IVF/ICSI Support Group

LS: Yes. which mean you need 4 embryos at one cycle of FET.

Longan is very heaty. I was advised by my TCM not to take too much longan. Red date is to help to keep your womb warm.

You dont stress yourself too much too. Take it easy and have a relax short trip with your DH before your next cycle.

Jelly: You take care and rest well. Your dad will recover soon. When is your BT?

Jelly > Sorry to hear abt your dad. Glad that he is doing better now. Although we are the 'pantang' type, but he is afterall your dad. But really, it is up to you and if your dad is already feeling better, then make a call and talk to him. Just dun lose any chance when our parents are still around.

Joyhope > We seems to have alot in common. Were you the sister who told me you did your IVF in Mt E too
My next cycle may be in Feb/Mar. See if we can be cycle buddy ya. I must go for my lap 1st. Tmr seeing my gynae and will arrange for my lap appt le. So scare lei...

Lakigal > rest well and tell your baobei to stick to you closely ya

LS > alot of the sisters here > 35 yrs old liao, including myself. And we are still trying very hard
Hi Ladies,

1 yr ago, Hubby and I collected 2 eggs from Zhu Sheng Niang Niang at Toa Payoh Shuang Lin Shi Temple. We ate 1 each and few months later were blessed with a twin. This Sunday, 25th Nov,is my twin's full month. We have promised that we will return 200 eggs so that others can take them and be blessed with babies as well. We will be dropping the eggs at around 11.30am. For those that believe, feel free to collect and may all be blessed with babies soon. Baby Dust to all!
Jelly > Hope your dad is ok now. Wow you've such a nice big and warm family. Your siblings are also kan cheong for you, so must take care of yourself too. Rest well.

Dreambear > Yes yes i'm also at Mt E too
Should be doing my FET in Feb/Mar, high chance to be cycle buddies... hope won't clash with CNY. Don't worry about lap, it's not that scary. Sorry to ask, why are you doing lap? Sorry if i sound intrusive, or you can also PM me.

PSP > Can transfer 4 embroys in FET? I thought max is 3 embroys?

Babylov > Congrats on your twins. Are they by IVF too? First try? Fresh or frozen cycle?
ching> i think nt a bad idea to see yr lining next mth before deciding.. some sistas said nt good to do so many times.. do it only if u really need it....u shdnt worry abt yr centre nt being happy, its yr right n choice.

nov rain> can try 2-3 mths first. maybe can try tcm to help u ovaluate? clomid side effects is thining of yr lining.

godislove and Qegg> continue to rest well!

sandra> my est af is 1 dec. hpe u recover soon

ls> sorry to hear tt.. its a gd idea to go tcm to tiao for 2-3mths? u can try dr zou at amk (near sengkang).. hope u can get over it.. i know its tough but yr frosties are waiting for u! be strong for them..

babypk> u too be strong!

laki> dun feel sad... am sure it will stick!

jelly> hpe ur dad is ok.. wow really big family but i dont think its a problem to visit him..

babysmurf> so u still taking tcm while in hospital?
Hi Sandra > thanks for advice...Any tcm to recommend ?
Jelly > glad u feels much better.. Hope yr dad recover soon. Don't give yourself too much stress....
Can share with me, how many ivf you have been through?

For me, I have been through 4times (1 successful fresh cycle, 2 failed fet and 1 fet still on progess).

Wondering Ard how successful is the fet.

Baby dust to all...
Lin> thank u...which tcm u recommend? Thinning of lining is good or bad? Sometimes read that sisters here say thick lining is no good?
It's great to have forum here.... Lots Of support and advice
PSP : you also did ET at KKH? So we got to ET 2 times? I only got 3 embroys oh.......wonder how ah? So now you got twins?

Dreambear....thanks will try again....and think positive....thanks ah

Lin: yes....will go and try the Dr Zou....hopefully can help me.....

