IVF/ICSI Support Group


So your ET was today? How was it? All the best!


The 2nd af not as heavy as 1st.. And don't really have cramps.. More like my usual af.. I'm kinda hoping not to see my next af.. Keke..


Glad to hear your bleeding has stopped
When is ur bt?

Hi Jelly: I did my lap ( to look at my ovaries and check out everything) & with hystereocopy ( polyp removal)& HSG together at the same time in one single surgery in NUH.I am 33....feeling a bit lost at times.
min, i am enjoying my 2ww and wish my BT dun come so soon. pm u later...

Nov rain, who was the doctor that carried out yr surgery? How much did u incur for the whole surgery?You are still young, perhaps u like to try naturally for one to two months then consider ivf?
A very big thank you to all the sisters who shared with me your opinions & experiences on the d&c. Please forgive me as I couldn't list out all of ur names here as I hv difficulties to scroll up & down with my hp. I really appreciated all ur inputs. Thank you thank you!

I m still struggling whether to go with it or not...arghhh... So difficult to make up my mind
I think most probably I will give my body another month to see how's the lining growing ba. Coz I never responded so badly with progynova. Although for natural cycle, my lining was always on the thin side (~6mm) , but with progynova, I had no problem to reach 8-10mm.
Hi Jelly: I have PM you the details... Cost around 3300.. thanks for listening and replying to me.. feeling scared too. IVF is rather intimidating and I really salute all of you. To be able to go through this emotional roller coaster.
Nov rain, Thanks for respond. i replied yr pm.

Ivf may sound intimidating, but once u start the process, it becomes very mechanical..that is u jus follow the procedure and if everything goes smoothly, before u know it, u r in yr 2ww le.
Lin : thank you thank you

Nov rain : when I first start out, I was loss to and thought its very tough, but you will be surprised on the strength we have to get Preggy
its not that tough
and the injections are ok too
if you need help let me know, I found a way that's painless
Nov rain,

Was your lap done by dr fong too? Mine was just done in sept.. Maybe you wanna try naturally for about 2-3 mths first since i feel our body need a bit of time to heal after op too? If after that still no gd news then can start on clomid?
U discharge oredi? Please rest more and take good care ya

Ur spotting sounds very positive leh! I think that could be implantation bleeding ba! Rest more

How's ur scan today? Hope u r doing ok

U there? When is ur ET? All the best ya!

Can I know how much u paid for ur d&c? I pm u later, ok?

Yes, I m now with CARE
lin, i don't know lei. from the last scanned b4 ER, dr said i got 26 follicles. she highlighted me that might take more than an hour. But end up 12 follicles was retrieved only plus it take abt 1hrs 30min. i will ask her tmr. I also puzzled.

laki gal, all the best for ur ET tmr.
Hi min81,sashamunna, jelly: Thanks for the encouragement! I have not yet start... just thinking of it scares me...my next appt with Dr Chew will be next month... I have just did the op nov.

Min81: Mine was performed by Dr Ng.What to expect if I start on clomid? side effects?
oh. Ching, i just saw your earlier message. Maybe when your menses come, go and take tcm to clear the old blood then when menses end, do accupuncture to increase the blood flow to your uterus.
I still cant make up my mind lo
But today Angie called and said they hv arranged the d&c plus hysteroscopy for me on Thursday. I need to give them a yes or no by tomorrow....I very 'fan' now... One thing is that I worry about the d&c, another thing is the cost also lo. The estimation for both d&c and hysteroscopy is ~$3K leh! Very expensive leh

How much is your lining on ur last scan? Were you at the centre on Sat?
I did D&C before due to m/c. After D&C, menses only turn up after 6weeks,.on off you have spotting after the surgery. So if you no issue with time, maybe can try but I dont recommend la. My menses flow become lesser every month also, from 5days menses previously to 3days.
Ching, can claim insurance and medisave, you got check with Angie? i was there on sat, lining was 10mm and E2 level manage to reach optimal level on Monday.
Cannot relax now
Coz i need to confirm with the centre by tomorrow. Worry they will not happy if I cancel it lo

