IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I aldy stop applying the cream leh... V lazy la..
U still applying now?

I also have crampy feeling at the bladder sometime when i pee... I also thk its part of pregnancy..

ya i try to apply the cream coz dr f was surprised that i only used half a tube so far.. he gave me another tube and insisted that i must apply diligently 2 times per day.
Really ah.. I tot aldy so long liao no need to apply liao..
Hmm.. Then i must go find the tube and apply...
Wondering if there is such a item that keeps fm bottles warm ? Not the warmer that warms up the milk but keep ready made fm warm so just remove n feed when Bb cry ....
u talking abt portable one or non portable one? if non portable, u can also use those bottle warmer ah, just leave the bottle of fm in the warmer to keep warm until ready to feed bb.
i'm looking for english and chinese songs/dvds for baby. any good recommendations? esp chinese ones, cause my chinese very no "power" :p
How come so desserted here lately le... Everyone busy go 拜年 ah.. I still come here often le but didnt see any new posts..

Panda, gan, just faith, grumpus, singapoh... Where are u gals?
I am still here. So quiet cos nothing to talk abt I guess.

I just went for my bb one month checkup. She's 3.95kg! Birth weight 2.5kg

But she's still got breast milk jaundice
Haha.. I tot everyone too busy visiting relatives.. Hee..
Yr dr say yr bb jaundice is due to bf? Then now yr bb on fm?

I brought my big girl to see pd again.. She having cold.. Keep coughing and have blocked nose with mucus...

Have her weight checked.. Both is 4.7kg and 4.36kg!
My cny is boring mann... Didnt do much visitation...
Same same.. Everyday busy with my twins..
But i did play few rounds of manjong haha...

Panda long time nvr post here liao... Wonder how is she coping...
my bb jaundice confirm due to bf. cos i stopped bf for 3 days and level went down. now resume bf level creeping up again. PD on leave until next thurs so nurse say will check with her then call us back. hopefully dun need to stop bf again.

wah u still get to play few round mahjong, good leh!
Mummies - I'm suffering from extreme itchy skin .. esp the bottom of my tummy.
Bought the Cetaphil lotion & body wash to try out. But still have bouts of itchy-ness..

Arrgh ... nothing can be done right ? Just tahan till birth? (another 7wks or less for me)
Grumpus my gal still have low levels of jaundice leh, will be 8 weeks tomolo but kkh PD never asked me stopped breadtfeeding. Only asked me to make sure she pee n poo. Last Monday she had a bloodtest to check liver function coz of prolonged jaundice,results ok. Jaundice level on 29 jAn is 46. Wow ur gal has put on good weight! U must be happy to hear.=) my gal is 4.99kg on Monday, she was 2.77 kg when borned. I m happy with her weight gain.

Baby have ur gals took the 6 in 1? Baby cough no medicine right? I was given a nasal spray for my gal's blocked nose. But doesn't help... She had this stuffy nose since birth. Panda. Must be busy with her 3 babies.
how is yr leg? must take care hor otherwise old already got prob.
my girl's jaundice not tat low lor....and it keeps going up that's why not good. also did bloodtest to check liver function, result ok
gals..i m still around.. yeah.. very busy..coz over the CNY period my parents n mil took turns to go back home. we managed to go visiting first 3 days of CNY.

my bbs also not well.. yesterday all 3 fuss n cry whole afternoon... this morning went to see PD.. 2 of them hv cow's milk allergy..hv to change their FM.. n i hv to stop taking dairy pdts.. and 1 of them hv tummy upset.. given prebiotics drop to add to his milk.

i was also down yesterday.. gastric flu n high fever.. hb had to take over my night duty so tht i could rest. he din sleep the whole night n this morning had to go to work.... both of us can be president of panda club ! :p

my bbs are really becoming little sumos.. at slightly less than 2 mths, the boys weigh 4.7 and 4.8kg. Girl is 4kg.
ohhh...i discovered visiting a pleasure..coz my aunties will help me carry and feed babies! so me n hb get to rest n enjoy our meals there.
Grumpus ankle is still blue black , my hubby will massage the ankle when he is home.

Have u had ur full mth celebration?

