IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi jkoh... am so glad to meet ladies like you who understand how I feel.:) My friends don't understand, tell me to stop trying and just adopt. I almost wanted to give up too... after my surgery, I thought to myself that I don't want kid anymore, really very scared of another pregnancy loss (I have 1 mc before my 1st cycle). Then I found this thread and the ladies here are all so brave and strong, keep trying despite failures. So Yes... I am going to trying again! My 3 snow bb are waiting for me.
Yes keep trying... I don't want to regret later in life. That's what I told myself. I have 3 snow too :)
When are u doing FET?

Anyone doing acupuncture at Thomson Chinese Medicine at Thomson Medical? Are they good?
Me. I have been seeing Dr Seah Ai Wei at Thomson TCM main branch at TMC since Jan 2015 after failing 1st fresh. My hubby saw Dr Gee Swee Sien at Thomson TCM Katong I12 Branch as near our place & he could go on weekends. We were dealing with male factor infertility and challenges of advanced age being 37 and 38 yo when started Ivf. We succeeded at our 2nd FET after 3rd fresh. We are both very happy with our docs & treatments. One of our friends couple also switched to Dr Gee from Dr Zou.
Another update: FRESH #1
CD9 (Mar 02, Wed)
- Ultrasound scan #3
- Risk of OHSS, with 30-40 follicles range from 15.9 to 9
- Lining 8.5 mm triple
- Probably not transfer fresh this cycle
- Prescribed on Menopur 300 iu + Orgalutron 0.25 mg for tonight (CD9),
Puregon 200 iu + Orgalutron 0.25 mg for two nights (CD10, CD11)
- Lucrin 30 iu trigger shot on Sat (CD12) night 9.30 pm, to be done by nurse at TMC
- OPK test on Sun (CD13) morning, go A&E if -ve
- To BD on Thu (CD10)
- Egg retrieval and sperm collection on Mon (CD14), 9.30 am
Rest well and good luck to your coming ER. Wow u are so blessed to have so many follicles, hopefully can develop to blasties later.
Me. I have been seeing Dr Seah Ai Wei at Thomson TCM main branch at TMC since Jan 2015 after failing 1st fresh. My hubby saw Dr Gee Swee Sien at Thomson TCM Katong I12 Branch as near our place & he could go on weekends. We were dealing with male factor infertility and challenges of advanced age being 37 and 38 yo when started Ivf. We succeeded at our 2nd FET after 3rd fresh. We are both very happy with our docs & treatments. One of our friends couple also switched to Dr Gee from Dr Zou.
I was having acupuncture at a clinic near my house but I find the doc doesn't really specialise in fertility. So thinking to switch to Thomson Chinese Medicine. TCM charges rather high fee for their acupuncture so I am wondering are they really that good? $80 for one session while the place I usually go to is only $24.
I was having acupuncture at a clinic near my house but I find the doc doesn't really specialise in fertility. So thinking to switch to Thomson Chinese Medicine. TCM charges rather high fee for their acupuncture so I am wondering are they really that good? $80 for one session while the place I usually go to is only $24.
When I started tcm, I was still working. Could not have coped with Long queue or waiting time though I initially was interested to consult Dr Zou at AMK as she had good reviews. I read good feedback on Dr Seah so decided to see her instead since it's near TFC where I go for Ivf treatments. Also becoz almost no waiting time or at most 10min as it's based on fixed appointment and the staff take care to schedule the appointments to min. waiting time. Tcm under Hospitals are def more expensive than Neighbourhood ones. As I became comfortable with Dr Seah, I chose to stick with her even after I stopped working. I esp like that she was able to customise methods for my needs. For eg, she did intensive twice weekly sessions and added electric current on needles when I had inter-menstrual bleeding due to withdrawal from estrogen & progesterone after stopping support meds. I recovered normal regular cycle with just 2 weeks treatment then she resumed to usual methods and once weekly sessions. Her acupoints for pre ovulation and post ovulation or ET will be different. On different occasions, she had also added other methods like using indirect moxibustion or burning moxi incense besides needles. If you ask or probe about her treatments, she will patiently explain to you.
