IVF/ICSI Support Group

Positive, in order to remove the polyps, dr has to scrape the lining. Fyi, I can try naturally as hb has blocked tubes. Ivf is my only hope.


Before er, how u gals fast? I need to fast from midnight till 12:30pm tmr. But i'm hungry now. And usually morning when i awake i will be hungry too.
purple, u can still take some snacks before 12mn.

n i believe u can still take water before 5am. u can drink few cups of plain water before 5 am to make yrself feel full. after that its nothing atw to yr ER le. Even if hungry have to 'loon'

how is yr follicle doing, how many do u hv and what are their sizes now ?
Yup. Chr told me still can drink till 5am. But by then i will be sleeping soundly. Lol.

I only got 6 follicles. Sizes are 10.5mm, 16, 18, 20 & 23mm.

I'm scared of er. And scared no usable eggs.
err..i actually force myself to wake up at 5am on ER day to fill my stomach with water as i also scare i hungry later. But the water manage to keep me full atw until late pm . no hunger pangs..heng err..

u got good size of follicles. ER is nothing..they make u go sleep n when u wake up, its over. then u jus rest for few hours in yr room n if u fit to urine n take in food, they will discharge u. usually they will serve u milo n biscuits around 4 to 5pm.

Once u r discharge, u can go for yr long awaited meal..hehe

Good luck to yr ER tomo, ya. JY!
Purple, good luck for ur ER tmr...ur follicle sizes look good! once u wake up, they will serve u milo and biscuits...but u shd still contineu to take some soup based food for lunch....
purple, they will wake u up in the OT n yes u will still b on drip. they only serve u milo n biscuits once doctor certified u r ok to take in food.

LIke wat other sister says, u only need 1 good embryo to strike..hehe. so dun worry about the number of follicles.
purple, hv u gone thru any op in life? from the way u describe, i dun think so. ER is really not scary. they put a mask over u n u jus inhale a few times n u r knock out.

When u r awake, the procedure is over..its that fast.

Dun sweat over it ,k. relax n enjoy the process..especially when u hv come this far already, before u knew it, everything is over.
Purple > All e best for ur ER! Mine was also at 1230pm last cycle but I dun really feel hungry cos I got drink water n that time, it was really my 1st operation. But everything was over too soon!!!
Daylesford >> now got baby liao your hubby dont think your talks to the follicle is crazy right? haha. As per your advice, I had 2 eggs yesterday, heng I like runny eggs, makes the eggwhites more edible. Yeh, Dr Cheng is very supportive and he did a damn good job with my Lap for my Ectopic. I couldnt ask more liao.

yvejen >> Thanks for the information on the cooking pot. Will go get it soon as the gas cooking is driving me nuts for more than 1 year. haha

Purpledragon, good luck!!!!!
Sara>i did my 1st ivf at SGH. That was before discovering I have endo. I tranferred two embies, unknowingly I had very heavy menses with blood clots and thought ivf failed, so I didnt do the blood test which was a big mistake!! My emotional state of mind caused such a grave mistake. , I continued to have brown spotting for a month. I thought the ivf jabs made my hormones go haywire. 10 weeks later, I was out for lunch and to my horror, a gush of blood ran down my legs. I went to Sgh for help and Dr diagnosed I had miscarried. Dr said if I had tested positive for pregnancy, additional support would have been given.

Went to see Mt E private gynae for D&C, terrified cannot wait to wash out. After D&C, this private suggested reducing thickness of the uterus caused by adeno. Of cos I couldnt proceed, knowing that it wont increase fertility and might harm the uterus. Somehow this left me a bad impression that there are Drs out there who perform procedures with no real benefit for the patient.

After 1st ivf failed, with every menses I get gastric pain, bloating and vomitting. Suspected endo and went for another private gynae to get Lupron jab. With estrogen shut down, I have no menses and was symptom free, finally feeling alive. After 3 months, private gynae say there is no cure but to proceed with another 3 months jab. Is there really no end to this, meaning jab till menopause?!

I am not convinced and upon friends recommendation, sought out SGH A/prof Tay Sun Kuie's advice. I want a better solution where i can still get pregnant and cure my endo. He performed the lap n me and gave me Visanne, recommended 6 months dosage before proceeding with 2nd ivf. I understand this is to help shrink endo further so that it wont flare up so fast with all the ivf stims. I think I failed 2nd ivf partly due to lower egg quality and my system is not optimal for conception. On hindsight, should have tiao first.

