IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


I've got a story to share.

Well, I have been rather miserable about my poor food intake, and that I am experiencing shooting pain at my left back to my leg for about 2 weeks now. I have not consulted any doctor about my pain, as I used to have back pain and it subside after a week and a couple of NSAIDs prescribed. But being pregnant, and paranoid, I have not taken any medication and do plenty of stretching hoping that it will go away on it's own - which it does not.

So yesterday, I went for my fortnightly check-up.And it's the first time that DH not able to follow me. Guess what? My twins - have become triplets! Yup, both gynae and I were so suprised! He said "oh-oh!" and I said "oh dear!" I then was sent for a better res ultrasound - and there I see my new found babies. :eek:)

It is unbelievable - 2 weeks ago I swear I only saw 2 of them, and it was so difficult to see the heartbeat. And now there are 3 of them! 1 was swimming happily on it's own, and the other 2 are sharing a placenta (yup I got a monozygotic) and at first they were so still. Then as the U/S went on I guess they were irritated by the ultrasonic waves and woke up and started swimming as well.

At first I do not know how I feel : I am small sized and I fear for the safety of the babies and myself! I can't imagine having 3 babies inside of me! But as time went on, I am feeling more positive about this. I find myself smiling more.

So now am doing plenty of reading of having triplets. I used to grumble a lot about how expensive having twins would be. Now, I stop complaining, and is slowly accepting the fact that my family of 2 would be family of 5 and somehow 2nd hand items may not be a bad idea after all.

And I decided to take paracet for my pain and it has decreased trememndously. Those 2 weeks of pain was in vain.

Hi lefthander77,

cool! you are having triplets!! do rest more and take good care of yourself.. dun worry too much and stay positive! talk to your little ones to be strong and go through this journey with mummy!! that's what I did during my first trimester when I was going through a rough patch.

ya, sometimes i feel some tightening of the tummy area too... however, my symptoms are not consistent and is normally a one-off thing which is probably BH contractions. If yours happen at consistent intervals, then you better alert your gynae and seek advice.
Hi rebekah, please keep a close eye on yourself. For me, I only experienced that kind of cramp on the day before my labour and I didn't even realised that I was dilating already...

At any point of time, if you feel that you need to have your condition checked out, just go and get it checked... you will not lose out anything.

Take care!
Hi dodo, Jeni,

Thanks for your kind advice.

I've emailed my doc, and He just advice me to increase my contraction pills. So for the time being, I'll just bear with it till I see him on coming Friday.
Hi Rebekah, you r in ur 3rd trimester liow, do take more rest. Are u given any bed rest? I heard the docs r willing to give MC/Bed Rest for mummies carrying multiples during the 3rd trim.

Jeni, how much is your Avent Duo and where did u get it from? Other than being quieter, is there other advantage?

I have spend on medisave $6K, cash approx. $10K and that depend on how much drug you use. On top of that, his 1st trimester charges is also quite expensive as you need to continue injection twice a week, approx. each visit per fortnightly is S$450.00, so 1 mth is about $1k.
Hi theresa,
thanks for sharing... but it's really expensive... i think my saving is not enuf to cover, le... i think i better stick with kkh... next year after saving enuf...
Baby Low,
doing IVF in KK is really economical and practical. Personally, after the deduction from medisave, I only forked out $1k plus cash and now, I am now a proud mummy of a 6 weeks old. My colleague, with my encouragement, is also pregnant now after going through IVF with KKIVF.

Dawn, the pump is about $800 and it is really quiet compared to the PIS I used in KK. It also did the dual pumping at the same time... I can easily pumped for half an hour and even 1 hour if not for the soreness or attending to my little precious... I got it from Robinson as I have the OCBC Robinson card, I got to know that I can get it and pay by instalment over a period of 1 year.
Jeni, thanks for the info, wow $800 is really ex. Do they have storewide 20% sale coming soon? ;) but i suppose if it really helps u with getting more milk and letting u rest more, it is worth it. Is PIS really that noisy???? hee hee?

