IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Gan / Panda - what's the contact for this massage lady ?

she also massage mummies right ??

can PM me her contacts ?

Gan, ur gal small size? i m using mamy poko M size for my boys at night now.. first time buy pampers M size..

my gal is wearing pampers NB size though.

dypers sold out at the cozway point outlet..i got to call the other outlets nearby to try n find which one has stock...

hope u enjoy the massage, tmr will be my last session.. will miss the chill out time in the mornings after tht.....

rostrum, JJ, i forward u gals the contact via PM later.
Pandawife my gal is abt 4.5kg dunno big or small size... She is wearing mAmy poko S size. But Goon S too big for her.

Hmm lately my gal seems to take less milk was looking thru the record she drank more 2 weeks ago. Ask PD but he doesn't seem concern coz putting on weight. And age threw out 1 mouthful of milk just now, some came thru her nose too.=s
working wife,

Actually I seldom latch them after 1st month. Or I can say most of the times I pump out.

As for keeping up w supply, I find my left side drop alot. So not sure if it is blocked or what but I dnt feel engorgement unless I did not pump for long time.
Thank you Pandawife
Working wife
Dont admire la.. Im not as brave as u thk ah..
I was totally mad and helpless yday night dealing with my small girl colicky cries.. She cry non stop for 2 hrs.. Nothing can soothe her.. And i got to attend to my big girl feeding and fussing...

I dont feel that confident without my hb around.. He is more sane when dealing with my bbs cries..
He will also need to travel every mth after cny.. Dont know how to manage.. Esp during the night time...
U using the yellow package pampers nb is it?
I also have two pkts but i find it no good leh.. Its not dry enough... My bbs bottom is wet when using it.. But when use huggies no problem...
baby, not yellow..i tink its green ... i find both pampers n mamy poko good. my gal had nappy rash while using huggies previously...

my hb also more steady in handling crying bbs leh... so i m really looking forward to this long wkend tht he will be at home! and he can even do night feeds on his own while i sleep.

today i struggle to find time to do pumping..from 8am until now..only managed to pump once.. now going for round 2.......
The one i have is yellow pkging..

I think man has more confidence.. Woman more emotional la.. I also look forward to cny so he has more time at home..

Dont be so stress over pumping ya.. U are doing great so far!
U have my admiration to bf with 3 bbs! Sad to say i dont have yr determination.. Didnt expect i give up that fast.. Lucky i didnt buy the bf pillow haha.. Else waste more $$.. Also lucky i buy the pump at a cheaper price.. At least the damages is at the minimal.. Hee
Panda, Baby,

Me too... Hb more steady and calm when handling the bbs. I'm also looking forward to long weekend, he is on leave tomorrow onwards.

My boy is down with mucus problem now.... There's mucus in his nose and also some ear discharge. Have to take antibiotics
I feel so heart pain see himtake medicine, and worse when I have to feed him the med. Hope he recovers soon.
yeah.. my hb very cool even when bbs screaming ...i will go bonkers if i hear them scream for too long...cannot take it...

if i cant pump every 3-4 hrly, i feel v guilty leh! this is also partly whts keeping me going..

working wife, hope ur boy recovers soon!
Ya lor.. Sometimes wana cry with them.. Esp when i know they cry cos umcomfy with the tummy wind.. And there is nothing i can do to relieve it..
But my hb always v cool and steady.. Keep telling me its ok..

Dont feel guilty ya.. U are very noble by trying yr best to provide for yr bbs!!

So hows yr "mothers war" today?
Since yr hb will be more free during cny period.. Maybe can ask both mothers to go hm and rest.. U can also use this time to enjoy peace with yr hb and three darlings!

Working wife
Aiyo.. Poor thing leh.. Did dr say how come yr boy has this infection? What cause it?

That time when my girl has constipation and the pd is inserting her finger to clear her hard poo.. I also heartpain leh..

Doc said its contact with germs or someone sick. Could have been my hb who was sick, or the times we went to pd and other ppl there or the full month party
he did a swab test and sent to lab to check what bacteria is it so he can give meds accordingly.

My boy is now 4.1kg and girl 3.2kg as of one month. Doc also mentioned that both bbs have a lot of wind after he check their tummies. He said since they have colic and spit milk problem, we could try changing current formula (cow's milk) to soy based formula or goat's milk. He recommended Isomil. Anyone tried that before?
Working wife
Yr bbs are born at how many weeks? Born at what weight?

Pd say change fm to soy and goat base can solve colic and reflux problem? My small girl has colic and big girl has reflux.. She always split up milk..
I thought both problems will go away when bb is older?
Baby, my bbs born at 36 weeks, 2.8kg and 2.1kg respectively.

