IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi Jo,

Thanks for sharing the info. Do share abt the scar n ur healing process. Mine will be in Dec, think I will opt for c sect. If Dr loh is good then I will stick with him lah.

Hi gals,

I heard fr my colleague that KK or in fact govt hopsitals, the hospitalisation bills can deduct more medisave portion than pte hospital. Is it true?

not realli.
wat i was told is dat pte side - they deduct $1350 from delivery bill & $450 from antenatal check up bills.
kkh will deduct 1 lump sum of $1800 from delivery bill, no deduction from antenatal check ups.
so, will work out to be the same.
The last msg i got from bliss at 1030am today was that her induction started at 8pm last night and doc says her bb should come out by noon today. So, will just have to wait for her good news...Bb boy expected to be 3.5kg.
hi Bliss

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! Din see u online yesterday after ur doc visit, expected u to have poped !! tot u going for natural delivery? anyway take care and enjoy ur confinement. Remember keep us update !!
Hi Jo,
Sorry, i missed out your earlier posting rgding ur delivery hehe....me very busy and stress at times, trying my best to cope.
I went to remove the dressing at GP on the 7th day, by then it was healing quite nicely already. But i still dare not move too much, cos worried the wound may reopen and oso inside may not be healed yet. But by the 3rd wk, its completely goos outside liao. My mum cook meat etc with rice wine for me since i was discharge. But chicken must wait til abt 3-4wks when the wound had healed completely, else would be itchy.

hi juju,
No worries lah. My gals are gaining weight well so far, thank you

I'm going bk to work in early july, not taking NPL. I saw ur FB, ur gals really sweet leh.
Can't wait to hear from Bliss
glad ur gals are gaining weight.
so ur maid taking care of ur gals full time or ur mum/mil helping?
thx! but my gal can be quite notti!
hi maykel,
thanks for the tips.
how to know that the wound may reopen?
i got move a lot liaoooo cos want to take care my bb. hehehe ^_^
have you started buying bb stuff? Our edd quite near. Yours is on my birthday...hehehe...mine on 10 Oct..but most prob wil pop earlier.
havent heard from you. Any updates from you?
hi 76,
sorry haven't been very regular on the forum. we're finally halfway there!
my baby girl is moving around a lot, and my detailed scan is next week. how are you and your babies doing?

wow so many of you have already delivered! what a journey it has been.. and what a great reward.. big congrats!! and blessings to all your little ones!
My twinnies also moving alot, so much so that i tell my husband that they are 'fighting' inside...yah, we are halfway there liaoz....jia you...how do i contact you since you dun have msn and our EDD is same day...hehehe
hi ltjabi,
yea.. i know how u feel.
Sometime i also feel sad. But when see my other prince now ok i feel happy. ^_^

Wish u all the best and hope everything goes well.
Cheers ^_^

Hi bliss,
how are u?
Josephine: Thanks for encouraging words
Going for scan on wed.. Ever since after bleeding epsiode quite scare to go for scan coz dun know wat the outcome is.. Dun wanna think -ve but cant help it sometimes..
Hi ladies,
sorry for having to be a bit rush here now. I have delivered my baby boy on the 21st May at 12.06pm. His birthweight was 3.32kg, 49cm height.

I had similar labour experience as you. I had induction on the 20 May 8pm, started labour pain after 5hours, then had the pain relief jab on my thigh and followed by epidural. Doc Sadhana came to burst my water bag after that... but then baby's heartbeart slowed down and showed distress after a few hours, dilation was only 5cm then.... so doc came to me and said to have an emergency c section then. So I finally had an epi c section delivery. My hubby was not allowed to be by my side as it was an emeregncy op. And I have to be conscious during the whole c section. Well, I was disappointed too to have to go thru c section instead of normal vaginal delivery.

I just discharged from KK this afternoon, coz I stayed one more day with my bb as his jaundice level was quite high, so need to be in hosp one more day on sunday. But then today his level rose again, and could not go home still. So I was back home with my hubby this afternoon without bb. I really hope he can be discharged from hosp tmr. I miss him so much...
Hi ladies,
dont regret about choosing induction. I choose to have induction too, in fact i was 1 week earlier than EDD. But I dont regret to choose induction, even though I ended up having epi c section delivery. However I must say that it was quite disappointing coz I am just like you, hoping to experience the moment of bb coming out thru normal delivery with my hubby.
Yours was also via epidural c sectin rite? It was quite stressful isnt it? I felt bit stressed when seeing the nurses and docs in the operating theatre so fast motion and lots of conversations alll over during the whole procedure. I could feel the incision when docs cut layer by layer on my tummy though painless and also the v strong and intense pressing pressure on my tummy when bb was pulled out, did you feel that too? It was really indescribable the moment the doc showed me my bb when he was out of my tummy, he cried so loudly and eyes wide open looking at me! I never forget the moment.

I had about 15 hours of labour waiting and 6 hours of intense labour pain(coz the first 4 hours after prostin was inserted was quite ok still). The last 5 hours of labour before c section was painless as i had pain relief jab on my thigh and also epi after that.

I had very tiring and stressful time over the 5 days in hosp too. I gave total breastfeeding to bb after delivery, but due to very little amount, bb was crying for milk almost every hour, I had no rest at all, had to latch on whole day. The 2nd day was very painful engorgement for me whereby I really cried in tears in the middle of the night when it was so painful. Finally I managed to reduce the pain thru massaging and pumping milk more often.
Well, 3rd day was another painful experience for me, I had very bad constipation. It was so bad that even after taking 3 kinds of medication at the same time for easing constipation, I still need doc to 'dig out' all my hard stools out manually!! I felt so lousy and embarrassed too. Finally constipation is gone now. My bb has jaundice last 2 days, he stayed 1 more day in hosp on Sunday, so hubby and I decided to stay with bb one more day. However, on Monday morning, we were told that bb had to stay another day still, so we went home without bb on Monday afternoon. I felt so upset that time though I know jaundice is quite common in newborn babies... I cried again when I went to see my bb before discharging from hosp yest afternoon.

Well, my hubby just called me that bb can be home today!! I am so happy now and get ready to go pick bb up later with my hubby!
Will update you ladies more then. Thanks for all the best wishes and blessing for me and my bb, thank you so much!
Hi ladies,

Update of my delivery since last Wed, sorry if I am too long winded below. :p

went for my 39weeks appt at kkh, doc sadhana did cervix check for me, I was 1.5cm dilated only, bb was estimated to be 3.5kg. Doc suggested induction since I had been experiencing lots of early labour pain for the past few weeks. I agreed too coz I really want to end the daily contraction pain and sleepless nights too.
But there was a bit confusion when doc’s nurse arranged me to have the induction on 2am next day, then changed to next day 6am again… after I left kk, she called again saying that she had made a mistake, it should be 6pm on that very day! Luckily I brought along my hosp bag, milk pump that day, so hubby and I drove back to kkh to be admitted to the delivery suite str.

I had very light dinner at the kk fdcourt and had baby’s heartbeat monitored for abt 40 mins before induced.

The induction tablet, prostin was inserted near to the neck of my cervix thru vagina. It was painful! After that, I lie on the bed to rest and wait for labour contraction.

I was still feeling ok, no pain though lots of contractions. Was sent to the labour ward to rest first.

Started to feel intense contractions. But I tried to bear with it as I did not want to use the pain relief so early, I knew it would be even more painful later one.

The labour pain was already very intense, I asked for pain relief jab on the thigh. So was pushed back to the delivery ward to get pain relief. Was told I was only 2cm dilated at that time!

Injected pain relief on thigh, was feeling much better after that, and sleepy and drowsy. Managed to sleep during this waiting period.

Anasthetist and midwife came in to give me epidural as doc sadhana gave instructions that I could take epidural even only 2cm dilated. The epidural injection was painless and smooth. I lie on bed to rest and wait.
Doc sadhana came to check on my condition, I was 4cm dilated then. She burst my water bag and wanted to see how the dilation after that, hoping I would be ready for delivery soon.

9am to 11am
Baby’s heartbeat slowed down certain time and went back normal again. The inconsistent heartbeat showed distress in baby. I was only 5cm dilated that time.

Doc sadhana came in and told me that it was a bit too long to let bb stay inside after water bag has burst. She told me to have c section delivery since I was still 5cm dilated, it was not advisable to wait longer since my dilation was very slow. Without any choice, I agreed and the nurses all in very fast motion, getting me ready for the procedure. The feel of emergency made me feel bit stressful when I was already quite disappointed to end up having c section after 15 hours of labour waiting and 5 hours of intense labour pain. I requested for hubby to be with me during the op, but was not allowed coz mine was an emergency one.

I was pushed into the operating theatre. My epidural intake was increased in order to feel painless during the op. I was totally conscious thru out the c section delivery. I could feel the incision made, layer by layer… but without pain. However the thought of it was quite stressful. I felt the docs opening my tummy and pressed very hard on my tummy to pull out baby.

Within seconds, I heard bb crying very loudly! Doc pulled out my bb and showed to me immediately, he was opening his eyes widely, looking at me. Then bb was carried away to get cleaned up, I could still hear his crying while docs were stitching my tummy.

My bb was cleaned up and wrapped nicely. A nurse carried him to let me look at him while I was still on the operating table. Baby was looking at me without blinking his eyes at all… the feeling was so amazing and indescribable. Nurse then carried bb to show my hubby who was anxiously waiting outside the theatre.
I was cleaned up and pushed to the operating resting lounge for half an hour.

