IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Thanks emma for informing abt fair and talk. think i will start attending these after 1st trimester a bit pantang lah....better tke it easy first

ya, but i only noe abt natural, dat's why dun dare to say so much abt c-sect... hee...
i still haven't book mine
hi emma,
i don't know if anywhere outside selling it. but usually, we get it from the post natal massage ladies coz they use the traditional cloth type. so, yeah, i'll get mine from my masseuse lady. i've seen a spree done here before.. but only once! hehe.. was too early in pregnancy that time to get it.. woah 28 weeks pack already?? you make me feel very the slow lah!! i've thought about packing for ages, but haha, never got down to actually doing it. even now, i've done most of the washing for baby's clothes, they are packed nicely in her drawers but still gotta do her towels and blankets.. haha.. dunno when to start..
papaya soup for after-birth. suppose to increase milk supply. papaya not cooling also not heaty, is jus to move bowels easier.
zoe tay also say another reason for lots of milk is bcos she drink a lot of similac mum!
hi juju,
they do it for c-sect too.. usually they will not do it straightaway since you have a fresh wound and its advisable not to disturb it at such an early stage. but they can massage other parts of your body to get rid of the wind..and to ease your muscles and blood flow after delivery.. also, they won't put on the cloth binder until they see that you can.. if not its just massage without touching your wound area..

hmm.. usually they just need to be informed about your delivery date. no special booking is needed as they can attend up to 4 or 5 ladies in a day (different timings lah) but it will help if they know who you are first so they can easily recognize you. usually they prioritise new moms first in the day.. and push other pre-natal or non-pregnancy massages to the end of the day.. that is what i know of their practices..
Hi Ladies,

As you might have known from Bliss posting, I have gave birth to a baby boy on last tue. It was totally unexpected. Started with backache in the late night, and i didn't suspected it was contraction as i don't feel painful tummy. By the time the backache got more intense and frequency increase in the morning, I went KK and told I was already fully dilated. Another 15 mins later, water bag burst and gave birth in the next 15 mins. All happens so fast, by the time my hubby reach the delivery suite, he was so shocked to see that i have delivered.

My baby now in NICU and he is doing well. Thanks all for showing the care and prayer.

I am doing my confinement now and will not post regularly here. All the best to all of you!
Hi Cale,

I am so happy to hear from you. Please take care and have a good confinement. ALL will be well for you and your boy
Jia you, Jia you.
Hi Cale

Congrats on delivery of yr bb boy. Take care and rest well..

Hope u and bbs are fine ..

Can also pm me yr massage ladies contact. Just wanna keep it in case i need it 7mths later. Thks
Hi Cale,
Congratulation on your bb boy.
Glad to hear that you and your bb were ok.
Wish u all the best.

Hi Maykel,
How are you? How is your twins? Hope you are ok.

Hi yanqiu,
4D scan, it is quite exciting and interesting. After 24-32wks, you can do 4D scan because bb development almost complete.
But like juju said if you scan earlier, your 4D result might not good since bb is too young and skinny.
I heard from juju at NUH it is about $120.
How many weeks are you now?
hi cale,
congrats to you! sounds like a fast and smooth delivery - well done! all the best to you and your new baby boy!

hi 76,
are you still feeling queasy? heard ginger tea might help. my next scan is one week after yours. can't wait to see how much baby has grown.

hi josephine,
thanks for sharing the pictures. your baby is so cute in the picture where he's covering his face.

Congrats and rest well now...


wah $120 cheap, i called Radlink they quote me $660. Mad lor.. Cause they mutiply by 3.. goodness i think i approach my own gynae first and ask.. Oh they said 4D scan depends on luck.. sometimes cannot see also..
Congratulations!!! My goodness...it comes a shock to me when I saw your posting coz I know you are supposed to be 2 weeks behind me. But Im glad everything turn out allrite for you and the delivery is very smooth and fast one. Enjoy your motherhood Cale and hope your baby will come out soon to join you. Take care
Cale - congrats! such a relief. good good. i prayed for you cos i remember you had some pre-eclamps issues. how many weeks is your baby ?

ladies- i kena haemarroids again. so scared when saw non-stop bleeding at my butt. i sure hope its from my butt !! i didnt even push hard in the toilet. still bleeding from butt.

my next appt is next tue. wow, have not seen my babies for almost a month already. cant wait to find out how they are doing. also going for OGTT. scared...
how's yr ogtt results?

didn't see u on msn today..everything ok? yr chicken rice turn out ok?

how are things with you?

congrats, have a great confinement and do post baby's pictures when you are up to it.

radlink is so expensive, think will go with NUH for 4d scan. do post yr triplets 4d scan ok?
congrats & take care!

how r u coping? hope u and bbs r ok!

no call frm kkh yet. maybe next appt then ask dr loh lah

before u book NUH 4D scan, ask them the rate hor. might go up anytime, i heard.

