IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Stacy / Jeni

Thank u ladies for sharing your boys' pictures... They are absolutely ADORABLE

How are u both coping with the night feeds and breastfeeding?

Hi sisters,

Never post for a long time...

I have just done my detailed scan yesterday. Baby is doing fine, and I will be having a boy boy.

All of you, please take good care of yourself and baby.
Hi ladies,
I am struggling too as my boy tends to wake up at 1am for feed and then stay awake till 4am! But recently, my sis-in-law bought him a lullaby cd and I played to him when he woke up around that time, he fell asleep straight after his feed! Amazing!! Heehee...Hopefully, it stays that way. Definitely lack of sleep...bad tempered too...

I am not sure yet, but not ppolyclinic as my hubby said too many sickly people there... not good for baby... Will either go to his PD or KK The Private Children's Clinic. Is your pump a single or double pump? Does it help to increase the supply? I used Medela PIS when I was in KK... quite loud though...

thanks and how have you been? Hope everything is going great for you.
Ashly, Dawn,
I'm still coping well.My HB is doing all the nite feeds, and sometimes I'm so KPO that I will wake up and see what I can assist to help as I always find him very slow while my baby is crying impatiently. When I 1st discharged, I almost sunk into depression as I have lost 1 and the other 1 still in SCN. I regret always complaining alot when I was pregnant with lots of symptom.In fact, we are all blessed.Take Care

Not bad! Your bb only wake up 2 times in the night. Mine at least 3 times (at 2 hrly).Bottle feeding of FM at nite, and expressed milk with FM in the day. I bought the single pump and my milk supply does increase, but not too sure anything to do with the pump. I've been keep on trying bb latch-on and these few days he can suck directly (when he is in the mood) and susequently my milk supply seems to increase more. Hope it helps
Oh dear... the night-feeds routine sure sounds tough and tiring. I can imagine your lack of sleep and its "effects"

Glad to hear your little boy has taken a liking with the cd and it sure works wonders!

I'm doing okay (so far so good)... into my 27th week now and i'm expecting a little princess. Dunno if becos' i've too much fats around my tummy, but i can't really feel my girl's kicks at times... hence, i do get worried at times.
Its nice of your hubby to do all the night feeds, considering he has to get up and go to the work the next day... i better start to "hint hint" to my DH soon...

Glad to hear u didn't succumb to depression, cos' i heard it affects alot of new mummies... Now the most impt thing is to concentrate on your precious boy-boy as he is indeed a blessing
Stacy, wow at least ur hubby is hands on, i think mine will be so terrified of the new borns! Salute to all those mummies who can survive through the 1st 3 months on their own!

Ashly, u so long never pop in here hor?
maybe ur princess is very the gentle kind, not chor lor, so u wun feel the kungfu kick. she sayang mummy mah.

Jeni, how do u find the PIS pump when trying out at KK? My fren will pass me her Avent Isis manual single pump, so i will try that out 1st, when confirm got breast milk then buy the PIS>
Thanks buddy! sometimes can't help but to worry if my girl is doing okay "inside"...

How r u feeling? 2nd trimester is the "golden" tri... good to catch up with the shopping and whatever u feel like doing yah?!
I had the same worries as you right when I started to feel my boy kicking inside me. I was so paranoid that sometimes, my hubby couldn't stand me... However, as long as you can feel your girl kicking at least 10 times a day and kicking at the usual time, then you don't have to worry too much, ok?
Enjoy your time now and once you hit the 3rd trimester, it will not be that comfortable. The only good thing is you can start drinking coconut water but not eat the coconut meat. I had very bad backache almost every night about 2 weeks prior my boy's birth. If you have very bad backache, then you will have to be mindful as your body is preparing for labour. Are you going to sign any package?
Ashly, I think we will always worry about them inside our wombs. I also wondering how my twins doing nowadays as my next appt is oni 2nd Oct, very faraway. Without the ultra scan i can't see them moving, and feeling so normal, so energetic in 2nd trimester now, I worry that I may not be preggie, cos can't feel any thing.
But good thing is can go shopping everyday now lah.