I was pushed back to my labour ward and my hubby and baby were already there waiting for me. I was shivering for a few hours due to the side effects of epidural. My lower body was totally numbed and I could not feel the existence of my lower body until the next morning.

I started total breastfeeding my bb. I had him latch on without any supplements given. As I am only producing colostrum only, the amount was very little, my bb was crying almost every hour for milk. It was very tiring and stressful. Late at night, I started having very painful engorgement. It was so painful that I cried a few times and could not sleep at all.

I had a lactation nurse to help and guide me on how to massage my breasts and ease the engorgement. It was a long and painful day for me. I was spending whole day massaging and pumping out my milk while bb has to be on formula at the same time.

I was told that bb could not be discharged this day as his jaundice level has risen and near to high risk level. So he needs to be under observation one more day. Hubby and I decided to stay with bb one more stay too, hoping he would be alright to go home the next day. I continue to latch on at times and pump out my milk for bb. He was having formula too, as his demand was really high. Drinking more milk will also help to clear his jaundice, so I decided to let hime have a mixture of my breastmilk and formula.

I had very bad constipation ever since after the delivery. Had been given 3 types of medication to ease constipation and soften stools at the same time, but seemed not effective still. I had such painful constipation in the early morning that I need the doc to dig out and remove all my hard stools ‘manually’! It was terrible experience and so unpleasant. Finally, my constipation was resolved. But my bb was not allowed to go home still, his jaundice level has risen again! I was so upset and worried. Hubby and I decided to go home first. We had already extended one more day with bb on Sunday, so we couldn’t imagine how high the total bill will be, as I had induction, epidural, c section and also extended stay for me and bb in A1 class ward.
I was quite upset when leaving kk. I know it is quite common for newborn to have jaundice, but I still cried when I carried my bb in my arms before discharging from hosp with bb home with me.

So here’s my long long delivery story and hosp stay in KKH last week.
I would like to thank all you ladies here for the best wishes and blessings posted here and also thru sms. Thank you so much!

Juju and babymaking, thank you so much for the beautiful flowers. Juju, thanks for coming to bring me the flowers and best wishes!

Hopfully, thank you so much for visiting me with your sister and also all the wonderful gifts from you two. Your tummy is soooo big liao(even the nurse who saw you, asked me if you are carrying twins after you left), still went all the way to visit me and bb, I am so touched and thankful.
Thanks for the sharing... Wow! What an eventful and meaningful week.can imagine the tumultuous wave of emotions...but at the same time so heartwarming...Enjoy motherhood!
bliss - OMG, so roller coaster. congrats on being a mummy to a healthy baby, thats most impt and at the end of the day, you'll forget the pain (or so that's what i heard, and what i'd like to believe

i have a strange feeling my story will be like yours, esp the consipation part. thanks for being so open (ahem
abt it.

whats the diff between epidural and local anathesia for c-sect ? you feel the cutting... that sounded gross. did they give you enuff epi ??!!

so hapy for you that you bb is healthy weight and can be discharge. you must be very busy. take good care and update us ? even daily events also intersteing
Hi Bliss,

Thanks for sharing your story... very useful for first time mtb like me...

I could feel my tears welling up when I read the part when you looked at your baby for the first time... So touching... I get very emotional these days, cry very easily...

Hope you'll have a good confinement and God bless you and your baby...
Thanks for sharing your journey bliss. I cant imagine the pain you must have felt.
Have a restful and build up your health during the confinement period.

Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing on ur c-sect experience. Now, I know what to expect if I opt for c-sect with epidural
Do have a good rest.
hi all,
thanks alot for the encouragment and moral support. I really appreciate that.

My baby Yuteng was back home on 26/5, and I have been very very busy at home taking care of him even with the help of confinement lady. It is really not easy to be a SAHM in future, I must learn a lot of things now. Wish me gd luck.

the confinement lady is quite gd so far, she has been helping me a lot and taking gd care of me and my bb. Will update you more later on.
congrats again!
do focus & take care of urself first, make sure u recover well.
have fun taking care of Yuteng
hi bliss,
do learn all the tips of looking after baby from CL. Anything that you are not sure, can ask her. in future you will be sahm, everything will be on your own. After CL leaves, the first few days and weeks will be most stressful and lost. But just remember how CL does it and put into practice. Do take care.
hi ladies,
updated table.
Sorry that I may not be able to update the table as I may not be able to check this thread as often. Can anyone take over this updating work?
I have attached the file here.

thanks. Yes, I will try to learn as much as possible. Frankly speaking, I am bit stressed and worried about later days with bb alone. :p

