IVF/ICSI Support Group

Oh I hope you don't have to do 2nd ivf. Good luck.
Blood results come out negative . We are kinna expected n mentally prepared. But will still keep some hopes n will still continue with the progesterone wax pills until next Monday n also procee with the bloodtest... just that little hope for us..
Letmebmama, in that case FET can start a little earlier compared to doing 2nd fresh. And sorry this round didn't work for ya. Do ask Dr Sadhana what's next for you.

My August BT is negative for my 2nd fresh and my coming Sep cycle I'm doing FET already.

In KKH, grade 5 is the best looking embie (doesn't mean best quality or best success rate. Anything can happen to any grade). From what I read here, KKH doesn't use grade 2 and below.

My frozen embies are mixture of grade 3 and 4.

You are at 10dp?t?

Did they give u the detailed report? Is it a stratght negative as in 0 or below 5 or below 25?

Reason why i ask is because if bhcg count is below 25, u r not regarded as fully pregnant. 25 is equivocal.
Peaches: I am an advocate for 2 but since you are relatively young, just to be devil's advocate, do consider the success of twins. Many ladies succeed with IVF first time and they dont lurk around here much as they move on quickly to the MTB forums. Twins is a blessing but just be prepared for it.

You are at 10dp?t?

Did they give u the detailed report? Is it a stratght negative as in 0 or below 5 or below 25?

Reason why i ask is because if bhcg count is below 25, u r not regarded as fully pregnant. 25 is equivocal.

I'm at 11dpt. Yes got the report. mine is <1 .... the Dr says it's actually bit early to tell, therefore advice us to proceed with the bloodtest again as the scheduled on 15th sept... only then can gives the correct answer.... but... im confused now bcoz of the period flow I'm having right now.... so.. finger crossed


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I'm at 11dpt. Yes got the report. mine is <1 .... the Dr says it's actually bit early to tell, therefore advice us to proceed with the bloodtest again as the scheduled on 15th sept... only then can gives the correct answer.... but... im confused now bcoz of the period flow I'm having right now.... so.. finger crossed
U had a 2 day transfer?
Yes, i took concieve well n honeyworld royal jelly with cq10 from japan. But if u hv pcos, u can't take royal jelly.

I mix my immunocal with ensure milk in a shaker. Easier to mix n drink.

Hi Portia,

I'm taking honeyworld royal jelly with cq10 also... And I have PCOS.. May I know why cannot take royal jelly? And the consequence? I have been taking it for two weeks already... Going for FET in nov/dec..
Hi Portia,

I'm taking honeyworld royal jelly with cq10 also... And I have PCOS.. May I know why cannot take royal jelly? And the consequence? I have been taking it for two weeks already... Going for FET in nov/dec..
I read some articles long time ago. Royal jelly has estrogenic effects and may not be good for those with pcos.

You may want to research further or check with yr dr.
A quick question - for those mummies with mc thru ivf.. how did u found out its a mc? Is it like my situation, that a spotting become heavy spotting? Or thru the bloodtest? I'm sorry for asking I know it's a very sensitive subject.
Can anyone give me the link to order cq10 from iherb. I try to order but so many different types. Confused to order. Anyone please help me
A quick question - for those mummies with mc thru ivf.. how did u found out its a mc? Is it like my situation, that a spotting become heavy spotting? Or thru the bloodtest? I'm sorry for asking I know it's a very sensitive subject.

If u doing a day 5 transfer and took BT on day 11dp5dt which is day 16 then the result is most likely accurate. Minus 1 means no implantation so it is not a mc. But if yours is day 2 transfer then maybe BT is early. Take care.
She took a beta BT which showed <1 at d10pd5t. So hers is a later embbie than yours and still nothing.


i remember one case with one sister here. But i cannot remember her nick. She was tested negative at first when menses was due but much later (as in a week later, i think), she was tested positive. Can't remember if she had a viable pregnancy though.

Not trying to raise letmebmama's hope but i think as long as a full on period did not arrive, there is still a slim chance.

Mine was confirmed to be a late implantation case. At 11dp3dt, i was only at 110 bhcg when others would be at double, triple or quadruple the number.

I would say that one should only give up hope when period is here or when blood test on day 19 shows negative.
If u doing a day 5 transfer and took BT on day 11dp5dt which is day 16 then the result is most likely accurate. Minus 1 means no implantation so it is not a mc. But if yours is day 2 transfer then maybe BT is early. Take care.
Thanks jumbo girl.... i hope so.. but again I try not put too much hope at the same time coz I'm scared to get disappointed again... coZ it's kinna hurt abit.. :(
She took a beta BT which showed <1 at d10pd5t. So hers is a later embbie than yours and still nothing.
Portia, ron8129... thanks for the support xoxo.... it's OK to me now. Hubby n i kinna talked ourselves out n will give it another try... but of coz hoping at the same time that today's bleeding still help to keep our baby inside... just asking for a little hope..

i remember one case with one sister here. But i cannot remember her nick. She was tested negative at first when menses was due but much later (as in a week later, i think), she was tested positive. Can't remember if she had a viable pregnancy though.

