IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi gals, i'm back on my 2nd fresh cycle. Started stimming on wed. I've been prescribed with many diff injections (orgalutran, saizen, gonal f, pergoveris) this cycle and I haven't got a chance to ask the doc on why this is diff. Only asked pharmacist and she said it's hormones. Looking forward to this coming Fri for the scan. Really hoping this will be the cycle for me. The injections have been v painful.. :(

Thanks Mrs cheng and loveg. I duno whether it's the hormones but sometimes I get v moody and short tempered. Ah. Don't like it. Have stocked up many bottles of chicken essence! All the best to all of u too
Do you ladies drink chicken essence everyday or? Im not a fan of chicken essence but i tot of drinking it while my cycle starts...
Hi everyone, do u take the chicken essence during process of the jabs? How often do u do so?

I took royal jelly for 2 days consecutively, and I feel that I'm already heaty today. I'm usually "cool" one so I'm thinking it will be too much heaty if I take chicken essence too
Sigh...menses like going to finish...today only 3rd day nia..

I only take chicken essence during 2ww, as i know during stim stage, many takes protein foods to have more eggs, red date tea and red bean soup for better lining.

You have short menses?
Sometimes my menses seems to be end but after a day, it comes back again...

Oh, talking about red bean, how often can we drink? I wanted to try drinking during my next 2ww. Heard drinking too much is not good too so i wonder how much am i suppose to drink.

I gonna stock up chicken essence soon then...

You have short menses?
Sometimes my menses seems to be end but after a day, it comes back again...

Oh, talking about red bean, how often can we drink? I wanted to try drinking during my next 2ww. Heard drinking too much is not good too so i wonder how much am i suppose to drink.

I gonna stock up chicken essence soon then...
Wat quantity of chicken essence do we hv to tk?

You have short menses?
Sometimes my menses seems to be end but after a day, it comes back again...

Oh, talking about red bean, how often can we drink? I wanted to try drinking during my next 2ww. Heard drinking too much is not good too so i wonder how much am i suppose to drink.

I gonna stock up chicken essence soon then...

Mscheng my menses was similiar like yours, heavy flow only one day for recently two cycles, but spotting dragged me till day 5 or 6.

I drink red date + wolfberry tea everyday, sometimes will add logan, red bean soup two to three times a week until ET, only start to take chicken essence after ET, maybe on alternate day.
Mscheng my menses was similiar like yours, heavy flow only one day for recently two cycles, but spotting dragged me till day 5 or 6.

I drink red date + wolfberry tea everyday, sometimes will add logan, red bean soup two to three times a week until ET, only start to take chicken essence after ET, maybe on alternate day.

oh thanks! i shall start drinking red date tea...

So red beans soup when cycle comes then drink? Cos now im still waiting for my menses to come....
oh thanks! i shall start drinking red date tea...

So red beans soup when cycle comes then drink? Cos now im still waiting for my menses to come....

I started to drink red date tea and red bean soup since last cycle, since I have short period from last two cycles, I was adviced by my TCM to take red bean soup also.
Jiayou girls!!

Pumpkin_pie: good luck! I'm sure everything will be ok for u!

For now, I'm in stimulation stage. I'm taking ensure milk, 4 egg whites daily and drinking isotonic. Is there anything I'm missing out on? :)
i reaslised quite a number drink ensure milk, is it good?

wah... 4 eggs white daily... so discard the yolk and eat the whites...

can i check with you gals, after the ET, during the 2ww, how you gals prepare your meals?

My MIL & hubby are working so i still wondering what to do during my 2ww while resting at home...
hi, i am new here, can i ask how long do u ladies try before going for ivf? i am very tempted to go for it, but unsure about the procedure, can anyone advise?
And for ensure milk, which one did you all drink? They got different type right?

Hi melingg I bought the Ensure Life. I started drinking only 2 days ago, during my stimulation. But I don't take multivits together with Ensure as Ensure also has multivits and read that it's not good to take together.

But I'm not sure if to take throughout the process, even during 2ww ?
Oh glad to heard that, what is your status now? Sorry dear, I have lost track. I am wonder how come kkivf only advice to take progynova from day 4 and dr loh asked to start from day 3? Blur me I am actually forgotten to ask when shall I take it, in the morning with empty stomach or at night, hopefully someone will pick up my call tomorrow morning as dr loh clinic only start from afternoon. When do you need to see dr loh again?

