IVF/ICSI Support Group

OH NO... Prof Ng nurse also tell me no need to have safe sex. I AM soooo worried now. What if this month I am lucky and get pregnant while doing the suprefact?? I read on clnicical papers that it will cause fetal abnormalities leh... GOSH. how??


need not worry so much, a step at a time, have you started the supefact? and every mth you ttc but never get it, so the chances of getting preggy is still very low and it is not proven that supefact will cause abnormalities, my dr told me no, it will not cause abnormalities.
Hi Girls
I am pregnant! Still in shock with the news
Hope everything will go smoothly from now. BB dust to all (finally is my turn!)Chat later.
Nanz, Blur, renee, joan

thank you thank you. I just woke up fr my nap, for a week now i am so so tired. Either i nap or i doze of by 10pm at night........ Now i know what is pregnancy like. If must be diff for ppl that are working, how to eat snake?

Renee, my reading is 266, Yvonne told me above 100 should be good. Tell you is was a funny feeling when i heard the news, i was happy for 1 min only .... As you know i hv zero confidence in FET so i was more of shock, Asked myself am i ready? Also cos heard so many sad stories so i dont dare to be too happy. Very mixed feelings. But finally i decided not to think too much and enjoy every moment from today but of course still can't tell anyone about it.

Dun misled others when I said that above 100 is good, for your case becos today is only D14 of your embryos age and not D14 when you transferred so it is rather early still, so you might have possibility of having twins too :)
I was not worry before but yes from the time i know it is positive i just cant help it but feeling a bit worry though i kept telling myself not to
you know la, is not yours until is in your arms. But good news is at least i know i can be pregnant, thank god!
ya... at least you have make it to the first stage.... remember at yvonne place... we say our objective now is to get the pink passport??

hahah now you got it... so is a good year ahead... dun thin negative....... just focus...

Just let you know that the lab will be closed on 15 Feb onwards, it is more than 1 week.

I think your af should be here liao?

not yet, but shd be here tmr. lab closed on 15 feb? then only problem for ER and ET but not scan or injection right? cos that period I might be doing lucrin and then switch to Puregon so only need scan and blood test, hopefully KKIVF is open only lab close.
Hi Ladies,
Few days no chat.how are you gals?

just want to ask you whether are you still interested to buy nest. cos HK is having sales everywhere and even nest here are pretty cheap. for the similar grade nest i bought from jakarta they are selling less than $180 per tale over here. today i already bought 6 tales. and thinking of buying more. if you are keen we can share to buy. cos next 2 days i will go back there to buy some more. tom morning i will try to log on to msn hope to chat wt you for awhile before i go out. otherwise you can sms me at this hk no.+85291930267(it's my hp no in hk)

see you tom.
Hi Yvonne

Don't worry, there is no impact on the blood test and scan. When u take your med, may be you just double confirm with the nurse.

Sara run through the lucrin, puregon, scan and blood test, er and et date with me and hubby, it is very helpful, So at least now, I have a rough idea of the whole process.

I got a shock that the nurse told me my files has been audited by Sheila Loh, I told her that my doc incharge is SF, she said all files will have to be audited by Sheila as she is the head of dept. So scared that they suddenly change my doc without telling me.

yes, checked and confirm no impact on KKIVF centre for U/S and Blood test, only affect ER and ET as the lab close.

I know the whole process, done it before but kk sometimes abit funny cos i start OCP on day 2 and ask me to start lucrin before Day 21 so I need to ask them again why start before day 21, is it becos i take OCP or they counted wrongly.

