IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Working wife, dun mix. I usually feed ebm then fm. While feeding ebm, I will get someone to prepare fm. So I continue with fm immediately aft she stopped drinking.
Baby, ya I feel cold easily. I had so much tonics from 2nd week of confinement until I pass out blood in my bowels. Then I cut down dosage n frequency. Every night I take Dom before sleep. My room is facing open field. It's unblocked so the room gets very cold at night. I opened windows for ventilation. No ac. No fan. Lol. I still wear long cotton pants n socks to sleep.

I also feed my gal water when it's not time for milk. she also enjoy sleeping chest down. N she's growing well. Already 4.54kg (with blanket) when we weighed her at one month.
U say they are a week difference in age.. U base on birth age or gestation age?

Just faith
Wahh yr girl weight is good!
Aldy 4.5kg at one month.. My girls 2 months old still hvt reach 4kg lor... Hmm...
Guess they are premature so will always be smaller than same age bbs..
I always write down my bbs feeding time and vol..
I notice they only take 7 feeds a day thou i give every 3hrs.. Of cos there are times when its more than 3hrs..
So im i underfeeding if there is only 7 feeds?
Does all yr bbs have 8 feeds everyday?
Down with slight flu n went to see a gp last nighT. Told him I m breastfeeding n he said he will prescribed safe medicine. Came back took the med n google to see that this med has to be used with caution when bf!!
Now I can only pump and dump.... baby taking fm now with some ebm which I freeze earlier.
Singapoh / Grumpus u think it's safe to breastfeed 12 hrs after tAking the med?? The 1/2 life of the Mef is 8 to 12 hrs.
My gal was fussing alot last night, both of us were trying hard to pacify her. She wanted the human pacifier as she kept turning her head to my chest n open her mouth. Been latching her the last few nights when she doesn't sleep, think is a habit now. She fuss so much that I gave up n latched her for awhile though I have taken the med 3 hrs earlier......
nancy, my boys are taking 100-120ml every 2 hrs leh... now i m trying to drag their feeding time.. yesterday and today managed to do 2.5hrly feeds... n a couple of 3 hrly ones. very very tiring to do 2hrly at night.

baby...my bbs number of feeds r more coz 2hrly..but not all the feeds they take the same amount..smtimes they drink lesser.

gan, my bbs also keep turning their head on my chest or smtimes even on my arm when i carry them! i just give them pacifer...n after sucking for a while, they will get tired and sleep.
There is alot of med that state to take caution when bf.. But actually its safe to take.. Thats what my gynea told me.. That time he also give a med for my high blood pressure then the box wrote not to take when bf.. But he told me its safe..

I read from website say when mummy is sick.. Bb still can drink the bm.. Cos it has antiboties.. Somemore bb aldy have yr virus even before u know u are sick.. So yr bm provide them with antiboties..
That time when im down with fever.. I also continue to pump and give her my bm.. I ask the gp he also say can give..

My small girl also cry and fuss yday night.. Spent long time to coax her.. In e end she sleep on her tummy to feel better with her tummy wind.. Colicky bb really hard to handle!
Just now she fuss again... Give her pacifier.. Rocking chair.. All no use... Sigh.. Cant wait for the colic to go away!
Wow yr boys is good drinker!
Hmm.. Now im wondering am i underfeeding my twins..
Yr 100-120ml is based on the final vol after adding powder?
Cos after adding milk powder.. 90ml become abt 100ml..
If add additional 10ml of water. Become 110ml...

My girls also will turn to my chest and open their mouths even when im not bf.. Somemore i nvr latch them before.. Strange hor.. Haha..
Pandawife ur boys have good appetite!! My gal only takes abt 70ml every 2 hrs.... Yes very tiring to feed 2 hrly... By the time feed, burp, wash n stetilis if I m also pumping, sleep 1/2 hr next feed again!
I tried the pAcifer before, she will push it out with her tongue, so no use. Lately she is not sleeping at night... Last night slept at 4am... After being fed n carried by my hubby.
gan, ur gal has day night confusion??

try put her at well lighted place during the day..and also minimise lights when u feed her at night.

PD also told me to try play w bb during the day... coz the number of hrs they sleep per day is fixed....so if day time sleep alot..night time will not sleep so much.
Baby sometimes I think my gal fuss not becoz of wind but she just want to be carried coz when u carry she will quiet down.

Yes when we r sick can breastfeed but coz of the Med I abit scared. But last night already lost my cool n latch her after taking the med coz she kept crying n not sleeping. Haiz really must keep reminding myself to stay zen but physically really tired due to the lack of sleep
i tink my bbs will really become little sumos... we can see them get chubbier even though we look at them everyday..haha... opps...
Pandawife chubby babies r cute!!! I wish my gal drink more but the vol doesn't increase once she had 70 or 80ml she will turn her head away after pushing out the teats. Sometimes she stop at 60ml. She is gaining weight but not sure if what she takes sufficient for her weight.

