IVF/ICSI Support Group

Think it varies from person to person cos each of us responds differently to the drugs so difficult to say. I've read on other forum some gals have ET a few days after the scan some a week after so have to wait till your scan then can tell i supposed? BTW, i've started with progynova 6mg per day now

Have you been having diarrhea these few day? Cos if that's so it might be cos the anus is hurt cos you wipe so many times..another possibility is piles as what is suggested by sasha, esp when reading or pushing too hard during toileting times..

i eat dried prunes or raisins and also oatmeal porridge + lotsa water to counter that..

Good luck Brchow!
don't worry! It's the quality
my first scan also very little follicles then second scan slightly better.
let us know after scanning!

ChrisL : thank you! Will try that out
gd morning ladies.. is blue blue monday + raining...

Grace, AF still missing... haiz.. guess is overstress with the IVF and the in-laws issue coming up... really need to burst liao...

Might need to defer my ivf plans as well cos in-laws wan to move in with us.. haiz... headache..
Gd morning wondersss! Sorry to hear you are stressed out! Are you doing massage or accupuncture to help you release?

Take care!! Hope your AF comes so you can cont this journey! We will support you
sashamunna, Thanks for the support! i took TCM n AF med to induce + accupunture... but not moving at all.. OMG... boohoo...

Just have to wait n see...
Maybe you are stress out, I think will come soon
I pray hard hard for you! ;)

I think last time I took to induce and was a few days late, but will come will come
Good morning to all..

Hi wondersss, dun worry too much.. Last time it also took me quite some days late after induce for AF to report. I keep calling kkh nurse at clinc D & they assured me that it will come too. Hehe.. So, don't worry too much, it will come
Wondersss, don't think too much. Stresss free. Sometime In law move in might not b a bad things. If I'm u, will continue to do IVF. Cos They will help to take care of ur baby.

LS, feeling better????

Jelly, yeah better call prof now to clarified.

Sasha, u may buy Mucilin at guardian pharmacy. I also contispation since sat after my ER. I had drink Mucilin 3time yesterday. This morning I manage sequence abit out. All the best ya. I understand the pain of constipation now, haha...
Thanks ladies for the encouragement...

The AF med took liao but still not taking effects yet... maybe i too anxious le...:p

Grace, I want my mama to take care of my bb..
Good morning sisters. Dropping by to give everyone some support and babydusts.

i1BB, Ching, Chrisl, Joyfully, jiayou! You are always on my mind and i am rooting for you to BFP soon. (sorry if i have miss out anyone)... Fighting!!!!
Morning ladies. Jia you.
Me discharged yesterday morning b4 reaching home heavy bleeding again. Admitted back in the afternoon but this time to b1. N dr tan hh came back yesterday nite ard 10pm to take a look at me. This morning scan again. Everything fine. But don't know y still keep bleeding.
LS: I can understand how you feel.

I was having brown discharge and bleeding for continuous 2 weeks. Have to rush to O&G to do blood test twice a week cos the scan cant see the baby's heartbeat. Only can jab and increase progesterone intake to 3Xs daily

Everyday i just keep praying hoping that my baby will be safe.
Baby journey!! Hi hi!! How r u? Thanks for your well wishes... ☺

Babysmurf, hope everything is alright ya... Mayb u try not to move as much as possible...
omg omg... here im ranting about my AF mia-ing... & just went to the toilet & FINALLY im spotting!!!!

getting so excites... lols... hmmm.. Just one stupid qwtn n i hope u guys can help.. Do i start calling now or wait till full flow???
Hahaha can't believe I m happy someone AF is here yayyyyy! I think u should wait first, if this afternoon come full flow then you call, if not the nurse will ask you to call back
my prayers worked! Hehe
Wondersss: Usually if ur AF comes before 12pm, it is considered as Day 1, so i think you shld call now and seek the nurse advice.
Hi ladies, Thanks for the prayers and blessing!!

This is the first time that i got so excited that my AF reports and hope this is the last reporting and then is really MIA for the next 9 months.. whahaha...
PSP...... Thanks for empathize with me....so what happens to u after the scan, BT and everything ? Is it a positive outcome ? I am definitely like u....praying everyday....
Pray to God not to take away bb, assure God that I will definitely treasure the bb, pray to God to healy bleeding body.... All hoping for my bb to be fine .....
Tomorrow is my 1st scan ....am very worried.....
Kept telling my bb that daddy, mummy and ge ge is waiting for its arrival.....please stick to mummy...

Babysmurf....pls take care....pray for u and ur bb too!
Ladies, i have just called KKH.. Called them when full fresh red is seen... if spotting not consider.. Just went to toilet and wipe...seems like AF like vanishing...

Looks like playing hide and seek again..
Baby journey, I'm sure u r v v v happy being so tired! Gosh! Really so happy to hear from u! Time really flies huh... So fast u popped le n is a mum now! Congrats again deary!