I suppose to cycle this month but postpone due to unforseen circumstances...So will continue to rest and tiao the body...Most likely will go back to see him before mid year...

Yup his is different ..he wans to start from Day 3...Take it everyday same timing..I will always take in the morning after breakfast...Sure they will pick up...Their clinic are open in the morning..;-)..Wish u all the best...
hi meilingg & vainylucky, i did see a gynae, for TTC, but never ask him about IVF. I just had my AF and was utterly disappointed coz my gynae gave me a HCG jab and supposed to ovulate but unfortunately, my AF came....
@angelbaby924 since doc did not suggest you for ivf, maybe he thinks you can conceive naturally?

Cos for me as my hubby low sperm count, he told me ivf is one of the option but he refuse to let me go for it first as he wanted me to try conceive naturally so after couple of months of trying and followed by clomids, he let me go for ivf.

So you may ask your doc during your next visit and see what he says if you go for ivf...
@meilingg i will ask him, made appt to see him this fri
but i wanted to explore the option of IVF as I am not young really, and it took me so long to try for a bb coz I went through a kidney transplant operation and I dun wanna waste time anymore
@angelbaby924 then you better voice out your concern to him. If you really think you are ready, let the doc know then. Ya, i can understand keep trying and trying but always disappointment.

Doc always say we are still young blah blah...
Hello everyone, I m starting my IVF at SGH Care in mid march. I m on long protocol. But I not really sure on the process. Any ladies on long protocol can share their experience.
I used to be a silent reader of this thread in 2011-12 when I went through the hardest period in my life. I can only find support and comfort when I came to this forum, as only ladies here understand my feeling.
This is my story:
I started ttc in 2007, went for check up in 2008 and found out that my dh has very low sperm count of only 0.8m. Both of us started seeing Dr Tan Kian Seng in 2009. Did 3 rounds of iui in 2010 but all failed. Finally went to see Dr Loh and started my IVF in 2011. To my dismay, we encountered another problem – I have low reserve. I tried 2 IVFs when Dr Loh was still with KKH, long and short protocol. I had 4 jabs daily for my short protocol. Both times, I yield only 1 egg and transferred only 1 embryo. Both cycles failed.
Dr Loh suggested natural IVF for me before he left KK. I did not follow him to Thomson due to cost concern. I tried natural IVF for about 5-6 times in KK under Dr Sadhana and for each cycle, I did not manage to proceed to ER phase as I always ovulated before ER. Feeling so disappointed, I went to see Dr Loh and I finally succeeded. I gave birth last year and I am blessed with a cute baby boy.
Looking back, the ttc journey was so tough. I cried after each failed cycle, after I had spotting, after AF reported. I feel so jealous when I saw pregnant women on street. I even kept a distance from my friend who got pregnant when I failed my iui/ivf.
Ladies, the journey is tough but don’t give up. I will share here what I have done 1 year before I got pregnant.
Please focus on improving your health – quality of eggs and a good womb are very important.
After I failed my 2nd IVF, I did a detox to clear the chemical before I started supplements and TCM treatment. Below is what I ate/did 1 year before my successful cycle:
· Take immunocal 5x a week
· Take conceive-well, CQ10 (150mg) daily.
· Red dates tea at least 5 times a week.
· Red bean soup before ovulation to thicken the lining
· 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily
· Home made chicken essence weekly
· Accupuncture with Dr Zhao of Raffles Hospital before ovulation. ( I took her med for 2 cycles only)
· Soak my feet in warm water before I went to sleep (as advised by Dr Zhao)
· Wear socks to sleep.
· Avoid liang food, tea, cold drinks, alcohol. Cut down on coffee
· Reiki Healing with Md Valencia Tan (yes, I am so desperate)
· Fertility yoga (recommended by a sister here who succeeded in her 1st natural IVF)
· A lot of praying (temples, Novena church)
· Hubby was more cooperative after 2 failed cycle. He went to see Dr Tan Kian Seng every week diligently.
For my successful cycle, I went back to work 2 days after ET but took leave during implantation days (d5-7 post ET). I wear tummy warmer when at home. As I have failed so many times, I did not pin much hope for that cycle. I did not look for symptoms and think too much. Working is also a good distraction. When I was at home, I read my favourite books and watch comedy. To my surprise, I succeeded. When I look at my baby nowadays, I still couldn’t believe it.
Ladies, jia you.
bs1970 - may I ask u wat is Reiki Healing w Md Valencia Tan? N where u go for fertility yoga?
@vainylucky - I'm w ann tan too. Expensive but she focus very much on success rate. I had a successful pregnancy from my 2011 fresh IVF and now pregnant with my 2nd from FET in Dec. good luck!