10mm lining is good! Somemore still got time to increase till ur ET on Thursday!
What is the optimal E2 for ET?
Ya, they told me can claim medisave up to $1150. Will Chk with them on insurance.
Hi faithbb, if you really wants to have a baby go for it so that you have no regrets when you look back. In the meantime must build up the good egg quality. Jiayou and don't think too much.
Yeah big decision.. Sorry cant help much only can give you moral support
if you decide to go for it, can u still try natural for a few months? What did ur hubby says?
Dream, don't worry, you are in good hands. He is very experienced and knows what he is doing. In order to go through the procedure, gotta trust what our doctors are doing. But of coz, good to read up some and ask questions as well. I find dr loh quite reassuring and funny actually..haha.. and he replies emails quite fast too.

Ching, don't really dare to get my hopes up but yes, must think positive! BTW, what is d&c? Maybe if can claim from insurance and/or medisave then the cost won't be so heavy on you? Praying that you will make a decision that you are at peace with.

Lakigal, all the best for your ET tomorrow!
JY to your embies and you! When i did my fresh cycle few mths ago, i also had to do v insertion of crinone gel.. it was messy.. but think it is normal and whatever is inserted in will be absorbed and the rest will come out. Some discomfort, but i asked my DH to help me so it wasn't so painful.

Faithbb, maybe you can arrange to meet up with the dr first for checkup and also find out more about this entire procedure? But yeah, ultimately, your hubby must be very supportive of you the entire time coz the emotional ups and downs can be quite trying.
Ching, E2 need to reach 1000 units (not sure what's the measurements). My E2 level was considered low on sat (600+ units) although lining was ready, so i have to increase the progynova dosage and redo bt.on monday.

I agreed with sandra, if you not sure yet then dont do, the surgery can always be reschedule. Most importantly is you are mentally ready to do it. After surgery you still need to take gd care of your diet so that you will recover well.
Thks ladies for all d wishes, support n guidance. Really glad to hve dis forum.

Lil n Dian tang, I need baby dust fm u.

Lin, I b doin my ET 2ml. Nw still hvin slight cough. Hope everything will go well for me 2ml.

Min, my ET will b 2ml n will then b in my 2ww.

Grace, af my retrieval I'm quite lucky tat I didn't hve sever ohss coz I drank alot of water n h2o. 1st day af retrieval, I feel bloated, 2nd slightly better n 3rd day I'm bk to work
Nov rain,

I think one side effect of clomid is thinning of the lining but i think it also depends on the individual.. Will be good to get the doc to explain.. When you start on clomid, the doc will probably get you to go back to scan for follicles nearing your ovulation to check on the growth..


My estimated af date will be ard 11 dec (but i hope it goes missing for 9 mths! Keke).. How about you?

Laki gal,

All the best for tmr! Must relax and stay positive during 2ww k
Hi all sisters......sorry I can't list out all names cos there's so many great sisters here.....Lin, Chris,Sandra , etc

I was confirmed miscarriage today...did a BT it dropped ...and scan there was no more sac....am feeling very sad and still sad.....why God played such a joke on us? I still don't know how to overcome this blow cos it's in me and now it's gone....

I was given anti biotic to take for a week....Dr Tan HH will arrange a natural cycle for me the next round cos I got freezed embryos......

What supplement should I take or any Tcm to recommend me near sengkang area ? How many mths shd I rest before embarking the cycle ?

Dear sisters ....need ur advises.....
Dreambear : as I helped my mum with injection since young so got some exp lah hehe
so what you do is bring the needle out 5 mins before injection, then put the alcohol wipe at the tummy n wait for it to dry, pinch ur tummy and then poke in, once poke in, let go of your fingers, once poke in remember to breath as usual, becos normally we get so tense we forgot to breath and have problem injecting... I took another injection, orgalutron, the needle is more blunt, so for that, to prevent bleeding or blue black use the same method

Hope that helps!
LS, pls take care of urself... Dun let this affect u too much. Rest well for 2 months then you can try again.. Think we can be cycle buddy.. My appt to see Dr Tan is on 2 Jan.

