IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

workingwife, babyhopeful,

I felt something inside, esp in the middle of the night, sometimes like bubbling here and there. Wonder if my baby girl is doing kickboxing...
Me too..sometimes in the middle of night, i will feel some movement...there was once bb really kicks vv hard and it hurts..depend on bb's position, like what workingwife said.
U woke up so early in the morning? How was the appointment at KK today? I waited for 3 hrs to see my doc this morning!

Fashion spree,
I saw Dr Loh today. He arranged for c-section for me on 29 Oct tentatively. I told him that my belly had be hardening for the past 2days. He checked for me and said that I may pop anytime from now onwards and ask me to standby. He was also joking with me that I can consider delivering on 20.10.2010 since it's a gd date. My hubby is kinda convinced that if I have natural delivery, the risk of having emergency c-section is not too high. I think we'll decide on the delivery date itself whether to have natural or c-section.
I got a feeling that I won't be able to last until 29oct since the baby is already engaged and belly hardening is getting more frequent now. You seeing Dr Loh tomorrow?
So sleepy after lunch ... then decided to wash my face to wake up self up same time cleanse my oily face ..

but now still sleepy
which week are u now ? How does the hardening feel like ? Are the babies weight above two kg already ? I am worried I may deliver early as some twin mums deliver at week 34. Maybe stay at home too bored think too much ... Ur new maid here already ?

I'm seeing dr loh tomorrow too. My tummy also get hardening feeling this few days very often especially night time. And on off there is minor contraction too. 20/10/2010 is a nice date.

I'm so scared that I may deliver this mth. I dreamt twice that I will deliver in mid oct. Sound so funny. I see wat he say tomorrow on my bb status n weight .

My princess keep lying on my right side make my tummy loop sided and look so funny. The shape look weird n make me v uncomfortable too.

I think u must be very excited now. Going to see ur bb soon. I will update u tomorrow after my appt with him.
Oh, NZ is ex to travel arh? I dunno cos never been there b4. But hub intend to rent a car and self drive. Should be ok right?

Wa.. Thats quite ex for a child's fare..
NZ is not that ex to travel lah. but food is more ex if u eat out all the time cos they only hv cafes and restaurants.
btw, car seat is COMPULSORY in NZ hor, so i hope yr girl is well trained to sit in her car seat.

yeah.. up very early ... hungry, plus uncomfortable body aches...so crawl out of bed...

i was at kkh from 830am - 120pm today... extremely exhausted...came back home 230pm slept until now! hahahaha......

they did a detailed scan for me ... plus the blood flow screen from placenta to babies.. all seems to be in order.. both sonograhpher n doc says i m doing very well....

doc wanted me to go back 2 weeks later...i told him, NO NO... hehe... i will come back 1 mth later, in betw i hv appt w Dr Paul...he smile n wrote "shared care" in my file..LOL..

the sonograhper says 30wks hv to do another time of the blood flow screening....
Huh? Then meaning I have to bring along? Or if I rent a car, they can provide too? My girl so far still ok with her new car seat.
Working wife
I didnt get the email from vpost le... I also hvt got the pump yet.. Hmm.. Maybe these few days ba.. Did u test the pump?

When dr paul scan for u did he check the blood flow? My gynea nvr chk that le.. I only have that checked during my 20 weeks detailed scan...

U are the next one to pop here.. So excited for u..
If c sect on 29 oct.. How many weeks will u be? Both bbs over 2kg now?
Dr loh say u might pop anytime frm now.. How would u know the time is here? Contractions?
baby, no leh..dr paul din check blood flow...

this kkh blood flow check is even more detailed than the one tht was done at 20 weeks.... got separate report one...measure the flow to the brain n thru the umbilical cord.....
I'll be 35weeks tmr. Doc said for multiples, it's quite safe to deliver after 34weeks. Don't worry too much. Just enjoy your pregnancy. Probably your doc will give u some support pills in 3rd tri to prevent preterm labour. My twins are about 2.4-2.5kg now.
The belly hardening is like a balloon inflated to the max. When you touch the tummy, it's very hard. I haven't found a new maid yet which makes me kind of worry. Luckily I have another back up plan to ask a relative to help me.

Fashion spree,
You are having tummy hardening as well? I'm not sure whether there's contraction for my case cos I only have a little cramp like feeling in the lower abdomen which didn't last for too long. How can you tell that yours is contraction?
Don't worry too much about delivering early. Dr Loh said it's quite safe to deliver anytime cos we've past 34weeks. The lungs of the babies are mature by now and it's not necessary to have steroid injection.
My babies are moving alot inside me nowadays. My tummy also looks loop sided with something protruding out most of the time. Actually my tummy is quite big now and I find it uncomfortable to lie/ sit down. Walking or standing is even worst now. Are you resting on bed most of the time now?
Actually I don't wish to meet my babies so soon. I hope they can stay inside for another 2 weeks. I think I'm gonna miss carrying them inside me after delivery.

