IVF/ICSI Support Group

Brchow, same same...My AMH is not very good as well.. Only satisfactory...Age.. hmmm.. im consider early-mid 30 bah.. nvm.. just jiayoU!!

Grace, i will i will..just dont know what to do or look forward...

Wondersss, don't worried abt the light flow of AF. Mine also quite light. 3rd day almost stop. Most impt is AF come. Haha... We're on medication, I do believe our hormone will b affected. So I think is okie. Don't think too much ya! Just think of u will start busy with ur project Liao.
Wondersss, look forward to see dr and have ur 1st scan and 2nd scan. How ur body may change. How many folicles will appear. Haha.. Don't think AF flow Liao. Must relax b4 see u dr. Once u start ur jap, u will feel sick of it. Hehe.. Ur AMH is considered good. So not so worried
Grace, during the D2, we just scan and then injections if everything ok right? Just wonder then after that do what?? from D3 onwards.. issit injection till D7 then after that is scanning all the way...?? Me sounds like an idiot. whahah
Hi everyone, i am new on this thread...went for IUI twice and am now planning to go for ivf in jan..hope is the right choice isntead of waiting...

is there anything i shd start taking now to tune my body?? i am now going thru accupuncture..
Wondersss, u're not idiot lol. U're brave mummy. Hehe.. On D2, dr will do bt n scan n decide how much dosage for gonal f for my cased. Then go back again after 3day. Fr d2 onwards, u need to do bt n scan. So basically quite tired. Haha..
Grace, yuppieee!! yes. We are all brave mummies..!! If based on what u say... go back after 3 days or go back on the 3rd day? to do what..?? :p paiseh throw so much qtns...
Hi Sashamunna,

I've done iui 3 times. Ttc for abt 7 years. Went for cyst operation 3x.

Hi Sandra,

I'm 36.

Now finally got courage to think about ivf.
Wondersss, after D2 of ur 1st visit, thereafter need to go back every 3days and do bt n scan to monitor whether rite dosage have been prescribe lol and monitor ur folicles n lining. Ard d9/10 ur dr will b able to inform u roughly when can ER. cos they will draw a chart abt the growth of folicles. Hope give u an ideal.
Hi Sandra, thansk fro the warm welcome..i am planning to go with Dr Loh. Is ensure milk really useful? cos my MIL told me i will put on weight if i drink tat and i have not been drinking a lot (also cos it doesnt taste nice). OK. i will grab CQ10 then...what's the goodness from CQ10?

I asked Dr Loh if there is a need for counselling cos there are so many pple talking for counselling. But he told me there's no suhc thing as counselling and no need...but if need, he will give me one..then, he gave me a quick 15min introduction on the ivf steps and the risks.. i almost fainted..

Is it true that after the transfer to our body, there would be a 2 wk hospitalisation leave and we shouldnt move?? cos my boss is flying down from US and i need to go office for 2 day to have meeting with him. He initially was planning for 5 days but i narrow it down to 2 days...is it still risky??
i received a piece of good news from a fren this morning. she went for laparoscopy last month and now she's pregnant. I am wondering why didnt Dr Loh suggest that to me. Though my menses are regular, they are about 35 days cycle and isnt that a sign of pcos??
Dream, welcome! I'm with dr Loh too. Currently in my 2ww. For counseling, one of the nurses did it with my DH and I before we sign the many pages of consent. This was done after we had decided to go ahead with it.

As for going to work, I did check with dr and he said it was ok to work as long as not strenuous type. But to be on the safe side, I guess best to take it easy and rest more. Having meetings should be fine, just don't sit for too long.
Sasha, thanks!

Sandra, this morning still got a bit of light pinkish discharge. But subsequently nothing already. Dr advised for me to take a few days off work. So today I rested at home and just went in for a short mtg. Tomorrow will stay at home the whole day.
Dream, where did yr fren went for laparoscopy and how old is she? What is the reason she went for lap surgery?

Godislove, looks like u strike already. Whereas I got no symptoms at all but got symptoms of Af coming.
Sandra & Godislove, no wonder....maybe i was only planning to do it in Jan n he prob thinks i am wasting his time...sigh...he's always so busy and i do feel a bit insecure with him..

okie...i will start taking cq10..cant believe i am putting so much into my body. Hope there are no side effects. i am not a med person and till up, i am still having difficulty in catching up with conceive well gold...

Godislove, is that implantation?? keeping fingers crossed for u and lotsa good luck...have a good rest for the time being till ur results..

is everyone on this thread into their 2ww??

jelly: not sure whether did she do the op cos i didnt ask her...she is abt 33-34...went for it cos she only had menses abt 4 times a year...very irregular and failed IUI...she was preg naturally once but since then, had been abt 2-3 yrs but still no results...

i am now wondering why didnt Dr Loh suggest this to me and whether wld this help for me...