I have failed this cycle too... BT on Sunday already drop hcg level dropped from 37 to 29. Doc say no hope le. Went down to kkh again today as I'm scheduled for BT today. Call from nurse inform further drop to 4.3. So my bleeding which started last Wed is actually AF.

Only cried on Sunday for a while. Now, still feeling sad but no tears.. But I know if I see any babies now, I will not be able to control my tears. I always wonder why is it that others get preggie so easily but I can't. TTC for 5 years le... But I think DH is more upset than me.. Our TTC difficulties is due to male factor. So he feels that I'm suffering cos of him... But after going thoroughly this ivf for the 1st time, I really dun think it's very scary. Knowing that by going thru ivf, I will have a hope of having baby so I dun mind all the jabs..

I'm thinking Wat have I done wrongly this cycle. Wat can I do to increase my chance for FET? Got my embryo report today. I have 3 snow embbies waiting for me. Keeping my fingers crossed...

Shd I try acupuncture? Any ladies strongly recommend acu? I'm thinking of going to dr Zou at AMK.. Been seeing the TCM at Marine Parade but DH & I feel that we dun click with the sinseh..

Godilove, sounds like u have very good chance..
Jelly & other sisters in 2ww, all the best... Just relax.. Dun be too stressed..

JY everyone!!!
Dear min81 & sashamunna thanks.. U made me feel less scared..thanks u..
Hi LS, though I new here.. But I been reading up in the forum.. Sorry about yr loss...take care..stay strong.
Hi Ladies, congratulations to those who have conceived.
Continue with faith and don't give up for those who didn't make it.
Hello to ladies who have come just into this thread.

LS, sorry for your loss. Hugs to you. Rest for 2 months to let your body recover before you start the next cycle.

BabyP_K, if you want to try acupuncture, you can go ahead. Check with your chinese physician how often you need to do it. I'm with Dr Zou in AMK and improve a lot after acupuncture and TCM. I've a steady pulse and womb has turned from cool to warm now. TCM will vary accounding to people too cos' it also depend on the food and lifestyle we eat and have.
LS: Sorry to learn about your loss. Big Hug. If you need to cry, please cry out loud n let your tears flow freely. Sad you might be but you will feel better n come bk stronger. God has his reason for everything that happen in our lives. Our journey in IVF is not a easy one n full of ups n downs.... Pls take good care of yourself n dun let go till the last bit. Keeping you in my prayers.
Joynfaith!! *wave*
You still going to dr zou? hehe i stopped the medications already although i still have some more sachets..i dunno but i feel unwell after taking them

LS and baby pk
*hugs* build up body and try again gals. Never give up hope! Our babies will come soon!
Sandra, what happen to you today? Do take care.
Btw, u are quite knowledgable with ivf, it seems u are able to answer most, if not all of the forum's questions here lei..<<steady>>
Babypk, thanks for your well wishes. I no stress but also no feeling at this moment.. hehe

Please take care of your body and come back for next battle. Meanwhile, u may wan to avoid places with babies until u are able to accept them.
BabyPK....... Sorry to hear abt ur loss too....I definitely understand how u felt....the effort we put in etc....I also feel very sad......when I close my eyes ....tears will just flow out.....so pain in my heart.......But I guess that's fate....let's JY together .....I would most likely start cycle in Feb cos if start in Jan will hit CNY........let's JY .......u also take care and recuperate ya.......

Thanks sisters for the encouragements......will stand up strong again.........btw .....can anyone please intro me any TCM near sengkang or Hougang ?
Also any supplement we can take to build up the body?
And if FET......has anyone experience before ? Is it just by ovulating on our own and no injection of puregon? Please share.........
Hi LS, sorry to hear that...it reminded me of what I have experienced upon hearing my hcg had dropped...big hugs to you.

Agree with BrChow that God has a reason for everything. After our lost, DH and I bonded even closer than before. Previously he was against going tcm but finally willing to try tcm....

