IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hope4bb, oops, oh yeah, on Thu right? There are ladies who BFP without symptoms! Dun throw in the towel yet!
Cas, congrats on your blastocyst, and welcome to 2 ww!

Hope4bb, all the best to your BT tomorrow.
don't worry about the symptoms, must try to think positive ok! Hope to
Collect bbdust from you!
Luv, yepz yepz, me put wolfberries too...but still a tad sourish. Maybe I boiled for too long. Must remember to ask dr zou.
hi all,

i'm going thru IVF with Dr Loh @ TFC.
this is my 2nd time doing IVF but first time with Dr. Loh.

my first was with KKH and on the day of ER, i was told there was no egg so didnt even go back for ET. I was told Dr S messed up my cycle. was angry / depressed and lost for a while.

now i'm on long cycle and started my stimulation since monday. my first scan revealed i have low number of ovaries but not clear yet. now on 450of Gonal F. expected date for ER is next week Wed ~ Fri.

i dont understand many abbreviations on the forum.. 2ww, BT, BFP, LRD and many others.

hope to get more advise from you gals!
Hey Randy,

2ww- two week wait aft et

Bt- blood test

Bfp- big fat positive

LRD- longan and red date drink

Welcome to this forum!
Hi Girls,

Havent been visiting the forum quite some times.

I have 3 SO-IUIs with Dr Loh at KKH before he left. I am currently doing my IVF with KKH.

I am on my 2nd week of Lucrin injections now and next week going back to KKH to ultrasound scan and E2.

Can anyone tell me what is "E2"?

During this period, i felt very bloated and difficulty in breathing. is this symptoms of OHSS or is very common?

What should i do?
Hi psp, welcome to the thread.

If I am not wrong, E2 is a blood test for your doctor to gauge if your body is suppressed enough to start stimulation. If the readings come out low enough, then most prob, your doctor will start you on stimu as per planned. Otherwise, you may have to continue with lucrin to make sure your body is fully suppressed.

Usually, you know the BT results either by end day or the next morning.

Hope the above info helps.

JoynFaith: i start my Lucrin jab on 28 May.

Joyfully: Thanks for your info. Hopefully my readings will be low enough then i can start my puregon. Really very tired and bloated after the Lucrin jab everyday.

I see Dr Zhou to do acupuncture too. Nowadays when i see needles, i get really very scared.
Thanks Chevy, Luv and joyfully... It's such a wonderful yet nervous 2ww!

All the best to those in 2ww. And hope there's more babydusts from those with upcoming BT!
Jia you everyone..
cas, wow, ur embies r very strong.. somemore after freezing. Mine never reach blastocyst. When's ur BT?

psp, i think ohss is due to over-stimulated ovaries. So shd be after stimulation. Urs is mebbe another side effect of lucrin? Pls take enuff rest since a lot are happening to our hormones during cycling.
sunstillshines, last year i paid ~$35 for hcg test at kk. Never done at gps before.

bruno, r u taking bbt? I feel much cooler today than the past few days coz of the weather. What kind of symptoms r u having? Cramps or bleeding/spotting?
Depressed gal : really hoping its something good.

moo3moo: my body has always been warm, up 2 the last 2 days feel cold... cramps / moody, no appetitte..all i will have b4 my menses
Depressedgal! same! me in 2ww natural ttc this month as well! how many days dpo are you at today? Did you use opk to test for o?
you boil for how long? Got add the correct amt of ingredients not (per the recipe on the spreadsheet)? Strange leh should taste sour de..maybe unless your red dates are older stock..are they the big types?
Chrisl, me didnt test on opk but using my mucus as indicator haha, 2day shld b my 3dpo but then i guess shld b a failed mth coz always af my o day, my breasts start to 'grow' haiz n then sickening af is here. My dh say my breast always tell us in adv bout our results for every mth lolz
bruno, oic. If those AF symptoms, mebbe also similar to BFP also? Just stay positive ba
I still take bbt daily.. bad habit coz if the temp drops for one day, my heart also drop..

Depressed gal, haha u funny.. if it's bfp, i thot breasts will also 'grow' rite?
moo3moo, for me, my breasts grow will indicate unsuccessful for me

dun like breasts to grow haha, i rather wan small breasts but bfp

Btw i read before that breast will only start to grow bout 4 wks onwards of pregnancy
hi sunstillshines,
have been seeing TSB for more than half a year already. collected 5 packets of herbs from her this morning

this is my 3rd ivf, the first fresh ET was a chemical pregnancy, the next FET didn't even implant (i guess). I have 5 more frozen embryoes and they will be 'defrosting' them tomorrow and preparing for a D5 transfer on monday.
i'm with dr tan hh at kkh.
depressed gal..im also a tad xianz..maybe reading too much into symptoms and cos i don't really feel anything esp yesterday *sigh*..well well..we shall see what happens! In any case i still hv 4 snowbabes to fall back on..and you, don't give up, unless really see red then hmm..you know some bfped didn't feel breast difference but needing to pee and pulling..or nauseous. Oh and btw, don't slack on the brazil nuts cos they aid implantation. I took 2-5 pcs on alternate days with raisins
How long have you been ttcing?
Just ranting..