Ur gal drank as much?
Oh then did u try to "train" her not to be carried always when she cry? See whether u can differentiate her cries whether she want to be carry or she is really in need of milk or diaper chg... If she get used to carry.. Its hard for u leh..
Dun worry too much abt wat the med says. Most meds hv a bf warning cos the drug company want to cover their own backside. Cos in reality, no drug trials/studies r done on bf-ing women. But gynae n gp prescribe meds to bf women based on experience so u just hv to trust the gp I guess.

Oh n dun worry abt how much ebm yr girl is taking, my elder girl drank 80-90ml ebm every 2hrs until she was 8mths and her size is perfectly fine.
SingapOh the start with c pill is the yellow small pill? I took that when preggy... This is XYZAL first time I took, white pill. This gp first time I went as it wad 10 pm plus and this clinic opens late.

Baby I wld check if her diapers are dirty. Usually the diapers are ok so I know she wants to be carried. If she is hungry even if u carry her, she will still scream the house down

I think I hv yr med too. For blocked nose too right?


GP can make mistake too. I was given a med that is unsafe in pregnancy. Lucky I called kkh hotline and emailed my doc. Both said dun take
gan..i dun feed water.. i use pacifer or carry them until the targetted time. this is easier during the day.... night time more challenging coz all of us r tired...

but i find tht not switching on the lights n minimise disruption works... they usually will sleep deeper and longer.. so dun wake up tht frequent... still trying and observing.. i will set alarm slightly earlier than the next feed..prepare all the milk n bring into my room...once bb cry for milk, i will just pick him/her up n feed, burp n put bb back to bed...minimal crying so they dun wake up...
mummies, how often do u change diapers at nighr if bb dun poo? now we change every feed..but smtimes bb will cry alot.. i m wondering if pampers/mamy poko can last thru the night say from midnight to 6am.....
gan, my gal is small drinker.. 70ml every 2 hrs.. so far, i cant drag her time.. on the dot she will cry ... n nothing can pacify her.....
Singapoh u took this XYZAL before? Mine was abit running nose, emailed dr loh but he never replied.

Grumpus hope the med is ok coz I latched my gal last night 3 hrs after I took the med as she was crying n fussing non stop.

Pandawife ur babies feeding schedule are fixed? Ie same time everyday?
All three sleep with u during the night?
U manage night feeds yrself?

I feel so tired with the night feeds.. My girls will cry for milk every 3 hrs... When they are on similac.. They can sleep thru for 5hrs without crying for milk... I thk cos similac is thicker so can fill their stomach longer.. Enfa seems thinner so they gets hungrier faster..

Luckily my hb will wake up with me.. We feed each bb.. So we can quickly change their diaper and feed them and go bk to sleep... I did manage alone before.. It took me more than an hr to finish with them... Total shack..
These few nights i nearly doze off while feeding them.. Opps
baby, i usually take 1-2 bbs in my room.. but last night the 3am feed, i took all into my room coz they woke up for milk at different timings. so i managed that feed myself so tht my mum n mil can get some sleep.

now all 3 in my room..wide awake after their feed..dont wanna slp. my mum got so frustrated w the babies tht she slam the door of her room closed and went to bed. :S

i tink tonight i will hv another sleepless night ...hb wanna keep them in our room... so one of them hv to sleep on our bed coz the cot is too cramp for 3 already.

its v gd tht ur gals can last fo 5 hrs while on similac leh! i will not hv changed FM if i m in ur shoes!! i tried giving my bbs one similac feed per day... but doesnt seem to last any longer than enfa.

I find that my gal sleeps longer when she is on our bed, as what my mum says, my gal can feel our body warmth around her.
I tried doing night feeds alone n went completely nuts. As my boys drinks every two hrs, after I am done with one feeding, burp change diaper, the other wakes up n I did the same. Thought after settling the second boy, the first boy wakes up caused two hrs had past !!!
That night I zzz less than 60mins... Now I also do night feeds with my maid helping Bo bian
Cal from my Bb birth date they are 7 weeks. They were born at 37 weeks so their gestational weeks should be 4 weeks I think.
I tried giving my boy water to drag the feeding time but after that he cry n cry for milk so I gave in. How ah ???
working wife,

The bbs are with them during weekdays and I'm back to work in Jan. I no longer breastfeed them, just express out and freeze.
Just faith u sleep with ur Bb with the co-sleeper? I m now staring st my Bb after my pump coz she is sleeping on my bed. She was making some noise earlier and I had her on my bed and latch her. Now she is asleep. Waiting for her to wake up for her milk... If she is to continue sleep on our bed, I doubt I will sleep well.
Gan, I let her sleep on the co-sleeper. Ever since she join us on our bed, hubby n I have not been sleeping well. Same lor. We worry that we will squash her. We realised we kept to the same Sleeping position throughout our sleep until her nx feed.