Jeni, I am sure it will worth all your pumping, sleepless nites when u see ur boy smile! btw, how often can we take birdnest? can start in 2nd trimester rite? ;)
have not been here for a while cos busy with work and getting stuff ready for the arrival of the little ones... hehe..

i am expecting twins too, currently @25 weeks... i went through a pretty rough first trimester too .. you may visit my blog for the details. Hope this sharing will help you in your journey! jia you! here's the link:

stacy, jeni,
your babies are really cute!! really looking forward to the arrival of my twinnies sometime mid-Nov or so!! ;)

i am currently taking bird's nest, i started around week 20. I'll cook one week's portion every weekend and store in the fridge, then take a couple of spoonfuls every morning on an empty stomach as i heard the absorption is better this way.

regarding breast pumps, heard that Medela PIS is good. there's a version that comes with a backpack so would be easier for mummies to carry to work when they start work.
Thanks for the sharing your experience about the "kicks/movements"... guess i better keep track of the time/frequency throughout the day.

U mentioned abt the coconut juice... U mean those fresh coconut juice available at those hawker stalls? Will it help towards a smooth delivery?

Sad to say, i'm having slight backaches nowdays... esp towards the lower back... sometimes i just wanna lie down and not do anything else...

U asked abt "Package" as in delivery package? If it is, then i hvn't looked into it yet. When is the suitable time to start looking at it? Beginning of 3rd timester?
Good to hear u r feeling energetic buddy!! I also felt like this throughout my 2nd trimester... went out very often and not to mention those SHOPPING trips... heh... heh...

BTW there are quite few "Baby Fairs" in afew of the departmental stores... they hv pretty gd deals.

U r seeing Dr Loh every 4 weeks, right?! Yah... i understand the feelings, gotta wait for ages b4 we can see our darling(s)... but time files lor... b4 u know it, the 2nd tri will breeze by.

I started taking bird-nest since 24th week... i started out with the bottled ones (cos' lazy to boil) and only started the fresh ones this week (courtesy of my mother).
Hi Dodo and Ashly, I started my bottled birdnest once 2 weeks ago, recently MIL started to cook those fresh ones , scared over dosage. Hmmm....now that dodo says can keep in the fridge and take morning, maybe i should do that too, cos she cooks quite a alot....

Went to Isetan BB fair.... still dun dare to buy too many things yet. Wait till i have passed my detailed test and amnio test, then i feel safer to buy the bb stuff. Have u all completed ur shopping list? How long does it take to buy all these things? one month enuff if i have oredi checked out what i want to buy? ;)

i hav switch back to sgh for follow up as it's nearer to my home n work place. if i dun feel anything good or watever, can get to their a&e in 5 mins. well, according to my gyn, my risk of premature labour s very high n by e time of 20 wks, i wil b look like normal pregnant ladies in full term. babies n i wil b in danger if i m too tired. to keep e babies inside me for as long as we can, i can nt walk too much n best s dun work during e last few wks. he also said, he wil b very happy if i can celebrate christmas with babies inside, but babies may come anytime frm dec onwards. for twins, not too sure, think wil nt b as bad as triplets. so dun worry too much
dear weiwei,

babylow here... i know right now you are in both threads but i think it makes more sense for me to write to you here because soon you are going to be mother of 3 babies. just being curious, so will be on unpaid leave then maternity leave or you still continue with hospitalisation leave? i know that when you are on HL, your company will still pay you but not when you are on unpaid leave. will you be receiving any help upon your babies' arrival, like confinement nanny or support from relatives? any additional support like domestic helper? what is your job arrangement like, still doing night shift? as i know your company is very supportive towards your procreation plan. i love to you PM you. i hope you will not mind receiving my e-mails... take best care of yourself and your 3 darlings...

i wil asl Dr giv me HL for nov n dec, 2 mth. my boss will calculate then how many days of HL i can take, how many NPL i hav to take after finishing all my AL, SL, HL..... i m lucky tat i hav a understanding boss, infact she s e one asking me to get HL frm my gyn so tat i wont need to take so much NPL. abt work place, although my job s still stressful e same, but others hav been kind n they tried their best to take over all e heavy duties. so, i m tired but most of e time still happy n grateful.

my parents wil come over n help me with e babies. no plan yet for nanny or maid as i still not used to hav stranger at home. maybe i wil get one when i can not cope....haha......

feel free to email me. i hav to say sorry 1st coz i may nt reply u on time, but i wil try. take care!!
Hi dodo,

Nice to hear you and the babies are doing fine. You must be in your 25th week now, like me.

Have you started your shopping lists? Are you buying a twin stroller or 2 singles? We end up buying a Twin stroller and one single, just in case I need to bring one out. Have been quite a headache as everything are in dbl. Can really feel the strain on our pockets too

Doc also predicted my babies will arrive on Nov, instead on Dec.