the other day someone at work asked me straight out ''Is your lost bb made by the clinic?'' i was furious!
Chrisl, aiyoh! How insensitive can some pple get??? Never mind, no point getting angry over those who don't know better. *hugs*
randy, it shld mean the number of days embies r being cultivated prior transfer. maybe ladies here can correct if wrong

on the morning after my ER, i was asked to go into Dr. S office after i woke up. i tot it was funny cos i remembered that the result should be at least 2 - 3 days. Dr S told me that the 3 follicles retrieved were empty and there were no eggs. she asked me if i want to try IUI since i already been injecting. i took it rather hard and was still in a shock. my hubby then retorted 'if no egg then do IUI for wat?' i asked her 'why? and how come?" dr s said sometimes it happens and hope for next cycle.

took me a while and tot all my fault due to my medical history. when i met Dr Loh for consultation, he said the dr messed up. the sudden increase amount of puregon given from 300 to 500 iu caused my LSH (not sure if this was the correct term to use) to shoot up and release the egg before the time was right for retrieval. so of cos you will find empty follicles.
and i am not suitable for short cycle either.

i was both relieved and angry when i heard that.... didnt know what to do. i dont want to pursue but just feel that some injustice was done unto me or something.
Luv, hopefully u r rite for me, i hope i will get bfp soon

Chrisl, i being ttc for 2 yrs. in d past, i tried every single method n even go to pray at many temples but still in d end, nothing. I failed 2 natural IUI cycles and now waiting to start on my IVF journey. Err actually I didnt really take any brazil nuts, think now i hve to b hardwking n add on to my list haha

In dis world, there r many diff types of pple. Some pple r so insensitive. Like my fren all getting pregnant without any problem n only me, d only 1 facing problem. So when they c me they will mk comments like "aiyo so long liao y u still nothing yet", "Im already mummy of 2 wor, u muz hurry", "over 30 v xinku to get pregnant wor, tat y better to get pregnant soon" etc etc etc. Tat y now I reduce gg outing w my fren n hate gg to relative plc n esp cny i hate it haha
ChrisL, dr adviced me to put in 4~5 dates n handful of wolfberries but i put in 6~7 cos what i have r the smaller ones. I boiled for 10~15mins and then let it "stew" for another 20~30mins. Hmmm....is my process wrong?
Randy... thanks for your explanation. So at that time Dr Loh is still around? or only recently then u told Dr Loh about it?

I thot one of my gf's eggs were growing quite slowly... Dr Loh oso shoot up her dosage to quite high when Dr Veronique only increase her dosage by abit. Dr Loh overwrites all other doctors and increased her dosage.
my 1st ivf was in apr... dr loh has just left in Feb so dr s already taken over as HOD.

i did not know Dr S is so new in HOD. cos i called up KKH and asked who is heading the fertility department and was told Dr S.
it was thru internet news that i learnt that Dr Loh who has been heading the fertility department for many many years has just left KKH earlier this yr.

im going thru my 2nd cycle with dr. loh now. when i told him my experience from my first cycle, thats when he asked for my medical records and commented that they messed up.
Hi, sunstillshines

Don't knw u still remember me hehe.
Your sign seem good to me

BFP coming your way :D
All the best for your bt on Monday and other sistas in 2ww and those in the process of IVF/FET. Jia You!

Hmm thanks LUV and depressed gal..
luckily i don't work with her everyday..just an ac hoc one..just have to learn to close ears and mouth! hehe..

depressed gal CNY go for trips, good way to avoid

You didn't put dried longans then? If so that's why might be a bit sourish..i used red dates(a handful), dried longans(a handful) and wolfberries(a handful) and let it boil and when water boils, turn down heat to medium and cook(simmer) for ard 45mins. And then add brown sugar to taste. I use brown molasses sugar and i find the taste is nicer than rock sugar. You might want to try that
can get them in provision shops i think
Hope this helps

OMGosh! Did you get to use the gov grant for your 1st cycle then? Cos if failed like that not your fault what, so can they give you one extra grant then? Can feedback to higher authorities and let them reimburse you the monies/losses incurred..i find very 'bu zhi de' for you..
Welcome Randy and psp!

Randy, actually Dr Tan HH is the Head of KKIVF now. Dr S is the director but think Dr Tan is the one who's overseeing the operations mostly.
ChrisL, no wo...I no add longan cos dr ever mentioned dun take too much. so it's just dates n wolfberries for me now
thx for ur tip! but laying off sugar as not to increase calorie intake heheheeee.....