Ya, that's what my pd said. Not sure if can completely solve, but will help reduce. My hb bought one can of Isomil today, and its written on the can that it reduces gas, diarrhea and spit milk problem.
Happy year of the rabbit to all!! =)

I started the new year with a fall and was carrying my baby, luckily didn't drop her but twisted my ankle bad. Guess will be home the next few days!
Singapoh and Nancy, i also i recover soon else alittle difficult to carry my bb, now limping and luckily hubby is around.
was falling forward as i didn't notice there was a step, but somehow break the fall by kneeling first, was holding on to my daughter tight as i fall...think she got a shock coz she was sleeping but when i hit the ground, she started crying for awhile.
mummies who had natural delivery,

how long does it takes before you dun feel any pain on your butt? and if anyone had problem getting up fr bed or chair due to sore n numbness on butt area?
Rose, butt? Are you sure it's butt? So far, only felt discomfort in wound and when I pee. Btw kkh did kk gv u any antiseptic to apply on wound? If u feel discomfort, let me know. I will gv u the medicine name that u can buy from pharmacy.
Wishing all a happy new year too! Gong xi fa cai!

Lucky baby ok n u r not seriously hurt too. Take care n recover fast!
it's mothers' basic nature to protect our little one first.. Maybe that's why u fell in that angle. Dun carry heavy things for next few days
hi mummies,

anyone knows of good pd near bukit panjang, choa chu kang n bukit batok area? my little one has mild jandice, need to bring her see pd, but not polyclinic coz long wait...

gosh, not easy to bf n take care of bb...
panda, u got three...salute!
justfaith n singapoh,

coz d wound could b felt when seated on , so seems like butt pain. i bought a spray called no barrier sting film by 3m. better. coz it numbs d wound pain but in turn it sticks d fold between both side of butt...

how long does it takes for u gals to heal? its has been a week for me already.
Dear mummies and mummies-to-be,

Happy CNY! Here's wishing everyone a prosperous and smooth sailing bunny year ahead! May all our babies grow up healthily!

Gan, I hope your ankle is better now. Take care!

i only felt better after two weeks. by 3rd week, the pain is almost gone.

dun walk too much. rest more in bed. it helps, for me.
thanks. btw, r u on exclusive breast feed for ur bb?
how many times ur bb poo?

my ger is pooin at least every feed...yellowish watery stool.
is tat normal?

I only used water to wash after every pee. Also sat on warm salted water once or twice a day.

For single baby, it took 2 weeks to be total pain free. For twins shorter. Less pain after a few days. Dunno because seasoned Liao or twins are smaller.
just now, my ger vomittted a lot of formulated milk while sleeping... had a fright, coz her head n pillow were all soaked with milk ...
n if i did not check on her, wouldnt hav notice.
is it alright to vomit a lot of milk?she has jaundice n pd advised to stop drinkin from breastmilk den test blood at polyclinic.
think my hubby fed her too much fm... bm was ard 70ml per feed, he gave her 90ml fr fm!!!
if it's just a one time vomit, it's ok. dun worry too much. it could be overfed or maybe never burp properly before putting her down.
what is her weight now?
the amt of formula to feed is:
weight of bb in kg x 150ml = total amt of milk per day
total amt of milk per day / no. of feeds (usually 8) = amt of milk per feed

so e.g. if bb = 3kg
3 x 150 = 450ml per day
450 / 8 = 56.25ml per feed

this is of cos a guideline only. some bbs can drink more, some drink less
I have the following samples of preggie mummies milk to give away:

1) 1 x Dumex Mamil Mama (Exp 19 Oct 2011)

2) 2 x EnfaMama A+ Vanilla flavour (Exp 01 Jan 2012)

3) 6 x Anmum Vanilla flavour (Exp between 09 Jun 2011 - 26 Nov 2011)

4) 2 x Anmum Chocolate flavour (Exp 28 Nov 2011)

Pls let me know u if want it. Would prefer for one person to take all of it.
how come u don't just consume the preggie mummies milk? or is it that mummies ardi cannot take these preggie milk? coz i just use it up now.
i'm ok, hv been busy with cny. very tiring too. all the gatherings are kind of done now, so back to routine now.
ya the area btw belly button and wound still feels a bit sore when i touch/rub it.
my wound sometimes have a tingling feeling, abit like a stinging feeling occassionally.
yes i saw dr f ardi, did a pap smear. will see him again in 6mths or 1 yr.

how abt u? how's things coming along.
btw, do u read or try to teach ur bbs words/things? i hvnt really leh. everyday just feed, pat to sleep, change diaper.
i usually add milo coz i also dun really like that taste

how soon shd we potty train our babies? how to potty train? do u know which is a good potty to buy?
I also nvr teach anytin.. Just feed.. Chg diaper.. Coax to slp..

I hvt see dr f yet.. Abit lazy... Im thinking to get the cervical vacination...

Did u ask dr f abt u cant feel yr full bladder?
oh ya dr f said must apply tat cream and do pelvic floor exercise. tat cream is to make sure we dont get lumps.
the bladder - think he said its part of pregnancy effect.. sighh... cant do much abt it.

Wah wanna potty train Liao ah? My 3 year old still in diaper when zzz at night.

At least wait till yr bb can sit upright unsupported. Can tell u that he needs to go. Also know how to take out pants.

hahha..no lah, i just finding out in advance. coz all my baby's waking hours are feeding, bfing, changing diapers. like never teaching baby anythg.. so abit scared i miss out all the milestones