Wonderss, I heard eating black fungus will help flush af out... Dnt know if u can try....Dnt so stress ok cos stress will also affect af de... All the best
i1BB, times seems to fly now w baby. Hope you can settle ur things soon n start your cycle or strike b4 starting. Huat ah!!! Relax and be a good girl okie. Showering you w lotsa Babydusts!!!
LS: I did my bt on 15 Oct and it was 495. On 19 Oct, my bt increased to 4459.

Seriously there is nothing i can do, i can only pray, rest and eat well. Leave it to fate.
PSP .... So now u are at how many weeks ? Got to go back for scan?
Don't think so much ..... Pray ....God will lead the way....
Me also eat well, sleep well etc .....pray for u too.....

Godislove.......rest well ya....get more support.....God bless
Sandra, i call liao but they dont let me fix it... lols... i say i already spotting... so red coming soon.. she ask me dun anxious.. once red then call
Wondersss, i think u can take pineapple to induce it.

Grace, hehe nope. My embryos will b thaw 2ml n then will determine frm ther to do D2, D3, D4 or D5 transfer. But now hving bad cough, worry that it will affect d transfer.
Grace, D2 means Day 2 transfer, D3 means Day 3 transfer etc.

For my FET, on d 2nd day of af i was given lucrin to jab myself for about 2 weeks then go for a blood test. Then my lucrin dosage was reduced from 20iu to 10iu. At d same time, I was also given progynova to take. I continued to jab myself at 10iu for another 2 weeks. Then once i stopped d injection, i was given cyclogest insert which i just started yest. Then d lab will thaw my embryos 2ml n monitor which day is best for transfer and will then call me down for the transfer.

Which stage r u now? Paisei tat i lost track
Laki Gal, ohh! OMG FET still need jap? that's scary. I had my ER on last Sat. No ET for this cycle cos dr said i might have ohss. so postpone. i don't know when yet.
Oh ya, i still told u me d same situation as u rite. Haha short memory, bt recently feel myself v forgetful. Dont knw itiz d jab or i old liao

When is ur next review w ur doc? So hw many embryos u freeze?

For my case, af my retrieve i had a review w my doc. We discussed when to proceed w my FET. So for my case, i did my retrieval in sep. Then i start my FET in oct. Normally doc will advice u to rest for 2 cycles but i proceed my FET on my 2 af. Coz dh n i feel tat do not wish to wait too long. So still depend on u n ur dh decision in d end.

Let jy tog n really hope can graduate soon frm this thread.
Lagi gal, yeah! Jy together. I don't know how many embryos yet. I have review w dr this wed. She will update me. Dr did prescribed Dostinex to prevent OHsS. So far I experience v serious contispation and feeling bloated.
Wondersss > I'm as happy as you as my AF also report to me today abt D32. Finally I can arrange for my lap le, though I still hv slight cough which I have been having it for the past 2 mths. Can wait for my lap anymore

Lakigal > Did you tell your doc that you are having bad cough? Get his views if you should proceed on with your FET or not.
hugs gal..understand that it is not a good feeling but try to stay positive ok? talk to your baobei and bed rest if you can..hmm..you might want to ask for a jab of progesterone and ask your family to bring you the glutinous rice porridge cooked with lotus root to eat& to try stop bleeding?

so nice to hear from you! eh you popped liao eh?? Gong xi ni! wah! seems like just a few months ago only when you bfp haha.. How time flies! xie xie for your bb dusts
Hi Chris..... Any Chinese name for the glutinous rice porridge? How to cook or anywhere to buy ? Please advise .... As I also got bleeding problem.....
Chrisl, thank you thank you. i hv given birth to my baby boy last mth. He is 5 weeks old now. yup seems like i bfp months ago n now i m a mommy. Hehehe. Hope you BFP soon. Jiayou!!!
Babyjourney, thx for your bb dusts n encouragement... I'm still fighting on... Hahaha....

LS, I think Chinese shd b 糯米莲藕粥....
LS-cook a handful of glutinous rice with about 2 slice of diced lotus root into porridge. Do not eat the lotus root, just the porridge.
1 bowl in the morning & 1 in the evening for 3 days.
Remedy from Dr Zuo

Jelly, r u better today?

Wondersss, AF reported liao? dont stress urself, try not to think so much, relax relax, when u relax, ur body may function better and AF will come.

LS, Babysmurf, Godislove, do tk care and rest more. JY!

Lakigal, i agreed with dreambear, u may wan to seek dr's adv b4 proceed. Meanwhile, u may wan to try honey with lemon as it works for me during my stim, i got sore throat and followed by cough (with no phlegm). i tk 2-3 glasses per day.

Grace, try maintain or increase ur protein intake hope it could reduce the bloatedness, and fruit juice to help in ur constipation.

Ching, i've saw something tlk abt. foods which help to increase lining:
