt so depressed.
Though i'm not Christian, i'll pray hard for her.Never give her up ok!

hi!! it has been really long time since u went back. how r u n ur baby? i m sorri but i forgot how many baby/babies u hav, but only remember u r abt e same time as mine. miss u a lot, too.

as for me, just went for appt today. dr warn me again not to walk too much n call him anytime i feel abd pain or water bag burst. of coz, tat s bcoz i told him i hav tummy tightness on n off. he said tummy tightness sometimes represents mild contraction n he dun want any more contraction for me b4 babies turn 28wks. so i hav to CRIB frm now til delivery, hopefully after Christmas. now we r nt so sad abt our little gal, wori wont work any good for her n her brothers. so i must b positive n encourage her to cont b a strong gal, daddy n mummy wil handle e rest. indeed she s a strong gal, her kicks r more stronger than last few wks.
e boys r doing fine also, all abt e normal sizes n none of them r under-developed. i just need to b extra careful n keep them inside me as long as i can.


thanx for praying for my little gal. we never giv up on her n she never giv up on herself also! dun let my story affect urself, u hav baby to take care also, ok? it already happened, i cant do anything except pray for a better result. i hav faith in my little gal, she wil pul through!

preg women wil hav more sensitive nose n their bld supply to e body wil b increased also. some may even hav bleeding nose. get ur dr to prescrib some meds for u, i knw there r some still safe for us. b careful with honey drinks, it s cooling n may affect ur babies if u consume too much. if i m nt wrong, u already 3 mths+, right? u may want to start to take bird nest for hydration n 'bu' ur body.
hi wei wei,
just to check with you if your doctor from sgh is dr tan hak koon? i am glad to know that all your babies are fine...
yup, my friend did the test and were very sad, cause she had repeated miscarriage fopr 3 opr 4 times oredi, and then, when the time the pregnancy hold on, they found out the DS result, believing that what God gives all beautiful, they kept the baby, and now the baby is 2 years old liao lor. no sign of DS. so sometimes worrying too much is wht make the psychology of the baby becomes worse. thts wht i thought.

i'm carrying twins, one boy and one girl. babies are so active, especially in hunger and when listening to musics. my boy will try move according to music while the girl one will become so relax. if u have friendster account, come and see my baby scan pics, [email protected], would like to make a blog but too busy for tht. hihihi...

BTW, mommies, anyone with NUH Prof PC Wong? do you know the cost for delivering there?
Yah, I'm in my 12th week now.
But had a slight fever that day, so went to my GP. AFter that no more fever, but my nose still alternates betwn blocked and runny for the past 2 days. Don't know if I shld continue the cold meds now that it's more under control, as it makes me drowsy. Honey is to soothe my throat these few days. After it heals, I'll cut down.

How many weeks are u now? Doc wants u to CRIB, better listen, cos that's the best way to avoid contractions now. Ur babies will benefit best in the womb now. Are u allowed to sit around the house or must u be confined to lying in bed for 23hrs a day?

yup, my gyn s dr tan hk frm sgh. yes, we were there yesterday around 2pm+. were u there as well? how r u doing? sori, i never use pm here n dun knw how to read pm also :p


wah!! one boy one gal, so nice
glad to knw ur babies r active n healthy. want to make a blog also but hubby dun want me sitting in front of computer every day every moment. also i prefer to make scrapbook n albums on my own...anyway, to record down their growth n pass back to them when they grow up, tat s all i want. soft copy, hard copy, doesnt matter.

i dun knw how nuh wil charge for delivery. as for sgh, ivf mummies r nt allowed to take up B2 or C class, must start frm B1 onwards; and babies wil follow mummy's rm class, frm B1 onwards. for me, i want to hav A1 rm as hubby n mum can stay for e whole day. but for e babies, i find it's funny to label them with diff class status as they r using e same kind of cot. A1 charges for e baby doesnt mean he/she wil stay in a rm tat wil hav only one baby. C or B2 class doesnt mean must hav so many babies sharing one cot. e charges for neonatal icu for B2, B1 n A1 r much diff. so i havnt decided yet which class to go for. maybe u can ring up nuh business office to check on e charge rates.


think u may want to try to take more lemon or orange juice during daytime to get more vit C, n take flu meds in e night to hav a gd sleep? drink plenty of h2o, dun forget!!

i m going to 23 wks. he just want me to minimum my movement n walk a s s l o w l y a s i c a n. used to walk very fast, even my mum cant catch me sometimes. :p i can still sit or walk around e house, but no more shopping for me....sad..... so many things hvnt buy yet n wori hubby wont get e correct items tat i want if he goes alone. hai, hav to list down for him all e items, name, brand, sizes..... headache...
yeh.. i wanted to approach you but i am paiseh to approach you... your mum seems very 'chi xiang' le and she looked shock when you measure your weight... do you mind to share what's your weight now... you look like 7 months preggy... yeap, you are a pretty mama-to-be... i was alone yesterday... i just went to see him to get 2nd opinion... all the best to you and your children... hehehehe
Don't worry abt buying the stuff now. Other than the baby cots and some new clothes that you need when babies come home, most of the other things (like prams) you won't need till later. And I read that some mummies prefer to buy back the same brands of diapers, milk, and breast pump that they used in hospital...so no hurry yet other than preparing a few packs for standby. So u need to hold ur babies till 28 wks? That's very soon...only 5 wks away! Jia you! Then u can go for all the Christmas and CNY sales later...more discounts.

heehee... i m 65kg now. i was 60kg b4 preg n 56kg when i was 3 mth preg coz din take much food during 1st 3 mth. now e babies grow very fast, think soon or later i wont b able to walk as much as i can. now already got prob washing my long hair....lucky for me s most of e weight s on e babies, din put much weight on for myself...