Have you bought your breast pump? I thought of buying a PIS adv (dbl). I heard is the best so far. Any suggestions? I am buying a 2nd hand pump, as I am not sure how long I'll feed the babies, and do I've enuf to feed. Brand new pumps are just too costly.

Oh, I've not started on any bird nest. Are they supposed to be good in some ways for mummy?

We just had our babies 25th week scan too. Managed to get a view of their faces. Quite an experience.

I know the uneasy feeling of seeing the babies only once a month. That's why, at times when I dun feel quite well, I'll just pop by a gynae near my neighbourhood and have a quick scan. Just to have a piece of mind. I am seeing Dr Loh too. Sometime is rather frustrating as we have to wait for at least an hour, and he only see u for 10 mins.

By the way, I also just realize that twins are not applicable to donate their blood cord.

Feel free to check out my babies journey
hi rebekah,
great to hear from you too!

ya, i have started shopping liaoz... in fact, just went to Baby Kingdom last weekend and got a baby cot, breast pump, a MIM sling and some of the other smaller stuff required for daily use.

For the breast pump, I've gotten Medela PIS Advanced... it was at 15% discount and cost about $640. I've also gotten some stuff from friends, like a single pram, 2 bouncers, a car seat and some baby clothes.

i intend to use a baby cot for the first 2 months or so when the babies are not able to turn yet. Once they can turn, will get one of those playpens that could double up as a bed (those with double layer).

Regarding storing of cord blood, I've check with my gynae and he said can be done lei. You sure cannot?
if you have already checked out what to buy, 1 month is definitely enuff! So far, I bought some stuff at Taka baby fair and some at Baby Kingdom at Kaki Bukit. fyi, Baby Kingdom has a good price for one model of their baby cots. If you have Robinsons card, can also wait for their 20% discount to grab some of those smaller items.
I have also heard that they dun accept cord blood from twins from one of the forum thread.

Dodo, What is the difference between Medela PIS Advanced and the 'non-advanced'? i tot i saw it selling at KKH for 499? is it a different type? very tempting to buy baby stuff when go shopping, but think better wait. ;)

Weiwei, which week are u in now? Are u feeling more engergetic and better? If u start taking leave from 20wk, means u have to buy most of things now? I think most impt is to keep the babies as long as possible inside us.

rebekah, if u visit normal gynae, just tell them u want normal check up? I also think from my previous check up on 25Aug to next check up on 2Oct very long leh, some time worried also. Now my ankle suddenly v swollen, think water retention. think walk too much last week.
has anyone used Avent ISIS Duo electrical pump? I have heard good reviews about it and I am tempted to buy one as I am taking care of the little bundle of joy myself, I find it hard to find time to pump my milk and I am worried that my milk supply will deplete soon... Anyone has heard anything from your friends and relatives? My colleague told me that Medela PIS is quite noisy... not sure whether it is true...

i heard from my colleague that drinking fresh coconut juice will help to ease some heatiness as well as baby will be cleaner when it is born. As for the package, thw nurse will approach you when you are around 34th week. If not, just ask them.

i m in wk 14 going to 15. yes, i feel much more better as compare with 1st tri. sometimes i also wonder whether i m dreaming tat i dun feel anything abt e babies except for my growing tummy. heehee...

dun knw whether i should start shopping at such early stage. n i dun knw wat to prepare also. as my home s small, if i buy too much things, it wil look like a storeroom...and i m still in e fear of losing anyone of them, dun knw whether i wil scare them away or nt by preparing so early. n also, GSS s over, i dun think i can wait for Christmas sales, there s no other sales.....
Hi WeiWei and all MTB,
I'm supposed to go for my 1st scan next wk..by then shd be ard 6wks. I was told to go to AMC to do my "First Trimester Dating" scan before going to see Dr Loh on the same day. Just wanna confirm whether is it necessary to go AMC to scan or can Dr Loh scan for me at TPS?

At AMC is it scan by a technician or a doctor?

Also, is it a abdominal or vaginal scan?

Hi Dodo,
I guess different hospital have diff policies. When I went for the breastfeeding talk in KKH, there's also this rep from the 'Spore Cord Blood Bank' explaining to the couples there. That's when she told us that this is not applicable to Twins, as for the safety of the 2 babies and mummy. As they said, for twins the doc and nurse will be too busy to ensure the safety of the babies, esp when they are born premature.

I am also considering the models between 'Medela PIS traveler' (older model) & 'Medela PIS Adv'. The only difference is 'PIS Adv' has this new auto 2-ways 'simulation' let down modes. It helps to message you bef pumping. While the other has 2 manual buttons where you can control the speed & pressure yourself. Besides that, they are exactly the same.

