IVF/ICSI Support Group

LS & BabyPK,
Sorry to hear about your loss. Please take time to let your body heal and try again.

Good luck to your ET!

sandra, u too??wht can blood tests determine???did u manage to start on the cycle or wait? is abit depressing cos i hve waited so long for my cycle n now is like back to witing again...
LS & BabyPK, Hugs Hugs. Please take good care and tiao ur body well. try again when u are emotionally and physically ready. stay stronger.

Laky gal, all the best to ur ET today. maintain ur protein intake after ET as it is gd for growing of embbies. i don hv any insert and dr only prescribed me with oral Duphaston since after ER. don know whether cos i've heavy bleeding and together with feeling of sharp pain during ER process.

Sasha, last night only, i felt heavy in tummy together with cramps at my lower right abdomen when i was move abt and it subsided after i hv rest for awhile, then the whole night i cant sleep well as i felt vr warm.

faith bb, i understand how u feel and what u hesitate. if u r really wan to hv a bb, go for it and don drag anymore. hv faith and be positive.

Sandra, pls take care, weather has been pretty bad lately, do hv enough rest and keep yourself warm.
Ls & babyPK, sorry to hear abt your loss. Do take care of urself & buck up! All the sisters here love yours and will stand beside u. Hugs....

Wondersss, cheers! Big hugz! What ur dr said this morning????
Dream, I did all the scans, blood tests and hsg but found nothing negative... except for a fibroid during scan... so dr suggest doing lap to see clearer as hsg cannot 100% confirm fallopian tubes are clear... and at the same time removed fibroid. Lap found nothing wrong, so just fibroid removal. I had read that some fibroids do hinder pregnancy. I remembered dr said also cleared my uterus at the same time, not sure if its the same as scraping of the lining, that time still blur about all these. But lap went smoothly and I bfp, only sad that I lost it.
Grace, I did not even see the doctor at all!! I went for the scan, then the nurse just told me they spotted a cyst or follicle so need to take blood test to see whether i can continue this cycle..

Jialat lor... Haiz
wondersss : dont worry, last time on day 2 scan during my iui treatment also have cyst, then later on went back for day 6 scan n its gone, so its possible u can still cont
again i pray hard hard for u
sashamunna, thanks for the information... during your iui, did u continue to inject despite got cyst ??? How do they determine?? having bad headache now..
dreambear,sashamunna,Jelly,Qegg,Joyhope,Godislove,Sandra,Lin & min81,

Thanks all gals above giving me a moral supports and comments to made me going on my dreams.
I'll listen and move on trying to conceive by naturally instead of doing ivf.
Meanwhile, I was also consulting TCM to boost up my immune system stronger in order to conceive naturally but this had spent me & DH 1K for one month medicines. Very expensive! If goes on for few months we cannot afford at all.
DH & I giving ourselves 3 mths time to trying up.
If unsuccessful we'll give up, not thinking it again coz it stressful.

Hugs.. Understand how u feel.. Hope your blood test results come out good and you can go ahead.. So that means if all ok, you gotta go back tmr morning to start injections?
LS: Sorry to hear that. You take care of yourself ok.

I have failed cycle in June too. Had a fresh IVF and on Day 10, my AF came. BT on Day 14 and show positive. HCG level at 29 but doctor says is a bad pregnancy and was asked to stop all inserts and medications. I was very upset at that time cos i felt that by stopping the supports, i am killing my baby. But i have left with no other alternative.

Keep crying for 2 weeks. Hide myself in the toilet so that my DH wouldnt see me. Finally, did my FET in Oct. Now BFP.

Stay positive and you will success. This is not an easy journey but we have to persist and miracle will definitely happen.
Ching: now staining already. Actually can be discharge but dh going overseas. After discussion with dr tan, they decide to keep me in hospital till Monday after dh is home.
Wondersss, wait for their call 1st. Don't feel sad ya! Just finish my review.. Probably will do my FET during jan(provided my linin is ready) hehehe... Total 9 fertilized and 7 was frozen under grade 1.

So I will see jan cycle buddy... And all thr best for those are on 2ww and keep ur faith ya. Jy
Hi, read some mentioned about E2 results. I had > 4900 before my ER. Read on some websites that E2 above 4000 is not good to proceed with ivf. My doctor didn't say much except to proceed with ER which ended up with miscarriage.

Anyone has any idea on E2? I also have low AMH and AMH result came out when I was half way with the jab (few days before ER). Thus I did not have a chance to find ways to improve it.
ladies... i look like a monkey running around... now bk to kk bcos they told me my blood test is clear n come back for injections.. super fustration.. in the first pl just ask me to wait.. n not tell me to go back n wait.. wth!!! super angry...
ladies... i look like a monkey running around... now bk to kk bcos they told me my blood test is clear n come back for injections.. super fustration.. in the first pl just ask me to wait.. n not tell me to go back n wait.. wth!!! super angry...
Babysmurf > Oh dear what happened? Staining... and dr allows you to be discharged? Better stay in hospital until everything is stabilised even if your dh is home, cos at home we've the tendency to walk here walk there, and do this do that. Bed rest as much as you can.

