IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies, can I check whether can I drink chicken essence now or only after ER b4 ET? After ET can I still drink? TIA
I did drink chicken or sometimes beef essence even before ET and continued after ER. As I have started taking the essence for sometime already, I only took about half to 3/4 small bowl of essence each serving made from about 220-250g of meat and I took only on alternate days. The key is moderation and supporting a healthy balanced diet. I got bfp last FET in Dec and now 15 weeks pregnant. All the best!

I did drink chicken or sometimes beef essence even before ET and continued after ER. As I have started taking the essence for sometime already, I only took about half to 3/4 small bowl of essence each serving made from about 220-250g of meat and I took only on alternate days. The key is moderation and supporting a healthy balanced diet. I got bfp last FET in Dec and now 15 weeks pregnant. All the best!
Congrats DawnBB! Can i grab your baby dust please? I will be doing FET once menses cycle starts! :)
I did drink chicken or sometimes beef essence even before ET and continued after ER. As I have started taking the essence for sometime already, I only took about half to 3/4 small bowl of essence each serving made from about 220-250g of meat and I took only on alternate days. The key is moderation and supporting a healthy balanced diet. I got bfp last FET in Dec and now 15 weeks pregnant. All the best!

Congratulations to you!!
My chicken essence is from bottle not freshly brew..
Ladies, I am back with my 4th cycle in KKH. I guess most of my peers have already graduated.

This is my 1st time with KKH and they are using different drugs on me. I feel different this time from all my previous cycles. Any suggestions for OHSS prevention besides electrolytes and egg whites? thanks!
Congratulations to you!!
My chicken essence is from bottle not freshly brew..
I read other ladies recommend taking Eu Yan Sang brand chicken essence instead of Brand’s if you are unable to boil your own chicken essence. Buy the one withOUT dang gui or herbs. Jia you!
Today I learnt more from the doc in charge. Everyone is different so doc will tailor different dosage n Med according to one's needs. I have Low AMH so THH actually tailor Low dosage as my condition by right Low stimm is good enough cos seriously not much eggs. Right now, I'm wondering what else I should do to prepare for my next cycle in May?? I'm taking dhea, CoQ10, Royal jelly and multi-Vit. Drinking raspberry leaf tea everyday. Is melatonin necessary?

Hi FighteBattle... Don't give up ya. I have low AMH too but manage to retrieve 12 eggs on my 1st fresh cycle last Oct.
I took my beautician advise and took 4 eggs white daily pior to the start of my cycle.
I am with KKH under Dr THH too.
Jiayou! All the best for your next cycle.
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Ladies, I am back with my 4th cycle in KKH. I guess most of my peers have already graduated.

This is my 1st time with KKH and they are using different drugs on me. I feel different this time from all my previous cycles. Any suggestions for OHSS prevention besides electrolytes and egg whites? thanks!
I had mild OHSS for first fresh and had been high risk for OHSS. Retrieved 32 eggs for last 3rd fresh but managed to prevent OHSS and was able to proceed with fresh ET. I took a big glass of warm water with teaspoon of salt in morning daily after ER. Didn't take electrolyte balancing drinks as I don't take sweet drinks well. Also took up to 6 egg whites and drank at least 2L of water starting from 3-4 days before ER and continued till my bloated feeling subsided within 4 days after ER. Thereafter I resumed to 2 eggs daily along with other varied source of protein as part of usual diet.
All the best!
Oh.. eu yan sang one is better?
I never tried as I boil my own. I read from posts shared previously by others. Some of those who recommended it preferred the taste as more natural or fresh. Not so much on which is more effective which is hard to validate anyway. Maybe you can check and compare the composition and taste of both and decide which you prefer?
Hello Dawn, understand that you did frozen FET with Dr Loh , can I know which clinic you went as Dr Loh has 2 clinics , 1 is at Thomson Medical Center and the other is at the Novena Specialist Center. Both also can do FET?? Wanted to call him for FET apt but dunno which one to go ?

