IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

bubbybear, Congrats!
Grumpus, Have a smooth delivery!

I am considering if I should go for pre-natal acupuncture. Did any of you did pre-natal acupuncture during your pregnancy ??

Yes getting a dual pump is definitely wise ..... I have the medela swing which is single pump... These 2 days my gal is hAving the growth spurt Grumpus mentioned.... 100ml every 2 hrs.... I m now pumping every 2 hrs... Took me at least 30mins to get the quantity and by the time I watch CL feed her.... I have to get ready to pump again after an hr break. So will advise mummies who want to bf buy dual pump. But so far ok with medela pump except the moo moo sound when i pump which is quite loud.

Pandawife u r doing very well to provide bm for ur 3 babies as bf. If really tired take a break for 1 session.... So that u won't feel drained. Like today I substitute 1 feed with fm in the morning coz I was zoombie
Singapoh/Syrah, ya, true.. Hv to convince myself n keep reminding tt I can BF de... +ve thoughts is indeed v impt to keep going...got milk, got milk, got milk... Mooooo...
Looks like medela pumps is d popular one n Shd get a dual one...my fren said she got one to lend me... Yet to chk out d brand as it's still early for all these..

Happybb, dun tink scans at Amc centre will wait for v long ba...so Amc is reopen le after reno...when is Yr 1st scan to see heartbeats?

Daylesford, what is pre natal acupuncture? How is it going to help in pregnancy? I Nvr heard of it...
Hey, I still hv my old medela swing. Do u want to borrow it then u can double pump. The motor still works but it's been in use for a long time so it might be noisier and less efficient than yr current one. But at least u can save some time. U'll need to get new funnels n connector though.
U PM me if u interested ok?
I didnt get twin stroller.. I got two single strollers.. I find its easier to push around..

I also feel insecure without the binder.. I still have it on 24/7..
Have u bring yr twins out so far? Its fun!

I went lv to chk out the damier.. But i didnt buy in e end cos i find it too common and looking afterwhile i dont really like it..
I bought another bag.. Kate spade.. Thou not as big as the neverfull but should be enough for a short trip...
grumpus thanks, will see how things go...if really can't tahan, will borrow from you! sometimes when i can't get the quantity when my gal wake up and she is screaming and crying for milk, i go by installment, feed her what i have pumped so far to tone down the hunger while i continue pumping to top up...kekekeke

Singapoh/Grumpus my CL cooked 'dang gui' soup for me to drink.,..this one after drinking must i wait 3 hrs before i pump the milk for my gal?
not quite sure if need to, but i always made it a point to pump first then eat my meals then pump again 3hrs later.
Daylesford, hmmm, not sure Hw experienced d Acupunturist are? I tink there are a few acupoints we shd not touch on during pregnancy... Not v keen though... Suggest u must really chk Hw exp d Acupunturist are before u decide..

Baby, glad u found one u like... I hv seen some of Kate spade's diaper bags also n found some are quite nice...

Happybb, ya, Shd Nt wait v long la.. Count down to Yr 1st scan
Hi mummies, my gal seems to have heat rash on her forehead....little red bumps. do you know how we can clear the rashes? Need to bring her to PD? Thks!

I asked a nurse if it's ok to bf before taking Chinese herbs if bb has jaundice. She said the herbs stays in our body for 24 hours. Better to avoid Chinese herbs altogether.

Then a LC said only avoid certain chinese herbs till jaundice is cleared.

So I think u better check with PD coz can't get a straight answer.
Thanks Singapoh will tell CL no more herbal soup to be safe. My confinement alot things dun dare eat due to jaundice . Cl said take some ' dang gui' to 'huo xue'
Gan, one of my boys hv the little red rash too.. i read online that its due to the hormones from our body.. will go away on its own....

yeah.. i was also so tired..one of my pump last night from 3am became 5am...

grumpus..ur hb really nice leh! even if its for the one mth... haha.. i left my laptop on n fell asleep last night.. my hb read ur post.. when i woke up for the next pump, he prepared the warm water bottle for me..keke... usually on wkends he will help me wash n sterilize the pump..bt on wkday nites i try not to wake him up coz he has to go to work.

baby..u v happening leh... so fast bring ur gals go kai kai at orchard! the thought of bringing my 3 little ones out make me feel tired already...

Singapoh, u r very inspiring..hehe.. i will continue to pump as much as i can... now i try to catch short 30mins nap in between pumps..at least hv some rest ....
Girls, my first week back home n really drowning here. My main struggle is feeding of course.

Currently I breastfeed and supplement with formula, since day one cuz wasn't really bf in hospital. My ped told me to feed by demand n to wake bbs up after 4 hrs from last feed. And he said that at their weight, they should be consuming 70ml (boy) n 50ml (girl). but if I feed on demand, which means by the time they finish bf n already fall asleep, then I just put back to sleep or top up w formula? If put back to sleep, how to ensure they are taking in the quantity doc suggested? Ppl always say bb knows best, but cuz mine are 1 week premature n girl has low birth weight, shld I ensure that I still feed them top up formula after every bf cuz they like to sleep a lot? I know my bf is only bat 20mls in 20 minutes.