Btw I had rashes on my hands and legs like heat rash, can still give my gal ebm right? Think I wash my hands too often and the bottles etc my hands are so dry n knuckles turn red and bleed .
Gan, i also hv rashes leh.. during the massage, the lady told me its due to the hormones.. now clear by itself already. i continue to give bm ....
aiyo, u better go see those tie da shi fu to help u rub yr ankle. my mum fell before also when she was preggie with my bro and carrying my sis at the same time so she totally didn't break her fall. her ankle was sprained very badly and she suffered from aches and pains for many many years.

my girl's full mth is tom, just a very small do with immediate family and some friends.

yes u can still give yr girl ebm, no prob. even if u're down with flu or wat also can still give.
Pandawife I had my massage with og, 5 sessions and end on we'd, now u mention my rashes appear yesterday maybe biz of massage and my hormone? But the massage was good just that a couple of session I have to stop for awhile yo soothe my gal coz she was fussing wants to be carried.

Grumpus I very scared of those tie da, coz wld be super painful.
So ur confinement ending tomorrow?

Gals ur baby sleep thru the night ? Mine still wake up for milk every 2 or 3 hrs leh.=s
gan, my rashes appeared mid way thru the massage..n OG told me its due to hormones.. is urs itchy? mine was very red n itchy.

my babies are also waking up 2-3 hrs for milk..smtimes after milk dont even sleep until the next feed leh! its very exhausting for all of us at home when they dont sleep.. i wonder if its becoz they were unwell thts y cant sleep.. i hope after changing the FM and giving the prebiotics, it will get better..
Pandawife yes red and itchy!! I can't help but scratch!

My gal will sleep After feeding except couple days back her eyes big big dun want to sleep till 3am plus... We r so tired! I tried increase the qty of milk but she will stop drinking when she had abt 70ml and then ask for milk 2 hrs later
gan, yes.. v hard not to scratch n strangely only on the hands n legs. i used aloe vera gel to soothe the itch.

when u increase the milk, did u feed at longer interval? the trick is to drag the time longer, make bb more hungry so tht they can drink more. today PD told me i can try drag to 4 hrs..haha.. i m already struggling at 3hrs.... but then again, if u r on ebm, bb will be hungry faster.. for me is night feeds we give FM.
No I ended my confinement yest already :p
My girl was born 11 Jan.

Ooooo those red and itchy rashes on arms n legs I also got when I was doing my massage lei. But we're not using the same massage. Is it really due to hormones? I didn't get when I did massage for #1 although I used the same massage lady.
Ladies, I'm really at my wits end. My boy has been fussing and crying since 12am last night. Whole night wants to be carried, and today whole day refuse to sleep and be pput down. He's been crying the whole day, already v sleepy and eyes will close but then suddenly wake up and start crying again. We really dun know what to do. Anyone encounter this b4? I'm scared the poor boy dun have enuf sleep, affect his growth. Today we just keep carrying him and he will keep crying on and off until next feed time.

I'm also sick now, sore throat and runny nose so had to stay away from my bbs today. So helpless cannot do anything only can hear them cry. I cried to myself so much today.
Working wife is it colic? Maybe bring him to PD to check? Kk got 24hrs PD at the children emergency but must be prepared to wait but they do give priority to newborn.
Do take care
Working wife,
Maybe it's gas? Did u try ru yi oil n all tat?
Do u find that he's more comfortable being carried upright than flat? If yes could be gas or silent reflux.
Ya i given nasal spray and drop also... Pd also gave me cough and phelgm syrup.. But say the med level is very little.. Cos bb still v small so cant give much med..

Working wife
My small girl also fuss and cry.. I will put ruyi oil on her back, tummy and feet... She will feel better and go sleep.. Maybe u can try also...

Yr two bbs have cow allergy ah.. Means cant take normal fm?
How do u know they have allergy? What symptoms?
working wife, my bbs were like tht whole of yesterday afternoon n most of last night.. cry n cry... slept very little too... so this morning we went to see PD. 2 of them fuss due to the milk allergy, the 3rd one due to tummy upset..coz his stools turn green this morning.

baby, my bbs has little red rashes on their body. my mum kept telling me its heaty rash.. just keep them cool..so all this while we din do anything..until today PD says the allergy is quite bad! cant take normal fm..n i also cannot take dairy pdts since i m bfing them.

my PD suggest i switch all to Enfa HA..even though number 2 did not hv signs of allergy...
gals..drypers drypantz having promo at guardian again. bring other brands wrapper to get 1 for 1. but only from M size onwards.
PandAwife red rashes on body is allergy?? My gAl has red rashes on her back but she doesn't really fuss except cry for milk and at times to be carried to sleep.
I shld bring her to PD to check if she allergy?? Coz I take milk and she takes 1 feed of fm nowadays at night
gan, ur gal sounds like an angel... such a good baby!

