IVF/ICSI Support Group

Cas, Chevy, Jeanne, welcome to 2ww. Enjoy n rest well. Bloated ness should go away after a few days. Try to eat more small meals.

Usagi, hurray for ur 12eggs. The embryologist will call u to inform u of the fertilization. I thought they were really good. They called me everyday to update me during the 3days wait, even on sunday.

Joyfully, aww... Too bad we can't be cycle buddies! But I'll still b rooting for u in Jun!
hope u're not too upset by the delay.

I1bb, hey hey! U sound happy to have met Dr Loh! Glad that u r doing what u think is right for u. Since Dr Loh says no need to worry abt ur thyroid condition, u dun worry okie!

To all in 2ww, or just done ER, congrats n all the best!
Wow HOPE, 700!!! Congratulations. So happy for you, that the babies are growing well!

Rainsun, I supposed u meant 10 days after ET right? Usually, they will do a progesterone test to make sure that u hv sufficient of that hormone in u. If they didn't call u for support jab, mostly probably no problem. If u worried, u can always call them to check how is it. Haha and the embryos are so small. Don't think u can feel anything.
don't think so much. Rest well!
Thanks chris n cool.

Cool, all the best to your 2nd BT ya, sleep more n rest well. The first 12 weeks is a critical stage, must rest.

I just came back from Dr Zou clinic, she asks me to rest more, as nothing else can b more than bb at this stage.... She asked to satify all my craving, just eat and then puke LOL.... Actually i recently craving for salt.... I know, this sound weird n terrible.
Cool, Yes, I meant ET.

Thanks for the reply, feel better.
Probably will call them on Monday to check.

Btw, just read treads backwards, Congrats, Cool, and all the best.
Congrats hope! Awesome 700! Dr Zou is right! Enjoy yr pregnancy n eat whatever u crave ya. So happy for u. Yr 20ew a day is indeed worth it

Yo luv, ya lor. I've missed dr Loh a great deal. Too bad I cnt follow him for IVF. Anyway I've used him for my 1st and 2nd fresh n no luck. Mayb i switch to sadhana will have some luck leh. Luckily sadhana ordered thyroid BT for me else I also no idea I have such an underlying prob... Thank god...
Hi ladies.

I wanna buy Brazil Nut. Go to NTUC and Cold Storafe but they out of stock. I call Holland & Barrat also they out of
Stock. Normally I bought it from NTUC. Anyone know whete else can I get it?
Hi Shainie... I remembered some mention of brazil nuts can be found at Amk hub or bugis... Saw once at causeway point too. Think its those nuts kiosk or shops.. Hope you find them!
Hope..nice reading..keep it up:-D

usagi ...12 is gd figure..gd luck on yr ET

I1BB...the thyroid med suppose to help lose weight but maybe contra with all the jabs..still cannot make it for me...lol...i m still fat

BTW, can i ask..i am suspecting my AF on 6 apr which is PH..den follow by sat and sun..can i,still call kkivf? will there,be ppl to pick up call? if not, how?
Mc, u mean u taking thyroxine too? S long s it wnt make me fatter I'm very happy alrdy. Lolx... Erm, sat u call they working. But if PH or Sunday, I doubt so le. U doing long or short protocol ah dear?
i1BB, glad you had a fruitful session with Dr Loh! Great he can help you in more ways!

Hope, today's reading means doubling well ya? Then you can be more fang xin to enjoy your pregnancy now ya? Those symptoms you felt during 2ww still have? Drink loads water ya! Good for the amniotic sac!

Cool, all the best for your BT!

So many ladies in ER and ET and 2ww, i can no longer track. Congrats to all who cleared these milestones! Success is near! Esp those after ET and now in 2ww, congrats, you are PUPO! Rest well!
Babydustsss to you all!!!
IBB, u are in good hands with dr loh for lap. He do so many. Now every Sunday, his lap surgeries is packed. I had to lie at the corridor while waiting for my turn at the theatre

But he is good lah.
Seems like you're on the right track. And should be ok reading thru what you did, but im not too sure what other tests you might need in additonal though (if there are) cos your doc might refer you for more if he/she seem deem fit the next time you're back. Just prepare yourself mentally and physically now for the treatment
Have you started drinking LRD tea yet? Might be good time to start now

Congrats! Happy for you!
smooth 9 mths ahead..
Thks heartbeats! Ya lor. I trust dr Loh on his magical hands.