Sujong > You mean the ET cycle miscarried? How was your E2 levels during ET and after ET? I understand that some dr will not proceed with ET if E2 level remains high after ER.

Wondersss > I know the frustration of being asked to come and go, but no choice once we start on the cycle. Cool it lady, at least your blood test is ok and you can now proceed as planned. You sound really stressed out.
JoyHope > Thanks for the encourgement...
I am now waiting for my AF to come for nov... let my body take a break..... then before my Dec AF will go back NUH and talk to Dr Chew and see how...

In meanwhile, as I dont have regular cycle ( as in i can have short cycle 29 days and sometimes as long as 45 days)... any Sisters here have any recommendation how to regulate our cycle? what to eat? etc... i am only on folic acid...

I thinking of getting the ovulation test kit.. (since Dr suspect i m not ovulating regularly)..does anyone have any brands to recommend? or any place to get?

To all ladies out there,sorry i dont have much to offer in terms of knowledge/experience, BUT do stay positive.. and SMILE !
sujong, yr E2 is measure in what units? eg pmol/l or ng/ml.

faithbb - how long have u and yr DH ttc? Did you two went for fertility checks?

Ladies, as u gals know i m in 2ww, can i go visit my dad who is suddenly strike with mild stroke and now hospitalised? I m the 'pantang' type.
faithbb, ttc = trying to conceive.

i ask becos we din know we had fertility issue until we went for check up. that y we have to go thru ivf.

Since u hv forgotton, y dun go for a doc consult and check up.

Jus relax on the finance side , i also break my bank to go thru ivf and i m paying it from my own savings.
Jelly> how r u feeling today? Sorry to hear about ur dad... I am not the sure if u can go visiting but maybe u should ask ur hubby and mum opinion?
Nov rain, thanks, i m feeling fine. No major symptoms. Just feel normal. In fact, i m enjoyin my 2ww until my dad issue crops up now.
Sandra, I juz done w my ET. Feel a bit sad coz thaw 4 but only 1 made it. As u all had mentioned b4, all I juz need 1 to strike so I'm happy w my dis strong embryo. I'm doing a D3 transfer so now I'm officially in my 2ww. Hope my strong embryo will stay strong n stick to me.

Jelly, I feel u shld go visit ur dad coz is ur dad. Juz af finish visit hurry go change n bath n it b fine

Must try to relax k.. It's good news that all is fine and you can proceed..


If you don't feel at ease going to see ur dad, can ask your hubby to go? At least not so bad.. And can keep in contact with ur mum by phone..
Lakigal, total how many embryo u had frozen? Take care during ur 2ww

Jelly, my opinion same as lakigal. If i'm u, i will visit him. But also depends whether u're well to walk ard. if u feel tired then just stay home and i do believe ur father understand ur situation.
laki gal, congrats on yr successful ET. Dun b sad, focus on yr surviving embby and jus enjoy yr 2ww. I also transfer 1 embryo only.

If not for my 2ww,i would have 'cheong' down to the hospital already. Mayb get my hubby to go like wat min suggest. Thanks Min.
wondersss, u shd be happy u may start ur cycle. So just forgive them. cool down. hehe.

Lakigal, dr ask me wait till jan cycle then FET. sob... hehe..
Grace, I hve 8 embryos. Thaw 4 but only 1 make it. Mayb u won't hve to wait till jan cycle. U might strike naturally.

Jelly, mayb u can call up ur mum n c whether ur dad is ok to talk to u.
hi ladies.. im done with my first jab...puregon 350iu.. not sure if this is the minimum ... look scary but manage to inject all by myself ... without hubby.. *pat pat*
joyhope, not stress but upset.. took leave for this.. anyway yhis is the start of my jorney n my battle started!!.. now should be eggs intak n istonic dribks right?? wht else to take note?
Lakigal, haha!! i wish i can. but the problem is DH Soldier not enough. so need to pray hard. But i do believe miracles lah. hehe. Wah, not all the Frozen can survived????
grace, lakigal, thanks. my elder siblings has jus call and advised me not to go. They will go on my behalf n let me know the situation. A handful of other siblings will b going as well, at least 10 to 20 of them, including their spouses as i come from a big family.

Wondersss, glad u overcome the first obstacle.
Jelly - tks for telling me the short form of ttc.

Infact 2 yrs back I went ivf b4 for twice but not successful. Felt very dissappointment and sadness. Had been spent over 40K altogether nothing gain just given me a hopeless feel. Tis was hurt DH & me so deepest heart pain

So, we stop awhile & tinking back again to ttc becoz we want to have a kids on our own.
Tis will my last try if God doesn't want to give me a hope I'll say it is a FATE de !
Hi PSP.......yes I can understand how bad u felt....for me I felt the same like u....like I never done my best to save the baby and just let the blood continue to flow.....my BT shows 474 after a 3rd BT which is increasing but there's nothing we can do to stop the bleeding .....it was sad.....anyhow....i try to put it behind.......

Congrats on ur BFP.....did u do anything to tiao ur body before the FET? U taking royal jelly and q10 until BT of the cycle? Or until ET only ?