All files in KK doing IVF, ICSI needs to be audited by the head which dr shelia loh, dun worry about that, your dr will still be the same :)
Tell you a joke! i sent email to hb and the subject is "pls buy 1 LV wallet & 1 LV bag" and in the email i never say is for who so he panic lei, he tot i preggie lock in the house until xiao liao, n, haha. I told him finally thanks to Yvonne you got a chance to visit the new LV boutique in paris.

why he panic?, you shd also ask him to buy you things too mah, u save him alot of $$ this time leh, imagine how many watches you can buy with $14K :)
I already give him a list of things to buy liao, anyway he just called to tell me that he must leave Paris ASAP in case i send him an email haha.
hi gals,

Just wondering will the Acupuncture really help for IVF succeed???

Pls share.....

As might be starting my Fresh Cycle with Prof Chen after CNY...still pondering........haiz

CHEER on to all those succeed.....and NEVER give up to all those who didn't.......
Hi ladies,

Is me. Finally, the chapter is closed for me. Just done D&C. The good news is, it was not an ectopic pregnancy for me. I had too many fibroids, so the 'little thing' just could not grow properly. At least this time round it was proven that I can still get pregnant. So, for those who are starting the program, do get your Dr to scan you first to ensure that everything is okie.

Well, I will not give up like that. Will definitely try again. But now got to 'tiao' my body and let it rest for at least 3 months first.

miko, i saw for some website that says acupuncture does help for IVF succeed. No harm trying. But if you are with Prof Chen, he is anti TCM one. So, dont let him know if you are doing with him...shhhh
glad you are back. do rest plenty. hope you will see good news again next round. when you consult dr loh, did he mention that you hv fibroid before you start the prog?
Hi Renee,

During my very first visit to Dr Loh, he did a scan and say everything okie. My husband specifically ask him about fibroids cos' i did once removal of fibroids about 6-7 years ago. He told us nothing leh... not to be offensive but i think i was quite upset with him where this is concern.

anyway, he insisted that my pregnancy was ectopic and i should just take a jab and dissolved the pregnancy. I was quite reluctant cos it is actually a kemotheraphy jab. The amount could be small, but still is no good for health. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that it will work. So if the jab doesn't work on me. I will still have to undergo the surgery. Even if the jab works to dissolve the pregnancy, it still doesn't solve the problem of fibroids which is the main cause of miscarriages even if i am able to get pregnant the next time.

we decided to go to an O&G professional in GE. he has a different views and we think that it should be a better way. To undergo the D&C and at the same time to remove all the fibroids so that i can be more prepared for my next round.

Finally, after the operation, my gyna told me that it was not ectopic. The main cause of the 'little thing' not growing was all my fibroids. I have total of 11 fibroids and 2 cysts....and i am glad with my decision.

Nevertheless, I will still go back to KKIVF for my next round cos' i am comfortable with their services and equipment.
hi seow,

sorry to hear that but glad that you are taking it well, with your positive attitude, I am sure you will succeed again the next round.

btw, during your scan, they did not find any fibroids or even during ER or ET, they did not mention that??? or the fibroids are too small to be detached from normal scan??
Thanks Yvonne, you are right, I will succeed or I should say we will all succeed in achieving what we want... just a matter of time...

The fibroids are not small. About 4 cm. In fact when Dr Loh did a scan during my 6 weeks of pregnancy, he told me I have lots of fibroids. But before that he told me nothing. I am just wondering can fibroids grow so fast within 2 months time...puzzled !!!

anyway, i take it as god's fate for me to lose this baby. maybe he wants me to fullfil my dream of going to Turkey before having a baby. And yes, I will be going this CNY....

Dr Low told me that sometimes, when you are on lucrin or puregon and if you are the type that got irregular menses cycle, you might get cysts, could that be the one that you have? that's why KKh sometimes ask ppl like me to take OCP pills before suppression lor.

wow, turkey, wanted to go last year, heard it is a beautiful place but ended up did not go, this year, i wish to go for some holiday too but as my hb got difficulty take longer leave, it is always nearby which go until sian liao. I dun think with him, I will have any chance of going europe or states anymore :-(
i'm sure you will succeed the next round. enjoy your holiday.

it's very cold now over in Turkey. it's a nice place to visit though. but food wise may not be very suitable for singaporean. MAy be you will like it. but for cina like me. i find it hard to get really nice food. most of the time i ate fried seafood and kebab while i was there. And the apple tea there is nice. that's the only thing i like and would buy back. if you can, you may like to buy a apple tea set. very cute and midle eastern feel. regret din brought a set.
hi ladies..

