IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Yday both my girls sleep thru for 5hrs!!! Last feed at 1040pm.. I expecting them to cry for milk at 1am.. But they didnt.. I woke up at 3am and got a shock.. I woke up my hb ask him whether he got feed them not.. He say no.. Then i went to chk on them.. Both sleeping soundly...

Finally both cry at 4am..

baby, wow! thts great... its good both can sleep thru leh..

my 3 different hrs... eldest managed to sleep until 5hrs...then i woke him up for milk..coz dun want him to go w/o milk for too many hrs.

2nd boy woke up at 4.5hrs... girl woke up at 4hrs.

r ur girls also feeding 4hrly during the daytime? mine feeding more often during the day..coz seems to be drinking lesser..so they wanna be fed more often..partly also coz some feeds are ebm.

singapoh, yeah..i tink the MTBs not coming in here much coz we are talking about babies n not pregnancy stuff..keke...

we hv just selected a transfer maid.. if all goes well, she shld be able to start work in the next 1 week.
My girls feed every 3hrs or so during the day.. Usually i will not wake them up when 3hrs is up.. I will wait till they are awake or cry for milk...
Sometimes they will also cry less than 3hrs for milk... If its near 3hrs then i will feed them...

I just train my maid how to carry and feed bb... Just now first time she feed bb milk.. So far ok.. Cos today im alone with my maid and bbs.. So need her help...
singapoh , pandawife..

ha ha .. MTB's iam sure like me .. reading silently...
first i thought 2ww .. then no worry .. then .. scan .. no worry.. then .. detail scan .. its on and on.. and now i read in the thread all the worries after birth... OMG... iam mentally preparing myself..for this...

currently in 23rd week doing good.. so far so good. gained 4 kgs... all normal.. bt baby in breech position.. but i think its too early.. to worry abt baby postion.. so taking things slowly and gaining knowledge from u new mummies..

iam glad u guys are still around in this thread.... whever we have concerns.. new mummies can guide us.. :))
Hehe... I m also reading silently.. But dun worry.. I'm catching all d tips here abt caring for babies...

I m 18 weeks+ only...how I wish time can fly faster
Same here.. Silent reader .. Prepping for things to note, especially on the challenges of breastfeeding and caring for the little ones. Very insightful!

I m only at 15 weeks.. How I wish I can fast forward to early aug! 
From abt 34 wk onwards if bb hasn't turned, high chance bb has no more space left to turn and will stay in breech position.
But of cos I hv heard of mothers whose bb turned head down and then at 36wks turned back to breech position. So anything is still possible
Val Lee and mtb,

Enjoy your pregnancy! When baby is out, taking care of baby is more tiring than being pregnant. I started to feel baby movement at week 15. Talk to your baby and feel it. As the pregnancy progress, get your husband to listen to the baby heartbeat. It's a wonderful feeling.
u mean if bb neber wake up for milk at nite can dun wake her up for milk? i worried my CL leaves n i wil have to wake up at nite to feed her... even though i do hav to wake up to express
milk... my bb cannot latch on so i hav to pump my milk out.

mummies, do u all diligently pump every 3hrly? at night i will pump 6 hrly...

hrly but quantity lesser den 2 cycle milk...
Grumpus, thanks for the explanation.. Then I shd not worry about it then...just let nature take it's course since we cannot control it.

I read that for ivf pregnancy, the edd will not changed though babies are growing ahead of edd? So my edd should remain from the day 1 edd given? I m confused on my edd as each time I go scanning, the edd given on the scan printouts is being pushed forward so I do not kw which one to follow?
Mummies, my fren told me to train babies to bottle feed on ebm from 2nd mth onwards as her 6 mths girl now refused to bottle feed on ebm or fm as she prefers to latch on cos she has latched on her bb for 4 mths before going back to work. Since then her bb drink lesser and only wait till she is back to latch her on. She told me now her girl has slowed down in growth... Will this happen to all babies?
Actually for all pregnancies, edd is computed based on gestation age. So yes, u shd follow the 1st edd given to u which is calculated based on ER/ET date.
When u go for scanning, the edd on the printout is computed based on size of bb. So if u hv a bigger bb, edd will seem to be earlier n smaller bb will be later.

U shd try to introduce bottle to bb at abt 4-6 wk old if u r going back to work. Doesn't hv to be every feed, 1-2 feed a day is fine. Main thing is bb learn to accept bottle. It is quite common for bb who hv been 100% latching to reject bottle. There r many mothers who hv gone back to work n their bb almost dun drink any milk during the day but they will marathon latch at night to make up for it.
But this doesn't happen to all bb, some r perfectly fine switching back n forth between breast n bottle,
hi mummies,

did u shave ur bb hair after full month?
my CL said not to shave coz bb skull will feel cold at night n may need to wear hat...told me wait till 4 mths...

is tat true?
is it ok to feel dizzy.. i had been perfectly fine all these days.. no MS.. very slight nausea in 1trimester.. but yesterday i was feeling too dizzy.. i stopped moving .... and sat with my heads down.. but today iam feeling better.