i hope my fussing ones will recover soon.... we are trying all means n ways to help them feel more comfortable.. now my hb switch on white noise in our room.. hoping tht they sleep deeper n longer.. so far seems to be effective... bb is sleeping longer than 3 hrs after feed..

but they dun fall asleep immediately after feed..will cry n fuss de.. and dun want anybody except me to hold them to sleep....luckily tonight their feeding times not the same..if not stress......

r u still pumping exclusively or u latch and pump? i seem to be stagnant in my supply from pumping... only enuff for 1 bb...dim hope of supply increasing if i continue solely pumping..
Pandawife I just finished pumping. My gal is Taking ebm. But I latch her at least once a day when she is not sleeping to soothe her or while waiting for ebm to heat up. I not sure during latching if she takes much milk coz I notice she wld sob as she sucks when she is hungry like frustrated why no
Milk. My pumping time is erratic now...=s sometimes 6 hrs apart! I just have enuff for her. We feed her fm for 1 of the night feed. Not much extra to freeze.

Well can't say my gAl is a good baby she is bring carried to sleep now by mu hubby coz she was kicking away in her cot just now, not sleeping since the 12am feed!!

Are u still looking for a maid ?? I m going to look for one soon .... My mum seems ok to take care of my gal when I return to work. Will get a maid to help her on the chores
hee.. i just finished feeding my gal too..she woke up after 3.5 hrs.. good record.. my 2nd boy is the next one to be fed.. its already 3hrs n 45mins.... i m still waiting.. now all 3 bbs in my room.. trying to let the two grannies n my hb sleep more coz last night i was down n they all stayed up the whole night.

my pumping time also haywire leh.. coz too busy to do 2 or even 3 hrly.. like u.. smtimes become 6 hrly too! now i go by availability..i pump whenever i can.. bo chap how many hours.

i m looking for maid! its as hard to find a maid as a confinement lady. the experienced ones hear 3 bbs and only 1 maid, reject us. the freshies dunno wht they are in for.. after interview, i dun find them suitable. haiz.... so until now i m still maid-less...
its gd if ur mum is willing help u babysit.. at least u more fang xin go back to work...

my dad just asked me when i wanna go back to work today. i told him i bu fang xin leh..coz 3 bbs very confusing for the oldies..they will blur abt feeding time, feeding amount etc. and they dun monitor the babies to see if anything out of usual.. to them bbs just feed, change diaper n sleep. today i had a major argument w my parents before we brought them to the PD. they kept telling me the babies are not sick.. just fussing and spoilt, wanna be carried! haiz.. so i cannot imagine wht will happen if i m not at home...
PAndawife really pantAng ar..... Once I said my gal dun fuss much ,she is fussing tonite ! Ha ha ha. Wants to be carried once put her in cot she woke up!! Either kick to entertain herself or like just now cry to be carried. My hubby is pacifying her....
I m indeed more fangxin when my mum said ok but when she travels to visit my Sis, childcare wld be a headache. I am not fangxin for my in laws. Did I mention I was upset during cny , my in laws came n that day my gal was crying n not sleeping so mu hubby was crying her to soothe her. My mil saw us trying to pacify her, told us we can hold her upright to make her comfie n next thing she 'snatched' my Bb from my hubby n wants to carry her upright but I think she long time never carry young babies that she didn't support my gal's head when carry her upright I was literally screaming 'her head!! Support the head!' of course Bb uncomfis continue to cry so my mil changed carrying position, carry get as pet normal but starts rocking her hard up n Down like in sarong ... I got so upset that I told her give me back my baby and took my baby back to soothe her... Poor gal was crying even harder after all the carrying. Can't imagine how it is like lor if
My mil takes care ... Will see how things go, take one step at a time . I also think of taking no pay but undecided coz of the income.
So u planning to stay home till babies can go childcare? I do feel abit out of touch these 2 mths staying home but must admit it Is a joy daily to take care of Bb though really tiring...