White tiger, can I check with u, it's a day surgery ya? After the op, pain? Anything I must take note of? Like any food must avoid? Must stay on bed for how long at home? Recovery period approximately how long ah? How much it cost ah? I Dint ask cos insurance cover.... Keke...Sorry dear... So many questions. Hee.
Chrisl: ya I started 3 days ago. only 2 glass a day with 7 pieces of red dates n longan n ginger. it's hard to know where to get these in Jap, I happen to bring them... Blessing in disguise. I started taking GNC ultrameg multivit just 1mth plus ago thinking to make myself more "healthy". It really help me to be less legtharic cos my workplace is stressful. I compare the prenatal vits and realise that what I am taking is much higher which is so weird cos prenatal vits supposed to be higher. But I note that the vit A and selenium level is too high so I will stop once this finish. I think I need the much higher levels for now.

Well, will follow up with KKH (no specific gynae yet) and we have to decide next step.
i1BB, I stayed overnight. Better lah. Cos when u first wake up, it is quite a bit of discomfort. Also, I think to claim certain medisave - got to stay 8 hours. Total cost about 8k of which some portion can claim from medisave and some portion from insurance. Tmc will do all the efiling, but insurance portion, I am still waiting to see how much can claim.

Gd thing is - next day can start walking around already. In fact, they will not discharge u till u start going toilet. Rested for 1 week and watch a lot of videos

Hope that this surgery can help me in my next attempt.
Thanks whitetiger, I told dr loh I want day surgery cos my insurance can claim for even day surgery. I scared admit leh..scared of hospital stay... So means u have to pay upfront cash 8k first then claim from insurance ah? Dr loh say I nd to get a letter of guarantee wor,.. I blur leh...dnt knw simi lai. Did dr loh tell u when u can start trying again?
i1BB, me ok, except tired cos went back to work.

Hope, 700 is good! Take care okie. I crave for ketchup, eat anything also put ketchup. Potate chips also eat tomato flavour.hahahaah....
Hi all, I am still spotting after er. When I urine, got blood. Is this normal? Coz when I did er, I got too much urine, so they drew my urine. Wonder maybe due to tt.
Hi Luv, thanks! I will be rooting for you and the other sisters in Apr cycle.

Frankly, am very depressed today, after hearing Angela's analysis of my condition. Cos my GH test only shows 0.1. Normally, one's reading should be at least 20, to be gd candidate for ivf/ICSI. I was sooo disappointed with myself.

And my AMH test has dropped from a high reading of over 34 to slightly less than 10. Angela says this could signal signs of early menopause, and she advised that I should try to go for ICSI asap.
she looked really concern, and I became very emotional when DH gave me a hug.. He blames himself for not cooperating with me a year ago.

I was advised to go on Saizen, and it's going to be an intensive treatment for me cos it's daily jabs. My dosage is also on the high side. I had a big bruise on my tummy now, due to the first jab.

Nonetheless, I am very thankful to Angela who has initiated all the different tests so that she knows my problem well before embarking on ICSI.

I said a prayer as i was writing this post, and i hope GOD hears me. I am really putting in all my trust in YHWH, with regards to my fertility problem and placed my faith in HIM that HE knows what is best for me and HIS words that none of his children will be barren. May God bless all the sisters here and that we will all bfp soon.
Hi joyfully, u can try to use ice to numb the area b4 u inject. Use the other hand to hold your tummy tightly. It will make the injection easier. Also can ask the nurse to dilute saizen for u first? So u have less worries. Jy! Hope saizen works for us!
Joyful, did Angela give any supplement for your hubby to take? If no, pls start your hubby with vit c,vit e and folic acid. Wear loose underwear and no hot shower. Some of the sisters also mention royal jelly. Worth to give it a try. Jiayou!!!
I1BB, cash I paid abt $5k upfront cos 3k use medisave. But some insurers - if u get letter of guarantee, u don't have to pay that 5k upfront. Btw, mine more expensive cos I stayed overnight in single room. So if u do day surgery, it will be cheaper.

Dr loh said he has quite a bit of couples who succeeded naturally after going thru this procedure
. Next cycle can try naturally. If ivf, then better wait for another cycle.