Yes KKH is really very good, high success rate plus one of the lowest cost in singapore, should consider KKH.

winniepooh, IVF/ICSI will be carried out for u in KKH when u do IVF in KK. For mine, 1/2 of the eggs will IVF, the rest were done using ICSI. no extra charges. my eggs oni fertilised throu ICSI. hope that helps.
do check out my blog for my twinnie's latest developments!

btw, I've also just signed up with stemcord to store my twinnie's cord blood. They have a promo till end of this month (think it's a discount of about $400 or so) on the one-time enrolment fee. if there are any mtb interested to find out more, u can call angela @98445665.

oh, and i have been waking up in the middle of the night to eat stuff! After that, quite difficult to get back to sleep.. haiz, make me so tired the next day!
I did the IVF and ICSI. I am not sure how many of my fertilised eggs are due to IVF or ICSI,

it seems that storewide discount does not include breast pumps.. so no hope. However, no harm checking with them.

i went to baby's kingdom last week n they r having quite cheap prices for e items. i bought a avent uno as it comes with e manual & electronic pump. it cost me about 240. also looked at e duo pump, it's 600+ including a carriage bag. did not buy e duo as dun knw whether i wil hav enough supply or nt. anyway, if i buy 2 uno pump, only cost me about 500, still cheaper than e duo...

seen my gyn today n babies had 1st movement today tat i feel it quite clearly... it's such a nice feeling....hee hee... not wil b waiting for e 5 mth detail scan to see how many boy n how many gal.
Hi Ladies,

Will be going for my week 12 scan next week and will be doing the Nuchal Fold Scan too for DS for my twins. Had been feeling so anxious and fear as the date gets closer. Just wonder how the doc computed the result and will we know the result immediately? What is the guide line for the reading will we then be consider not in the high risk of DS? Pls advise and also wanted to know more info so i can be ready to post dr questions if any doubt arises.

hi, how r u doing? dun worri, e Dr wil carefully scan ur each baby n same time make measurements. after he key in e datas tat gether frm e scan, e result wil b out immediately n Dr wil explain to u abt e result. mostly they wil giv u a copy of e results as well.
Hi all,

I am new to this thread. i have just tested positive yesterday and my reading is about 2500.

Is there anyone who has high reading, as i am quite worried about the reading. Although the doc said it is okay but still unsure myself.

Anyone in the same situation? And is there anything that i should look out or ask during the visit. I kind of too nervous during my first visit
Hi all mummies,

I have been away for a while as I was admitted to the hospital for multiple contractions. Very worrying as I am only in my 28th weeks. Now, I've discharged and have to be confined to bed rest.

The good news are my 2 babies are in good weight, but I've to be careful with the contractions as it will cause the cervic to open early. I hope they can stay inside me for another 2 months. At least the babies lungs are not too premature.

It was rather scary when they admitted me to the Labor Ward! Lucky the drip 'Sabutamol' and 'Progesterone' medicines managed to calm the babies down. Now I'm resting at home, but I still get frequent contractions every night. Now I could feel so much weight on my tummy that I could barely walk and sleep.

I can't wait for all these to be over soon. I hope my Twins can stay healthy til then.

Which hospital are you with that allows Blood cord donations for your twins? and do you also experience contractions already? since we are in the same gestation.

Worrying mum-to-be.
Hi Rebekah, do take care, luckily u r fine. Do rest in bed and don't walk around. I just went to see Dr. Loh today and he said there is a lady at 22wk who also suddenly had contraction and lost her twins today. Very scary.....

How does the contractions feel like? How to differentiate from the babies kicking? Carrying twins is really worrying....hope the babies will be guai guai and stay longer inside us.

Ximi, welcome to the thread and congrats!
I remembered my Beta reading was about 2700 too, so u may be carrying multiples.
Have lots of rest.
Hi dawn,

Thank you. I am glad i am not the only one with high reading.

As the doc requested me to do another blood test the next day and it double. I am really worried.

Did you doc requested you to do numerous blood test after the first one? When did you did your first scan?

The blood test results that you haven taken was for the HCG (pregnancy hormone). A good pregnancy should have increased at least 66% every 48 hours. The doctor just want to ensure everything is alright. So if yours has increased double, you should feel relieve.

See attached link on the HCG for your information.


The first scan normally is scheduled on our 6 weeks, 2 weeks after we have confirmed +Ve.
Hi Ximi, as what koala has said, as long ur HCG has doubled, it is a confirmed pregnancy. My first scan was scheduled to be in the 7wk as Dr Loh went on holiday. but i was bleeding when i hit wk 6, so went KK24hr emergency and did my first scanning and realised there were twins!

Thank you. I keep having this impression i am only 3 weeks. I think i will ask the doc next week when i see him.
ximi, u r 5 weeks liow. They usu count starting from the 1st day of your menses not from the day of conception.

Can I ask mummies here - how long will the nausea and vomiting last?

BBs will be 13 weeks tomorrow, and I am still feeling nauseas all day and at times vomit.

I was given Maxalon supp and vit b6 but no improvement so far. Yes I did take very small meals a day but no diff. Dr say I'm a little dehydrated. What can I do? Sometimes I vomit fluids also.

Any tips? And who still is feeling sick during 2nd trimester? I was so looking forward to 2nd trimester cos I am supposedly be feeling much much better.
Hi lefthander

how long will the nausea and vomiting last?
- I think is depends on individual, for myself, my vomitting and bloated stopped only when I reach abt 16 weeks.

I try to aovid the smell that made me uncomfortable, like avoid going to hawker centre... and try to take note what type of food/smell that made you sensitive and try to drink more water, if you find that water is too plain, you may try ribena. Take a good rest is very important too.
hi, rebekah

thank God tat u r fine n ur babies r fine. do take care n CRIB as far as u can. r u still working? heard tat twins pregnancy wil usually deliver around 36wks, yah, tat's abt 2 mth to go for u. JIAYOU!!

wow, seems MTB who has multiple pregnancy wil b in danger once past 2nd trimester. still remember there was a sis here who lost her twins at abt 25wks. pls take care, all sis here...

i m in 18 wks n carrying triplets. my gyn ask me to rest at home n take HL by e end of this mth, tat wil b my 22wks.... he said triplets has much more danger n if i want them to stay inside me longer, i hav to CRIB as early as i can. he also mention tat triplets always come out abt 7-8 mth time. hai.... if i can past christmas n new year, he wil b very happy for me liao. non-stop worries......
Hi lefthander

My nausea feeling also last till around 15 weeks. I guess it will stretch till the earlier weeks of 2nd trimester for some of us.
Hi Jo & Koala,

Thanks for the info!

Hi Weiwei,
As I'm carrying triplets also, I asked my gynae when I should consider bed rest. He told me 28 weeks. Was a little disappointed cos am lazy to work, hahahah! Anyways I am going back to work Oct 22nd, I have not been working much eversince I got a BFP. Am sooooo not looking forward to work, but I told myself I need to earn some $$$ before I take leave again for a while.