Josephine....i been thru my first IVF this Oct.... I have one successful IUI, 2 failed IUI....through 4 times too..........
But sisters here...mentioned FET is quite good rate .........
Lin: in hospital cannot cook TSB' tcm. So l stopped for a while.

Ching: black fungus is hou xue. U can cooked with pork or vega. Eat during AF is to help clear out the "dirty blood". Ur next AF u may see blood clots during your AF.

LS: u left 3 embryos. They will thaw all 3 n see how many survive on the day of your transfer. The last time I did FET, they thaw 4 but left 1 on the day of my transfer.
Did your blastocyst successful?

Oic... You can option for blastocyst or d5 transfer. Some say the chance is higher than d2 transfer.

For me, I also do blastocyst. 6 frostie only 2 survive but failed on 2ww. Depends on luck I think.

Now still wondering around for those who have been through fet and successful to share the story..
Josephine> psp succeed during FET..

nov rain> i am seeing tan siew bouy cos nearer to me. the rest are seeing dr zou amk, or some dr zhao fr raffles hospital.. lining cannot be too thick or too thin.. best size is 8-11mm. clomid cannot take for more than 6 cycles in yr lifetime.. there is another drug tt has less or no side effects to help ovulate but more exp.. i dun rem the name but u can chk with yr gynae...

babysmurf> oh, i thot yr mom help u cook n bring to hospital haha.. so still bleeding?? the cysts need to remove or can go away on its own?
hello sisters, sorry been missing as at mum and no wireless... will try to write as much as i can

gd luck everyone!

lakigal : u did ET today right! gd luck!

i m with TFC, hence using thomson chinese med, dr seah
i told tfc i m with her, they say then ok if i cont accu or anything dr seah says
i feel comfy with her too, very gentle
sandra : she will do it the day before if the ec time is too early, and after et she will ask u to come in if u feel ok if not then go another day. i bought a package of 6 for around 300+ exclude meds, u can try once first n see how u feel before deciding if u want to sign package, i think i sign 4 or 5 package alreafy
i went this morn, going bk next tue

Lin : my hubby away till weekend so come over mum's house
my bt is 3 dec, but very funny cos they only give me the hl till 27, will ask for more when i go for progesterone bt tomorrow
Wow! So many posts....haha got difficulties to catch up and remember every posts sia.

Laki, Congrat! U r in your 2ww liao. Eat healthy and stay happy yayy! Jia you!

LS and Baby PK, Hugs Hugs... I can feel your pain as I had going thru similar cases. Please continue to stay strong and fight again when u r ready. Take care and Jia you!

Babysmurf, glad you are better now. Speedy recover yayy!

Wondersss, So happy that u can go ahead with your plan to start your journey. I AM ENVY! Lolz...

Jelly, Hope your dad speedy recover!

Ching, Glad you have come out with a decision. Just go with your feel yayy! Jia you!

Lin, So u starting your cycle once af report?
Sandra : yes, she is located lvl 3 at tmc, they open mon- sat, 830 to 5 or 530 i think. not difficult at all, but sat hv to wait longer, weekdays r ok
hope dr zhao's medicine can help u flush out the lining and prepare you for the next fet.

if u have 3 embies left usually doc will not advise you to go for blastocysts, too risky as might not be left with any to transfer. i had 3 left for my last fet. i thaw all 3 and were left with 2 to transfer. for my first fet, i thaw 8 and only got 1 embryo and didn't even wait till day 5 to transfer. 2nd fet, i just did normal thawing of 2 embies and finally 3rd fet, i thaw 3 and transfer 2 and now preggy with singleton, so i guess my embies don't survive well outside the womb.
ching, you're in good hands with CARE.
Glad you've made a decision you're comfortable with. You sound so much more relaxed now.

Joynfaith & Chrisl, *wave wave*!!
Hope all's well with you.

i1BB, always thinking of you.
Josephine: mine this time round is a day 3 transfer.