Laparoscopy is an invasive surgery and doctors will not suggest it unless something comes up in the scans or there's really a necessary reason to do it.. I'm doing my ivf in dec and also just taking ensure milk and coq10.. Longan red date drink alternate days too.. Also dunno whether will help.. Haha.. But no harm i guess.. Let's all jia you together!
Sorry to ask this again, to sisters whom have recently done laparoscopy, how was your medical insurance claim? As we all know, IVF treatments are not claimable, but this laparoscopy is not really IVF related, provided our gynaes state this clearly in their claim forms. I just dun want to hv a suitation whereby I have to fork out cash eventually for the operation lor. Can PM me if not convenient to talk here. Thank you in advance.
Sandra, if you are referring to the hormone test, i did mine abt a year ago when i was with the other doc...i hav shown that to Dr Loh...btu till now, he didnt suggest i go for another...i offered cos it has been so long but he says he doesnt believe in wasting money on this...sigh..i also dun dare to push since i am not a doc..

Min81: u are here! hi! a pity i am not doing in Dec..otherwise, we can be cycle mates..yah..i am taking logan red date drink so..when i rem...haha...

i am a bit guilty...i promise to eb more disciplined now...and just focus on ivf then...

anyone doing ivf in jan?? my cycle shd start ard 4th Jan...
Purpledragon : I also did 3 iui BFN and also 36, the reason why I embark on this IVF is that I think we have to try all ways to have a family, and I have faith in IVF, although I m in my 2ww, but whether I succeed or not I will pursue
don't feel discourage, I found out through treatment it's due to my eggs having a hard shell, that's why, so it might not be a bad thing to know more about what happening to our body
if you need to speak, send me an email

I am with DR Loh, same as Godislove and Sandra so can't help with the protocol with NUH. I m sure other sistas here will be able to help better

Anyone during 2ww fels heavy in tummy and occasionally cramp or a little pain on n off?
Jelly, I'm with sincere healthcare under Michele Lee. Ur Dr is prof Ng rite???

Purpledragon, i skip iui and straight decide on IVF after dr advice no point to tried on iui. She said since the chances of iui so slim on my case after she review on our report. So I'm sure there must b a reason why dr suggest do IVF. So don't worried too much .
dreambear: Laparoscopy can claim in full if you bought insurance which covers both your medisave + cash amount you fork out. Cos i wasn't able to conceive for the past 3 years, my gynae finally recommended me to see my current IVF doc to find out the root of the problem. I'm 37 and so my IVF doc did a HSG, found out my left fallo blocked, did a laparoscopy but still can't unblock as it's quite near my ovaries. So IVF doc said my only hope is IVF n no IUI for me. BTW, i got every cent bk (cash + medisave component) after my agent help me submit for the claims.
Grace, i m with prof wong.

Sincere healthcare is a new setup? how are the charges like for consultation, bt, SA and estimated whole course of ivf treatment?
dreambear: forgot to mention that having a regular cycle doesn't means no problem w your reproductive system. My AF is very very spot on and regular. I hv 1 kid n trying for my 2nd one but wasn't successful.
I am new to this forum. I am 29yrs old starting to do my first ivf on Jan 2013 in KKh with Dr Tan HH. My husband has azoospermia due to blockage.He has done TESE . I am wondering what preparation do I need to do to start my ivf in jan? Currently I am taking folic acid.

Dropped you a pm


Don't worry too much k.. Guess docs don't wanna do the test too early, wanna wait till closer to ur ivf date.. Anyway, i think we'll be so overwhelmed by blood tests when ivf starts.. Keke.. I'm also quite lazy with the longan red date drink sometimes.. Lazy to boil..
Jelly, yes, very new setup which the lead dr is prof Ng. The price:-
BT:$90 ( hormone test )
Consultation: 1st time $100, $60 for follow up
so far, I have paid $12,242 without ET but on long protocol. ( medisave will refund $6k)
Those in 2ww, can ask whether during d 2ww, did u all still carry on w conceive well gold, ensure milk, lrd?

Oso for d insert, did u all still insert in d v? Coz won't it b messy for d embryos?
Actually before I sign up as a new user.. I have been a silent reader. I find this forum very supportive and very eager to make friends with everyone. From this forum, i feel that i am not alone.. I did not tell any of my friends abt my ivf therefore i have no one to discuss my feeling and thoughts except my husband. Do I have to go for accupuncture or tcm before I start my ivf? What are the food to take inorder to produce better eggs?? For now, I only know to wait for my Jan menses to come and call to inform kkh for further instruction.
Hi Gals...
I'm new here in this grp.
Wanna to conceive at age 43 but need yr comments and support whether shd I continue having a child at this age.I know it is too late to conceive at this age so I feels no confidents to try on and afraid of many problem in pregnancy will happen.
Also to bring up a child at this age is not easy to go on this process.