So shocked to hear about your early delivery from juju at first. Really happy for you that your delivery was real fast and smooth. Why was it that you have contractions and dilation so early at only 30 weeks? what did doc say? So you did not even have epidural or painkiller? You are so brave!

I am sure your baby will be back home soon and you take good care of yourself during confinement.

thanks for concern. Heehee, my hubby brought the laptop back to office for servicing, so I had no laptop to use the whole day. Tomorrow he will bring to office again for some installation of software, I will be very bored in the day again.

How are you too? My hainanese chicken rice was tasty and good(commented by my hubby). I personally feel that can be improved next time. But I consider that not bad for first try.

hope everything is well with you and babies.
hi sam,
yup... It depends on bb position.
Like me loh... want to see the face but he cover the face and somemore he face down so can't scan and see his face... hahahaha :D
wahh.... $660 that mean $220 for 1 bb.

hi cribby,
he is naughty... mummy(me) want to see his face but he only show his genital.. *hahahahaha :D

hi ponytail,
wah.. your hemorrhoids so scary. have u consult your doctor how to reduce the pain?

Okie, if i do the 4D scan will post for you ladies..


Ya lor... *sighs*.. if govt cheaper, maybe i go govt hospital n do...heart pain heart pain.
Congrats man!! take care and rest well!
Did the gynae tell you whats the bb heartbeat during last week's visit?
hee... very very happy & shiok to see baby on 4D today. took 2 hours! she was using her arm & legs to hide her face, then blocked by placenta, finally gave us a good view in the last half hour!

hand on left side of head

a smile coming up
hi juju,

So cute....
*envy with u leh...
cos your bb can corporate and show her face...

Did they gave you the CD or only the picture?
how many picture you get?
hi ponytail
I am starting to have piles too...i din exert too, but think stool a bit dry...and painful...like you, i hope the blood din come from the bb...i am seeing gynae tmr
hi cale,
congratulations! that was a fast labour for you! yeah i, too would like to know what triggered the contractions. haha, to be fully dilated by the time you reach hospital? wow, what a dream come true.. hehe.. anyway, rest well and take care of yourself. here's wishing a speedy recovery for you and your baby..

hi juju,
woah wat lovely pictures. i'm sure you keep staring at them now.. hehe.. so cute.
Hi ladies,
i just went for my week 27 appt this afternoon. Baby is doing fine and growing well, but he really likes the facing down position, could not see his face again.

He is 1.4kg now, I am quite surprised but doc said the weight is normal. But when I checked online and pregnancy books, the weight of baby by end of 6th month is around 875g, and only end of 7th month will be 1.4kg. I wonder how come my baby weighs 1 month in advance. Anyway, I am so happy today to see my baby boy!
Good news is that my urine showed no trace of protein anymore and my placenta has moved slightly up. Doc said that she felt that my placenta will move up soon from the position of my placenta.
Thats good and relieved to hear. For me, i am suffering from m/s before meals. So weird. Tonight sooo bad, that i had to eat sour stuff, din have dinner even. My m/s is night time, initially tot its food poisoning...

I understand the MS, very miserable during the period. I could not eat anything except plain porridge for 1st trimester, nauseaous every day and night. Good that at least sour stuff does help curb your ms in a way. I bought many sour plums and sour titbits and ginger biscuits that time, nothing worked. And then I had to sit on my bed at night to sleep, or the nausea was so bad that I felt like vomitting anytime. I also put a plastic bag in my bag whenever I was outside, just in case.