Oho thanks for the explanantion.. let me wait and hopefully it turns.. iam so much for natural delivery.. let the god decide ..

EDD is mentioned in every scan.. i never noted that.. might be i was seroiuly staring only at the baby picture rather than the details.

Iam enlightned by the baby's movement , i can see the movt from outside when it kicks.. i guess will feel more when pregnancy advances..

MTB and new mummies,
anyone went for prenatal massage? can you suggest ??.. iam scared but iam in so much need of a good back massage.

I shaved my bbs hair at 1mth. My grandma- in- law said muz shave d eyebrows as well but we did not. Thinking of shaving again coz her hair super uneven.
Hi mummies and MTB,

Anyone here in the course of your pregnancy was diagnose with PUPPP? Pregnancy rashes which really itches very badly especially at night.

I m diagnosed with PUPPP at the onset of my second trimester at 13-14 weeks and the rashes are very bad, starting from the right side of the tummy, to the boobs, then left side of the tummy and lower tums too. Starting to itch at my back now. My gynae prescribed antihistamines as well as steroid cream - benovate to ease the situation. I m too relying on calamine lotion to relieve the itch as I wanted to limit my consumption of oral meds ie the antihistamine prescribed.

Understand that the rashes will ease only upon delivery which for me means 2 full trimesters to endure thru the itch. Did u ladies faced this prob as well and how did u deal with it?
hi fancy, i noe Thomson Chinese Medicine at TMC offer pre-natal massage. last time i tried her service before preggie... was gd.. n price reasonable..
u can consider? hw long hv u been preggie?
Val - I think i got that too (PUPPP) start of 3rd tri the bottom of belly has been itching like crazy ...
Nothing can ease the itchy except calamine lotion which i will put on alot at night so far no disturbed sleep due to the itch.

But seems like getting worse, hoping to get some cream from doc when i go visit him tomor.

Also if I'm hot & heaty the itch would worsen so i try to hide in aircon room now.

Yeap! I think calamine lotion is the safest possible option for now ... sigh.. i was reading some US forums and they were suggesting taking dandelion root tog with flaxseed oil and that helps to detox the liver somewhat hence relieving the itch.

I will be seeing my doc on sat and will ask him for his opinion on the supplements but i think he's not going to be on for it coz i understand that it's not classified if it's safe of preggers - especially so when we take so much effort to conceive, tend to be more cautious.

Problem with me is that i am still in the early stages of pregnancy and hence i feel cold most of the time esp in the night, aircons are a no go for me. The itch is quite bearable in the day but it's in the wee hours of the morning that itches big time - prepping me for babydom =)
Val - yup ... at least mine start in 3rd tri only & I already going crazy with the itch. Another 7 wks more for me .

I also hv skin prob one .. my arm joints / leg joints will itch & I will scratch & it will bleed ... that was last time sec sch times la ... now gone already .. so the belly itch is torturing sia ...
Rose, I did not shave her hair on full month. My MIL is a hairdresser, so I let her trim my gal's hair... I also cut her nails.

My baby has her first haircut and eye brown cut on full month by Hua Xia Taimaobi. After the shaving the hair growth is much more even. I put my baby in non air-con room until 6 mths as she slept better in non air-con room with fan when newborn time. She sweated a lot though. If your baby sleeps in air-con room then the head will feel a bit cold when botak.
Hi jj,

M not looking forward to the next 20+ weeks of itch (it's still spreading.. Now going to my back!!)

Just curious coz the readings in the forums quote that 70% of mummies with PUPPP are expecting boys and typically occurs in a first pregnancy.. U expecting a boy/ boys?
Thanks rose n Grumpus on d advice on edd. I will stick to d 1st edd given then.

Grumpus, I was still tinking to latch my babies for 1st 2 mths then balance 2 mths on bottle ebm. I tink I better dun tk d risk, if I go bk to work n my babies not drinking milk during daytime I will b heartpain...

JJ, u going to due soon? Did Yr girl catch up on d weight? So u hoping to go for natural? So far Hw many kg hv u put on?

I lose 3kg in my 1st tri n gain 5kg in 1 mth!!! Scary... But I can't seem to curb my hunger.. Constantly feeling hungry..
Val - I'm expecting twins (boy-girl) I only read that PUPPP occurs more frequently in mummies with twins or those who put on weight too fast.

