IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


No way to know if yr supply is good before u pop.

Maybe yr hb and Dr Loh were separated at birth? Keke..

No need to feel paiseh one. My MIL seen my tits liao. She likes to see me bf. I also seen my gfs' tits before when I guide her to bf.

Will get ready my pompom to cheer for u!

Hi mummies,

It had been a long time since i last log in.Wow so many have popped.

Congrats to Gan,Pandawife and nancy.

Regarding abt stopping of breastfeeding.My friends was telling me eat more beanspout and it will end ur milk supply fast.

I intend to stop breastfeeding next month as going back to work. will try this method cos alot of my friends was telling me dont eat the medicine to stop as there is side effect. It will make ur breast shrink and smaller.
Fashion spree,

Wah really long time no hear. Aiyo I just had a big bowl of bean sprout yesterday. Once a week should be fine right?

How old is yr baby now?

Ya really been a long time. My bb is 2 mth old now. Finally my mum can help me to look after bb full time.

According to my friends the beanspout work. I have not try yet. Will be trying next mth. She say better to eat the beanspout whole plate and the milk supply will reduce significantly. No harm trying.
Fashion spree *waves* long time don't see you here! so fast baby is 2 months old. you didn't take 16 weeks ML?
I didn't know eat bean sprout will stop breast milk....better not take any now.
I am just wondering taking the medicine to stop bm, will we still have bm when we get preggy 2nd time round?

I think I will try grumpus/singapoh method to teach my breasts to have milk morning and night so that i do partial breastfeeding when i am back work.
My mum bf her first two kids. Couldn't bf the third cos of circumstances. She took the med n she claims her boobs totally shrank overnight. She keeps warning me not to take it. Supposedly also if u hv another kid yr milk supply will be almost zero, hv to build up all over again. Dunno how true cos my mum never had a fourth.
Hi fashion
glad to hear u doing fine
oh medication will shrink breasts size ? Just nice for me .... Hee .. I dun like my big breasts now prefer my small cute ones.
Beans sprout can give it a try ...n nutritious too
Good choice! If u're taking full 16wks ml, u should be able to accomplish that by the end of the 4 mths. u just need to plan ahead a bit.
mummies w kkh... i'm currently a subsidised patient at kkh... is it true tat everytime we go for follow up, it will be a different doc? if i were to hv my own pte gynae and not go back to kkh for follow up, and *touchwood* if next time there is any complications and need to go back kkh, do i still enjoy subsidised rate?
But hor, my mum said cos boobs shrink overnight is very ugly type one. Soft and saggy. Not quite the small cute perky breasts u're expecting I think.

Hi. I'm taking one shot 16 week ml. My ml will end in 21/2. Will be going back to work the next day.

Ya like what grumpus said the medicine will make ur breast really shrink to smaller breast n I think supply will affect for 2nd one too. So far those friends who took all shrank in size. I think we better think twice if we going to take med to stop or naturally. How is ur bb girl?
Fashion spree my gal is doing well, putting on weight. =) her jaundice is not cleared but slowly coming down . But hor I think she has temper.... When she is hungry, want milk she really scream and cry very loudly... No matter how I sayang also cannot make her stop... Until we feed her.

I m also taking 16 weeks ML plus another 3 weeks of my own leave. Back to work early may

i m with KK, but private patient. Yes, if u r a subsidized patient with KK, u will be attended by different doctor. btw, checked with you. You have IVF right? thought all IVF patients are private patients?....

when my girl gets cranky, i will hold her upright and let her lie on my chest/shoulder. she calms down very soon... all of us feel she like to be assured. think it is common technique for all babies.

U mean ur bb jaundice still not clear yet. My bb was admitted to Kk the next day I discharged from hospital. She stayed there for 3 days due to high level. Her reading was 279 initially. She clear within 1 mth. That time my CL will bring her down daily to sun bathe. She even put 2 light tube on for phototherapy at kkh. 1 up and 1 down.

My bb also cry very loud for milk when she is hungry. Like I have not fed her for days. My friends also gave tiger bb also like that. Cry v loud . Want me want can't wait.
hi mummies
those of you who are using the avent pump, do u get milk into the rubber "petals part? do u "latch" on the pump and let it pump continuously? coz for me, i keep having to adjust the position after short while coz its abit sore/painful for the nipple.. i think the funnel like a bit tight fitting for my nipple leh... so pumping is a bit of a chore, i can't just let it pump and watching tv, got to keep looking at the pump and adjust now & then.. or am i doing it wrongly?

wow the post is very fast, cant catchup. read abt the diaper bag chats..wow so exp leh... i think i will 'heartpain' to spend so much heeheee... cant afford also...i just use existing backpack
Fashion spree my daughter jaundice wAs 271 and she was on 2 days of phototheraphy. Also on 1 day of double ray, ie top and bottom. After discharged she went back for daily bt till the level stabilized. On wed we went for bt again level is 176. Dr said her takes abit of time coz preterm baby and both of us ABO incompatible. She is 3 weeks old today. Hopefully when I bring her see doc on 19 Jan, no more jaundice.