I just converted from SO-IUI to IVF and just need to check out some details with you gals..

Is the extraction of eggs part painful..?

no, you dun feel anything at all, you will be under sedation or GA. Even after you wake up, you will either go straight home or rest for a few hours if GA, then go home, no pain.
hi yvonne, my menses very 'chun' one never late, never early. so i also don't know what causes all these. anyway is not the cysts that is the problem, is the fibroids. anyway, my body is now cleared and in perfect condition. just need to start 'bu-ing' before i start all over again.

ya, i also heard that Turkey is a nice place. wanted to go many time liao. but everytime before we could book, something will happen and we ended up with other places. i remembered first was earthquake, terrorist and than followed by bird flu.... this year, i finally went ahead and book first, done care !!!

thanks renee for the info, i think my husband will like it.

hi hopes, there is really no pain during the extraction. no worries so much lah.. take a step at a time. see, so many sisters here have gone thru it, i am sure u can do it... jia you okie !!
Yvonne, Seow..

Thanks alot!! hehe..first timer.. so kind of blur and dunno what to expect.

BTW.. ladies.. also need to check with u gals.. what is the expected break period between tries for IVF?
the nurse at kkh will advise us to take at least 2 months break after each failure. TOUCH WOOD!

i think no harm taking longer break. otherwise our system may be upside down aft all the hormone jab.
hi Renee..

are u with KKH too..?

i just came back from the night jab for Pregnal.. wow.. leg kind of numb now.. :p
yup, i'm wt kkh. Dr. SF LOH. ya i very scared of the pregnyl jab. muts take on my butt. otherwise my thigh will go nump cos not enuf 'cushion' to take the jab. haha..... which Dr. are you seeing?

good luck for your ER ya!
hi Nanz..!!

Yeap..!! ER tmr..! Thanks!! They will let me know after the procedure how many eggs they managed to retrieve right..?

Hi renee..!

I'm with Dr Sheila Loh... but then..it seems that I've never seen her since my 1st appt with her... she will be doing the ER for me right..?

My thigh big big..but still feel a bit numb..hehe..
oh, is like tat 1. we will not see our drs until ER and ET days. but there were some sisters here ET was done by other dr cos their dr was on leave......good luck!!
hello everyone

I will be starting my pills for period to come tomolo..so my "battle" will commence soon..

Hopes everything goes well..

Ladies, along my path of battle, I will need your valuable advises to help me along.. So I would like to say thank u in advance..
hi renee.. hi Nanz..

thanks alot for your support..!! really fortunate to have ppl like you in the forum to help newbies like us..!

Joan.. jia you jia you!!

Is it normal to feel very bloated after ER? I'm so bloated and uncomfortable that every movement hurts..
it nothing wrong to be bloated aft ER. especialy when you have lots of eggs retrieved. i was very very bloated and very painfull aft ER. just follow waht the nurse advice to drink plenty of water.
hi Renee..

Yah.. yesterday I went for my ET.. kenna scolding from Doc and Nurses coz did not drink enuff water...hehe..so malu..

I tot drink 2 litres will do..but seems that it's the more the merrier.. :p

Hi fellow sisters,

I did my IVF with Prof Chris Chen and now, i have 35 tubes of left-over Serono Crinone (8%)-Progestrone cream on hand which i wont be using anymore. These medicines are not cheap, it cost me $12 each tube. Anyone using this and keen to take over, I will sell at very very cheap price, since I wont be using them anymore. PM me if anyone is keen. Thanks and lots of baby dust to all fellow sisters who are on IVF program. Cheers and be positive.