Thanks for your advise
I had mild OHSS for first fresh and had been high risk for OHSS. Retrieved 32 eggs for last 3rd fresh but managed to prevent OHSS and was able to proceed with fresh ET. I took a big glass of warm water with teaspoon of salt in morning daily after ER. Didn't take electrolyte balancing drinks as I don't take sweet drinks well. Also took up to 6 egg whites and drank at least 2L of water starting from 3-4 days before ER and continued till my bloated feeling subsided within 4 days after ER. Thereafter I resumed to 2 eggs daily along with other varied source of protein as part of usual diet.
All the best!

Thanks for the advice!
Hi FighteBattle... Don't give up ya. I have low AMH too but manage to retrieve 12 eggs on my 1st fresh cycle last Oct.
I took my beautician advise and took 4 eggs white daily pior to the start of my cycle.
I am with KKH under Dr THH too.
Jiayou! All the best for your next cycle.
Thank you! My AMH is 0.1..Guess it's almost zero! U took half boiled egg?
Hello Dawn, understand that you did frozen FET with Dr Loh , can I know which clinic you went as Dr Loh has 2 clinics , 1 is at Thomson Medical Center and the other is at the Novena Specialist Center. Both also can do FET?? Wanted to call him for FET apt but dunno which one to go ?

Thanks for your advise
Hi Dolly, for Ivf and FET, dr Loh will see patients at TFC at Novena Specialist Centre. Even if you initially start your first consultation, scan & collect jabs at his O&G Clinic at TMC, once he transfer your records to TFC for subsequent follow ups and procedures, you should see him at TFC. His TMC clinic focuses on other ob & gynae services & treatments not offered by TFC.
Hi sisters, there's 20% discount off EYS chicken Essence for this week. Do store up if you are planning fresh/FET in the coming months. :)
Hi Dolly, for Ivf and FET, dr Loh will see patients at TFC at Novena Specialist Centre. Even if you initially start your first consultation, scan & collect jabs at his O&G Clinic at TMC, once he transfer your records to TFC for subsequent follow ups and procedures, you should see him at TFC. His TMC clinic focuses on other ob & gynae services & treatments not offered by TFC.
Hi babe, require your advice. I did endo lap last month and results from the lap turned out to be mild endo which has been removed. I had s review with my doc at kkh last Friday and was told to go on natural fet since my mensus r regular and I do ovulate .. The lap has turned my cycle somehow from 30th to28 th day cycle. I hav spotting starting today but contemplating if I should do my natural fet this or nxt month as I'm going on a short trip to Bkk and will surely not be on a healthy diet .. And my mensus this time round is still painful despite having had my lap done
Hi babe, require your advice. I did endo lap last month and results from the lap turned out to be mild endo which has been removed. I had s review with my doc at kkh last Friday and was told to go on natural fet since my mensus r regular and I do ovulate .. The lap has turned my cycle somehow from 30th to28 th day cycle. I hav spotting starting today but contemplating if I should do my natural fet this or nxt month as I'm going on a short trip to Bkk and will surely not be on a healthy diet .. And my mensus this time round is still painful despite having had my lap done
If i put myself in your situation, I will rest one more cycle. It will do more good than harm to allow body more time to fully recover. Besides knowing that you will be travelling will more or less psychologically affect you - you won't feel confident that you are taking best care of yourself which you otherwise could if not travelling. Also consider that body natural rhythm can be affected by travelling or changes in external factors. Like myself, whenever I travel, my cycle got disrupted most of the time, mostly very short cycles without ovulation. So instead of rushing into this cycle and getting stressed about it, tell yourself you are giving yourself & your precious embies the best chances by resting up and starting the Fet next month when you will feel things are in better control. Just for your consideration and regardless which decision, all the best!
Thank you! My AMH is 0.1..Guess it's almost zero! U took half boiled egg?
Nope... I took hard boiled eggs. Easier to cook! I think my AMH also 0.xxx, cannot remember the actual number. Dr Tan was a bit worried then coz my AMH low and hubby sperm count low. I was on Gonal f 300iu for 11 days, manage to pick up 12 eggs and got 5 embryo.
Nope... I took hard boiled eggs. Easier to cook! I think my AMH also 0.xxx, cannot remember the actual number. Dr Tan was a bit worried then coz my AMH low and hubby sperm count low. I was on Gonal f 300iu for 11 days, manage to pick up 12 eggs and got 5 embryo.
I see. u r a lucky gal!
Today day 14 of taking the meds Progynova, day 17 of my cycle
For medicated FET, usually doc will let you continue taking Progynova to grow the lining but I'm not sure if doc has any expected standard or any limit as too how long you can continue on progynova. Best to check with doc for advice ba. Meanwhile continue to take rich proteins with healthy diet, adequate hydration, avoid cold stuff, and get to bed early. Jia you!
Hey DawnBB, can i know if your FET is Blastocyst? Is it also medicated FET? Wondering if there is any different dosages given for progynova? Sorry for the many questions!!
Yes my last FET was the first time I tried day-5 blastocysts and it was a medicated FET cycle. I started with 6mg Progynova daily from cycle day 2 onwards and added 200mg Utrogestan inserts on CD14, both medication to continue throughout 2ww and if bfp. They thawed my day2 frozen embryos on CD16 and transferred day-5 blastocysts on CD19. This medication dosage is usual TFC protocol for medicated FET which will be same regardless of which day transfer unless specific needs for conditions like those with luteal phase defect. I'm not sure if different from other clinics/hospital though.
Hi Dolly, for Ivf and FET, dr Loh will see patients at TFC at Novena Specialist Centre. Even if you initially start your first consultation, scan & collect jabs at his O&G Clinic at TMC, once he transfer your records to TFC for subsequent follow ups and procedures, you should see him at TFC. His TMC clinic focuses on other ob & gynae services & treatments not offered by TFC.