Just faith we tried carrying her that way ... She still cry and will kick and move.

Don't worry the jaundice will eventually go away. wow that fast ur bb already 3 week. wow doing her full mth celebration soon.

Having 1 bb already so tired and busy taking care of. I ready salute to all mothers here who have twin n triplets.

But despite how tired i was, when my bb smile at me. It is priceless. my heart melt. Afterall, all of us been waiting for our bb for years.
I stop my bf in less than 4-5 days with the help of med.. I got the med from my gynea.. Just 2 tabs for 2 days. If u wana stop the natural way.. Be prepared to take weeks.. If u have the time and dont mind the trouble and can endure the engorgement u might face.. Then go the natural way! I cant cos im aldy in great pain frm the engorement and blocked ducts so wana stop asap!
Just faith, I m expecting twins

Singapoh, I hope I got d courage to let my fren see my tits Lor.. Bt if really no choice n I need help, I will do it... Haha..
If no way to kw whether I got milk supply before pop then getting pumps is a risk Lor? If after a few usages only will b a waste of money...
My hb n i just brought the 2 girls for to orc just nw... Its fun but v tiring.. With the loading them in n out frm car seat n strollers... My strollers damm heavy mann...

So many people look at us pushing two strollers.. Many came over to look at our twins.. So funny.. I told my hb.. Next time go out cannot anyhow dress.. Cos we will be attracting attention with our two girls.. So must always be nicely dressed hahaha...

Didnt mgt to buy any clothes for my bbs.. Any sugg where got nice bb wears? Wana buy clothes for cny...
These few days my c sect wound feels abit sore.. Probably frm all the walking and taking care of the bbs..
It will feel worst if i dont put on the binder...

Nancy, gan, panda.. Yr wound completely pain free liao?
Baby, twins will always attract attention... Dun say twins, even when I see a baby only, my gaze will follow d baby n smile sweetly de Lor...it is so great to bring Yr babies out right? Something we hv yearn for so long... I can't wait for my turn soon...
Happybb, Yr ivf is done by which doc? If u hving multiples, I think sticking to kkh wld b more economical in case of complications... Y hv u decided to go pte gynae instead? Becos of service n shorter waiting time?
Gan, my supply has stabilized n was slowly reducing when I started on e 'journey' to sto bf-ing. But when I was building up my supply n diligently bf-ing or pumping every 3 hrly in early mths, milk leaked v easily. The moment my son cried or 3hr is up, I wld auto leak milk, so definitely hv to wear breast pad....

I didn't take e med to stop bf coz I heard of e side effects n as I said I was trying to gv as much bm to my son, 1 feed better than nothing lor....

If u wan to stop naturally, hv to do it slowly n systematically so tt u will not hv serious engorgement. Mine was ok except e 1st day when I tried to cut 1 pump....after tt was easy....long process though
Singapoh..i m hanging on n wanna try n bf as much as possible... but fatigue is setting in.. and i cant rest when i keep hearing bbs crying

even w mum n mil, i feel v insecure abt it...

just now hb see me so tired..he wanna confiscate the pump!!! i had to beg him let me hv it back..

grumpus, pumping also hv techniques huh... most of my gf latch their bbs... the last time i went to see the LC at kkh, she taught me how to massage n pump to get better output..but i cannot pump both sides together when i do tht...sure leak milk.. so i hv been pumping using only single side.... more time consuming n tiring...and i find myself dragging the 3 hrly to 3.5 to 4 hrly :S

baby..my wound not painful already...bt my whole tummy feels sore w/o the binder and i m still feeling the uterus contractions cramps.
which twin stroller r u using? i havent used the strollers yet... bbs like too small for them....
Pandawife, hugs hugs... Y dun ask Yr experienced gf come over n hv a look like what Grumpus suggest? I feels on d spot training Shd work better...

U sound v tired fm Yr post... Please tk good care!
Yeah my twins attract attention too. People come and ask if they are twins, if they are a boy and a girl.