Rest well and good luck to your coming ER. Wow u are so blessed to have so many follicles, hopefully can develop to blasties later.
Thanks jkoh, yes is blessed to have many follicles but at the same time, there is a risk of developing OHSS which need to cancel the fresh ET. Kind of disappointment and yet another worry! Pray for strong and brave embies to get through the thawing process later...
Thanks jkoh, yes is blessed to have many follicles but at the same time, there is a risk of developing OHSS which need to cancel the fresh ET. Kind of disappointment and yet another worry! Pray for strong and brave embies to get through the thawing process later...
Drink more water! I retrieved 32 eggs and got ohss during my ER in jan. :( postponed ET till this month. All the best!!
Not sure exactly what helps though since TTC, I have consciously followed a healthy diet of course with focus on some foods suggested by most ladies to help egg quality & implantation. Doc checked my record and confirmed I had average 11-12mm triple lining for all my fresh or FET cycles. Apart from balanced diet, at least 2L water daily, supplements (prenatal vitamins, Ubiquinol, fish oil), I had avocadoes, eggs, chicken or sometimes beef essence, walnuts, Brazil nuts, porridge cooked with dried scallop and mix of black beans, red beans, kidney beans and peanuts, did weekly acupuncture sessions (which I started since Jan 2015), did brisk walking 3 times weekly, and get to bed by 11pm sleeping for at least 7 hrs daily. The only 2 things I didn't follow was to take red bean soup (as don't fancy sweet dessert soup) and raspberry leaf tea.
Normally how many days and how heavy is your menses?
Normally mine is 6-7 days, 1st 3 days need to change pad every 3-4 hrs.
And for my last two fresh cycles, my lining were 10-11mm triple on the last scan 5-4 days respectively before transfer. So I was surprised when he told me it's only 5mm yesterday! Does mercilon the birth control pill I took during last cycle cause lining to be thin?
Normally how many days and how heavy is your menses?
Normally mine is 6-7 days, 1st 3 days need to change pad every 3-4 hrs.
And for my last two fresh cycles, my lining were 10-11mm triple on the last scan 5-4 days respectively before transfer. So I was surprised when he told me it's only 5mm yesterday! Does mercilon the birth control pill I took during last cycle cause lining to be thin?
My AF normally 5-7 days, first 2-3 days heavy, next 2 days medium to light and usually light to spotting on 5th day onwards. Seems quite similar to yours. I seldom have PMS and no cramps. I have never taken mercilon so not sure of its effects. Since you normally have good lining growth, this time it's quite unusual and it's first time you take mercilon, it's good to check with doctor.
Thanks jkoh, yes is blessed to have many follicles but at the same time, there is a risk of developing OHSS which need to cancel the fresh ET. Kind of disappointment and yet another worry! Pray for strong and brave embies to get through the thawing process later...
Drink more water! I retrieved 32 eggs and got ohss during my ER in jan. :( postponed ET till this month. All the best!!
Me too. Retrieved 24 eggs in Dec and postponed ET for the same reason. Don't worry! Both the day-2 embies taken out to thaw survived! No embies wasted due to thawing. All the best! :)
Hi how's everyone? It's been a long long time since I last came in. This is my new account as I think I'm being "stomped" by someone in the office :eek:
Been waiting for Novena CARE to get their license to do fresh cycle again but till now no news, cannot wait anymore as time is catching up for me. Thinking of going Dr Roland Chieng of Virtus Fertility Centre, any sisters here have any reviews/feedbacks? This could really be my very last chance already
My TCM told me recently a few had been to Thailand to do their cycles and they are successful, hubby not willing to go lah :p
Yes keep trying... I don't want to regret later in life. That's what I told myself. I have 3 snow too :)
When are u doing FET?
Hi jkoh... I am planning to go for my FET in May, will be doing endo scratch. Heard that it aids implantation?
Seeing him again this sat. Why FET on CD 17? When I see him for the 1st scan it's already my CD 17
Ic. I am not sure about FET. Havent got e chance to do fet yet.