Anyone can give me some comments pls.
Staypositive : no problem a all. We can share things and if you have any problem we can help you..
I started tcm n accu a few months before to tio my body

Faithbb : welcome
its never too late
if you go for checkup and doc give you the green nite, then you will be alright
however, your hubby n yourself must be mentally ready

Have you started on your 2ww? Jia you!


Oh we're cycle buddies! Will u be doing a fresh cycle as well?

Hi faithbb,

I agree with the rest that it's never too late
Stay positive!
Thanks Gals for yr supports.
I indeed feels to have a child but also afraid of many problems in bringing up/taking care and investing plenty of our income on it at tis age since we''re in low income. Afraid unaffordable.
Being thinking for many reasons still dunno wanna to continue having a child at 43 age. Really cannot decide.
BrChow > I'm gg to do a lap as I've failed 2 IUIs and 1 IVF this yr. Hence my gynae suggested me to do a lap before i proceed to my 2nd IVF. I'm 36 this yr, dun wanna waste time liao. Suddenly I see a few sisters abt my age here, hee hee!

Faithbb > Its all up to u and ur DH if u wanna hv a kid late or not. For sharing, my DH is 51 this yr le. So he is older than you and we are trying for our 1st kid lor. And there is a sister here recently who bfp at 40, if Im not wrong.

Good luck for all those sisters in ur 2ww. Im waiting for bb dust soon

Staypositive > like what you name says, we all must stay positive and yes, we can discuss freely on our IVF journey here with all the sisters. We are all here to suppost each other.

Min > Will check my email later. Thank you
If you have decided should do it, cos you don't want to wait too long and regret later.. Also, if you go govt hosp, the amount will not be as much, as IVF subsidies stop at 45, good to be able to do it earlier.. And with medisave and grant from got, will be much lesser..

I know it's a lot of things to think about, good luck and if you decide to move forward we will be here to listen
Jia you laki gal
just stay happy during 2ww. but i think dont restrict yourself to stay in bed! i did that for 1st IVF 2ww and i find that is unhealthy not moving around.
faithbb, its better not to waste time thinkin, y dun u go for fertility consults first. Btw, what is the issue with u or yr DH that u cant conceive naturally?

As there is a ceiling age for ivf in spore, ie 45, so u need to hurry up n not waste any more time.

the sad news is that for women 40 and above, there is no govt funding of $3k if u r sporean and wish to do ivf in a govt/restructured hospital.

So effectively, u have to come out cash for all consults and Bt and investigations, u can claim medisave of $6k for first ivf.

One treatment will cost you more than 10k at least. u shd budget at least $15k for first ivf.
Grace> hw come yr ER is so long?

babysmurf> glad u are ok now n hope bleeding stop soon! rest well..

LS> hws yr BT? so far evthing ok?

godislove> pls rest well for now.. n monitor yr spotting..hopefully it will stop.

min> yr AF is still heavy for the second mense? mine is ok after the first mense.. me also do in dec.. just did the pre ivf bt n dh is hep B carrier, the rest of results nt out yet..

dream> lap doesnt cure PCOS.. and it doesnt confirm tt u can be preg like yr friend..dpns on what kind of fertility issues u have..

dreambear> its is covered under insurance 100% if u have medical insurance from outside companies like ntuc or prudential etc (must be the basic + extra). if only basic its only partial claim wic u need to chk with agent.

sasha> u have good quality embbies! rest well ok..

laki> u did yr ET already? still feeling sick?

faithbb> nv too late if desire is strong, any difficulities can be overcome! some sisters also same age as u...

jelly> hw are u now, still bleeding?
Hi All, I am new to this forum.. I i am seeing Dr Stephen Chew at NUH after two years of TTC.I went thru the blood tests & realise that I am not ovulating (low progsterone) The ultrasound also found out that I have polycystic ovaries & polyps in the uterus. I recently undergoes laparscopy & surgery to remove the polyps & at the same time check out the fallopian tubes using dye.So far the tubes are good.Next step, Dr suggest to take oral med ( clomid) & couselling... I like to seek opinion if there is any side effects? shld I wait & try naturally? cos Dr say sometimes after the removal of polyps and flushing of the tubes, some couple manage to conceive naturally.. need advice here
laki gal ,u doing yr ET tomo? All the best and welcome to the 2ww club...

Lin, thanks, fortunately my bleeding and blood clot stop le

Nov rain, where did u do your lap surgery? If you are still young, can try naturally for one or two months first.
