IVF/ICSI Support Group

Tks cool,joyfully!
Will keep my chin up n continue to jia you !

I1bb , saizen is abt $301per bottle aft gst at care
Usually 1 bottle last 10days. Hence 3 bottles per mth
Abt $2700 for 3mths supply.
Towards stimulation stage. 1 bottle every 2days.
U ll prob need 6 bottles for 11-12 days stim.
According to Ning , it works for 60% patient. Unfortunately I fall under e 40% category.

Hi Pancake,
It must be hard for you to be apart from your hubby. You are a very strong person to go through this & admire your independence!
I have not been to HK, but heard it's a really nice place with lots of good food.
Some time back I shared that my hubby was going to go to America for training for 2 months on 9th April, but somehow this trip was cancelled. Half-disappointed but also quite relieved.
Wish you all the best! I must say that your embryos are very promising at top grade, 5-cell and 7-cell, they have a very good chance!

Hi Cas and chevy,
How's the first day of the 2ww for you?
My BT is scheduled for 16th April, how about yours?
I feel it is a long time to go... haha. I have been feeling soo tired these two days, and not sure if it is normal. Yesterday, i napped for 5 hours, yet at night, i slept for 7 hours, and this afternoon, I slept another 3 hours! Is it due to too much sleeping, make me more lethargic and tired?
Hi joyfully, DouDou, may I check Saizen is used for what purpose? Is it a growth hormone or is like Puregon used for stimulation?

Am wondering why after my 2 failed ivf cycles, Dr only requested me to do AMH test? Learnt that there are other type of test like GH test etc.
it's normal to be feeling confused and looking out for signs when u have major decisions to make.... it's not easy... especially when it comes to ttc-ing... does it mean that we are forcing it when we try ivf or we are pushing fate?... or u are going against ur religion?.... i know some christians and catholics are dead against ivf.... but at the end of the day, u gotta choose the path that give u the least regrets.... if few years down the road u are going to regret not trying hard enuff to have ur own children then it means that u need to do something now... ivf won't give u a 100% definite return but does increase our chances.... i'm one of the lucky ones to have succeeded at first try.... not one day goes by without me being thankful for whoever's up there who gave me my daughter and to my ivf doc who made a decisive and firm diagnosis that ivf was wat i need.... and my hubby reminded me again for my 2 recent failed fets about how fortunate we are that our first try was successful.... i dunno if i would ever succeed again but i'm not giving up yet.... sometimes i do think if i just be more patient would i be able to conceive naturally too? this is the answer that i would never have so why dwell on it... i believe the divine one have something arranged for us... i also believe in fate.... but i also believe that we can't just sit and do nothing and resign to fate....
Bigbear, Saizen is recommended to improve the growth hormones. I have not been to stimulation stage yet, so am unsure about purgeon.

Every doctor has different protocols and will order different tests for different patients. It's good that you do AMH test now. Better late than never. Rem u mention earlier that you are seeing Dr Ng SC. Read many positive reviews about him. Trust that you are in good hand. Jiayou, BigBear
Pancake: Jeanne point out something I want to agree with her. You are very brave and so loving to your DH!

Eskimobaby: You said that right. I am glad you persevere and and have a girl now and can see you are grateful to a higher being up there. At the end of the day, it's about our choice and not regretting it; at least we try. You pointed out rightly that we can't sit around and expect things to happen if we know we can do something about it. Faith is also about walking it out and not blaming God for not doing anything when we just sit on it. I believe that medicine is part of God's grace for us. (if I don't take pain reliever during my menses, I will be in pain all day and can't work. God does not delight in our suffering!) I guess our human wisdom still have limitation when it comes to medicine (side effects) but its for a moment/period of grace that we can live a more fulfilling life. Children is a gift from God so meantime, let's have an expectant heart :D
Hi. I am new to the thread. I have decided to embark on the ivf journey and will be meeting the doc at kkivf on Tues to sign the consent form. May i know what i would be expecting after signing on the dotted line. I have read the archives but is still rather confused. :p
Chris, thanks for your sharing. Indeed, being thankful to God is so impt in all our situation and His grace is ever sufficient!! Amen!
I don't know the actual situation which you are sandwiched between. But sometimes, when you try thinking 5years, 10years down the road, what you are doing now, does it matters, maybe it will give u some light. As you pray, I believe that God will guide you step by step. Just like Abraham, when God called him, he didn't know where he is going, but he just trust and go. That's such great faith. Very often, we have many concern and worries. But if God is showing something, just trust and go
jiayou sister!