I'm glad that you are doing very well. It's quite common to have frequent blood flow scans in KK for multiples. But if Dr Paul is monitoring for you, then do u still need to go kkh for further scans?
Bing, Dr Paul wants me as subsidised patient at KKH... to cover the critial period from wk 28 - 32...in case of emergencies n babies need to come out early.......

i hv also read about this lady who was expecting twins.. at wk28..babies wanna come out leh...n her gynae at TMC ask her to go KKH...coz TMC cant handle the babies at such early stage of delivery.......

So most likely i will go for 1 more KKH scan n visit at week 30... once pass 32weeks, babies are of good weight..i will just stick to Dr Paul..
When u rent the car u can tell them beforehand that u need car seat. They'll be able to either rent u one or link u up with a toy rental company that usually rent out car seats as well.
Of cos u can bring yr own too, but ma fan lah
It's either me or fashion spree. See whose babies wanna come out first ;)
I'll be 37weeks+2days on 29Oct. Dr Loh wants me to hold the babies until 37weeks. Ideally that's full term for twins. Anyway, Dr Loh wants me to stop taking all the support pills like Nifedipine and progesterone by the end of this week. I suspect that once I stop taking, contraction will come. So I'll probably take until 18/19oct and see if I can deliver on 20.10.2010.
You will know when it's the time when the contraction pain comes which i haven't experienced before. ;)
must be getting quite uncomfortable for u now but an additional day inside us is a bonus. Ur babies weights are also good
jia you

The scan u had very detailed
worth the wait ... Glad to hear ur babies are doing very well. I can't wait for my week 32 scan.
Bing... So excited for you... ...

Take care ya.. Yes i do miss carrying my baby in my tummy so that she can always with me ha ha
After the 20weeks detailed scan.. Is there any more detailed scan?

Critical period is 28-32 ah... We are approaching 28 weeks v soon leh... We are already 27 weeks this week... Scare scare leh... Aiyo..
Can share with me yr theraphist who did the brazilian wax for u during pregnancy? Which strip outlet?
Cos im thinking to go for brazilian wax soon...
Bing, fashion,

Really nice to see you gers popping soon...I am like counting the days...wondering when will be my turn to pop. Still long long wait...


I have my detailed scan again next week, coz the 20weeks scan of blood vessels showed some abnormalities, but Dr Loh said not to worry.
When yr time to pop is getting nearer.. U might hope the time will be slower.. Once bbs are out.. U might miss them inside u...

When i just got pregnant.. I wish time will pass faster to reach my edd soon.. But now.. I wish time can dont pass so fast..
baby, yeah lor.. from this week.. its only another 10 weeks to 37weeks leh......

angela ask me not to be alone at home after 28weeks... in case of emergency.. so i probably start going to my mum's place next week... plus i m really getting very slow n heavy...so its gd to hv my parents around..so i can minimise walking too much around the house as well.......

nancy, the wait nearly killed me! hahaha... serious test of patience....
Im alone at home most of the time... Hubby went for his business trip for a week.. I alone 24hrs at home.. He is cuming bk tml... But even if he is bk.. When he goes work i also alone at hm...
Time is really drawing nearer.. Time really flies.. Still remember the times when we still in our 2ww..
I also getting heavy.. Difficult to toss around in bed.. But i still can manage to do some light chores like simple cooking.. Washing dishes.. Hanging laundry... Ask me to do nothing v boring... Hee
Baby..will ur hb travel lesser nearer to edd ? As I get bigger I dun feel secure being at home alone...so for a peace of mind..good to b at my parents plc. Evening time hb will pick me n come home.

I dun do chores tht requires me to b standing .. I can sit down steam iron clothes, fold laundry.. Hb n part time helper is doing bulk of the housework..

Smtimes at night I hv problems getting up from sofa n hb will help lift me up ... Just now he helped me again n my tummy already touching him! Hehehe...we both went...opps..babies just grew bigger today...lol
This will be his last trip till i deliver... I wont feel secure without him around...
I can also go my parents pl while hubby at work but i feel more comfy at my own hse.. Too used to my home liao... I can sleep on the sofa while watching tv but if at my parents hse cannot lah.. Haha...
Now if i stand for too long i also feel the weight pulling me down... But do simple cooking still ok lah.. Only stand for a while...

Sometimes when i lie on the sofa i also cant get up myself leh.. The back will be v pain.. I also need my hubby to help me up... Like a old granny... Hee...

I hvt buy those small things leh.. Like bumper and bedsheet... Bb room light... Maternity pad... Disposable diapers..
Now think of washing all the bb clothes wana faint mann.. Haha.. I will just throw everything inside washing machine.. U wash using the pureen detergent right?
I ask u ah... U mention kiddy palace got membership for $10 a year? Can sign up immediately and use the discount card? 10%? is it for all products like detegent?
I think can use on the spot..all items except those tht indicates nett price on the tag. My gf pass me her card..so I m using until it expires than get my own.

Yup I used the Puréen detergent n machine wash..