Will pray that all the ladies here will get BFP soon and hope the garment can help to subsidise more on fertility treatments. We all wanted babies...we all wanted to help increase our population!!!
LS &amp; BabyPK > Big hugs to both of u. It's not easy to let go. After 3 mths, I still cry whenever sisters shared their failed bt results. But then, life still goes on. We can only hope for the best &amp; prepare for the worse.

I only started to go to Dr Zou after I failed ivf. Been with her for 3 mths, though tired cos must rush down after work &amp; I'm not staying near AMK, I just tell myself to do more n prepare myself for my next cycle. But I do noticed that after my failed ivf, me menses is getting lesser, which Dr Zou say not gd. Got to eat more red bean soup le. Well, lets all jy ya!!!
LS / BabyPK, my heart is with you. I had experienced both a miscarriage and failed cycle. I cried buckets for my mc, but tears had dried up for the failed cycle. It was painful, more so for the mc episode, and for months I avoided bb celebrations as I needed the time to grief and find peace. Cry if you feel better, need to vent out the pent up feelings to let go. For my failed cycle, I indulge myself with hairdo and pedicure. Need to pamper myself after what I had went through.

LS > I'm also likely to do FET in feb or march. Also blur on fet cycle.

Dream > I had lap done and gotten bfp the month after it. But sadly it ended in mc though.

Faithbb > Dr mentioned cases of successful pregnancy at 45. And a friend recently got preg at 42. I'm only a few years younger and still trying.

Dreambear > Hi 5, my DH also in 50s... also trying for first child.

Nov rain > I was like you apprehensive about ivf. After being through it, it's actually not that scary. Motherhood requires lots of courage and this is only our tiny little step to it.

Lakigal / Adeline > Good luck with your et today/ tomorrow. No more chores and rest well.
Sujong.....thank u.....I wished u too have a BFP soon....let's JY!

Sandra.....is it that natural FET have lower chance of success? It sounds like a iui? So there is no 5000iu jab also after ovulated? I don't know how bcos it's gg to be our last try.....am so afraid of the lower chance ......so if we don't ovulate and that's it ?

Dreambear ...thanks for sharing .....will most likely try Dr Zou and see how .....cos I am still bleeding ......hoped that TCM will help......
Sandra .....thanks thanks for the explanation ......so completely no jabs......I see......wow if ovulated we only got 48hrs.....my goodness ..Means got to buy many those online opk test kit but too bad they don't sell the ones like in watsons...
sounds stressful too.......I see.....I thought chances are lower ....but glad to know its not ....cos it's gg to be my last try....... : (
LS and babypk, hugs, really sorry to hear that. I know it seems so hard right now but have faith that you will have a baby soon one day. Sometimes, this ttc journey is about perseverance. Stay strong and take care of your body and mind and keep trying.

Laki, I'm showering you with all my baby dusts for your ET today
just relax and let doctor do all the work. Also try not to think too much during your 2ww and overanalyse your symptoms. Most important is to stay positive and happy. Baby dusts! Baby dusts!
hi ladies, i just finish my D2 scan.. they spotted a cyst or follicle so took a blood test to see hw... if the hormones level is ok to see can start cycle bo... haiz super bad luck.. with high hopes thinking i can start the cycle liao... otw back to work..

This thread moves very fast....i could hardly rem anything after reading through it...

JoyHope: What's the reason for doc to suggest lap instead of ivf immediately?

LS &amp; BabyPK: Hugz Hugz..Pls stay strong...it has not been an easy path for all of us but we need to remain optimistic so that we can push on... dun give up.. i am sure you will have your bb soon..

I read about people freezing embryos...what is the purpose of that? are there any additional costs involved? IVF is so expensive and there arent much subsidy other than the $6k but i still need to fork out at least $7k..

For those sisters who have been with TCM Dr Zou, how often do you pop by for accupuncture each month in order to prepare for ivf? i hav been seeing her for the last 2mths but no results for natural..i only see her abt 3 times a mth before the opk is positive.... rest of the month wld be on med although i am getting lazier in taking med.. is that enough??