these days my mum always help me apply tonic oil to tummy area to prevent strech mark. she always say:" u were so small when u were born as u urself s a premature baby. 28 yrs later, my little gal s going to b a mummy also. it's just u suffer more as u r having 3 darlings inside. u r my big baby, they r my small babies, i must take care all of u." she s my idol

so how u find dr tan? think he s e same batch as dr loh. they knw each other also. sori i din notice u yesterday. wil u see him again? how s ur progress now?


yeah, i knw some pp wil only buy once babies r born. but i m e type of person tat want everything ready n standby b4 anything happen. also thinking of taking care of 3 babies later on, dun think i wil hav much time to shop around leh...

my wish for this yr birthday, christmas, n new yr s: to hold my babies til yr 2008!! tat wil b abt 30-31wks. e longer they stay inside, e stronger they wil grow.
Yr blood test result is very gd! When is yr EDD? Shd be ard the same time as us rite?

How is yr sore throat? I strained my throat when i vomited last nite, now I'm having sore throat. Feel miserable
Also had headaches on off for the past 2 days. Is it ok to drink barley now?..thinking of boiling some to sooth my throat.
Lucky my throat got better...only my stuffy nose left. Can't smell for past few days so food doesn't taste gd. I mixed honey n water, think that may have helped my throat. Barley shld be ok in moderation. Anyway i couldn't tahan n finally went for my haircut.

FYI only.. I was watching a documentary on Asian Food Channel this morning.. they were talking about honey.. very interesting but dun know true or not... Will be nice to find out... They say Raw honey is on the "liang" (cooling) side while cooked honey is on the "wen" (warming)side... Haha I was shock to hear that... So maybe to play safe next time mix with hot water... Should be considered cooked hor?
Hee, but I don't cook my honey leh...maybe if used in dishes then considered cooked? I just mix mine with water, cos i thought my sore throat could be due to heatiness. It seemed to help, cos my throat got better. So now I cut down to at most 2 glasses a day...and make it diluted.
please be careful with the intake of honey as it may lead to gestational diabetes. Be moderate in the amount you take, ok?
Tigg3r, Petals,
Last time one of my friend told me if add hot water to honey it will becomes a heating drink. If wan cooling just add rm temp water and stir, afterwhich then mix wif some warm water if u wan..i also wondering true or not.

I also have been wanting to cut my hair but lazy to go...will try to make time for tat.

Mummies n MTB,
May i know during 2nd trim say ard 18th to 20th wk is it ok to travel by air?
Hi all,
sorry i went missing for a while, got heavy bleeding on depavali 12am. So frigthen that i got my HB scared too. Went 24 hr clinic, but they took it so easy. I insisted on admssion even tho the dr said no need.

petals & nano,
be v careful, thot i 13th wk 2nd tri, no problem, but we r still vulnerable. Dr loh was so sad when he heard that i bleed, said the rest of semester will be vulnerable fm now on.
So to answer yr q, dr will say ok but i think must walk, move really slow. Must not exert to much strength, not only in carrying but pressing as well.
Oh dear, sorry to hear that. Hope ur bleeding's stopped. Just take it easy from now on...n rest whenever u can. Did Dr Loh give u anything? But they scan n can see ur baby still happily moving, right? Take care!

I think better check with Dr whether u can travel, cos i think generally ok, but depends on indiv's medical history too. I don't think i'll dare to travel... I was thinking of shopping after my haircut but since i had a slight headache, I decided to go back to rest instead. now, I'm really a homebody.
hi nano,

can't sleep so surfing around....
pls do not travel until prob pass 5mths n jus b4 the airline ban u from traveling.

my friend finally got preg after trying for some time, at 3rd or 4th mth she went japan for holiday to celebrate n something about air pressure or wat....she lost her baby in japan.

Already went thru so much doing ivf....ivf mummies make take extra care of themselves...better b safe than sorry so plssssssss don't travel yet. don't take the risk

after u give birth, u can do wat u want k.....in the mean time "TONG"
Hi LB, just to share i also had sudden bleeding which was very heavy for 2 days during my week 13, read that it is due to the placenta taking over the production of hormones, so body is adjusting. once pass that stage, will be stable liow. I think 13 week is still in 1st trimester?

Jia you, i agree that we ivf mummies must really take care of ourselves and bbs since we have tried so hard.
Hi all,
Actually I also have been thinking whether my body can adapt to the cold weather overseas. Also it is scary to hear abt Twin Star sharing abt her friend experience. Thks for the valuable sharing, ya better to be safe than sorry...hmn likely will postpone my plan.

Sorry to hear abt what had happened. I din know we are actually so vunerable during the 2nd trim..I thought now is the safer period, seems that i'm wrong. I've been walking quite fast recently, think i must slow down. You must take care, the rest of us too.

I thought 13 week already entering into 2nd trim? Not too sure too.

Actually now i also can't stay out too long, will also get headache at times. You going for FTS this coming week right? All the best!

Dawn, LB,
Was ur bleeding after u stopped taking the progesterone? Cos the dr will stop giving us progesterone once we enter 2nd trim when the placenta takes over. My tablets last till my 13th week, so i'm worried that my progesterone level will drop suddenly too once i stop.

Yah, 1st trim is 13 weeks in some books. 2nd tri is 14wks-26/27wks. Hmm, diff books slightly diff range. When u travel, I guess there'll be more walking n climbing, and not much rest. Preferably don't travel, esp if it's a hectic trip. I've also been avoiding climbing stairs too cos it feels like a lot of effort and i'm scared i'll be exerting too much...taking the lift everywhere now. Worried yet looking fwd to my FTS...
