IVF/ICSI Support Group

Prosepina and miracle, we will all be rooting for you girls. Jiayou and all the best for your BT next week!

Randy, cheer up ok? Like what the other sisters say, we just need one gd one to stick!
my ER has also been scheduled to mon. So, let's try to be positive and look forward to our ER ok? Let's grab some BB dust from all the sisters who have bfp... Soon it'll be our turn!

Hope, how r u feeling today? Is your DH still stressed with the injection? Will your ER be scheduled for next week? Let's jiayou jiayou tog ok?

Redvelvet, hope you are doing well today my dear sister? Will u be gg for ER this week or next week? Let's cheer for each other k? May our dreams be fulfilled soon.
Joyfully, i was also late. Reached only at 9.30am or so. What time were u there? I texted them and they say results are okay.

Thanks bruno, will check.
Good that ur HR will still give u 4mths.
JOyfully, I'm good! Out with friend and just went Mango sale haha! Need some retail therapy! DH stressed but after his first jab this morning he's ok haha. Tml will be going for scan so nurse will jab. Shall see what the doctor says! Cross fingers!
Hi ladies... have not visit here for a while... ...

Hi i1BB & LuvNhope, still remember me? I've juz failed my last FET with my last 3 snowbabies.

Anyway, I remember someone talking about "honey" tt help to increase the chance, any advice? Or supplement?
tks joyfully!
yah in my 2nd tri...things have been going ok so far..thank god..dun really have morning sickness but feel tired everyday....back is starting to ache and sitting/standing is getting uncomfy....tot it's a bit too fast...can't imagine what will happen in a few months' time....
Hope, so envious of you... Can go shopping with friends.
your DH is steady leh...

My next scan is tomorrow. So hope everything will turn out well in tomorrow's scan.

Yup, ER is scheduled on next mon.

You jiayou too, and all the best to your scan tomorrow!

Enjoy your shopping k?
Luv: talking abt HL & ML..recently we have a colleague whose gynae gave her HL two weeks before her due c-section becoz of her high blood...our HR actually wanted her to convert the HL to ML instead..claiming that she shd consider starting her ML...but in the end my colleague got her way because the doc specifically "ticked" HL instead of ML on the chit...
Nurul, that's what my friend told me la. But hor I think if got cysts better dnt take wor... Same for royal jelly...
Biggly. Am sure all the symptoms like backache n all is happy problem. It's great that you don't experience ms. Enjoy your pregnancy in the mths ahead, and look fwd to carrying your bundle of joy in your arms soon.
Haha Nurul I forgot alrdy. I stopped taking it for quite awhile. Decided to rest from so much supplements. Taxing on my pocket. Lolx
Hi, I'm new here. Am juz starting on my ivf journey wif kkivf. On my day 4 jab. Any advice or anything I should be expecting? Would appreciate it.
Wooohooo so many good news!! CONGRATS to all Bfp sisters here! *catching some bb dusts*

I'm in a dilemma now..my clinic said that appointment is fully booked till end June..then July some weeks summer holidays..so might have to start in Aug instead..they'll call again by tomorrow to confirm..xianz..biological clock ticking. But on other hand might be a good choice to go back for TCM accupunture..sisters doing accupunture+ herbs with Dr zou how many sessions you go to b4 seeing results? TIA
Congrats bfp sisters. We all can swim in bbdust swim.

Chris: u coming back to do accupture?
Can anyone advise when to start accupture. I will be on short protocol in aug.
JOyfully, thx! Hopping for Gd results tml! A lot of positive energy here so hope we will get some! Best of luck for your ER! Do you still need to go back for scan?
1ibb: true true I also find it taxing on pocket. Cutting down on supplements also. Only taking flaxseed, rj n folic acid. But at time feel guilt like not doing enough. Haha
piglet02, im thinking about it cos since if have to wait might as well lor..together with chinese herbs ..i wanna try both..
more good news
congrats bruno and biggly!

i asked my tcm doc that question before.... she said it depends on individuals... some people a few sessions will do the trick while others need more sessions... since ur next cycle in august... i guess it's about time to go liao? i go 1 month before but that's me... i'm not very diligent one.... my tcm also commented that 2 months before cycling is better...

that will depend on how long u will be back? dr zou not expensive... so can go for more sessions if you want...
Those BFP ladies, do u all go for accupture? Coz I hve a bad experience n don't dare to go for it but will like to know whether will it increase d chances of BFP
Depressed Gal, i did go for acu and took TCM med just b4 and during my cycle. Think it might have helped my follicles grow faster and contributed to my BFP. Not 100% sure, but likely.
Do u girls take folic acid? Do u have any idea if it has any adverse effect if I'm not taking it? Previously had very horrible headaches when I took them so decided not to.
Eskimobaby thanks for info..im just looking at the airfare and thinking..

Luv- how long your did accup? Did you do with dr zou?
karou if you get headaches from taking it then you might want to consider taking food rich in folic acid like brocolli etc..in their natural forms so body can absorb instead..
Bruno...gratz...with such high hcg 95% is twins.

for ivf twins, i wld suggest u stick with kk since they hv more eqpt and experience to support in case of complication.

i am gg for oscar scan soon and the nurse said not many dr know how to scan for twins..

i am not sure if yr pte gynae had tat experience.

also on costing, my fren with twins said some pte gynae charge double for scanning 2 bb, u might want to check..
randy..how many days of jab u r now? lining 6 may be too thin..try take red bean soup...jia you

prosepina..test tml so can go down get more support..early support is important.. :-D
Chrisl, last x when I did acu, d dr poke d needle all d way to my spine n left only 1/4 of d needle sticking out my back, when d needle go all d way dwn to my spine, it was damn painful n i cried all d way thru d session so nw I'm really v scare of gg bk acu