Thanks Dawn, then I guess will see him straight in TFC since am going for IVF with him. Is his consultation expensive in TFC ? waiting time long?

Sorry for so many questions. Just wanna have a better understanding before see him.
Yes my last FET was the first time I tried day-5 blastocysts and it was a medicated FET cycle. I started with 6mg Progynova daily from cycle day 2 onwards and added 200mg Utrogestan inserts on CD14, both medication to continue throughout 2ww and if bfp. They thawed my day2 frozen embryos on CD16 and transferred day-5 blastocysts on CD19. This medication dosage is usual TFC protocol for medicated FET which will be same regardless of which day transfer unless specific needs for conditions like those with luteal phase defect. I'm not sure if different from other clinics/hospital though.
I started with 2mg twice a day for 4 days, 4mg x2 for next 4 days and now on 6mg x2
Now doc added estrofem 2mg once a day on TOP of the Progynova . U did how many scans before your ET? What was your lining thickness?
I started with 2mg twice a day for 4 days, 4mg x2 for next 4 days and now on 6mg x2
Now doc added estrofem 2mg once a day on TOP of the Progynova . U did how many scans before your ET? What was your lining thickness?
I did one scan on CD13 when lining was 12+mm triple so doc proceed to schedule when to start Utrogestan and ET date.
I did one scan on CD13 when lining was 12+mm triple so doc proceed to schedule when to start Utrogestan and ET date.
Thanks Dawn for the info. Btw, when AF is here do we need to go down or we can straight start the meds till maybe after 1 week then go down for scan?
Thanks Dawn, then I guess will see him straight in TFC since am going for IVF with him. Is his consultation expensive in TFC ? waiting time long?

