IVF/ICSI Support Group

Biggly, congrats! You conceived naturally?

Welcome Lil!

congrats biggly, catching your bb dust
You are with Dr.Charles? i like him so much but bcos of cost i decided to go KK. mind to share how much u spent with him?
I went thru ivf too....yah was with Dr Charles..he's really good and I strongly recommend that if you dun mind spending a bit more...while success is not guaranteed..his success rate when I did my ivf was quite high...think I've posted here before but can't rem the percentage...he was using a new drug that has a higher success rate....
his consultation (long) is $150 and $75 for short which is quite ok for private practice...i've never really totalled up the sums until u ask me now...went to tally up all my credit card bills...from the first ivf consultation to the last one when I bfp...the total cash paid out is $12,122.56
biggly, i was with him for SO-IUI. Tried 3 times with him but no luck! his clinic always crowded with Indo ladies.. what new drug he is using?
I did iui 3x with him too...also no luck....he was saying it's for the IVF procedure....apparently helps in implantation or something...i didn't really ask much coz he only told me about it at my last review session with him...
hi sisters, i am back in action.
good news to share with all.
thank you all the sisters here for your advice and also thank you for being there with me when i am sad and moody.

I tested BFP. hcg reading 952.
bfp is jsut climbing up to the first storey . now i and DH have many more levels to climb b4 reaching the top.

all for the sisters who are in 2ww or trying. don't give up. its ok to feel down at times, afterall we are all just human. just think of the final goal and we will all able to reach it
luv: thx u. dr zuo also said the same. but i just leave it to fate lor. but my own personal gynes say one at a time. twins can be tough.
babyg: kkh gave u 2 months supply of of the medicine? they only gave me 1 month supply.

they schedule me done on the 29 of june to do a dating scan and to meet dr.s. just want to ask some sisters here , if i eventually want to go to other gynea outside kkh, can i just skip that scan at kkh. since my personal gynea will do the same scan. don't want to be paying double.
BabyG, yup. Dunno if they'll call me though. They usually say if they don't call by 3pm, means everything okay.

Actually, if u wanna do hCG test again but find KK too far, can go to your nearby GP to do too.
babyg: my gynea say one hcg testing is fine. no need waste money do so many. unless the first one is borderline case then they will advise. now it is a another 2 weeks wait again.
prosepina, i think lining is 8.

Hope, whats immunocal? what issit for? where to get and issit too late to start now?

bruno, congrats! you just finished you 2ww? sorry didnt read your history..
depressed gal: don't worry too much.

randy: just tested positve. end of 2ww but start of another 2ww till my first scan.

Luv: i think borderline is 200. so anything above that is ok.
i am still on leave , have yet to decide on how to tell my boss i want to take no pay
Luv, I went for a bt this morning at gp.. They just called, it's at 2006 today..

Bruno, i just wanted to do another one just to play safe.
Congrats! bruno. U can switch to another doctor, but I think for the first scan better to stick back. KKH is using a special machine to detect yr small little one as it will be too tiny for normal scan machine to detect.

Randy, dont be dishearted as u only need a good one to stick with you. Jia you!
luv: at least maybe till the end of 1st trimester. want to rest in peace. everytime work have so many things to think abt, can't sleep properly too. at least this 2ww i sleep well and dream nice things.
Bruno! Congratulations!!! It's time for celebration.... This whole week so many bbdusts!!! Woohoo!! **jumps into bbdusts sea**
thx leor.

luv: i just called my mil. ask her got anything pantang i cannot and should not do. she told my hb not to move our bed around and told me not to use sharp things in the bedroom. outside bedroom can. then i said "ha ...only 2 things, nothing else." she say have many many more but not practical and not scientif proof too.
Luv, would it affect our 4mth maternity leave? Maybe can ask dr for extended hl? Would dr give since ours r special case?
BabyG, i was raising the possibility of affecting ML cos bruno wants to take no pay leave, which is different from HL. Think u can try asking ur doc for HL. I was toying with the idea too.. but haven't decided.
Bruno, congrats!!! So happy for you!!!

BabyGalore, wow your readings is high! Most likely twins.

Luv, what time did you leave the clinic today. I didn't get to see u as I was late for my injections. Don't worry dear, if by 3pm, they don't call means everything is fine. Furthermore, your reading is high enuf on mon.

Biggly, gong xi gong xi!!! U r in 15weeks Liao?? Time really pass. So now you are in 2nd tri? How are you coping with your pregnancy?
babay g and luv: u guys are teaching rite? pls check carefully, my best frd took hl the other time cause of some medical problems...it ate into her 4 months maternity leave. according to her the so-call extra 1 month that government give is from the HL. check with yr HR for more details.
luv: according to my HR , if my no-pay is due to medical reason for pregnancy, they will still give me my 4 months.
have to be close to my MIL, no choice. she stay near us. cook soups and stuff 4 me and she will be looking after my baby/babies in the future.

Randy, it's protein powder I got it from OG. Not sure if it's too late but no harm to start now! Take more protein gal!

Bruno, congrats!!! Hee alot of Gd news lately makes me feel happier too! Hope I can join you all soon too! ;)