Sisters doing medicated fet before, Actuali for fet which is e cd to transfer or it all depends on e lining?lining needs certain lining before doc nod head to transfer? Days doesnt matter?
Ic. I am not sure about FET. Havent got e chance to do fet yet.

Sisters doing medicated fet before, Actuali for fet which is e cd to transfer or it all depends on e lining?lining needs certain lining before doc nod head to transfer? Days doesnt matter?
Lining thickness is more important as in medicated FET, you will not be limited by time of ovulation since there will be no ovulation after starting on estrogen birth control pills. So if lining not ideal yet, doc can let you continue medication to grow lining though I'm not sure whether is there any other limitation as to how long you can ultimately rely on medication.
Hi Ladies

Had my IVF consultation session with Dr Tan KK from KK..Was informed need to attend a counselling session which cost around $350 to $420. I understand SGH and NUH are free, how come KK charge this counselling session and yet so expensive???

Prior to this session, the couple need to take blood tests. Anyone has idea on the charges of this blood tests?
9 blasties is a really good number! in my opinion lah, coz I only had 6 day-2 embies to freeze.
Oh... i am thinking about my lining for FET. I forgot my average lining during my stimms period. only can remember got triple but i think its the jabs that made it to triple lining.. How many mg or prognova were u given? my dr gave me 2mg to take.. now waiting menses to arrive to start! You transferred 2 embbies? Again, my dr only recommend me 1... Was thinking should i ask for 2..
Hi Ladies

Had my IVF consultation session with Dr Tan KK from KK..Was informed need to attend a counselling session which cost around $350 to $420. I understand SGH and NUH are free, how come KK charge this counselling session and yet so expensive???

Prior to this session, the couple need to take blood tests. Anyone has idea on the charges of this blood tests?
The blood test is around 300+ for 2
Oh... i am thinking about my lining for FET. I forgot my average lining during my stimms period. only can remember got triple but i think its the jabs that made it to triple lining.. How many mg or prognova were u given? my dr gave me 2mg to take.. now waiting menses to arrive to start! You transferred 2 embbies? Again, my dr only recommend me 1... Was thinking should i ask for 2..
Is yours a blast that's why doc suggest 1?
Lining thickness is more important as in medicated FET, you will not be limited by time of ovulation since there will be no ovulation after starting on estrogen birth control pills. So if lining not ideal yet, doc can let you continue medication to grow lining though I'm not sure whether is there any other limitation as to how long you can ultimately rely on medication.
Ic. Dawn,thks for e information. Then when will e doctor decide to continue the fet transfer for the cycle originally targrt for or will shift to next cycle?or for medicated fet,is surely can do 1 as long as it falls within 28 days from menses start?
Is yours a blast that's why doc suggest 1?
Mine was blast but i am not sure could it be this reason thats why only want. i think his rational is i am still young and told me double might lead to ICU if complicated etc... maybe on the safe side ba. But is blasto embie better as compared to d2 embie ?
Mine was blast but i am not sure could it be this reason thats why only want. i think his rational is i am still young and told me double might lead to ICU if complicated etc... maybe on the safe side ba. But is blasto embie better as compared to d2 embie ?
Becos you are younger, I Guess less than 35, blast has higher success rate than D2, putting two might result in twins. Congrats!! You have blast! That's so nice!
Hi Ladies

Had my IVF consultation session with Dr Tan KK from KK..Was informed need to attend a counselling session which cost around $350 to $420. I understand SGH and NUH are free, how come KK charge this counselling session and yet so expensive???

Prior to this session, the couple need to take blood tests. Anyone has idea on the charges of this blood tests?
The amount includes blood tests and Counselling session.
Ic. Dawn,thks for e information. Then when will e doctor decide to continue the fet transfer for the cycle originally targrt for or will shift to next cycle?or for medicated fet,is surely can do 1 as long as it falls within 28 days from menses start?
In medicated FET, once lining is ideal at least 8mm, doc usually will schedule for ET taking into account the age of your frozen embryos and whether to culture further after thawing.

