IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

singapoh, wanna ask u about meihao catering.
how's their serving? alot or just nice type...coz 1st time using them, need to know if i hv to over or underestimate the headcount required.

Spitting out milk is like just having a bit of milk dribble out the bb mouth. Projectile vomiting, or vomiting is more violent. Like when we adults vomit when we're sick, everything comes flying out uncontrollably type.
Meihao catering is quite nice. Portion alot so order less pax than actual headcount. We always have leftover and had to pack to let ppl bring back.
its wk 36 for u n 35 for me!
excited...gng for final count down soon.
have you get ready ur emergency bag? big? i ended up packing quite a lot of stuff.

do we need to bring our own toiletries?
hahaha...u sounded so excited!
i only wrote down what to bring for the hospital bag and inform my hubby abt it and where the stuff is. Not much to bring, except the bb clothes to wear when discharged and also a set of clothes for me. I dun intend to carry any big bag with me when i go delivery suite.

So far I had packed the luggage to bring to mil's house for confinement, almost done except my own clothes, coz i'm still wearing some of them.

KKH usu give a small toiletries bag if u stay in B1 and above, unless u prefer to use ur own. Even maternity pads etc, KKH will usually open a pack first and use.

Wah, what did u pack?
gers - which off the shelf vit c can preg mums take ? wanna build up immunity levels, now is season of sickness ...
At the BF workshop that I just attended recently, they said to burp baby before feeding and after feeding. You may wish to try that and see if it helps.

For those with singleton, also burp the baby in between when changing breast.
pack d following:
2 sets of nb top ( in case bb puke before leavin hospital)
waddling blanket
mitten n socks
hubby set of clothes n pj
hubby toiletries
my pj, long socks n a pack of maternity pad
my return home clothes
jacket n shawl when friends visit or cold
camera, video cam n charger
ipod, iphone charger
documentation for bb cash gift
marriage cert n admission form
a lot of stuff, but will only bring in essential one like jacket, ipod, admission form into delivery ward. rest will be in car after deliver den bring up to ward.

cant wait...i even hav scenario planning... lol.
scenario planning?..lol
My hubby will go back and bring the marriage cert, bb clothes etc the next day. I dun intend to let him stay overnite in ward, as he will be too tired.

Admission form?...Did u have this when u sign up for admission? I wasn't given any, only a stamped chop on my gynae pink booklet.

What is the documentation for bb cash gift?
and also breast pad n nursing bra...
cash gift:
the admission counter staff gave us green form ( form BB) n instruction booklet on cash gift n cda acc. cda can wait, but since kkh can endorse bank statement or passbook for deposit cash gift into our bank acc, might as well do that during my stay.

admission got one kit or envelope, my hubby kept them, have not open, will just bring that kit along...

Cash gift :
I wasn't given all these forms leh when i signed up. Was asked to sign on the medisave etc forms and the counter staff took back all forms and gave me back the pink booklet that's all. I better go ask them again on my next appt.
Did the admission staff chop a stamp on ur pink booklet?

ya. chop EPS on booklet. my hubby just said d admission info kit contains rates n miscel stuff, not important one. but he will still bring that since bringing a big bag. :p

the bb bonus info/ envelope was given to me during signing up leh. inside got green form n other miscel info. not really very critical, but just good to know or prepare beforehand. since my hubby not going back home once he sends me in.
Working wife,
Mine was advised by my pd de. Cos my girl was in NICU ma. First 1.5 day cannot drink milk n was put on drip. When she started milk. It was 8ml, then slowly increase daily to 10ml, 12ml, 18ml, 22ml, etc till she drinks 30ml at discharge time. But pd did tell me that must increase slowly everyday. By the time my cl left, my girl was already drinking 120ml every 3 hourly le. But lately I reduce her amt due to reflux but feed her every 2.5 hrs.
Hi mummies,

Can Anyone advise me if breastfeeding, menses will come? I heard from some of my friends if u breastfeed mense won't come. But I have my menses yesterday and is it normal ?
Hi mummies,
Can anyone tell me is it necessary to hve tummy bloated on day6 onwards after done FET cycle?
Pls tell me those who done FET cycle n succeeded !
Jj, I Tot the multi vit prescribed will b sufficient? I hv my vit c intake mainly by taking more fruits. I rmb redaxon is not really recommended for preggers. I tink it's better to chk with dr Loh on d dosage recommended. A gp told me 500mg is good enuff but I forgot to ask dr Loh on my last visit l...
Yah, the admission info kit contains only the rates and misc...dun intend to bring along...