These questions has ben stressing me out so much,i feel like such a failure. On one hand, feel so bad for keep on feeding them formula after bf, on other hand, dunno if i can handle demand feeding for twins. It seems like round the clock cuz they r on diff schedules. Scared this will affect my milk supply.

Panda, skies, other multiple mummies - mind sharing yr approach to feeding now?
I mean scared the stress will affect milk supply.

Btw, panda etc, when do u find time to pump? By the time latch on bb, then next hr latch on other bb, then repeat again in 3 hrs, breast got enuf milkin between to pump ah?
Working wife,

U hv come a long way to bring 2 beautiful babies. U should be proud of yourself!

Dun feel bad abt giving fm in the first weeks. I did that too while building my supply and my hardwork has finally paid off. I slowly cut down on no. of fm and now only give 1 fm a day.

I think feeding on demand to more than 1 baby might not work. It's better if u hv a schedule. And demand feeding can be initiated from our side, we dun hv to wait for bbs to cry for milk. What if both cries at the same time? Unless u know how to bf both at the same time then u dun hv a problem.

What I do is when it's almost time to bf. I latch on the smaller eater first. If both crying at the same time, u can latch 1 bb and ask another adult to carry the other or just make fm. Dun stress yourself so much at this stage yeah.

I also latch 1 bb and pump the other breast for better milk letdown. Build yr supply slowly. Remember that Rome was not build in a day. Must be patient lah!
Dun worry abt the amount u get after each pump now coz u r building yr supply. Keep pumping even if u are just pumping air. This is to send message to yr brain to produce more milk. How we wish that we can just email to our brain to send the message across? Haha..

Then when yr body is used to the 3 hourly bf/pumping, yr milk will automatically come every 3 hours.

If bb still hungry after bf, just make a bit of fm to top up. Dun stress yourself too much. But again crying can mean many things hor. Maybe can wanna be burped, soiled diaper, etc. But old people say"must be hungry!" :s
Thanks singapoh! So then I won't really know how much they are getting hor if feed on demand by bf n then top up if needed. Becos their weight is low especially my girl, I'm more concerned about her gaining weight in these first few weeks. That's why tend to bf them n then also top up formula (even though they go back to sleep after bf. Then scared I overbred them by doing that way.

Btw, do u girls let bbs sleep in air con room? we dun hv fans in our house all air con. If open window, outside v dusty n noisy cuz of construction. I put temp at 28/29 degrees, low speed, not blowing at them. Then I swaddle them n put the comforter on top of them. How do u girls do it?
Do u all use ru yi oil on baby? These few days after bath my CL will apply ru yi on my Bb tummy and feet. Ok to use at such young age ?
working wife, if u hv been latching + feed FM + pump diligently, i must salute u!

we have been feeding mostly FM since bbs came home coz i was pumping air the first few days.. even when supply came in, it was barely enuff for 1 bb... i rotate the bm among the 3 bbs so tht each can have some. we r now into our 4th can of FM already..

i din latch initially coz i find it difficult to either cradle/football hold my boys..they struggle alot.. n my ger very small.. only 2kg...cant suckle well... so they are all bottle fed until quite recently i discovered the joy of lying on my side to latch my boys...but it is still difficult to latch them at every feed...coz their timing is quite close.. so each time i can only latch 1 bb...

on average, one day i latch 1 bb once/twice.. the rest of the time i m pumping... n the bbs are bottle fed either FM or EBM...

i was told to schedule feed the bbs during 1st mth..after tht can demand feed. but we find it difficult..coz smtimes bbs are up screaming for milk before the 3 hr is up. so we just feed them.. n the amount they drink each time also varies.. smtimes more, smtimes less.. initially i was quite stressed by this.. but PD told me the bbs will "tell" us how much they wanna drink...

it really takes alot of effort and some time to build supply of bm.... now i try not to be so bothered by how much i can pump..coz some bm is better than none...
Gan, we started using ru yi oil this week on the bbs... just 1 drop of it on the palm on rub..after tht place the palm n bb tummy...

seems to helps to expel the "wind" in their body..coz after doing tht.. my bbs fart alot..keke...:p
Working wife,

Actually u dun hv to see how much they are drinking, just see the output ~ at least 6 wet diapers and poop everyday and steady weight gain means enough.

After supply is established, yr supply will be like a tap. Anytime latch on also got milk! Dun hv to wait 3 hourly. My boy suka suka wanna latch on. U can see his pix in my fb. He is so round. Haha..

We hardly use aircon unless very warm, I would just turn it on to cool the room and off it after 1 hour or so. I use ceiling and standing fan coz my bedroom is huge.