Oh, regards to going to the clinic. I just go there and tell them I need to scan the babies as I experience some discomfort.

Hi Nano,
I think it is necessary to go AMC for your 1st scan. Apparently the machine there is more detail. I did the same scan and went to see Dr Loh after, he then will tell you if your babies are in gd conditions.

To all mummies who own a Medela pump, pls also give some advise if you do feel the big difference between the Medela PIS and PIS Advanced. I am also considering buying one used one. Anyone selling?

it's probably best to start getting the things in after your detailed scan at 5th month. That's a major milestone for all mtb!! and you do not have to worry about no sales la... robinsons will always have 20% storewide now and then or you can go kaki bukit baby kingdom to get your stuff too... their stuff also good value for $! check out my blog for my recent shopping spree there! keke... http://www.nafeeza.blogspot.com/

i've also heard positive reviews abt Avent ISIS Duo electrical pump from my colleague. She also recommended that to me.

have you done your detailed scan? if yes, then can start shopping already!

I wish to check with you the Medala PIS Advance that you brought from Baby Kingdom at S$640 does it comes with the Breastpump with 2 Phase Expression?
dodo, not yet done detailed scan yet, now oni in 18wk. still got 2 weeks leh, so cannot shop yet. ;)

rebekah, but the medela is so ex leh! *sigh*

Jeni, if u buy the Avent Duo Electric, let me know how it is ok?

weiwei, me feeling the same way too, wondering how are the babies cos oredi 3 weeks never see them liow. Will start shopping after detailed scan if everything is ok.
dear theresa,
hope you remember me, the gal who pro tcm and acup. would like to check with you that if you went for acup the next day after the ovulation jab the nite before or rather one day before your ET? please advise...

thanx for e infro, wil go n hav a look this weekend. my tummy s quite big now(abt 90cm), so a bit worry tat whether i can still b so energetic as e tummy wil become even bigger... so, decided to slowly look see look see first. when i pass e detail scan, no need to hurry n wonder around, can just buy wat i already planned to buy. think it wil b easier for me.


yes, really enjoy e time going for appts. with each appt, e babies wil hav new progress n they r all at diff position n place for each time. so hav to guess which one s e one was on e left, which one was in front... quite interesting experience. also i m doing a scrapbook for them, started frm e ET pic until every scan n appt. hopefully they wil enjoy reading it when they grow up.
long time no hear! how are you and which week are you at? For Medela PIS advanced, there should be... that's one of the features of the advanced version right? I've got the haversack version cos i think will be easier to carry to office.

if you think Medela is ex, I think the Avent Duo Electric is even more ex! i can't remember the price but i know it is more ex.
dodo, really? i tot Avent should be cheaper....oh dear,
but which one is better?

weiwei, i wanted to do a scrapbook too...bought the book, but can't really find the time to sit down to paste in the scans/pics and write. lazy mummy. maybe when i having bedrest during the 3rd trimester bah!

Beside the backache and buttock ache. I am generally ok. I'm going week 34 this week.

Thanks for your info on the medala pump. You got the PIS Advance with 2 phase expression :) Good for you! You will just need to let the pump do the work and relax! You got a very good local price for that.


In my opinion, choosing which type or brand of breast pump is really very subjective. Some people do well with a particular brand or type of breast pump but may not do well with another. I pick a higher price breast pump is because i am kind of convince the breast pump can help me to express the milk for me, secondly, after paying for so much, i will certainly maximise the usage of the breast pump and lastly, putting me in a situation that i will be more determine to provide breast milk to my baby. Therefore, the decision is all yours while choosing a breast pump for yourself.

An advice to ladies in 1st and 2nd Trimester. Please do not think you can do much during 3rd Trimester. Your body may no longer be able to do your usual routine, due to increase of weight, such as walking,sitting or resting in bed for long period of time (above 2 hrs). Even bed rest make you feel uncomfortable during the 3rd Trimester. Therefore, try to do what you need/want/can during your 2nd Trimester.
jia you! ya, i've heard a number of good reviews on this breast pump so decided to invest in it as i'll need to supply milk for 2! it's better to get a good one then to get an average one which may cause additional stress! keke...
dear wei wei,
thanks for your valuable advice. it has given me more options! i hope you and three little ones are in good health!
Hi Ladies,

Can anyone here advise what is the market rate of a confinement lady taking care of twins? As i will be doing my confinement at my mum's place so there will be some help from her and myself, apart from that my MIL offer to comes in and help too. My MIL friend's which is a confinement lady say that she will charge double and i think this is really ridiculous. I heard from some other ppl says that we still pay the same rate for 1 baby and how much more to pay her on top of that is up to us. Just dont want to get over charge for nothing as i'm intending to employ CL for 2 mths.
Hi Theresa, I have checked that most CL charge between 2.5K to 3K for twins. I have not heard of pple charging at the same rate for 1 baby cos it is really not easy taking care of twins, very xiong, some CL don't even want to accept the assignment if they hear they have to take care of twins. Mine charges me 2.8K plus surcharge for chinese new year.

So if $2.8K is for twins then yours is consider cheap as you are doing it during CNY. I have called some agent and they charge $2.6K for twins at normal period but for CNY they will double up.

If looking in long run then we are actually paying lesser for 2 babies although it is abit xiong now at this moment....... sigh! So beside CL, do you still get help from your mum, MIL or maid? How do you intend to take care of them after your confinement?

check with wan on her cl. think she took care of a mediacorp artist's confinement...if did't rem wrongly, she got twins.

Am at 10wks now, and to date i've lost 5 kg. Most days i don't retain food and water.

Any advise on how to retain food?? Does ginger and red date drink help in this?

Am miserable.
theresa, mine is 2.8K if I deliver early, say first week of jan, if go into chinese new year, may need to add $500 to 1K surcharge. Mum and MIL prob will pop over to help out too but only during day time lah. Prob will get a maid also, have not thought about after confinement....*sigh* MIL and my hubby thinks naturally MIL is going to look after the twins, but i dun really like this idea. Prefer to look after myself....not sure whether can take NPL or just quit. think boss not going to be v happy. u leh?

lefthander77, just hold one, i think will get better when u r in 2nd trimester. Eat a little food more times instead of ur 3 main meals. Dun force urself to eat.

Dont worry about retaining food, the babies will grow well. I have lost about 4kg also although i dont vomit, i have quite bad nausea at times and totally no appetitie but these few days has started to improve. I dont force myself to eat at all when i dont have appetite and the only thing that can go into me is fruit. I also hate the after meal taste that linger in my mouth which is horrible.


Although i'm not working, I also having headache as to how to take care of the twins especially i have to shelter between Singapore and HK i think during confinment DH cant be around most of the time. I will be going back to HK next month to pack up some of my things and plan to come back in Jan till delivery which is around end March.

My plan for now is i will get a CL and with the help from my mum and MIL during confinement. I will get a maid to come in 1 wk before CL leaves and will train her for about 2~3 weeks then i need to go back HK to move hse as the current place is just too small to fit in 2 babies. I will see how the performance of the maid, if she is good, will transfer her back to HK, if not, MIL will go back HK with me and get me settle down until i got a maid.

Since you are staying on your own, you should just get a CL and a maid at the same time. Me got no choice because space is limited at my Mum's place. Although we can get help during day time but during the night, you probably wont be able to handle 2 at the same time. Hope our plan will just work out eventually...... sigh!
Hi ladies,
just to share my view. If you are going to have twins, even singleton, my advice is to have someone to help you, especially at night or you will feel miserable due to mainly lack of sleep and healing of the wound plus, the need to feel pampered especially going through a life changing experience... However, a word of caution... you will have to liase with your CL and make sure she knows that taking care of the babies in the middle of the night is one of her many duties that you expect her to perform as my neighbour's CL told my neighbouh that she needed her sleep too when she asked her why didn't she attend to the baby when she was crying in the middle of the night.

As for me, I did not have a CL this time round but I will definately have one next time (if I am lucky enough to get pregnant again) and move to my mom's place to do my confinement so that I will have more time to rest, take care of myself as well as spend some time with my first born and the babies.

Dawn, I got the Avent ISIS DUO recently.. not bad so far as not noisy like the PIS I used in KK and I can easily pump for 30 minutes as both pumps pumped simultaneously.

Hi mummies,

I am in my 27th week now, and I started to experience contractions for the past 2 days. They are like v tight humps on the tummy and goes away in a few mins, and back again. I started to get very worried, I hope my twins can hold on for another 2 mths at least. Any mummies have this feelings at this stage already?

Oh, I was told that drinking coconut juice is good for pregnancy, but I also heard that once shld not drink too often. Some also said if you drink too early, you may trigger a premature birth. So, is only advice to drink when you are in a later stage?

So, how much is too much? Can it be consume once a week? and shld it be only consume when one is in the later - 3rd trimester?

Pls advice. Thanks.
