IVF/ICSI Support Group

BabyGalore, i guess CM is important if you're trying naturally cos they help with sperm mobility inside our bodies so that they can reach the egg. With IVF/ICSI, fertilisation has already taken place, so CM is prob not that crucial, but may be a sign or symptom for some ladies.
BabyGalore, hahah... no lah. I pick up bits and pieces of information along the way. Certainly don't know everything!
Glad to help when i can. So how have things been for u?
Thanks moo,I also hope my embbies stay strong!
my embbies developed fast into blastocyst and I was called in early to transfer. BT will b on 15th. But the embryologist told me my blasto are average grade. There's no numbering like embryos 1-5. Blasts only excellent, very good etc.
Now getting a little anxious... Having cramps today and worried if its pre menstrual..

Bruno, I'm also getting cold feet (pardon the pun) together with cramps. I understand it's just so worrying and frustrating not knowing where we stand.
I just keep thinking positive and hoping hard for the positive BT result!

All the best to Depressedgal and Chrisl for your 2ww too! Jia you!

Luv, it's ok to be a little early or late for the inserts, 1-2 hrs difference ok as informed by nurse.
cas, thanks for the reassurance!
When did u do your blastocyst transfer? If it's only been a few days, too early to be pre-menstrual lah.
It may be implantation cramping. Good sign!
Luv, no problem.. I also many queries so will ask nurse sometimes. I did transfer on last Friday. So it's past implantation? As mine is blastocyst. I think today is day 5? Or if normal transfer is consider day 10 now I think.
Thanks for your encouragement though. 2ww is the most evil period in life haha...
Luv, usually set alarm for all the inserts as I tend to forget most of the days. I'm so far. Had some on and off cramps. But today had a sharp pain my left ovary.. Lasted afew hours.. Hope all is well inside me and embies are holding on strong. How have u been?
cas, D10 is still within implantation period. Good luck!

BabyGalore, your sharp pain over a few hours sounds like a good sign!
Been bloated and had on-off cramps. Also the sore hip. Trying not to analyse, but difficult, hahah...
Hi sista. U may wan to buy young parents tis june issue coz gt tok abt things to eat n not to eat but not alot. I feel its useful n info too.. Fr sista at 2ww may wan to read it..
Thanks Luv, you are really giving me reassurance and emotional support!
thanks... Hope all is well for you too!

Hoping for the best for all in 2ww.. May this forum be showered with lots lots babydusts...
Hihi, can I ask you gals when will dr take DH's sperms for fertilisation? After ER? Trying to prep DH Hee. I think my menses is coming soon coz I'm experiencing spotting Liao. So will start stimulation soon I hope!
Hi Miracle, thanks! I'm now feeling anxious and nervous, don't really know what to expect coz it's my first cycle!

Depressed gal, jia you! Maybe you will have a BFP naturally
Randy, sorry to hear abt ur 1st cycle.. I realli think KK really have too many patients tt they can't take really good care of everyone. Perhaps u can write a 'complaint' letter highlighting ur case to KK so tt they'll be more careful in future. All the best in ur 2nd cycle yar. U're in Dr Loh's good hand now.

cas, hehe dun worry abt grading for blasto lah. It's already an achievement. Ur ET last Fri, mine last Sat d5. But my BT on 13/6, urs on 15/6. Hmmm, means if u test hpt on 13/6 shd know the result
luv: thx.

am trying not to think so much but its hard especially when the signs are so similar when i am abt to have menses.
anyway lets just jiayou. one more week
Hi moo... Your BT is earlier than mine! Are u with pte? Mine is at usually like later than others.. My fresh cycle bt was 19 days after et.
Hope to catch babydusts from u! Another week for u to go... Jia you!
Finally done with my stimulation day 7! Gg for ultrascan tomrw morning. Hopefully e eggs r big & bold enuf.
Anyway what qns shud I ask? I'm very lost to what I should know.
Ain Wayne, can ask follicles size and lining.. If follicles and lining has not reached ideal , dr will ask you to continue stim and do another scan in 2 days or so. But if ok, dr will tell u when to take trigger shot and when Er.
All the best! Hope you will have many retrieved..
Cas, ur embryos can tahan thawing to blasto, sure very strong. All the best to u.

Yesterday, XXX did something nasty to me again. Thank god, I got offer already, if not, I really dunno what to do....He changed my job scope totally without even notifying me in person....All via email and I am always the last to know. Disgusting.