Now that my menses and hormones are raging again, I am getting all the symptoms back, will be consulting the prof again on what I should do next.
Daylesford>> no he did not. The Lap is for my Ectopic pregnancy. He just had a look at it on the appearance. I did ask him, but he told me his priority is to get me out of the OR asap as I was already bleeding internally to the level where I might need blood transfusion soon. He didnt want to do the transfusion as he say its risky. So he had a look and no time to venture into the right tube. Told me it looks mildly unhealthy on the right tube.

Left tube removed as baby is too big and stuck in it.

Have you started on your cycle? My AF arrived today.. Have called CHR and will be there tmr morning..
Min-Likely menses will come today bah, coz temp drop already.
Hopefully I will c U also tmr in NUH.
What time CHR told U to reach for tmr? In case my menses come at late evening, & I am unable to call them & inform.
Prosepina-U also doing in NUH with Prof?
Normally Prof give the support med is very standard one. If U ask for more, he will still give, coz last round of FET, I did ask for crinone gel 2x per day instead of 1x per day.
bluenosebear, yeah! doing in May.i'm thinking if we could get a jab instead of insert.

sigh! my niece & nephew just returned to Malaysia today. After spending 5 full day with them, now i really reconsider whether i want a kid or not. Really no time for ourselves le..

Thank you for the reminder, i totally forgot that i wanna ask for jab support.. Actually don't think he'll give but i'll just ask..


Ohh so i might see you tmr
I'll probably take longer time at CHR since it's my first time learning self jabs.. They told me to reach at 8 am at CHR to do blood test before going for scan at prof's.. If your AF comes late today, think you can just make your way there in the morning and just call them on the way..
Any of u did ultrasound sono hysterography where they put in saline solution in womb to c if cavity is good for ivf??
Min & Bluenosebear > So happy that both of you are going ahead of your cycle before me! I will catch up with both if u later ya
Bluenosebear > 2x crinone gel per day v ex lor. I remembered i paid for abt $12 per piece but Im in private hospital lah. How much NUH charge for per crinone hah?

Yours is next mth right? It'll come very fast.. And you'll be more at ease too with ur tcm around
All the best!


For tomorrow's visit, do you know will i need to pay anything by cash? It should all be part of the ivf package right?
WW> thanks for your reply. Felt like crying when u mentioned that grave mistake which could have saved both or at least one emby. Oh my why r we suffering like that.

Didn't Lupron shrink the endo and adeno. Coz I was told it would which is why I took it. Why didn't u do ivf after Lupron n went for surgery??

Am taking folic, evening primrose , merformin n Malay
massage now. God knows how well it's gonna help. Am just worried sick thinking about the condition. Lap is the last thing on my mind.

So when will u start your next cycle??
Prosepina-Jab support only if yr embryos extracted out below certain Nos.
If I am correct need to be less than 6 or 10 kind, then Pregynl ( if I remember correctly). Coz I had this for 1st fresh.
If more embryos, normally no jabs, as scare will cause OHSS.
Dreambear-Forget the price, indeed is ex, though Prof did say, more does not mean is good, but still give to me. Coz NUH will not do test progesterone level after ET. So I KS & take 1 more crinone gel.
We will all jia you together ;)
Min-Don't need to pay yet. They will accumulate & think pay on ET day. U k check with them again,But definitely not pay tmr.
Sara, I think I did the sono scan. It's like a pelvic scan, just longer and they keep injecting saline into you. Since we are going to do ivf, need to make sure inside is all cleared for implantation.

Min81, will you be starting on lucrin tomorrow? I had to pay for my lucrin, syringes and alcohol swabs at Kkh.

Purpledragon, hope everything is ok. What support or solution is the doctor doing for you now?
Pina: my niece and nephew stay over at times too so ya I don't think I will try again after this time. I have come to terms.

Min81 & bluenosebear: I will join u later this month, also under Prof.

Sara: yes I did sono-thing before. U hve qn?

Purple: there is a procedure to mature the eggs in lab if the eggs is at a particular (I forgot the chemical name) stage. But I also know that SG is too way back and accepts immature as immature.
Purple am so sorry to hear that but u had good number of follies an good sizes. Looked so positive. Can they do isci?

sara,sono not painful at all. dont worry.

I'm sorry to hear that purpledragon, find out the reason from doc. what's your folicles size from last scan? this is your first IVF? or first time with NUH?