I hv another fren she had a boy she also was itchy but i think towards the end of preg only.

Rostrum - 7 more weeks (i calculate to max 37wks) or might be earlier (its up to the bb's) tomor going ADC scan & see Dr Loh so will ask then. Hope she grew. so far I gained 19kg already.
Jj, I read tt gaining abt 20kg for twins is acceptable. I v worried might exceed tt but I can't help but keep feeling hungry. I'm trying to replace all my small meals to more healthy ones like fruits n cereals... But still not full.. Zzzz
Rostrum - My appetite no increase maintain same as before (i was a big eater before also)... But i don't have the feeling of very hungry or cravings ...

I'm resting at home already. tomor getting HL to bed rest, really very heavy feeling. Breathless after just a short walk at shopping centre.
Hi rostrum,

Nope. I m expecting a singleton. M with Dr CT Yeong from Tow Yung Clinic at Tanglin shopping centre. He was my RE too for ivf.


Sigh.. I lost weight in the first trimester and haven't put back on to my pre preggy weight tho I m on the heavier side.

Rest well and hope your little gal catches up in weight soon! 
Hello mummies and Mtb
I finally just bfp thru ivf. My first scan is on 22 feb. Can anyone of you kindly tell me what I should expect from 1st scan? I know it's really early for me still but everyday I am worrying coz I do not feel very pregnant.
Tks in advance.
83224863 Kak asih. She charges 10 sessions $500. 12yrs of experience. Indonesian massage. Her fees are inclusive of transport n body wraps. No other hidden costs.
Jj, I m not a big eater before, with this pregnancy, my family members n koligs are shocked at my appetite!!! Haha.. I m trying to reduce my food intake but sometimes just can't n I feel bad to "starve" my babies... Hehe...
I wonder when dr Loh will start giving hl during 3rd tri to rest at home though he did mentioned to me before he will let me rest at home prior to delivery.

Val, I see! U kw the baby gender already

Welcome snuggly! Yr 1st scan is on week 6-7? Usually we will see babies' heartbeats during this scan n at d same time also confirm how many u r expecting
enjoy Yr pregnancy now as much as u can till ms hit u if u hv... If no ms is really a bliss!!
Thanks for the info. Iam in 23rd week. U have not tried prenatal ?

Even I feel hungry all the time.. iam eating so much.. mine is singleton…
Never feel satisfied. I didn’t lose any weight in 1st trimester bcos of no MS.
Gained 1 kg in 4 mths and gained another 4 kgs in 20 days..

Wow u r the next one to pop.. .. all ur shopping done ?

Snuggly ,
Congrats,all the best for ur first scan. They will also give you the EDD based on ET and sac size. All the best. Even I didn’t feel preggy during first few weeks bcos I had no MS , only sore boobs.
The next scan will be probably in 8th week - 2 weeks from the first scan to check the stability.
Hi Baby & Rostrum,

Havent been following the thread for quite sometime. Had a quiet CNY and been resting at home since I was out of hospital. Will be resting at home till I deliver. Still getting v. light brown spottings which will taper off quickly and the dr says its normal. As long as no red streaks then no cause of panic!.

Baby : Although you had complete placenta previa but u didn't had any spottings/bleeding during your entire pregnancy ? Now I am slightly worried about the size of my bb.At 17wks+, my bb is at 10cm++..and the heartbeat of the little bb is hovering at 140-150bpm. But Dr assures all is fine. Perhaps I am thinking too much after the drama bleeding episode. Sigh!..

Yea, indonesian. I like her cos she is punctual and hardly cancel any appt. She stays in Bedok. But will go to any part of Singapore to provide her service.
Fancy - think I'm nxt... Anyone else around 30wks already?

All the essentials bought already, anything more will get Hubby to buy
I have the first bleeding in my 26 weeks plus.. Its not heavy bleeding.. I was hospitalised for 5 days as my ctg show i have contractions.. My bleeding stopped..Afterwhich i bedrest at home... I still experienced on off contractions even thou i was on medications... Then i have my 2nd bleeding in my 32 weeks... This time the bleeding is heavier.. I was hospitalised again... I stayed till i deliver at 34 weeks plus...
any mummies here taking fenugreek? how long do u take for? i seems to be getting some kind of stomachache, gastric like feeling. wondering if fenugreek has bad side effects.
Happy hippo,
I dun take fenugreek but i read tat possible side effects r indigestion, bloating, gas or diarrhea.

happyhippo, i m taking fenugreek, so far ok. no side effects.

i did hv an episode of gastric flu last week, but don't think it's related to the herb.