Jeanne and sisters, hearing what so many of you have shared, I am reminded that we are not alone in what we go through. They are many who went through it, still going thru and will go thru such situations. And one of God's purpose for us is definitely that we can comfort others in time to come with the comfort we have received.

Few years back, I was quite against IVF. I always believed that if God wants to give us children, He can and He will. He has opened the wombs of so many barren women in the bible. But last year, when I was talking to a sister-in-Christ, she reminded me that God is still sovereign(he is still in total control) whether it's through IVF or not.
For a moment, it dawned upon me that I was just like a man in a story. This man was on an isolated deserted island praying that God will save him. When a ship passed by and waved at him to pick him, he replied, "No, God will save me!" then he prayed, and a helicopter flew passed and signal to save him, but he insisted "No, God will save me!" What was he expecting? For God to save him mircalously. I think the guys is so silly. God works through different means. But wasn't I the same?

Whether IUI or IVF, God is still the one who cause the egg to fertilize, to grow, to implant and so on.

Even as we go through these assisted means of getting pregnant, let us never forget to fix our eyes on God and not on what men can do. Sometimes when we spend so much money and effort on it, there's a tendency to put our hope in men's ability and technology. Forgetting it's God who bless and give.

Finally, after my last failed SO-IUI attempt, I learnt a big lesson. If God so loved us that He gave us His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us, do you think that He would withhold the Best from you? Why do we always think that only if we have children then it is the best for us? Do you trust God to know better
and He has the Best for you always! He mades all things beautiful in His Timing!

oops..sorry for being so long winded. >.<
Thank Joyfully for the infor!

Thank all Sisters for the sharing! I can feel the synergy in this forum. I get my strength and encouragement here. I am so thankful to have u all here who may be stranger to one another but never fail to give support and encouragement to one another.
Blurbabe: welcome! Well, I am also as blur.. I haven't started so will leave others to help you.

Cool: Thanks for encouragement. Ya I am actually thinking about what you said. To some extent in long term, it does matter and that's when I feel God is saying "Trust Me". Its interesting you mention Abraham cos for me to come here alone in Japan to work on a totally new job is unusual in itself and yeah, no one actually support me (long story so anyway in small ways I think I can emphasize with Job. By the way, Job going thr that has a reason, it's in the bible). I don't know why I have to do this but God open the door, I just go. Difficulties is plenty lo but God is really faithful. I don't know the reason but I know down the road, I will know and I am sure about it. Testimonies are birthed in tough times!
Joyfully, sorry few more questions abt Saizen. Is gowth hormone to improve egg quality? Is it to be done few month before stimulation stage?

May any sisters advise the type of stimulation med u have used before other than Puregon, Gonal-F, Menopur?
Jeanne and Chris
Thank you so much for your support.. I may wishes all of us receive what we want and waiting for
I am also feel it's so long for 2ww but i dont want think anything too much ... Just do you best and be positive ok

Take care
I am not sure who make mention of this but I remember what supplement (among the whole list) have to be taken separately as it affect the efficiency of the goodness?
Bigbear, the recommended period for Saizen to take effect is 3 months. So, it translates to 3 months before ivf/ICSI. But in my case, I was told to do jabs for 2 months. Angela will monitor my progress and advise again. Hence tentatively, my cycle should start in Jun.