Not trying to raise letmebmama's hope but i think as long as a full on period did not arrive, there is still a slim chance.

Mine was confirmed to be a late implantation case. At 11dp3dt, i was only at 110 bhcg when others would be at double, triple or quadruple the number.

I would say that one should only give up hope when period is here or when blood test on day 19 shows negative.
Portia- thanks... xoxo fingers n toes crossed... will only know after Monday....
Yes oceangal i started conceive well. Then Q10 in convince well is enough to meet the requirement?

Dr Yu told us 100mg is sufficient. Conceive Well has 60mg. I bought Healthy Origins from iherbs which is 100mg but I didn't want to take too much supplement (finds it taxing on the body) so just make do with Conceive Well.
I just did my BT today at 4dp3dt to monitor hormones level and will be given additional support if BT shows insufficiency.

Does other fertility centres do that too?

I'm a bit confused. Do we consider day of transfer as day 1 or day after transfer as day 1? My transfer on Monday so is today d4 or d5? TIA!
I just did my BT today at 4dp3dt to monitor hormones level and will be given additional support if BT shows insufficiency.

Does other fertility centres do that too?

I'm a bit confused. Do we consider day of transfer as day 1 or day after transfer as day 1? My transfer on Monday so is today d4 or d5? TIA!

Hi oceangal... I m with kkhivf n they did not scheduled any bt durin the 2ww.... I rather they did...
The day of trsf is considered day 0 so today is 4dp3dt....
im now at 6dp2dt... so close! :)
Yea so close :) how are you feeling today? I don't feel so well. I'm waiting for my turn at acupuncture. Dr told me to stop LRD tea and chic of essence lest the body becomes too hot and to drink lotsa water.

I heard from nurse that when pregnancy is achieved, BT is required weekly to closely monitor the hormones. Quite good right.
Yea so close :)how are you feeling today? I don't feel so well. I'm waiting for my turn at acupuncture. Dr told me to stop LRD tea and chic of essence lest the body becomes too hot and to drink lotsa water.

I heard from nurse that when preg is achieved, BT is required weekly to closely monitor the hormones. Quite good right.

Today i got a little startled cuz i have these on n off cramps since i woke up...
u are still being adminstered with acupucture?
do u feel veryhot? I think the LRD is very heaty so i dun take it everyday in my 2ww... onli like when i find the weather for the day has turned chilly then i will take... i m those tht can easily get feverish if i take heaty herbs n especially sensitive to dang gui.
I also try to down 2L of water everyday...

wow.... so nice of ur fertility centre to closely monitor ur situation. Which centre are u with?
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Redvel, my hub after my ER stops all his restriction and even starting to buy me the right after my Er until now haha

Ron, :) thanks for reminding me to order immunocal too hahaha.. But been very slack in taking it now.

Hubby going Europe for business trip and I asked to tag along but it might coincide with my D&C. Worse come to worse do it next mth but must te him first leh hmm
Janices, can try emailing the forum admin. I had emailed them about something earlier and they did reply quite quickly. Plus I am not sure if it's the nick or name shown on tapatalk app..
I just did my BT today at 4dp3dt to monitor hormones level and will be given additional support if BT shows insufficiency.

Does other fertility centres do that too?

I'm a bit confused. Do we consider day of transfer as day 1 or day after transfer as day 1? My transfer on Monday so is today d4 or d5? TIA!

My BT was scheduled on day 11 after ET at NUH. i was given progesterone jab on day 1 or day 2; followed by twice-weekly progesterone jabs and daily duphaston pills from day 11 until Week 10 when bfp
Hi gals, Is there a bloodtest called "type and screen" needed for ivf/icsi at kkh? Today e nurse pass me a stack of blood test,i dunno which is for polyp removal and which is for ivf. Nurse didnt tell me which is for which. Totally blur. N go to which part of kkh for blood test lei?
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Where do you see "type and screen"?

For ivf the blood test is needed for both you and hubby. So not sure what you have been briefed.

For this test, it's done at kkivf and press Q number 2 (I think). The Q machine there says "blood test".

I'm going for it tomorrow morning.
Where do you see "type and screen"?

For ivf the blood test is needed for both you and hubby. So not sure what you have been briefed.

For this test, it's done at kkivf and press Q number 2 (I think). The Q machine there says "blood test".

I'm going for it tomorrow morning.
The nurse passed me a stack of blood test paper today. Not much briefing.I saw this type n screen on 1 of e paper lor. Dunno is it for e day surgery or for e ivf for this bloodtest. Which no can i call to ask?
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I'm looking at my pre ivf blood test papers and spot a number. Not sure if it's right for your case but no harm call and let them direct you.

Kkh Lab Reception Tel : 6394 1352 / 54
Janices, can try emailing the forum admin. I had emailed them about something earlier and they did reply quite quickly. Plus I am not sure if it's the nick or name shown on tapatalk app..
Thanks Ron. Wanted to change nick cos I think my nick too obvious hahahaha