The best part? The part he cut away from me, he told others that he could do it for me. Excuse me.....higher rank than me, cut away from me and do for me???????I might as well get your pay.
Bruno, when is your bt? Is this your first ivf?

Cas, is this your first ivf? do you mean both embbies became blastocysts? They are very strong! Moreover, they stand the thawing process!
Thanks Cas!
Finished scan, now waiting to see dr.
During e scanning, I heard my lining was 11-12.
Eggs on e left were 17.5, 15.5, 14, 9 (can't recall anymore)
On e right were 16.5,16, 15 (can't recall also)
Does this sound good at all?
Hi Ain, me also at kk now, waiting for dr to brief scan result.

Hi Cas, what is consider good reading? I hear them reading lining 12, left first 11, 11.5, 9, etc etc. DH sperm, does he need to clear sperm first before the ER date? I remembered for sperm test, they want it to be cleared 3 days before
Hi Ain Wayne, your eggs size are good, and they were of overall gd consistency! Which is great! Congrats!

When is the trigger shot?
Ain and CelC, you're making good progress. ER shld be soon.

BabyGalore, Bruno, and other sisters in 2ww, hope you're doing fine! This 2ww is really a roller coaster ride. Can feel optimistic one moment and pessimistic the next... Arghhh...

Hope4bb, baby dust from you soon!
CelC, how many days r u into stim? I believe the dr/nurse wld give instructions for ur dh to clear his sperm 3 (or 4?) days prior ur ER. He needs to take antibiotic too.
Usagi, dun be angry. U are leaving soon. The more xxx trying to anger u, u should appear gracious. So that she will be the one looking bad.

Sistas in 2ww, hang on... U are almost there.
To all the rest, Jiayou in whatever you are doing!!!

Good day!
Hopefully it's good news! Still waiting for doc still..
CelC, im still here too! Which one is you? I'm still at e back, on brown & white stripes!
Cross fingers to hear good news soon!
Luv, ya doc say ER confirm next week, aske me to clear my office work n get ready.

Chevy, I m on day 8 of stimu today. Going to jab 2 more days and scan again on Sat.
Thanks ladies.. Indeed a very gd news!
Doc said my eggs are gd, tonight will be my trigger shot & ER will be on Sat!
There are 5 big sized ones & 2 medium ones at 12. Really hope all this will become good quality embryos!
So nervous..
Ain, I left the clinic, now at pharmacy. I m with green top n black pants. U with hubby? I m sure urs is good news

Thanks Chevy. I will continue to take more ew. I usually go appointments on my own cuz DH Busy with work. I only need him on ER date hor? Hee... He has finished his antibiotics Liao.
ain wayne, which doc you with?
Celc, what's your dosage? total you will have 10 days of stimulation, got increase in dosage? i also got 10 jabs of stimulation, dosage fm 200 to 250 for last 3 jabs.

Luv, dont think too much! they are holding tight

i think is a great idea to tell office about IVF, thanks for the advice fm sistas here. My company even sent me fruit basket. HR and my direct boss knew why i on HL.
Ain, have faith! They will be excellent

CelC, still got a few more days to go. JY and down more protein!

Hahahaaa.....yes, ur dh needs to make himself useful on ur ER.
Usagi, no anger pls... U leaving for a better prospect soon. Don't need waste emotions on such Xiao ren!
sometimes these people obviously jealous or afraid of u so do all kinds of small actions to make themselves seem better. Haha be gracious since u leaving, take it as u pity them la.

Ain, great news! Everything is great so will have good embryos retrieved... Just relax and get ready for your Er and ET!! Tonight trigger shot be at least 15- 20mins early to kk, the place is always full so early to be safe.. All the best!

Celc, your lining looks good. Just need your follicles grow more. Continue your ew... Any other ways to increase, maybe some ladies here can advise more? I heard eating meat is also good, same idea- protein. All the best!

Sunshines, this is my second try as I failed my fresh earlier this year. This time I'm on natural fet.
Thanks everyone for praising my embbies haha I'm just hoping myself is strong enough and good enough for them too.

Luv, same as u... I get emotional in this 2ww too. How not to when everyday u wonder if embbies are growing healthily? If they are sticking to us. So it's really a tough road for all of us here, jia you everyone!!

Celc, why your dh need to take antibotics? How many days are you in your stimulation stage now?

Prosepina, you are very brave to tell your office about IVF.

Ain, your folicles are growing very well!