You must hang in there, your baby must be growing well, your hormones changes and increase in hcg is 'taking effect'. All these will subside in some time. Jia you!
hi ladies

i went to baby fair today. NOTHING one. so little things to see, and the discounts not a lot. i remember maykel said she got a good deal for sterilizer, but its even more ex$ at the expo. my hubby and i feel so cheated

this morning scared myself. went to poo and when i got up from the seat the whole bowl was red ! my haemarroids is really jia luk. dare not tell my hubby cos he will scold me. i drink prune juice and eat fruits. still like that. any other ideas ?
oh dear, your haemmarroids sounded really bad. Think you better see your doc. Why are you scared of getting scolding from hubby? Why would he scold you?

Oh, the baby fair really has nothing much ah? I plan to go tomorrow leh... so disappointing to hear that. Think I will just go for very short while, and prepare to buy nothing. Heehee.

can i check with you issit the gynae tell you the positioning of the placenta first or we need to ask the gynae the position of the placenta?
I was told that my placenta was low lying after my 2nd trimester detailed scan. So I have been asking about the position of my placenta during every scan since then. Anyway, doc will check for me every scan too.
I think the detailed scan is clearer to detect the exact position of the placenta and it is necessary to inform us, the MTB about it as that will affect what kind of delivery(natural vaginal delivery or c section) we will have if the placenta does not move up before labour.
she coorperated only after 1.5 hrs... almost wanna give up. sonographer almost wan to re-schedule us.
we got 2 pics & a dvd with 4 clips inside.

merlenna / sam,
yup! the videos had been on repeat play frm the time i step into office till i step out. bring a smile to me, esp when i see her yawns.
hi ponytail,
really? nothing to see? *sigh..
today, thought of going there to buy bb stuff leh...

hi juju,
wow... so long...
how is the queue? got many ppl queue?
wow... somemore she got yawn... so cute....
*me no leh... bb was same position.. not move..
i think he is slepping.. hehehehe

hi bliss,
wow... 1.4kg, ok leh...
mine one was 1 kg at 28wks...
hehehehehe ^_^
dear gals

update: went for fetal heart scan yesterday and DS syndrome risk revised to 1:5000 plus....from high risk to low risk. thk goodness for this scan, we were so happy that i literally jump for joy and cried with relief.

baby fair
we went to the bb fair in the late afternoon and had problems looking for parking space cos of the NATAS travel fair crowd, those driving tomorrow may want to note that.

when we left ard 6plus, there was a long q of cars trying to get in.

the fair itself was not very impressive, too many booths selling financial prdts and spa, massage services, and little baby prdts.

the freebies for the mag sub was sold out, only left the spa, lego and mothercare set... we wanted the huggies hamper of 3 pkts of diapers but was told it won't be replenish.

drypers was having some sort of promotion and it seems cheap as almost everyone else was grabbing some bags of drypers.

there's a booth selling very cute booties and baby shoes. and another selling babysafe bedding such as mattresses and pillows.

oh yeah, the crowd is full of mummies pushing strollers, so pls be careful yeah..my tummy not showing at all...so had to ward off pple who crowd into my space..almost had an accident with a mummy who pushed her stroller into me, thkfully hubby was fast enuff to stop it.

oh by the way, since there was a huge number of pple with strollers there, we did a mini survey, and it seems the quinny zapp together with the maxi cosi carseat, is one of the most popular strollers for newborn to 6mths old. we counted like more than 10 pple using this stroller, another popular brand is maclaren, but more for older kids.

anyone here using/bought the quinny + maxi cosi combo system - can offer any feedback?

ju: baby looks very cute, and contented.

bliss: glad yr placenta is moving upwards, catch you on msn on monday.

ponytail: u may want to get some stool softener from the gynae, or take fibrogel and drink more fluids.
hi ladies,
yup, i went to the babyfair yesterday too.. and i must admit it was rather disappointing. i expected to see more baby items sold instead of booths and booths of baby services and products. honestly, i find it quite unhelpful. the only thing i got out of the trip are 2 packs of huggies newborn which came with a romper from mothercare as a gift. that's all. other than that, if you want to buy avent breast pumps, or baby bottles, sterilizers.. there is a huge counter there of their products. (i've got mine much earlier than this)

i saw a booth selling booties and socks.. sigh, my baby has too many already.. saw another selling baby pillows, mattress and bolster cases.. i also got mine much earlier.. then was looking for nursing wraps, they don't have nice ones which don't look like an apron.. and baby slings mostly come with rings.. which i don't fancy since i've also got mine without the rings..