Lin: my mum don't know how to brew. I not having cysts. Just have a blood clot outside the sac. Nomore bleed. It's stop by itself.
leor, thanks....

this thread is really fast... jus wondering if during the stimulation... wht to take note..?? im now lying down n using heat pad on tummy area..

also i ask the nursebif need to use the fingers to measure before injections.. she say no need wor... n issit everyone got bloated after injections..?
sorry for not paying attention previously.. only when start cycle.. alot of qtns jus pop up...
LS and BabyPK, *HUGS*.. the emotional rollercoaster is really so tough to go through.. but I know from your sharing that you are strong ladies who will continue fighting for your goals! God bless!

Ching, rest well this round and all the best for the upcoming cycle!

Lakigal, it just takes one snowbaby to stick. Jiayou! Let's keep encouraging each other to stay positive ok?

Lin, trying to rest at home but i'm really restless and wish I can go to work! Crazy i know.. At least at work I'm busy with other stuff and won't obsess so much.. But dr says to stay home. Sigh.. hope i can last the next few days before BT on Monday..
Jelly, do rest well at home but if you are very worried about your dad, maybe can pop by the hosp for a short visit? Worrying at home may not be good for you also.. Just my 2 cents worth.

LS, I attempted to do natural FET a mth ago but it didn't work out as my period is quite irregular (esp when stressed).. plus I don't do well with OPK. So I think I missed my ovulation and couldn't do the FET.. So this round, did medicated FET so that timing is more regulated and accurate, find it less stressful than natural as no need to keep testing if ovulating, just take pills and go in for scan on D11/13, then decide when to do the FET, and go ahead with it.
Hi Lin and Sandra > I will go check out the TCM.
In a dilemma. Dunno if I should wait a bit n try a while before taking clomid.. Or just go ahead since it's pointless right if i m not ovulating.. Gng to start monitoring my basal temp n using opk to see if it's help....
Can share with me...
What treatment did you get? Insert or progesterone jab? How many mth is your pregnancy? Who is the doctor? And what is your bhcg level? Any special treatment?

How many mth is your pregnancy?
Yo yo luv!! Always thinking of u too!!! Make some noise here more often ya

Ching, like what babysmurf said, black fungus helps to clear out old blood during af... For me, I always cook with chicken, ginger n sesame oil. I really experienced little bit of blood clots coming out after eating the black fungus. If u r seeing dr Zhao, u better check with her first... Cos think she will give u meds to flush out also...
Josephine..... Thanks for the info but looking at the stories of other sisters ..... Guess I can't opt for blastocyst ...... Cos I only left 3 embbies...... : (

Leor, thanks for ur blessings .....

Eskimobaby, I didnt know that after thaw embbies might die off ....gosh I only got 3 so if left 1 should I still do the cycle ? Or shd I forsake the cycle ? If I don't want means I can only do a fresh cycle ? Start all over again ?

Godislove....good luck on ur coming BT! Hee
Wow like dat natural cycle seems stressful too.....Alamak .....now I worry my embbies might not survive when thaw.....gosh ....
LS: dun worry too much now. rest n tiao body to move onto next phase. when u r ready, then u start thinking.... my DH said, think too much also can't do anything about it. just go with flow so that we feel less stress and dun inject so much negative energy in it. easier said than done i admit but this philosophy is quite true lor to a certain extent.

Ladies, btw, did my 3rd u/s today. Lining is 9mm but doc said good to go for ER on Fri. Embies sizes 18, 17, 16.5, 14, 12.5, 10 n 8..... took my last suppression jab this morning n just came bk fr Pregnyl jab 2hrs ago. think fr now till Fri, embies and lining will not grow further liao w/o the stim jabs...Hope everything goes well.... wish me luck.
Hi joyhope & jelly,

5 days before my ER, my E2 was 2869.0 pmol/L and LH was 2.92 iu/L.

2 days before my ER, E2 went up to 4747.8 pmol/L and LH went down to 0.55 iu/L. No more blood test after that till bHcg.

