IVF/ICSI Support Group

Wow, this thread is so active!

Hope, Abple, SunnieHope, LuvNhope, thanks for the warm welcome! Happy to have cycle buddies together with Gal.

Congratulations Biggly and Bruno! So many good news on this thread! Feel so motivated and excited about my first IVF this Aug! Take care!
Luv, didn't done any HPT. Wanted to test tmr as I know dp12 is always crucial to me.

Actually fm DPT10 I been very very thirsty, so I thought got chance...sigh!
Prosepina, i hope the spotting stopped. I spotted overnight on day 10 too but the nurse said only to go down if bleeding continues. Jus think positive ok? Jia you!
Chrisl, yup tat y now wonder shall I go bk acu? But still wish not to so wanna c fm those BFP ladies whether any1 BFP w/o gg thru acu

Lil, yeah at least I wnt hve to feel alone in my cycle. Glad to hve cycle buddy(ies) aco me
Yellow discharge might be a sign of infection. Please go see doc.

Since you have done ur bt.... Wait for results n try to stay positive.
Karou, folic acid very important. Baby need it to develop. Can check with your doctor for any alternative.

Prosepina, have u tested positive? If yes, please go O&G for extra support. Dun give up cos I do have spotting a few times even am bfp.
Thanks ladies! Back fm kk O&G. They do nothing just ask to monitor. Dr look into V and said it is old blood! Came back home still got spotting.I haven't test HPT. Will do it tomorrow morning then go for BT. O&G doc said d12 is too early to detect pregnancy yet.

Well, it going to be a sleepless night! Well, I wil stay positive and talk to my baby.
Luv, where got implantation so late! Nvm la, I am staying positive but prepared for the worst. Hopefully it stop and give me +HPT on clear blue tomorrow first urine. U think if I test nw accurate or not? Would it b too diluted? I pee a lot!
prosepina...take care and stay positive..wait for yr gd news tml..

Randy..d11..hmm...think u may wan to build up yr lining..6mm maybe too thin..jiayou
Hi LuvNhopw & i1BB, I was left with last 3 emb and was kind of pinning my hope but still didn't make it. I'm planning to try for my 3rd fresh and went for sonohysterography today. I tot maybe I should take more supplements, oh! I am actually wanting to know about royal jelly, not honey... hahha... ...

So... how's the two of you?
Sunstillshines. M pregnant now week 11 find more comfortable toking here so seek advice here.. haha.. infection?? Tml will go down KK.. Scare..
Noy, LuvNhope just bfp few days ago!!!! As for me, still "hanging" around... Wnt b doing anything till Mayb end of the year... Hehe
Ladies.. I'm having cramps, back pain & now my body suddenly feels warm than usual. Is this normal? Did u babes experience it too?
Today should be day 5 post ER. So scared.. :s
Tutu. Sunstillshine or any Sister with Dr Loh ( TFC):
Any idea when when will we receive the medisave $6k from cpf? After ET was informed by nurse we will receive it in cheque.

LuvnHope, BabyGalore, Bruno: Congrats
It's great to hear so many good news. I want some baby dust too!

I m planning to go for FET in July. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly for me this time.
Nurul: GNC Royal Jelly also quite good. I m taking it too. But, not everyday. Have too much supplements to take, so I spread it out. If not, too heaty for me.
Prosepina, it's very gd tat u r positive. Try to rest early tonight, dear... as I know it has been quite an experience for you earlier.

Try to test tomorrow morning k? Pray and hope that everything goes smoothly for you from now on. Meanwhile, try to tell your mind that the spotting is from old blood, and your baby to guai guai hold tight unto you.
Re: Royal Jelly I supposed all royal jelly same one just that maybe some have added vits like im taking one with added vit E..
Bruno & the silent reader (oops , sorry i forgot your nick) Congrats on your pregnancies!
Prosepina- u are definitely pregnant, my gut feeling says so .. (if it's old blood, then it was from implantation bleeding)
Nurul- i bought supreme royal jelly 1000 at the GNC store just last month. They had the GSS and it was buy 1 get one free. Around $80.
Prosepina u stil spottin? U hav done HPT? If u called dem surely they say dat. U juz go ther n tel dem u r spotting, n wana do e blood test today.
just go down there... say u wanna do BT... if they say so early not accurate... say u will repeat the BT again on mon/tue... btw, who's your doc?