And just when I thought having triplets means 32 weeks and babies tend to be out by then, my gynae told me he had a patient who carried her triplets to 36 weeks! I am so inspired by that! THAT would be my goal....

congrats on ur twins!! u too must take care hor...


yes, i also read frm others story tat some pp can carry e babies til 37wks.but for me, my working place s very busy n although i've received lots n lots of help frm others n try nt to do much physical jobs, e mental stress s still there. also, i m those type tat want everything under me wil b perfect n wil get stress easily. my gyn know my job well n he know me,too. tat's why he ask me to rest early n get totally hands-off frm e work. hubby also agree tat our babies r e most important for now n he s ready to work extra hard while i just need to provide e babies a comfort place until 32 wks onwards. BTW, i m getting HL frm nov onwards, it's paid leave. lucky 2 mth later wil b next year, i wil b able to claim another round of HL again... hee hee...
thanks! I also hope to carry my twins till 37wks. Quite worried as multiple preg tends to have more complications. How big r ur babies now? Good to hear ur planned HL can span 2yrs... always handy to have extra money for milk n diapers later on.
lefthander, I heard if twins, usu can get bed rest as early as 27 or 28 wk, tot if u carrying triplets will be even earlier?
Hi Rebekah,

pls take care and rest as much as you can! I have just started working from home from this week onwards (this is my 29th week). I am delivering at Mt Alvernia and my gynae is Dr Fong Yang. I think it's dependent on the gynae, rather than hospital. You can check with your gynae about it if you are keen.
btw, how did the contractions feel like? what are the symptoms to look out for? I also have to be very careful now cos already @29 weeks +... counting down liaoz
I recd some brochures when I went for my 1st u/s scan at TPS. Did anyone do the Thalassaemia Test when preggy? I don't recall this being one of std blood tests during the IVF process.

Also, for those carrying twins or triplets, did u do the Premier Fetal Screening to test for DS? Did u do both the u/s scan + blood test during wk 12?
hi petals,
i did the triple blood test @week 13 or so and had to wait 2 weeks for the results. all was fine so i did not need to go for further tests... ;)
Hi, i'm only 6+wks now. Long way to go...so really hoping things will go smoothly. How r ur twins doing? What's their gender? Must be nice to feel their kicking.
Hi Dodo,

Poor me... I was admitted to the Labor ward again for 3 days for the 2nd time in 2 weeks. Due to multiple contractions again! and they are like 5-10 mins apart. Continuely within an hour.

The feeling is like 'hardening' of your tummy (baby contracting) and it goes away in a few sec and it comes back again. You usually can feel them coming from the top and it rolls down to the centre section of your tummy. These are the signs to look for. If it comes and go too often, means you have to look out as it is also signs for preterm labor. That's what we are afraid of, but lucky my cervic is still close and the babies are doing well.

Now, I have to be confine to bed only! No more walking around

So, you must not move around too much and esp carrying anything. Take care.

Good luck to both of us. Hope our babies arrive well. By the way, when is your EDD? Nov or Dec?
pls take care and listen to doc's advice and not move too much! bedrest as much as you can.

ya, i am also very careful nowadays. good thing i managed to make arrangements to work from home so movement is much reduced. thanks for your advice, i will take care.. let's be positive and pray that we'll be able to carry the twins as close to 36 weeks as possible!

btw, does your gynae or the hospital has any monitoring device to confirm that what you are having is real contractions and not false alarms?

yes, their kicks and movements are getting more apparent and I am expecting long feng tai!

i have a blog that you may be interested to check out! i started it when I embarked on my 2nd attempt at IVF... here's the link:
Thanks, checked out ur blog. Looks like u r all prepared with all the baby stuff. Congrats on ur long feng tai! Hee hee, I also want!
thanks! hope you'll get a long feng tai too! ;P

btw, before you take any medication, best to check with your gynae first. For headaches, the best remedy is lots of rest!
Hi petals, i know it is fine to take normal panadol if you suffer any pain/headache, not those panadol extra. take care!

Hi dodo, read ur blog and know that u working from home now, so good. I am in 21weeks now, also long feng tai. Suffering from bad water retention and backache. I think i must have strained my lower back some how, so now having difficulty when sitting down and getting up from seats.
Must be exciting for you to count down to see your babies!

Hi Dawn,
Thanks, I didn't dare to take panadol, so I massaged my scalp a little then took my shower. Felt much better after that surprisingly.