I am thinking to rest till Feb then try.......
Sandra..... Cos this is my 3rd try already .....and coming try would be 4th try .....was thinking to have a bb before I turn 35 to avoid those extra tests during pregnancy.....felt is after 35 pregnant would be stressful cos I am afraid of those hormone tests........
babysmurf, now 9dp3dt. Ya, my siblings tell me dun kan cheong also but how not to?

Glad u getting better and making all the right decision, keep talkin and sayang your baobeis,k.

faithbb, i m glad u come back n try again..dun giv up so easily unless no choice ,ok? We all know how expensive ivf treatments are, one ivf could easily cost $20k if u include the supplements, tpt, tests, tcm etc. of cos the older u r, the higher the costs.
LS: Took Royal Jelly and Blackmores Conceive Well immediately after the failed IVF. (about 2 months)

After ET, i stopped the royal jelly and took Brazil nuts (3 pcs daily), chicken essence (3x a wk), Immunocal (daily), Red dates + Wolfberry drink (daily), golden kiwi, apple and 2L of water. I was also taking TCM from Dr Zou. I stopped doing house work and get a part time maid. Wore long pants and socks at home everyday until now.

I went back to work immediately on Day 3 after FET. After insert, i will sit at my chair for at least 30 mins.

I have 8 frozen embryos and my Doctor suggested to thaw 4 and transfer 2 on Day 5. During my 2 ww, i was experiencing red spotting and brown discharge. Like what i mentioned previously, i have to visit O&G at KKH, 2 to 3 times for 2 weeks cos of my heavy discharge. It was really very tough at that time. I keep going to toilet every half an hour to check if the discharge has reduced and whether any spotting.

Im still in my 1st trimester and i am struggling everyday, praying that nothing goes wrong. Every week i am experiencing different changes. Nausea, morning sickness, bloated, cramp and etc.

I have 3 failed IUIs and 1 IVF. I can understand how you feel, i want to have a bb before 35 too.
Jelly: sorry to hear what happen to ur dad. U can go and visit him since he is ur dad. Just dun strain urself too much . Take care . Hope he can get well soon.
Hi can anyone advise when is it ok to start taking brewed tcm medicine after embryo transfer? Thinking of seeing Dr Tan Siew Buoy tomorrow after transfer but hubby is concerned since I'm on crinone, utrogestan and estrofem.
Sandra - one is private clinic at paragon I forgot their names and one from KKH. Private one cost me $30K++ and KKH cost me ard $10K. So is a huge amount of doing ivf process and stressful mentality.
Welcome to the 2ww club. Have faith in ur strong baobei. You'll just need one to strike! Jia you jia you!

To answer ur question on what is d&c, please see the link:

Ya, since ur dh is not in town, it's good that u continue to stay in the hospital. At least u know u r well taken care of. But maybe a bit boring lo... Hehe

Sorry to hear abt ur father. I think u can go to visit him, just make sure that u walk slowly ya

Congrats on starting ur ivf journey! Hopefully everything goes smoothly
Finally I have made up my mine not to go thru the d&c. Called to cancel the d&c appt for tomorrow. Initially I was worried that they might be unhappy for my last minute cancellation, but too my surprise, they sound very understanding. Phew! What a relief after the decision.

Next I will go to see my tcm to get some med to flush out my bad lining. Hopefully everything will be swee swee next month la
PSP: thanks for sharing and I pray for ur smooth journey on ur pregnancy.....don't stress urself .... Must relax so that ur foetus will feel good ......

U mentioned day 5 u had another transfer of 2 embryos ? So u had 4 embryos transfer in one cycle of FET?
Btw , is it longan and red date tea or red date with wolf berry only ? Cos I drunk longan and red date tea during my 2ww.....

So qiao u also wanna preggy before 35? Hee....u so lucky u did it .............
Sandra.....maybe cos me and Dh really stressful and mentally drained......these past 6mths..... And also cost is a factor....if I were to try another time ....I would need to do a fresh cycle ....cos i only got 3 frozen embryos......so not sure if we wanna do the whole cycle again........ : (
Babysmurf, hope everything is ok ya. U rest well in hospital. At least got dr n nurses to look after u

Ching, Jia yo. Hope the tcm meds can do the trick. Rem to cook n eat black fungus on af days. It helps in my case. After af clears, drink red bean soup and or black bean soup.
Small bunny: just call tan siew bouy up n she will advise when can start her medication. Call now if not missed the period then cannot Liao.

Jelly: u Tehan okie for your baobei. Can visit but walk slowly not rush here n there. Got place the sit n rest.

Ching: super boring. Already stay for 5days. Another 4 days to go. Eat, sleep n chat online. Now can walk to toilet but no out of the room. Once out of the room lot of nurses looking at me. Zzzz hahaha
Jelly - OK, will not give up at this moment till after Chinese New year.
You take care your 2wwk rest at home.
Eat durians and more brazil nuts heard tis will helps up implantation.

ChrisL, *waving back*. How's things on your side? Started your FET? I've not been reading this forum for sometime and have missed out many events here. You can email me directly since I don't come in here often these days.