Now our latest plan is to dismantle our bed after cny. N add a single mattress nx to our king size mattress. We will try any method just to give her good sleep. N most importantly, when she makes noise, we can attend to her immediately.
U have to slowly drag the feeding time.. Cos yr boys are too used to having milk every two hrs.. Its tough in the beginning..
2hrly is too shag liao.. And yr boys will tend to be overfed..

Just faith
Actually it only happen once la.. Hehe...

Guess ur mum is too tired liao..

Just now my small girl has her usual night fuss again.. Cry for 3hrs.. I was so frustrated.. I lost my cool and shout at her.. Going crazy.. Cos juz now my hb not hm yet.. So agited with her cries..

Yr bbs were born fullterm at 37 weeks. No need to calculate the gestational age ma. Mine also never count @ 36 days 3 days. Just base on their birthdate.

Are u sure they are hungry every 2 hours? Do u feed them like that in the day too? Bf or fm?

If my bb didn't poop at night, I dun change their diaper. As I latch them, I dun burp them either. Just lie down to bf and zzz.

If solo can zzz in between them on yr bed but make sure u put a bedrail so that they won't drop out of yr bed. Just turn to latch whoever is crying and u can "demand" the other to drink after feeding 1 bb. This way u can zzz longer
They are on fm n only some ebm. We did feeding on demand after they came home from hospital until now. So somehow they both cry for milk every 2 hrs now drinking 90ml each at 7 weeks old.
If I dun feed them, they will cry until no voice kind n once they get their milk, drink fast fast n done under 10 min with the smallest teat size. Also dun know how to drag longer ... Let them cry till face turn red ? Haiz..... It's like non stop feeding day n night. I have two babies n more than a dozen milk bottles lor...
I dun latch them anymore dun know why got this phobia cause that time Bb sucks till my nipples very painful.

how long you have been feeding them every two hrs? I noticed my girl cries every 2hrs to 2.25hrs for milk since Saturday. Every feed we give her 90ml fm. Sometimes I wonder i should make slightly more milk for her. Ie 120ml so that she can sleep longer. But at the same time, I worry abt overfeeding her. Or Dunno iZit due to cold weather that she gets hungry so easily.

When they are older, they will drink less frequent. I didn't change teat since day 1. I tried to but my gal cried and choked.

Painful means wrong latching. Now I do full time latching. So much easier. No more stressful pump
nancy, u try giving pacifer..or carrying them to soothe them when they cry at 2hrs.. we hv been doing tht... and seeing results. last night all of them woke up for milk at 3hrs or after 3hrs! my little gal manage to sleep 3 hrs n 45mins.. she woke up once at exactly 2hrs to fuss..then i carried her n put her in my bed, she continued to sleep.

baby, yeah..i also tink my mum is tired.. planning to let her take the long wkend off during the CNY.. my sil will be coming over to help us instead. thank god for her helpfulness..if not me n hb will be super pandas after CNY.

hmm..smtimes trying to soothe a crying bb for too long very nerve wrackng...for me if i cant stop the bb from crying after 15mins, i will get smone else to do it... n it helps.. to keep our sanity, and in calming bb down too coz bb can feel our "mood" ..
Pandawife ur babies though hungry at 2 hrs but when j carry them, they will quiet down? Mine will still cry if she's hungry, whole face red... At this moment I feeding on demand which is 2 to 2.5 hrs day n night

Just spent time to clean her up n change my bedsteads coz of flying poo.... Opps!
Gan, smtimes carrying them doesnt work.. but most of the time, we use pacifer/carrying to delay the time. do it slowly.. every feed delay say 15mins... eventually u will get to 3 hrs or more.

the massage lady is bathing and massaging the babies now. i just came back from NTUC.. went to buy pampers.. promotion, 2packs for $39+.. usual price for 2packs is $50. bought a M size fitti too... tinking of using the wrappers to stock up more drypers before the promotion finishes. now my bbs can use 1 pack of 60+ pcs drypers in 4-5days. scary...
Pandawife I m starting the massage this sat!
Pampers got sale? Ok will go buy this evening when hubby is back... Buying the drypers too. I hope pampers small size cutting is not big. I was using goon S just now and coz too big that's why got poo all over my gal's romper, our bed sheet


When did u stop latching n only pump? Managed to keep up supply with just pumping?


I really admire you... Can take care of bbs alone when hb not back yet. If me, I would have broken down already. Especially when they don't stop crying. Now my class left, just me, my mom n maid during the day n night time plus hb. Burials feel bad cuz hb worked whole day come back must take care of bbs some more. He already fell sick once. He's gonna travel after CNY dunno how man.