Of coz own house more comfortable..but in case emergency...I dun want to take the risk...
Pandawife where did u buy ur nursing bra? ur disposable undies is the impression brand?

Left all these small items not bot....need to take note and buy later nearer to delivery.

Wonder if my growth scan on 26 oct will check blood flow too.

Baby, u going to do B wax?? wonder is it very painful....=S
check with u... Did u manage to keep yr sugar levels under control with diet n exercise? What's the range of yr reading if u can remember?

I've been monitoring my reading and its been just within the limits... Doctor said that since i'm only 25 weeks now, and the levels will be harder to control as i progress, he suggested insulin. I'm scared leh.... Seems like no one here mentioned insulin, most of the time i see diet alone can help. Do u remember what u discussed with yr diabetes specialist?
Gan, i bought eternity nursing bra from BHG...two normal ones n one tube bra...cheap cheap ones..keke.. 3 of them only $36 after discount..

disposable undies i bought from watson and OG.. not impression brand...those never seen before brand....and not maternity oso... u can check out OG ..they hav both the normal ones with sizes and maternity..see which one u r more comfortable with.

the sonographer told me they usually do the blood flow check for multiples.. at 25wks and 30wks..
The disposable undies we bought is frm og.. No brand one.. They only have one type in plastic form not in the box type.. It says 100% cotton.. 5pcs in one pkt... I bought 3 pkts dont know enough not.. Watson also have... But different pkt.. Also 100% cotton...

I nvr do brazilian wax before.. So dont know painful not.. Hmm... Im sure will be painful at some areas.. But heard alot says its worth the pain... Esp now pregnant.. I find the hair like v thick.. V messy.. Somemore delivery time nurse will shave for u.. I dont want that.. After shave will be icthy one.. So i rather do brazilian.. I believe will be more clean without hair with the lochia flow... Hee
The nursing bra is those that can detach frm the top clip right? If buy now dont the size can fit after we deliver not..
The eternity brand only bhg carries?

Working wife
My bp arrive this morning.. Came in a dirty white box.. V heavy in weight.. Didnt open it.. Still lying on the floor.. Wait for my hubby to come bk to open for me...
baby, i just crawl out of bed from nap...but still feeling very sleepy... aiyoh... my body like auto shutting down most of the time.....

last night i tink i was up every hour for toilet breaks...:S dunno how come got so much to pee one.....
baby, yeah..the nursing bra is those with the top clip.... the sales lady help me to estimate the size.. n its very cheap, so i just buy... otherwise later so heavy how to go out n buy bra...somemore need to try again....

i tink metro and OG shld also hv eternity brand..

but hor, its not those fancy nice ones leh... hehee..abit auntie auntie.. i pink the white with thin pink stripes one... coz the nude color lagi more ah soh looking...:S

i read from other thread that Marks and Spencer carries nicer nursing bras...but most costly ..
pandawife and baby, k will check out og...think 100% cotton wld be more comfie. I think i buy 6 packets so that can last me 1 mth.

Baby i dunno i want to do B wax...scared will have sensitive reaction. I know tmc will shave even for natural birth...kkh singapoh said doesn't.

Pandawife u going for b wax?
Gan, nope..not going for B wax.. before pregnant i oso dun dare to try... LOL.. scared pain...

plus now tummy so big.. the thought of lying down to get the b wax done....errrr... hehehe...
Ladies - for those hand me downs bb clothes (white ones) if got yellowish colour do u guys bleach it ?? or just throw away ??

if bleach will it be harmful to bb ?
dun think there's any issue to bleach. but u must make sure the bleach is washed off thoroughly. Probably u will need to rewash with bb detergent another 1-2 times to make sure no residual bleach left cos that can cause skin irritation.
Watson also carry 100% cotton... U can chk it out too... More convenient to buy than og...

Ya most hosp practise shaving for natural and c sect birth..
Aft shaving sure v icthy one.. Cant imagine its icthy after delivery esp those gng for natural birth...

Now im still full of energy.. Not really sleepy all the time..
Pee every hr.. Hmm.. V jialat wor.. Maybe u dont drink water 2hrs before sleep?

Most nursing bra quite ah soh one.. Nvrm lah.. No one will see haha.. Most impt thing is cheap and comfy..
baby, i always drink a cup of milk just before i go to bed... otherwise i cannot sustain until morning... will wake up 2-3am feeling v hungry..hahah... so bo bian....

my dinner usually cannot eat much.. will get bloated very fast.. eating portion very miserable... but can drink...
grumpus for ur bb gal, when she still has the umblical chord, do u let her wear pants or u just let her wear the cloth diaper and make sure the umblical chord is not covered?
Ohh like that ah... Then no choice.. Yr milk is those pkt kind or powder type? U drink cold or hot?
Now i mostly drink cold.. Dont really like hot drinks now.. Even cold drinks cant satisfy me.. Must add ice then can.. Haha...

Thanks grumps ... Me think so too as long as in btw got wash 1-2 times more the bleach won't be present in the clothes liao ...

Can ! thanks .. i booking hand me downs already