Sorry for so many questions. Just wanna have a better understanding before see him.
Consultation & scan pricing are both more costly at TFC than his O&G Clinic, but can't compare exactly as different services and more staff including admin, more Nurses and embryology team. Waiting time is average 1 hour or so esp when busy or when he has ER procedures between consultations. Fortunately the ER & ET room just steps away from his consultation room. If you manage to get earliest first few slots, waiting time can be shorter. There's free wifi to pass time by going online, just bring power bank. The Nurses are key people you should connect with esp when they follow up with you after each doc consultation. They pack your meds, advise you on your medication & what to prepare, counsel you etc. If you have outstanding qns for doc, they are the ones who can help you.
Thanks Dawn for the info. Btw, when AF is here do we need to go down or we can straight start the meds till maybe after 1 week then go down for scan?
No problem. The first scan on CD2 depends on your doc's practice and your condition. For my last FET, doc recorded in previous visit that no need to scan on CD2, just collect meds. When I called the clinic, the nurse confirmed doc's notes and asked me to collect meds only. The next scan in med FET is usually standard and for TFC, it's actually to be done from CD12 but no later than CD14 instead of one week after starting Progynova.
No problem. The first scan on CD2 depends on your doc's practice and your condition. For my last FET, doc recorded in previous visit that no need to scan on CD2, just collect meds. When I called the clinic, the nurse confirmed doc's notes and asked me to collect meds only. The next scan in med FET is usually standard and for TFC, it's actually to be done from CD12 but no later than CD14 instead of one week after starting Progynova.
Your first scan is on CD 13? Why nuh so different... Now I worry whether will make it or not.. Seems like the first scan at nuh is too late.. If scan earlier and find lining not thick enough can still take more meds to make it thicker..
Wow, what did u do to increase the lining so much?
Not sure exactly what helps though since TTC, I have consciously followed a healthy diet of course with focus on some foods suggested by most ladies to help egg quality & implantation. Doc checked my record and confirmed I had average 11-12mm triple lining for all my fresh or FET cycles. Apart from balanced diet, at least 2L water daily, supplements (prenatal vitamins, Ubiquinol, fish oil), I had avocadoes, eggs, chicken or sometimes beef essence, walnuts, Brazil nuts, porridge cooked with dried scallop and mix of black beans, red beans, kidney beans and peanuts, did weekly acupuncture sessions (which I started since Jan 2015), did brisk walking 3 times weekly, and get to bed by 11pm sleeping for at least 7 hrs daily. The only 2 things I didn't follow was to take red bean soup (as don't fancy sweet dessert soup) and raspberry leaf tea.
Hi, are you trying again? I had two ectopic and 1 MC, fully understand how u feel
Hi jkoh... am so glad to meet ladies like you who understand how I feel.:) My friends don't understand, tell me to stop trying and just adopt. I almost wanted to give up too... after my surgery, I thought to myself that I don't want kid anymore, really very scared of another pregnancy loss (I have 1 mc before my 1st cycle). Then I found this thread and the ladies here are all so brave and strong, keep trying despite failures. So Yes... I am going to trying again! My 3 snow bb are waiting for me.

Just an update: FRESH #1
CD5 (Feb 27, Sat)
- Ultrasound scan #2
- Follicles growing normal, with the largest about 10 mm, about ten follicles in total
- Previous blood test cleared
- Prescribed on Menopur 300 iu for another four nights (CD5 - CD8) and Orgalutron 0.25 mg on CD7 and CD8 nights
Next appointment: CD9 (Mar 2, Wed)

Have a great evening ladies! Keep fighting...

Another update: FRESH #1
CD9 (Mar 02, Wed)
- Ultrasound scan #3
- Risk of OHSS, with 30-40 follicles range from 15.9 to 9
- Lining 8.5 mm triple
- Probably not transfer fresh this cycle
- Prescribed on Menopur 300 iu + Orgalutron 0.25 mg for tonight (CD9),
Puregon 200 iu + Orgalutron 0.25 mg for two nights (CD10, CD11)
- Lucrin 30 iu trigger shot on Sat (CD12) night 9.30 pm, to be done by nurse at TMC
- OPK test on Sun (CD13) morning, go A&E if -ve
- To BD on Thu (CD10)
- Egg retrieval and sperm collection on Mon (CD14), 9.30 am