<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>hospital</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Baby gender</TD><TD>EDD </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Imel</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 boy (delivered)</TD><TD>21 Apr 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Juju</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 girl (delivered on 7 May)</TD><TD>6 May 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Josephine</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 boy(delivered on 12 May)</TD><TD>12 May 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Bliss</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Sadhana</TD><TD>1 boy (delivered on 21 May)</TD><TD>27 May 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Sam</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Dr Hema</TD><TD>3 boys (delivered on 1 May)</TD><TD>11 Jun 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Pleasance</TD><TD>In KL</TD><TD></TD><TD>1girl 1 boy</TD><TD>12 Jun 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Hopfully</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 girl 1 boy</TD><TD>12 Jun 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Ponytail</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>Prof Wong</TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>4 Jul 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Babymaking</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 boy</TD><TD>25 Aug 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Littlebee</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>3 girls</TD><TD>24 Sep 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Kaira</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>1 boy</TD><TD>30 Sep 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Cribby</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>1 girl</TD><TD>10 Oct 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>76</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Prof Ng</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>10 Oct 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Bee</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>1 boy</TD><TD>1 Nov 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>15 </TD><TD>Tintedsky</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Prof SC Ng</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>18 Nov 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Lina</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr HC Han</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>7 Dec 09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Itjabi</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Sophia Cheng</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD></TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table> <center><table border=1><tr><td>
EDD table
EDD.doc (49.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>
u can call me, i zip over wif jodie lor...
i dunno dat much, but jodie is ok in the day. so i can go kpo!
Hello mommies,
May I join this thread? I have a 4 year old girl conceived via IVF and am currently 11 weeks along with twins, also via IVF... I am very worried about the twin pregnancy having early labour and was also hospitalized for more than a month during the initial 1st trimester for ovary stimulation problem and massive bleeding ..will like to check with you ladies on your experience and how you cope with having twins ... thank you
Hi preciousbaby,

There is an ivf insurance offered by Great Eastern for purchase prior to the embryo transfer. Did you buy the insurance before you perform the procedure? Where did do the IVF? Understand usually if do at KKH, it's a must to buy that insurance.

They will pay cash $300 per day for NICU and $100 per day for SCN.
precious baby
I am now into my week 21. i also had massive bleeding with clots in week 11 of my pregnancy with twins..gynae gave me proluton jabs once every 3 days and oral medications like duphaston, progynova, folic etc.. and i rested in bed for 1mth..bleeding stopped...but cant find the reason. have to minimize walking...confine to bedrest...
hi ladies
I have a few questions on confinement lady and hope you can help to clear my doubts. What specifically does a confinement lady do? I mean other than cooking for the mum, help to feed the baby at night, wash the nappies/clothes. Anything more or less like marketing and housework?

one more question... does your new born baby/ies wake up at night for milk? how frequent? MIL wants to help out but she will still need to go back to her own place to cook dinner, do house work. I am afraid i end up have to do soemthing too cos i will be paisay to make her work so hard leh! Also, she may not be staying over every night lor...
a CL does jus abt everything u wld hv to do.
take full care of bb - shower, feed, burp, change, wash bb clothes
take full care of u - cook, ensure ur rest, prepare water for ur washing up &amp; shower, wash ur clothes
some also cook for ur hubby/mil, clean house
*** u may wan to ask someone to do marketing or at least go with CL, in case they buy too much or too ex.

most new borns wake up at night to feed &amp; change. if on full bm, prob wake up every 2hrs? mine is on fm from 10pm onwards, 1st 2 wks she will wake up between 1-6am for 2-3 more feeds &amp; changes. quite tough.

though mil is here to help, hubby &amp; i take care full-time at night cos bb sleep wif us. both of us very panda now
hi bee,
would suggest that you could get a CL, so that she can take care of baby at night. During confinement you will need sufficient sleep.
Ju, Lina - thanks for the advice. have asked friends to look out for a gd CL for me.. but hb doesnt like the idea of a stranger in the house.. so need to have a good talk with him first.

when r u due? I have a very good CL. She did confinement for my sister but she charge quite high.

Or u can consider those that doesn't stay overnite but u'll have to get up and take care of bb, very tiring for u. U nd rest during confinement.
hi bee,
nicole suggestion is quite good, there are local confinement lady who comes only during the day. You can rest while she take care in the day and then you can feed baby at night. Or alternative is to cater confinement food from catering company and part time hourly helper to do housework.
Any mamas here heard of twin twin transfusion syndrome? I was just diagnosed as having early signs of it as my twins weight is quite differnt at week 21, 356g and 455g. I am worried as the worst case scenario is that one or both may not survive....

Thanks sis for the advice. Nicole, maybe you can give me your CL contact first in case i need it. My EDD is 30 Oct.

hee, Hubby said he is prepared to wake up at night to feed baby wow...

you all make it sounds like mummy shd not work at all during confinement except breastfeeding.. is that really so?