If yr bbs are warm, the back of their neck will be wet with sweat.
Singapoh..is it normal for the rash like dots to spread the whole face? My bb boy look like he has acne attack. N his voice abit broken today..sounds like hv sore throat ..dunno if it's "heaty"
yes..hehe.. pimples!! my mum says he is going thru puberty :S

voice very sexy now... will observe and see how tmr....
Pandawife my gal has the 'pimples' on her forehead! CL said becoz I always say my gal is cute and pretty in front of her.=s

How do u know the voice change? U mean the crying sound different? My gal seems to have phelgm...sometimes can hear like like 'clearing throat' sound when she stretches herself . Hubby asked PD, doc says ok
Gan, yes his crying sound is different... ohh..yeah..maybe shld call PD and check ...

haha.. ur CL very cute lor...

only my 2nd boy has pimples... n his face more "mature" looking..coupled w the pimples, he has a little adult face...hahaah.....
Working wife during the day when my gal is with me in the room, I had aircon on at 27 or 28 degree. I run swaddle her as she likes freedom for her hands and legs. But cover her with the swaddling cloth like a blanket.

Yr CL is cute. Kakaka..my boy also like that ~ clearing throat. Actually he was stretching. He was very noisy in his zzz, always wake his mei mei up.

Better be careful when u give her a blanket now. It can cover her face.
Thx panda, sIngapoh, I feel much better now knowing I'm not alone.

Panda - not that diligent leh. If both bbs latch on at same time, then I might pump after they feed. If one cycle drags on too long, then no pumping. I feed around 6-7 cycles a day, pumping about 3 times a day. Usually formula milk they will sleep longer, up to the time we wake them, yesterday tried to feed ebm only one round, they were hungry two hrs later.
One of my girl also have small pimples on her face.. I thk its heat rash..
I on aircon at night for them.. I put 26 degree fan one.. I fix the blade so the cool air will not blow direct on them.

I also put ruyi oil on bb tummy.. I put two drops and rub my palms then apply on their tummy.. I find bbs like it alot.. Cos their tummy will feel warm warm.. And yes they will fart alot!
Pandawife/ Singapoh ya and my CL when feed her now will tell her 'bu mei bu mei' so that the pimples will go away. =s

Singapoh at night when she sleeps with CL, we we swaddle her but leave her hands free. She is also quite noisy sometimes when she sleep !
ru yi oil was like my best friend. helped my girl burp and fart much more easily. otherwise she tended to accumulate alot of wind in her tummy and milk vol would drop and she couldn't sleep soundly.

working wife,
my house also no fans. my girl slept in air con practically the whole day. i set my aircon to 25degress but her cot was positioned in such a way that it does not blow at her at all.

btw, my elder girl was born <2kg. i fed her mainly expressed bm, and i pumped diligently every 3hrly. i latched her a few times a day but more 'for fun' and to stimulate my supply rather than expecting her to get a full feed from latching.
the reason why i decided to do it that way was cos:
1) she didn't suckle well at all due to her size
2) i was paranoid abt keeping track of how much she was drinking
3) i was intending to go back to work after ML and the arrangement was that i would pump at work and she would be bottle fed anyway. so i felt no point struggling so much to try and teach her how to latch properly.

i only latched her on and off for the 1st 3 mths, after that she rejected my breast so i just continued to pump and bottle feed her.
Singapoh hehehe no lah she said that coz she said some kids pantang so must say opposite. Like some old folks say cannot say that the baby eats well or chubby in front of the baby lor. She did tell me it's common to have the rashes.
Yeah Lo like I mentioned before some people say their baby ugly so that evil spirit won't disturb..

Yeah my MIL also like that. Dun mention the word "fat" in front of a chubby baby but she told her niece she is still fat during her confinement. Very tactless lei.
hmm.. need some advise..

my two smaller bbs have been having reflux problems.. always will throw 1-2 mouthful of their milk when we burp them after feed... or smtimes burp finish already.. put them back in the cot, they will also puke some milk.

is this alright or shld bring them go see PD? my mum says its normal for bbs to throw up some milk...
usually if it's like 1-2 spoonfuls it's ok. they could be a bit too full, that's why the milk comes out more easily. did u recently increase their feeds? also sometimes although they hv burped they may still need to burp again. my girl used to make this face when she need to burp and she's lying down. cos she's uncomfortable. u observe and see whether yr bbs do it. if they do then u hv to anticipate that they need to burp and lift them out of the cot to an upright position to burp. otherwise the tendency is some milk will come out if they're lying down.

projectile vomiting is wat u need to watch out for, and large vol throwing up.
oh, it's also good practise to keep them upright for abt 10-15mins after a feed before putting them down on the bed.
grumpus, whts is projectile vomitting?

i hv this handout from PD tht says regurgitation or occasional vomitting is normal in nbs...

but if bb appears ill with vomitting (not just spitting), then need to bring and see doctor.

problem is how to tell the difference ...

my bbs not throwing up in large vol though.. and their intake is controlled by them leh..i m using the 1hrly 30ml guide now.. n when we make the milk, we let them drink until they wanna stop.... coz when they are full, they will use their tongue to push the bottle teat out or just stop sucking...

yup..we always burp n hold them at 45degree for a while before putting them back in the cot...

i just went over to bb room... saw my mil taking a nappy cloth wanna cover my bb ger...then i went over to see.. she is swaddled w one cloth already, has another one below her body (god knows why)...and one more covering her legs coz she kicked herself out of the swaddling one. and mil wanna use a 4th nappy to cover her.. gosh.. she has not idea how dangerous tht is...