haha, so you see.. on my part, the fair was rather disappointing.
hi gals
went for my 8th week scan today. Heartbeat improved from 124 last week to 172beats/min. so doc say will see at my 10th week...so happy everything is going on smoothly so far.

you took sour stuff during nauseaus, is it the preservatives stuff. what type? I took wu hua guo. I just found out wu hua guo consists of papaya...my doc said cant take unripe papapya, so now i am worried.
Hi ladies,
Sorry i MIA so long, cos i was admitted to KKH since 18th Feb. I did a fetal scan and saw dr on that same day. Turn out that 1 of the twins is not growing well, they are 1.3kg and 1kg oni (by right shld be around 1.2kg). Furthermore, my BP was very high that day and urine protein +++. Was advised to admit immediately and had to stay til delivery, which is an indefinite period. Now doc say they do not want to look too far ahead, so we are looking at at 2wks each time.

Currently the main problems are that my liver enzymes and urine protein are a bit high. Need to monitor closely as dr say i have a high risk for renal problem too, due to the urine protein. So now the aim is to drag the pregnancy as long as possible cos now i'm oni 30wks 5days. There are few reasons that may render immediate c-sect; 1 is when my PE (high BP)go beyond control; Or there is a potential for hitting renal problem; Finally, if the blood flow between smaller twin and placenta is no good and baby still not growing. As of thur, the smaller twin had grown oni abt 30grams, i really hope she will grow more. Currently, they are doing doppler scan for babies to monitor blood flow twice a wk, urine test daily, CTG twice daily and blood test EOD.

I had a hard time persuading my hubby to bring my laptop today, cos he knew i'll be at it non-stop. But i'm really bored here, everyday go thru same routine, then read mag and play PSP. I may not be able to post regularly already, but will try to update whenever i can. I oso learned abt Cale last week. So coincidence, she delivered on Tues and i was admitted on wed, the day she was discharged.

Please take good care for now ladies, i'll be back again. Hope all would have smooth pregnancy and delivery.

Emma, you due to deliver soon, all the best to you!
quite ok. only 2 out of the 4 rooms provide 4d scan, so we waited about 30mins for our turn. if bb dun coorperate then take long time. after bb ok, only took abt half an hour, then wait for them to review dvd with us & pay $$.

congrats! must have taken a huge load off u!

i jus came back frm bb fair as well.
i bought :
- the forehead & ear thermometer (free thermo flask) @ $79
- 5 x pureen nappy liners (100s) @ $24
- 5 x pureen fragrance-free wet wipes (2x100s) @ $30
- 2 x changing mats @ $10.40
- 2 x pureen ABD liquid detergent (1L) @ $9.90
- 3 x pureen liquid cleanser for bottles mint/orange (750ml) @ $15.50
- 3 x pureen head-to-toe (750ml) @ $14
- 3 x pureen shampoo 2-in-1 (750ml) @ $13
- 3 x pureen bath regular/peach (750ml) @ $13
total damage - $208.80

glad to hear dat u r holding on.
hope ur situation turns for the better & ur babies can be delivered safely & healthy.
take care & hear from u again.
Hi babymaking, Merlenna and juju
Thanks for the informations on the baby fair... tempted to go at 1st but worried of people pushing one another (like what babymaking experienced). Seems like a disappointing fair.

Hi merlenna
Did your massage lady mention how many time will she need to come over to your place after you gave birth (in order to tone up your tummy)?

Hi Maykel
Hang in there! Eat more.... 2 more days to go for me....Take care, Maykel!

Hi Cale
Congratulations! Very surprised to hear that you had given birth.

Hi 76
Good to hear that your bb's heartbeat improved. So are you seeing prof every 2 wks now? I remember I only see him once every 3 wks (his fee is pretty steep wo).
For your m/s,maybe you might want to try to eat some biscuits when you feel nauseous. Not too sure if preserved fruits are good or not? I didn't really eat them tho.

Hmm okie, shall know this Mon during my detailed scan..


Oh maybe i should call n check with NUH also the price for triplets... Maybe its cheaper also.. Heee... you must be looking at the dvd everyday and smiling away..


Usually wats the difference in weight for babies? Cause i ever come across mummies when they go for last scan, they were told of this weight and in the end the weight difference can be ard 200 - 400 g and its consider a lot for preemies of multiples. It would be great to know an average weight, like example bb weighing 3kg at last scan and birth is 2.9kg. i think this is still acceptable.