Hi @littlethingsinlife: thanks!!! Grabbing your baby dust!!!!! I hope I will have good results like u :)

I think ann tan is quite straight forward and she does seem very focused. I'm going to see her today for a scan after 4 days of Puregon jabs.
Hi ladies!!!
I have finally started my 2nd fresh cycle yesterday after a failed IUI last july and a failed IVF cycle last sept due to poor qualities of embryos.
Now Dr sadhana has prescribed Saizen injection(growth hormone)for better quality of embryos together with Puregon...
Anyone going thru the same thing?Any food i should avoid???
Currently taking royal jelly daily..Advise Please..Thanks...
Hi ladies!!!
I have finally started my 2nd fresh cycle yesterday after a failed IUI last july and a failed IVF cycle last sept due to poor qualities of embryos.
Now Dr sadhana has prescribed Saizen injection(growth hormone)for better quality of embryos together with Puregon...
Anyone going thru the same thing?Any food i should avoid???
Currently taking royal jelly daily..Advise Please..Thanks...
Hi Santhiya, what is the dose of saizen n puregon? I'm under dr sadhana too but have not started my 2nd fresh
Hi Santhiya, what is the dose of saizen n puregon? I'm under dr sadhana too but have not started my 2nd fresh
Hi tsf0205..
I am currently on puregon 150units and saizen 5units daily till next monday.
Its two different injections..
will be going for a scan on 17/2/14.
Doc says I got too many eggs and this cycle could be to trigger the eggs and do FET next cycle as my hormones are all over. Did anyone do the same?

I'm a little worried about FET..
Vainylucky: if you have high number of follicles, the risk of OHSS is higher so your doc is likely making the right decision to prevent you from getting it.

Many sisters here succeed on FET. Sometimes our bodies rest after the ER cycle and is in better position on the FET cycle.
Doc says I got too many eggs and this cycle could be to trigger the eggs and do FET next cycle as my hormones are all over. Did anyone do the same?

I'm a little worried about FET..

Hi there I did. Retrieved 38 eggs and cycle was aborted for fet 3 mths later. I didn't develope any ohss symptoms until the following day after ER. I was severely bloated and breathless that I cldnt walk. I looked 5 mths pregnant and kept throwing up. Kidney and liver function tests also showed that my organs were affected. It took me abt 3 mths to recover.
My second fresh I retrieved 48 eggs but was triggered with lucrin to prevent ohss and proceeded with a fresh transfer.
Hi there I did. Retrieved 38 eggs and cycle was aborted for fet 3 mths later. I didn't develope any ohss symptoms until the following day after ER. I was severely bloated and breathless that I cldnt walk. I looked 5 mths pregnant and kept throwing up. Kidney and liver function tests also showed that my organs were affected. It took me abt 3 mths to recover.
My second fresh I retrieved 48 eggs but was triggered with lucrin to prevent ohss and proceeded with a fresh transfer.
Hazelnut u have pcos?
How many Fertilised n frozen.
Hazel nut, omg. So what is your status now? in 2ww? Or waiting for ET?

I did the endo scratch 2 weeks ago. This is the cycle which I hope implantation really improved. Btw the scratch is v v v painful. Though it was only for a short while.
Jumbo no leh I also asked Dr am I pco he said no. Except for many eggs reserve I don't qualify for any pcos criteria to classify me as pco patient he says.
1st ivf 38 eggs retrieved. 35 mature and 32 fertilised. 10 make it to blastocyst.
2nd ivf 48 eggs short protocol with lucrin in trigger. 45 mature 30 fertilised with icsi due to poor sperm quality. 20 day 2 grade 1&2 embryos frozen.
I just failed my 2nd ivf fresh attempt with grade 1 embryos. Period just finished. So wondering shld try this mth naturally or do the scrapping on d21 to prepare for fet next cycle.

Mbbhopeful, ouch sounds really pain. But only last a short while right? Are u also having repeated implantation failure? So have u done the transfer?