Does day surgery mean u got to go home after u wake up from surgery or they will let u rest at hospital first? Actually, if your insurance cover, may as well rest well in hospital. Don't need to worry abt anything.

I didn't consume any drinks or food after surgery till /-8 hrs later cos I read on websites that it may cause nausea, so was put on drip. Anyway, pm me if u need other info.
Hi ladies,

I went for 1st scan after 7 days of puregon, there are a few good size follicles like 14mm, 13mm, 11mm, and a few small ones, is it a good size? The Dr. was telling me its pretty good size but my left ovaries don't seem to have any growing follicles, the nurse had a had time finding it, im quite worried.

I told Dr. Zou about it this afternoon, she say its better to have eggs on both sides. I can feel the tingling feeling on my right pelvic (like ovulation pain) but not on my left side.
During the accu, i can feel the pull on my left side, she say its a good sign, hopefully can trigger the eggs to immerse for the next scan on monday. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Joyfully, hugs!! Good that Angela caught the potential problem early n u can nip it in the bud. The med shld b able to help u. Have faith!
Usagi and BBjourney, thanks so much for your support and advice.

Usagi, I was given ice pad by CARE today. Ning told me the same advice given by you. Are you also on Saizen? Have u experience any side effects?

BBjourney, my DH wasn't given any supplements. Ya, Angela told my DH to avoid hot shower and wear loose underwear too. She also suggests that he takes multivit, bean sprouts, drink big coconut juice and eat mangosteen. Also wants DH to avoid deep fried stuff.
Luv, thanks for your hugs.

You are in good hands too! Yes, agree with you that we should have faith!

So you will be starting anytime soon when your AF reports rite? Jiayou!!!
Joyfully: I've not much knowledge on ur condition but I really hope u will overcome the condition and succeed soon...all the best to u!!!
I1BB..lol..it won't get us any fatter. I am on short protocol so if AF comes on Fri (D1), and I call on Sat (D2), dunno can go scan immediately or not cos Sun will be D3.. think will call to ask them on Monday.

Joyfully, dun despair. I felt very sad when I found out my AMH reading..which is worse than yrs. The Dr even told me to get a egg donar can le. I am like almost burst into tears. However, I am not giving up hope. Is trying this mth.

Luv..u sure will be my cycle buddy.. :)
Ladybuggy, don't be too overly anxious. Most important is that u must relax. My left ovary is also a sleeping ovary. So my eggs r only fr the right. Although we wish to have as many as possible, however, quality is more impt than quantity. So don't be stressed ya. Anyway, for 7th day, ur follicles are growing very well! Jiayou
Biggly, Cool and Mc007, thanks for your words of encouragement.

Cool, it's so sweet of you to send me the big bear hug! Well received at my end!
The song is indeed very nice and meaningful. A good reminder to me that We have a kind and loving GOD indeed!

Mc007, Angela proposed ICSI becos we also have male problem. In our case, assisted hatching is also recommended. Big hugzz to u too! AMH results can be improved by taking supplements, exercise, eating all the bu stuff. So, lets cont to do all the right thing that we can, so as to expedite our dream of having our own babies. Yes, let's all not despair and Jiayou together!

Luv, please do not worry.. Tomorrow is just the first of the month. Sometimes our AF will come when we least expect it and not stress over it! Hope that yours will come soon so that you will bring u bfp news and encourage sisters who are in later cycles than you k?
Mc007, now I realize why my earlier post might have caused you some confusion over ICSI and low ovarian reserves.

In our case, it's both male and female prob, hence ICSI is deemed as the best option. Sorry about it!

Will be rooting for you and hope you will achieve your ideal results when u embark on your ivf/ICSI journey next month!!


Keep on praying & have faith. God never fails in all His promises, and He will always do what is best for us in His time. It is natural that we will get worried and impatient, start to have doubts. I think all of us here face that. It's daily struggle, but keep trusting in God.
Sometimes I also start to question myself, whether is it my lack of faith & impatience that lead me to do IVF, instead of waiting for it to happen naturally? Some people i spoke to advise me to wait, while some said that it's ok, as God has allowed this technology to be invented & can work in many ways, including IVF. After praying, i still don't have a sure answer... but i know that God is in control of whether it succeed or not, & just really want to try my best that i can.