Hav always been curious if the results means its not gd to proceed with ET.
LuvNhope, *waving back*. So nice to see similar people in the thread such as i1BB, eskimobaby, Ching, Babysmurf, etc. We like a family here. How are things going on for you?

i1BB, when will be your next cycle?
Hi hi LuvNHope! Thanks! All's well if bfp even 'ho seh'! lol cos I am dying to join the MTB thread! hahaha

Yeah so nice to see familiar nicks here + new sisters of course hehe
LS: I went ahead with my 1 transfer after all is survivor. But didn't make it to implantion. My current pregnant is my 3rd fresh cycle. Mine this cycle I took abt 1yrs to prepare. Took Tcm, royal jelly, ensure milk, conceive well. And brisk walk as I am overweight. Did lose some weight b4 my cycling.

Josephine: I am currently 12wks.

Chrisl, 1bb n Ching: see u all at mtb thread next month okie.
gd mrning ladies..jus done my injection n lying back in bed... is ok to inject n lay back to bed right?? super sleepy as seldom wake up so early...
Brchow.....thanks for sharing .....and all the best for ur ER .....and ET.......JY !

Babysmurf .....I see .....guess I must seriously tiao my body well before embarking again .......on the journey.....u take good care and rest well........
gd morning ladies!

wondersss : i think no problem lying in bed
u choose to inject in the morn ah? i choosr nite hehe, how was it? not too bad right?
sashamunna, can inject at nite!!! omg.. the nurse nvr told me: (
silly me...now gor to wake up early to injzct.. poor me... lols..
Wondersss > Cos u not working itiz? Hence nurse never tell u? Last round my DH inject for me every night b4 I sleep. Maybe ur bao bei wants u to wake up early lei? lol
Morning ladies

Wondersss hehe...is okie to go back sleep after inject. I also do jabbing in the morning was told better keke.

Brchow, All the best for your ER tomorrow. Jia you!

Btw, any ladies here have Dr Tan Heng Hao email address? Can I have it please. TIA
Wondersss, at first I started out with injecting at night (Gonal-F) i think. Then closer to ER, had to inject another medicine in the morning as well. So both morning and night jabs..
dreambear, im definitely working..
No work no $$$
The nurse never say anything at all... I think our forum is more informative... she only teach me how to inject and ask me to lose weight cos scared the medicine absorb the fats rather than the body absorb the fats..

Too bad baobei not formed yet... coming soon... hehehe

I dont know where i get the information that need to inject in the morning.. *arrghh*
Wondersss, When I first do IVF, I was also told to jab in the morning also. And one of the nurse teach jabbing comment that morning jab is better lolz... so i just follow. Btw, morning jab also better lah. Cos after jab, the rest of the day will be stress free. If jab in the night, scare last min got OT, dinner or shopping ect ect... then got to rush home for the jab, i found it troublesome and stress but of cos individual preference lah
If you option blastocyst more risk...
They will inform you d3 transfer if embies can't survive. That what nurse told me.
More risk...

What treatment did you get? Insert or jab? What is your bhcg level that time?
Wow... 12week.. Curcial term going to over soon.
Hi hi joynfaith, me shd b cycling next year... But Dnt know which month yet. Lolx

Babysmurf, I am also dying to join MTB thread leh... Hahaha
Leor, hmmm.. sounds logical too...

Anyway, any feedbacks what should i have any feeling after injections?? cos i feel ok at the moment *touch wood*

Ladies, thk u for support n cheering on for my ER tmr.

Wondersss: I also jab every morning. Cos 1st time I went KK the jab was done in morning n thereafter I just con't morning, at least u won't forget. I will lie down n sleep for another hour more before getting ready to work... My husband commented that I'm very spoilt.

Leor: HH Tan's email address is [email protected]; not sure if he reply email though cos my understanding is govt hosp docs dun reply to personal emails unlike Dr Ng at Sincere or Dr Loh at TMC....

BabySmurf: Congrats on nearing end of 1st trimester
Everything will be sui sui. Dun worry too much ya. Grabbing babydust fr u....