Saizen is supposed to aid in improving our growth hormones, and hence improve the quality of our ovaries. If your GH test shows a reading of 20 and above, it means you have good quality ovaries.
Cool, thanks so much for your sharing! Especially like the part where you say, the man rejected the ship and helicopter, and insists that God will come and save him. He prob didn't realize that God must have send him the ship and helicopter! Just like in the case of seeking medical help for fertility, IMO, God has send this remedy to us. Like wat Chris mentioned, it is by God's grace that we have this alternative to fertility.

I believe we should pray about it and if we feel peace in doing
it, then we should follow through the process. As much as God wants to help us, we also need to help ourselves.

So, sisters, I want to model after Chris and have an expectant heart.
Bigbear: as mentioned by joyfully.. Saizen is a growth hormone recommended to b taken 3mths b4 stimulation. It's suppose to help improve eggs quality. Angela oso recommend coq10 for gd quality eggs. Both husband n wife r encourage to take.
I read abt dhea.. Like saizen.. Suppose to help with egg quality but according to some ladies here, their doc did nt prescript them as it's nt proven.
Nevertheless , I goin to give it a try since the qualities of my eggs r terrible.
It's gd to go for amh,fsh,lh,gh tests.
christian sisters
Thanks for the sharing
Reminded me well..

Anyone taking multivits as well as TCM herbs like those normally found in chicken soup at the same time? Will they 'clash'? What brands of multivits do you ladies recommend? Thanks in advance
Hello sisters, what a dreary morning... I am sitting in SGH CARE now waiting to do my blood test. I am not pinning hope cos this morning there's fresh blood already.

How long should I wait before I do my FET? I waited 3 months the last time. Hoping to do it earlier this time.
Hi Jeanne, mine's a day after urs
I reckon sleeping too much does cause one to be lethagic but it's definitely good to rest. U deserve it! However, do remember to move ard ya. Stretch a bit...... I find myself not eating my normal volume. My breasts are also quite sore. Wondering if it's normal leh..... Other than that, i'm good

Are u on insert? Me on Utrogestan.
Hi koirc,
Take care. But I rem sgh tell us to take a 3 months break b4 trying again. I think u should rest to build up your body first so tt success rate higher. Hugs.
Hi ladies,

Im new to this thread, am thinking of trying IVF this month. But am unsure.
Is it painful for the extracting of eggs and placing the embryos? As well as the injections?
Am kinda scared of needles.
Please advice.
Thanks =)
Hi cycle buddies... How is the 2ww so far? Feels kind of long to me even though it's only been 2days!
Been resting alot too... But meals are a bit of problem.. Do u go out to eat?
For the day of ET, I went out in the evening for dinner... After that felt regret.. Wondered if it's wrong to walk so much... Now scared wil affect the embbies.
So after that I never go outdoors. But if I need to eat, wil stil need to go buy... If not,how?
Other than this, stomach still bloated and sometimes pain. Still on the ohss medicine. Also given vaginal inserts... Though I keep missing the time.. Supposed to put in morning,afternoon and night. I always did it later than the hours, is it ok?
Hi Chris, joyfully, cool, heartbeats and eskimobaby,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. They are indeed encouraging and comforting!

Hi Chevy,

I'm on crione progesterone gel (inserted), also was given Cardiprin tablets to improve blood circulation, and HCG injections every 3 days. I think breast soreness is normal, esp since we have all these hormones given to us. However, i'm opposite of you, i feel rather hungry, craving for savoury food, like ikan bilis and sardines, and tomato and cheese. In fact, i feel like going to supermarket now!

Hi Panckae,
On 7th April, i have a progesterone blood test and the pregnancy test is on 16th... not sure why is it so far away from yours.
Was a bit worried cos i have been sneezing a few times, and scared that the embryos may drop out... but i read online that it has happened to many others before and should be ok.
Hi koric,
*Hugs* So sorry to hear that it may not have worked this time. Take care and build your body up again. Maybe you can ask your dr about doing it earlier, see what they advise. Though IVF is rather taxing on our bodies.

it depends when u wana do it. some pple thinks to rest a few mths before u start the next fet. for me that time when i striked my FET, i did it immediately the next cycle. meaning when my BT failed, and my AF reported, then my FET is scheduled the next AF that comes. since my body still adapted to the medicine, and i wan to reach my dream asap, so i didnt to wait anymore.
Hi Cas,

Walking is fine and even encouraged, as long as you do not stress yourself and know your limits. Walking is important to improve our blood circulation, and i was told that every 30 mins should get up and change position, even take a short walk around the house.