what's the green form about? I dun hv that form...is it to bring to delivery suite to report?
rostrum - the vits i'm prescribe are the normal obimin (I alt days take now cos its causing me constipation) & the omega oil capsule

don't hv vit C one le ... aniwei i will ask dr loh upon my nxt visit. Thanks for advising me

for me, i brought along my admission kit (that contains rates and misc, like u said). But I didn;t bring the green form. in fact, we havent submit anything for their baby bonus or open CDA acc yet. if u already got baby names ready, pls bring along your rom cert. can register at hospital. for me, i registered baby's birth cert at ICA. cheaper and shorter queue.
Jj, I m not prescribed obmin... Only multi vits in which there is 100mg vit c inside. Also prescribed fish oil bt Nt started yet as I m still hving nausea. I understand u r hving twins, do u still rmb when Yr ms stops? I m Cming to week 14 bt puking seems more frequent ESP if I eat too much... Zzzz

I dun feel safe getting supplements off d shelf now. Wld prefer to get it fm gynae directly.
Rostrum - Once I entered into Tri 2 the MS reduced greatly ... to begin with my MS is not consider severe also.

Now its starting up again but mainly at night just before I go to sleep
Jj, I see... U r v lucky... I m eating smaller meals nw so tt puking will Nt start... Bt I m a lazy person to eat so many times.. Prefer to eat only 3 meals per day.
Just Faith,
My hubby is thinking of registering bb birth cert at ICA too. Btw, did u hv to register at ICA 14days after birth of bb? or u register within 14days at ICA?
I heard ICA will print out the chinese characters instead of handwriiten ones.

just to share with you, my MS stopped exactly at week 14. my MS was bad, but appetite was good. so i puked after i eat every meal. i travel in car also puked... but i miss those days. hehe.


as hubby need to seek advice for baby's chinese name, we end up registering her name on the 5th day after she was born. It was 3/1/11, the queue at KKH was damn long. estimated waiting time was at least 2hrs+, the staff advised my hubby to go down ICA - which he did. i am not sure if register at ICA, can it be done within 1 mth instead of 14 days. And yes, the chinese name on her birth cert is printed in chinese.
you mean, in kkh, it is still handwritten?
Just Faith,
I heard the chinese char in birth cert in KKH is handwritten. That was a couple of yrs ago. Not sure for now. But ICA always print out the chinese char.

Any forms to bring to ICA to do the birth cert? If KKH queue is so long, then no point queuing to do the cert. Rather go ICA.
For kkh the Chinese name also computer printed. We waited abt 1/2 hr to do the birth cert at kWh, guess that day not so many pple.
Faith v I took brazil nuts, up to 5 pieces a day. Drank red dates and Logan tea during weekdays for 3 mths before FET but after ET dun remember drinking

Happyhippo my baby sometimes dun sleep for 2 to 3 hrs during the day. Sometimes I talk to her but lately I felt tired from the pumping, I leave her alone in the cot and she will kick and make noises to entertain herself. But now she is awake for. A couple hrs at wee hrs of the night. =s
Just faith, I will puke when I goes too hungry n tk rice n dishes else ok..cannot eat too full at one go else will puke out. Hope my ms will ease soon... I think I m losing weight also. So far lose abt 2kgs since bfp.. Maybe stress from oscar test result n cannot finish my every meal.. Hopefully things will get better...
Singapoh, Panda,

I think I'm going bonkers with this feeding thing. I really wanna do breastfeed which is why I latch on bbs and use cup feeding so that they don't get nipple confusion. But by doing this, I find that I'm not in control of the babies intake measurement. I'm so particular abt them gaining weight because they were low in weight (esp ger ger). I find myself swaying from this method to another method every hour. This morning I tried out feeding by demand on breast. They fed to 15-20 mins then fell asleep. Then an hour later, they r awake again and want to feed. By lunch time, I was paranoid that I'm not topping up their feeds and that my breastfeed is not enough and that they drink so little today.