Facebook acct set up le but no photos uploaded! Ha ha will do to so soon. OG do funny asked me take photos when she bathe my gal said u did that fir ur babies... So I start clicking away second day of the massage. Lucky she reminded me
gan, i not only took pics leh.. i video each bb! haha.. next time they are older, can show them

i just finished feeding all 3 bbs.... now is pumping time..after tht i can go catch some sleep..my hb is washing up the bottles...

i can totally understand how u feel about ur mil carrying ur bb. imagine my mil everyday helping me to bbsit..n after 2mths, still fumble w carrying my bbs????? everyday i got to "cctv" over her..n remind her to support my bbs head. and when she feed my boys..she also cannot hold them properly with 1 hand.. my bbs will slouch in a very awkward position! then when i remind her..she will says my bbs wiggle by themselves, its not her fault tht they are drinking milk in tht position!! haiz.. so whenever possible i try to not let her feed bb..but smtimes all 3 wanna drink together, no choice..i hv to literally hold my breath and watch her feed...:S

actually if u can take npl, its better...afterall ur bb only go thru this stage of her life once.. and i m sure u wanna be there for her. i plan to stay home as long as our finances allow.. $ can earn back next time..but the time w our bbs cannot rewind back..
Pandawife I just fed my gal, pumped and washed up bottle n pump. Can get some sleep now coz my Bb is finally sleeping soundly. =) hope she let me sleep more thAn 2 hrs before she wakes up for mlk
Ooooo mil probs...hehehe
that time after I delivered my elder daughter, my mil was supposed to take care of her after I finish maternity leave. But I see how she take care I was so scared I quit my job and become SAHM!
This time I got her back to help look after my elder one again while I take care of my younger girl myself, thinking my elder already 3 yr old, she shd be able to handle. Ok la she can handle the basic needs, but my girl is super spoilt now cos she doesn't control her at all! And when I discipline her she runs to look for my mil cos she knows my mil will protect her. Aiyo, cannot imagine how my girl will turn out if I had really let her take care.
Lucky this time I can tell myself just tahan for one month.

Eh u still hv try going out alone with bb ah? One of these weekday we meet for kopi lah. U can decide where
Panda - I also changed formula to HA formula cuz doc said it will minimise spit up and tummy upsets. I find that HA formula is lighter and they can consume more of it... Do u encounter the same thing?
Grumpus grandparents always tend to spoil the kids. My friend told me he was hitting his son for misbehaving and his dad stopped him saying where got parents hit their child, my friend told his dad didn't u hit me when I was young? His dad replied that was different!
I have not gone out myself with Bb leh! In fact hubby n I so far only brought Bb to see PD and parent place! But later today we will venture out on our own with Bb for high tea to celebrate valentine's day!! Hehehe
Ya when I can manage to go out alone we can meet for kopi, working wife can join us too since she is staying nearby too... =)
Ya I know grandparents always spoil the kids but my mil is really no limit one. Let her hv junk food anytime simply cos she ask for it. Let my girl turn on light switches with her feet! These things r like common sense mah. Endless lah. And I guess also mil very hard to tell off lor. If my own mum, in the first place won't spoil until so extreme and I can tell her if it's something I dun like.

Wahhhhhh valentines high tea! Hv fun! Okie remember our kopi date ah. Good if working wife can join also, hope she can handle 2!
working wife, my PD says to slowly do the change.. yesterday i just started using 1/3 HA and 2/3 cow's milk ..today will b 1/2 1/2 ... for 2 days.. then after tht can complete switch to HA. PD says if immediate change, bbs might not like HA taste...

gan, i went to bed at 430am.. 645am woke up... bbs shld b up anytime for their next feed.

my carpal tunnel syndrome still not ok... not enuff rest, both wrist hurts alot when i just wake up, cannot carry baby at all.. even typing is painful

gan, u shld go bring ur girl out... i m sure she will enjoy it! my bbs always very good when outside de.. will sleep thru..haha.. only wake up for feed or diaper change.. dont fuss at all unlike when at home...

for me its the logistics part to go out and also going out in a big group thts troublesome..if not i would like to bring them out more often. i bought a pupsik sling to sling my bb ger.. coz she is lighter.. so she will sleep in the sling thru our outings.. n the two boys go into a twin stroller
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Grumpus hmmm like that no good especially with the switches, dangerous!

Pandawife my gal up for milk le at 630am.... I didn't hear her sucking her hands noise as I was sleeping so she cried abit coz must wait for me to heat up ebm. She is now 'talking' to the bee n bettle bug I attached on her cot after her feed n diaper change .
U brought ur bbs out already? I mean like shopping? Definitely alot of things to bring right? I one Bb already the diaper bag quite heavy with stuff for her when we go parents place. I slept 2 hrs plus last night... Seems like nowadays sleeping 2 hr plus is ok my panda eyes are permanent somemore I dun put make up to cover .. Hehehe


I only bring 1 diaper bag for twins and my 3 year old. I latch on so no need to bring so much stuffs.


U can go to my fb friend list to see Gan's bb.