My vaginal inserts is only given at night, before sleep. I think if missed by a bit, it shouldn't be much problem. More impt, keep our mood relax and don't stress over the small things. Stress also not good for our body. so let's relax... breathe in, breathe out.
Hi Jeanne
Ha ha don't worry they said it won't fall out so now I am start doing normal activity but still bed rest anyway tomorrow will need to go to Hospital for blood test and will be first day that I step out
Today is my day 4 and I got vomited maybe I been taking progesterone and maybe my hormone very height but after I eat rices I feel better
How about you everything ok
Hi cas
I am on 2www too , I did ET on 30 March .. Don't worry you are doing well ....
My vaginal insert morning and. Night time and I am not always on time as well think should be ok
Hi, I am starting my 2nd IVF attempt in about 2 weeks time with 3 eggs implantation. I need advise as to whether for the two weeks waiting period after ET, is it advisable that I should take 2 weeks leave from work to rest at home or 1 week? My 1st attempt I went back to work after ET. Thanks.
Hi all,
Can i check what is healthy to eat during the 2ww? So far, since i was told to avoid oily, spicy &amp; raw food.

For raw food, does it mean that should not eat raw veg and fruits?? I ate subway the other day, and the lettuce and tomatoes are not cooked, but then all along i assumed that no raw food, is only "no raw meats/ fish".

Anyway, any ideas on what dishes are suitable? Is it ok to eat prawns? I have been eating fish beehoon soup, and porridge, but getting tired of these.
Hi Jeanne and pancake.... Thanks for the replies..
Feel not so alone now.. Haha.. Felt these 2 weeks like isolated from the world... Been watching drama serial to keep myself occupied.. Never do much activity.
Think Jeanne is right should walk around a bit at home.. Like more healthy then just lying down or sitting all the time.
For food, I feel as long as its nutritious should be fine to eat.
Though I have not been eating very healthy too haha.. Outside food is mainly tends to be oily... And not that nutritious. But too bad I do not know to cook..
Guess jus avoid the oily and spicy stuff in case stomach can not take it. Raw stuff may have germs or bacteria so avoid also. Think on safe side, not even raw vegetables?
Jeanne, I also get hungry more easily now.. Haha is it our hormone making us think or feel pregnant? Like keep craving for certain foods etc...
But stil from my place to walk out to the supermarket or coffeeshop takes about 15mins... So I never walk out now, feels too far to walk to and back. Or am I being lazy thinking this way...
Hi Cas,
For me, I rest or nap when I want, which is quite often as since there's nothing much to do anyway. I went out for dinner the day of ET and last nite n this morning. Thereafter resting on my bed
Did some laundry too. I thk moderation is fine. Moving helps circulation which I believe it's good. Going out can also destress as coping at home might make me feel more "pek chek". My personal thots lah. Being too uptight might bring abt negative thots too

The only thing I dun do is carry heavy stuffs, hop n run abt hehehehee..... Keeping a relax mind is very impt.
As for the inserts, the pharmacist did mention if u miss the timing, just do it there n then n try to keep it 8 hrs apart. Else like me , set the alarm!

Occasionally I do have some cramps......

Hi Jeanne,
Wah good appetitie huh! Good for u!
I believe raw food means raw meat, eggs or even semi raw. Try to stay off mayo too as I heard it's made with raw egg. The reason is there may be bacteria present in semi/raw food and might affect our embies(?). As for me, no special diet but will of course avoid raw foods n cold drinks. Hiaz....... No sashimi
Seeing so many now in 2ww, me too. and this is my 2nd cycle (fresh), but this time I was not given the HCG injections after ET? Is it because different Doc?