Usually medicated FET is recommended for those who having irregular cycle or unpredictable ovulation, or those whose lining is usually thin in natural cycle. The estrogen medication is supposed to facilitate lining growth. What I am not sure is what is the usual practice if lining growth is still not responsive to estrogen in medicated cycle - how long can doc allow patient to continue taking estrogen before deciding to abort or if we are allowed to continue until lining becomes thick enough for ET?
Mine was blast but i am not sure could it be this reason thats why only want. i think his rational is i am still young and told me double might lead to ICU if complicated etc... maybe on the safe side ba. But is blasto embie better as compared to d2 embie ?
Chances of implantation and live birth is proven to be higher for blastocysts compared to cleavage stage day 2 or 3 embryos. This is because you cannot really tell if a good looking day 3 embryo is normal and it may die/ arrest beyond day 3 culture. But if a day 3 embryo can breakthrough and grow well into day 5 blastocysts, chances of it being a normal embryo that can implant is higher. Also a blastocyst transfer, esp with assisted hatching, have higher chance of splitting itself into an identical twins. If you are younger and this is your first or even 2nd blastocyst transfer, doc will usually suggest to try one first as the risk of multiples and hence complications is high. Having multiples may be a blessing but also comes with trade off in the sense that you may have a more stressful & worrisome pregnancy, and preterm birth is common and usually delivery by C-section. Doc's view is why take the risk if your chances of achieving a live singleton birth is high and you can have a less stress singleton pregnancy.
Becos you are younger, I Guess less than 35, blast has higher success rate than D2, putting two might result in twins. Congrats!! You have blast! That's so nice!
ah yo. still early leh. waiting my af come :( cant wait to start.. are u doing this mth also or may ?
Chances of implantation and live birth is proven to be higher for blastocysts compared to cleavage stage day 2 or 3 embryos. This is because you cannot really tell if a good looking day 3 embryo is normal and it may die/ arrest beyond day 3 culture. But if a day 3 embryo can breakthrough and grow well into day 5 blastocysts, chances of it being a normal embryo that can implant is higher. Also a blastocyst transfer, esp with assisted hatching, have higher chance of splitting itself into an identical twins. If you are younger and this is your first or even 2nd blastocyst transfer, doc will usually suggest to try one first as the risk of multiples and hence complications is high. Having multiples may be a blessing but also comes with trade off in the sense that you may have a more stressful & worrisome pregnancy, and preterm birth is common and usually delivery by C-section. Doc's view is why take the risk if your chances of achieving a live singleton birth is high and you can have a less stress singleton pregnancy.
Totally agree with you Dawn! I didnt know that blasto may hatch and split into 2. But i dont know if mine will be assisted hatching or not. Jan cycle was my 3rd fresh but sad to say i have never been to the stage of doing ET due to my PCOS.. it is always cancelled or no growth. Always envy those who managed to get to ET and eventually got +ve! Now my colleague who just got married also preg already. More stress... But keep reminding myself to keep positive and dont think about it ..
Totally agree with you Dawn! I didnt know that blasto may hatch and split into 2. But i dont know if mine will be assisted hatching or not. Jan cycle was my 3rd fresh but sad to say i have never been to the stage of doing ET due to my PCOS.. it is always cancelled or no growth. Always envy those who managed to get to ET and eventually got +ve! Now my colleague who just got married also preg already. More stress... But keep reminding myself to keep positive and dont think about it ..
Don't give up! My friend also has PCOS and she finally succeed with Ivf after failing IUIs. we may need assistance in conceiving, it may mean it takes more resources physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and time wise, but it doesn't mean we can't build a family or can't be a parent. Focus your strength on your own journey and when you have done all you need and can do, the last best thing you can still do is to stay positive no matter how tough the going gets.
Totally agree with you Dawn! I didnt know that blasto may hatch and split into 2. But i dont know if mine will be assisted hatching or not. Jan cycle was my 3rd fresh but sad to say i have never been to the stage of doing ET due to my PCOS.. it is always cancelled or no growth. Always envy those who managed to get to ET and eventually got +ve! Now my colleague who just got married also preg already. More stress... But keep reminding myself to keep positive and dont think about it ..
Don't mean to be a wet blanket.. But I transferred two blast for my first fresh cycle but still bfn. So go with what u think is comfortable. After failing cycles, my doc now says just transfer 2. The aim is to get preg, doesn't matter even if it's twins. FYI he always encourage 1 embryo transfer
Wondering if any sistas had Lucrin as trigger shot instead. I am supposed to administered by TMC OPD staff on this Sat night. My concern is where should the injection site be? Abdomen, front thigh, buttock? This is just to prepare myself incase the staff has no idea. :) Thanks.
Don't mean to be a wet blanket.. But I transferred two blast for my first fresh cycle but still bfn. So go with what u think is comfortable. After failing cycles, my doc now says just transfer 2. The aim is to get preg, doesn't matter even if it's twins. FYI he always encourage 1 embryo transfer

U have to weigh the balance and whether U are willing to risk having twins if it really happen. I know the risk of transferring more but still go ahead with it because of my age, my embryo quality, my past cycle failure are all determining factor. I have transferred three n not a single one stick and the recent cycle BFP with twins.

Everyone is saying twins are so cute etc but it comes with a lot of risk. Preterm labor is one of them. Gestational diabetic, heavier near to full term and may need bedrest, bad morning sickness and chances of natural birth is difficult. Depending on your built and your past cycle I would say decide from there.
U have to weigh the balance and whether U are willing to risk having twins if it really happen. I know the risk of transferring more but still go ahead with it because of my age, my embryo quality, my past cycle failure are all determining factor. I have transferred three n not a single one stick and the recent cycle BFP with twins.

Everyone is saying twins are so cute etc but it comes with a lot of risk. Preterm labor is one of them. Gestational diabetic, heavier near to full term and may need bedrest, bad morning sickness and chances of natural birth is difficult. Depending on your built and your past cycle I would say decide from there.
Congrats bunny! Have a smooth delivery! Thanks for popping by to cheer us up!

Wondering if any sistas had Lucrin as trigger shot instead. I am supposed to administered by TMC OPD staff on this Sat night. My concern is where should the injection site be? Abdomen, front thigh, buttock? This is just to prepare myself incase the staff has no idea. :) Thanks.
The nurses recommended me buttocks. Not as painful i guess.