Even with my boy alone, he attracts a lot of attention too coz he smiles to everyone and very chubby. 9.5 kg @ 7.5 months old. Hehe

If can't relax very tiring lo. Just give as much as u can. U r doing great and yr triplets are so adorable


U need the pumps to increase yr supply wor. Get a dual electric pump, save u half the time.
yes pumping also hv technique cos it's not like bb latching. once they're latched on correctly they can drain milk the entire breast. for pumping u kind of hv to move the funnel around to make sure u drain milk from all the ducts and not just some of the ducts. also the ducts right at the back tend to get 'under utilised' that's why i always massage my boobs from back to front, sort of like partial manual expressing.
it is easier to do all that if u single pump. if u leak milk from the other boob, just use a hanky to kiap and soak up the milk. in the beginning, i was also very sim tia to see all the milk leaking and wasting. but once yr supply is established and u hv more than enough, u won't care abt the few ml anymore

why dun u hv a serious talk to yr hb. i think family support is very very impt. i seriously wouldn't hv made it that far if not for my hb. when i got very tired from pumping every 3hrs and want to give up, my hb silently support me by keeping track of the 3hr timing. when it's time to pump, he will bring me my pump, fully assembled with the bottles, hot water bottle for massaging, pull me up in bed and sit with me massaging my boobs while i pump. when i'm done, he will clean up, wash and sterilise the pump, label the bottles and store in the fridge.
3hrs later the whole thing starts again. i literally just have to sit up and pump and then flop back onto bed again...kekekeke

he only did this for the 1st month lah, but after that supply is good, routine is established it's not so bad already.
SIngapoh & Grumpus,
I just attended mumsfairy breastfeeding workshop yesterday and they said the same thing! Definitely will have milk if you persevere. In fact Sister Kang promotes not giving FM at all cos once you do it, the baby will not demand as much BM from our body and thus supply will not come in as much. I'm so motivated to BF now after the workshop. Really hope to be able to BF my twins too.

You may wish to check them out. I understand the next workshop is in end Mar/early Apr.
ur hubby species extinct already
can't imagine such hb exists and it's found in your home... Haha. Ur hb do all that for u really supportive. One month is a long time .. My hb won't even do that for once !!! The most when I pump he will " be supportive" lying next to you but surfing the web with iPhone

my wound okay already but u still wearing binder . For some reason I feel insecure without it. U ventured out w ur girls
sounds fun. Only u n hb? Plus maid ? I wonder if three adults two bbs can handle or not ... A bit scared to bring them out but guess have to try can't lock them at home. U got 2 single stroller ?

Wahaha..u r luckier than me to hv such supportive hb. I did everything on my own. I succeed in bf coz I wanna proove some people wrong. I m stubborn type, won't surrender easily.

I never waste any milk hor. I used milk collection shell for the other side


U can do it! Can still give fm la if not bb starve how wor. Just pump after latching so that yr brain receive the message that u need more milk.

I went out with twins and my maid before. No problem. That time me and hubby went out with twins and a toddler, big problem. Eat also no peace! I was bf and eating at the same time.
For twins, is it necessary to use dual pumps? My friend lending me her medela single electric pump and I'm thinking to just use that. Also, it is necessary to buy new parts/accessories?

If u pump both side at the same time, not only u save half the time of pumping, u also get more milk.

Same thing if u bf one side and pump the other side, u will get more milk.

Also many new mothers hv problem latching their bbs end up relying on pumps so dual is good.

If u already hv 1 single, u can get another single one if I dun wanna get a dual pump. It's better to buy new parts, fennel, filter. I got 2 sets so that I dun hv to use the sterilizer so often
Singapoh, which brand is better? Looks like avent pumps do Nt hv good feedbacks..

Grumpus, hahaha... Cos some mummies told me before Nt all women will hv milk to produce de... So I always hv the mentality tt not all woman hv d ability to BF.
Thanks for the tip. I'll try out the medela one first and see if it's suitable before buying another one. Hopefully when my turn comes, they can latch well and reduce the amt of pumping required!
hahaha well different method work for different ppl. u r the stubborn type, can do it by yrself. i am the lazy type, need ppl to push one :p
but my hb know me very well, he know i will regret if i give up that's why he push me.

Those are the ones who give up before their supply is established. All mothers can bf unless they hv medical conditions so can't bf.

Besides reading up and talking to mothers who are bf, u need to tell yourself that u can bf :D

I m using Medela dual electric. It's for occasion pump but I hv been using it everyday for my twin gal who is taken care by my MIL during weekdays. I also hv Pigeon manual pump. Good to bring out to pump but I dun use it anymore. Not bad, just hand tired lo.


I also prefer to latch on. Pumping is stressful and time consuming to me. My gal latch on for abt 5 to 8 minutes and she is done.

I latched on my big son almost 100% coz I didn't get much from pumping. I think my technique was wrong.
Rostrum... My ivf was by dr marianne... I do not know if I'm having singleton or twins cos haven scan yet... Went amc the other day to explore... Very crowded plus I'm a subsidised patient... So I can anticipate the long wait...

Yea i have a lot of friends around me who said that they cant BF cos supply not there means not there. But I'm telling myself not to be demoralised now. If I'm going to start thinking that now, then i'm definitely doing myself a disfavour. Must keep positive thoughts! Psychologically our body will be affected. It's just like during 2ww period believeing in our embbies then. Now, it's staying positive and believe that we can BF!