Only the vaginal inserts (at night), Cardiprin and the other medicine (forgot the name) were given.

Last week went to do the progesterone test, was not informed anything on the result.

Anyone who did yours at TFC, did they call you about the result for the 1st progesterone test (on day 9)?

Hi codomo,
Welcome to this thread!

There will be a lot of injections, sometimes can be painful and cause brusing, but many of us here have survived it.
During egg extraction, you will be under anesthesia, so will not feel anything, but after you wake up, you can feel aching, pains and bloating.
The embryo transfer is not painful, it is like a pap smear.
Hi Audrey,

It is up to you whether when you want to go back to work, depends on your job &amp; how you are feeling. If it is a fresh cycle, you might be in pain or feel bloated, then it is better to rest. If your job is too stressful and demanding, then maybe better to take leave. Most clinic will give about 2 weeks of leave.

Are you doing a FET or fresh cycle? Why do you decide to implant 3 embryos? Usually they reccommend 2.
Hi RainSun, I am at TFC too. I'm under Dr Loh, what about you?

I think the support medicines will be individualised, not everyone receive the same type and not every cycle will be the same also.
I received the HCG injection (ovidrel) after ET, and will get it every 3 days, vaginal insert at night and cardiprin.

My ET was on sat, so today can consider the 2nd or 3rd day of 2ww. Which day are you now, and when is your pregnancy test?

I remember the nurse said, for the progesterone test, if they did not call you, means your level is ok. If yout level is too low, then they will call you for injection. So don't worry.
I am so worried about my 2nd IVF attempt... just 12 days after my 1st 2 ET I started bleeding/spotting for 6 days, stop for 1 day and continue to bleed/spot for next 12 days. I confirmed had a miscarriage and doc mention that my next mens would come within 4-6 weeks after I stop bleeding!

After my bleeding, I only started consulting Dr Zou to get back my health for around 2 weeks and just last Sunday, my period came!

My next IVF attempt will be a natural Thaw Cycle which requires me to ovulate before ET.

Anyone had experience the same situation as me? Is it too early for my 2nd IVF attempt? This time I am implanting my last 3 stored embryos and really praying for success... Due to my age of 38,doc advise to put in all 3.
Hi Chevy/ Cas/ Pancake

Oh no... I ate softboiled egg whites still to reduce bloating. hmm... but no point to worry about this now. I think it should be ok, since i didn't have any stomach discomfort.

But it is ok to eat fruits, right? I have been eating fruits, and all raw, like guava, apple, mango &amp; longans.
Hi Jeanne,

Thanks for replying. =)
Does it cause a disturbance to work? I heard that after embryo transfer, we will be given 2 weeks MC. But how to announce to employer? This is one thing that bother me..
Sorry for many qns.
Hi Codomo,

Unless your company is supportive of your IVF and accept your MC, if not then you will have to take your own leave.

I am planning either 1 or 2 weeks leave for my next attempt. My company does not accept mc for IVF.
Hi Jeanne, I'm with Doc Loh too, but don't know why was not given the HCG injection. This is my 2nd week of 2ww, will know the result by end of this week.

Hi Codomo,

Is your work desk-bound, or does it require moving around, going out a lot/ physical activity?

If it is mainly desk-bound, it should be ok, even if you want to go back to work after a few days, or immediately after ET. For me, I'm quite comfortable to tell my boss it is for IVF as he is understanding.

If you wish to keep it private, say you are going for minor surgery/ operation, will need 2 weeks leave (usally they give hospitalisation leave). If your boss insist to ask more, either say it is personal, or that it is "gynae-related/ women's issue", and that is usually enough.

Take note that you will need some time off to go for scans and collect med as well. For me, i had about 5 visits before the egg extraction. If your work hours are flexible, it is fine, if not, you may need to take time off for the scans. Each visit can take about 1-2 hours, depend on your waiting time.