So I was just thinking... Basically I can't have vest of both worlds? If I'm more particular that they are feeding enough vs breastfeeding (of course i'll continue to try and breastfeed as much as I can), and I need to be in control of how much they take, then I should express bm and feed and top up w formula so that I can measure how much they take? My mind keep thinking dunno if I'm doing it right... What if they don't put on weight... Etc.

U know what my cl said? She said I'm beginning to act abnormal and showing signs of depression because I keep asking her abt the feeds, calling parentcraft few times a day etc.

Now make me wonder... Am I normal to be so fixated on their feeding?
the green form is to be submitted to MCYS for government to deposit 1k to ur bank acc 3 wks after they receive it, another 1k for each subsequent 6, 12 n 18 months. total will give u cash gift of 4k.

u can also mail to MCYS if u do not want to send thru kkh. but since the bank acc need to be certified with either passbook or bank statement, was thinking might as well do it during my stay, so my hubby no need to make another trip.

plan to do birth registration n cash gift submission at one shot, one thing down, lesser worry, can just concentrate on confinement, bb n bf... :D

bb name also thought of already, just need to engage d feng shui master at kkh to check if bb birth timing is suitable for the chosen name/ names. :D
Thanks for the info.
Yah, we plan to ask the advice of the kkh fengshui master on bb name too.
oic, so the green form is for the baby bonus.
Then i better go ask admission to get me the form and booklet.
Working wife,

I think more like first time mummy la. Very kancheong about everything. Sister u must learn to relax. I told u before pumping is stressful coz u can "see" the amount to pump out. This stage u pump to increase yr supply which mean pumping air.

When I had my 1st bb, I was very stressful. Pump in between bf that leads to Mastitis. It's a sign of doing too much. I set alarm to pump at night. Was so tiring.

I met LC to clear my lumps in my breast. She gave me a one to one lesson abt bf. She also gave me more confident in bf, no longer so clueless. Taught me how to see whether my bb was having enough.

Since then I kept my pump away and direct latch. I bf my boy for abt 22 months (16 months of total bf) Once in awhile I tried pumping. I only got 10 ml but can still satisfy my son. What u pump is not what u hv. Only bb can empty yr breast. Pump can't do that.

I think it's ok to call to ask questions when u r in doubt.
Rose, babyhopeful, there is a fengshui master at kkh? This is something new to me... Hw is his charges like? Or where Cn I find more I info? Thanks in advance...
Working wife I was also very concerned abt whether my gal has sufficient milk due to her jaundice. Babies with jaundice must eat and poo to help clear the waste. So during my stay in kkh when she had phototheraphy , I expressed out bm and pass to the nursery so that the nurses will cup feed her. When she is home, I tried latching but she can't take in the whole nipple therefore can't get the milk she wants and cried real bad. Then I tried cupfeeding and made a mess. At that time I wanted to get the jaundice level fown and her crying and screaming for milk when I tried latching her broke my heart, so I gave up and use bottle to feed her ebm. Guess if I have persisted she won't have nipple confusion now.

If ur babies are pooing and peeing then u dun have to worry u r not feeding them sufficient thru latching. Ur babies area abt 11 days old? Based on the guide from kkh just make sure at least 15 mins/ feed. 6 wet diapers/ day and 3 yellow stools/ day.

U have a weighing scale at home? U can weigh urself first and then carry ur baby to have a rough idea if they r putting on weight.
working wife,
did u see my earlier post regarding feeding? i was very paranoid abt how much my girl was drinking too. so i ended up just focusing on expressing and bottle feeding.
i am still around. admitting tom at 9am for final check. if at least 3cm dilated, will try natural delivery. if less than 3cm will be c-section already.
mummies who bottle feed, do u hv milk wastage issue?

my bbs dont seem to drink the same amt every feed..smtimes can finish the milk, smtimes half way thru the bottle, they dont want already. end up always hv excess milk wasted...:S
singapoh, bakaholic, thanks for the tip

syrah, challenging for me to burp the bbs before feed..coz they will be screaming the house down to get the bottle into their mouth..hehe....


Last time if ebm not finish, i give to the other twin. No wastage. Hehe..

Got 1 sister her drink her own ebm if her bb can't finish. Recycling her milk. =p
