IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Pancake,

Wow, where are you relocating to?
I guess we should try to avoid strenuous physical activities for at least 2 weeks & if BFP, continue for at least the 1st 3 months. Maybe you can do some planning for your relocation, like how to decorate your new place? Or read, watch tv, try some hobbies that are safe, like knitting? haha.. Can start to knit baby things...

Today I took a really long 5 hour nap! Slept like a pig... feel disgusted with myself! haha disrupted my body clock, now i am so awake.

I will be working from home starting on monday, have some deadlines to meet, so that should keep me occupied.

Jeanne, thanks for your encouragement and reminder too.

I have been reading this blog, and wish to share it with you. Want you to know that your thought is not unique to yourself. Most Christians struggle with the same thoughts as you. I have gotten my ans, and hope you'll get yours soon.

Joyfully: big hugs to you. I wanted to say may the joy of the Lord be your strength as your nick is and may He grant the desires of your heart!

Cool: the song is really touching.. thanks for sharing it. It encouraged me too.

Jeanne: I feel the same way too. Nobody can understand the anxiety of us wanting a kid and with the biological clock ticking away. I am also still seeking and asking myself if I am forcing it to happen.. its not an easy time. But i am comforted to know that the bible make mention of so many stories of barren women conceiving, it helps so much to know we are not "isolated cases".. I guess its doing what our heart tells us to do. We wont know the answer until we Him face-to-face; at least dont condemn ourselves. Children is blessing.. thats all we hold to.
Hi we has been relocating to HK but since last year so dont worry but i a just miss home and also miss my husbnd
Ya hope to stay through if everything go well
Joyfully: still unknown until I go back SG in June. There are some other issues we need to settle as well. But hopefully soon. I am reading the link you paste previously and it really struck a note in my heart. Dealing with fertility isn't my first hard knock in life's journey and the thoughts from the site helps me process my thoughts further... Thanks for sharing it, will be reading it and sharing with others. awesome!
Dear i1bb,
Good to hear u saw dr loh and feel so happy! hopefully the surgery will help u!!!

Dear HOPE,
Congrats on your doubling HCG!!! Very happy for u!!!

Dear joyfully,
Stay positive and i really hope you can succeed on this cycle! Jiayou!!!
Dear white tiger, thanks for your valuable info. Day surgery I think is 6hours means wake up after surgery can rest awhile ba. I will consider abt staying

Dear joyfully, it's a blessing that u went to Angela to have yr body diagnosed. I'm keen to check out mine too. Do u mind sharing how much u paid for all these tests? N how long do u have to inject saizen? How much is the saizen jab? Hope u dnt find me nosey. Lolx...

Dear sashamama, thanks! I also hope I can b lucky after the op....
Wahhh u make me wanna go see him just to see his happy face hahaha
glad that u had a fruitful discussion with him. If he thinks ur thyroid is not a problem then dun worry so much leave it to him

I wonder how's Cockcock, I hope she got our posts to go for 2nd opinion at Camden.
Hi Koirc: are u in 2ww? It could be implantation taking place, please dont get disheartened! Maybe you could call your doc to ask or go down to hospital. Until anything is verified, please dont frighten yourself. take care!
Joyfully, remember that medical science may have their limits, doctors may say the worst but ultimately, God decides! I have seen many cases (non fertility) where patients get diagnosed with lumps, cancerous cells etc ... only to have all these disappeared after entrusting to God. Even their doctors were bewildered how come miracle healing?! So have faith, pray and trust God is with you every step of this. Hugsss sis!

Jeanne, i also had my struggles before IVF many years ago. Then i went to speak to a pastor and she said why not? God created medical science for a reason didnt he? And she told me as long as in all my ways acknowledge him. Which i found it true too. Medical science can only help to a certain extent but God has no limits to the miracles he can pour!
Koirc, are you on medicated FET? If so, may be a case of low progesterone. You may want to do an early BT and get pregnancy supports earlier if indeed progesterone low.
Hi joyfully, I can't tell my side effects were from menopur or saizen. But I got a bloated tummy and diarrhea up to my er date. Nurse said my hormones too high.

Hi koirc, call care first to seek advice. Take care.

Hi Jeanne, Cas, Chevy, Cool and mc_007 - I got 4 eggs left out of 12. They will continue to monitor and arrange my et on tue doing a D3 transfer.
i1BB..day surgery can rest after out from the ops. I slept like about 2 hrs after that before I feel fit to go home.

Joyfully, no worries.. XD..i tot if ICSI can help then I will request..lol

Usagi..4 is good no. too. Gd luck for your upcoming ET
I'm on fresh cycle... Called Care and they asked me to monitor... Each time I go toilet, I pray hard I don't see fresh blood stains! I need a miracle!
Sashamama, Heartbeats, I1bb.. Thank you all for the support and encouragement. Love heaps.

Heartbeats, thanks for your reminder on Trusting God!
I just reached home after attending the morning service at my church. We have an invited guest today from US, Rev Marty Blackwelder.

He shared with us his own testimony. He got married for 10 years before having 2 children. When his wife was 8 months pregnant with the 2nd child, they went for a sonogram and it was supposed to be the last scan before delivery. To their astonishment, the doctor told them that the placenta has shifted to a position way down below, and it was dangerous for the baby. Hence, c-section was recommended to take place asap. His wife refused to heed the doctor's advice and Insists on having a natural birth. Rev Marty told the doctor to gave them 1 and a half wk to pray about it and for the placenta to move back to it's original position.

Dr says it is impossible, but agrees to meet them on the agreed deadline. Once Rev Marty and his wife reached home the very same day, Rev Marty prayed for his wife while she was lying on the bed.. And he said in his prayer "in the name of Jesus, I command the placenta to move back to the original position". For the many days followed thereafter, Rev and his wife gave thanks to God for moving the placenta up to the original position. He acted on his faith, and command the obstacle facing him ( which is the placenta position) to surrender to his prayer instead of him surrendering to his obstacle. He pray diligently based on GOD's covenant and promises in the bible. (Mark 11:22-26)

When they went back for the final sonogram, the doctor was bewildered and caught in dismay. The placenta has indeed moved back to the original position.
His wife susequently gave birth to his daughter and it only took 10mins for her to push the baby out! Amen!

His testimony has touched my heart and I can feel that today's message is for me and I wanna share it with all sisters who believe in HIM!

Our initial response to the obstacles facing us, has an impact
on our outcome. Had I answered the obstacles in faith, then I know i have sabotaged the intention of the devil who wants to sabotage all children of GOD! Answer the obstacles which you face accurately based on the promises of GOD and His
covenant and do it immediately!

I have just given myself on my 2nd jab of Saizen. I prayed about the jab, and indeed, no more bruises and is painless.

I also followed Rev Marty way of asking to GH level to
quickly move up to at least 20. For the next 2 months, I will cont to pray and give thanks to GOD for increasing my GH. I choose not to submit to the obstacle facing me and choose to believe in His promises! Amen!

Sisters, I prayed that I can share my success story as a testimony to GOD's love as a healer for all his children soon.

1ibb, Angela told me for Saizen to be effective, it had to be taken for 3 jabs. But it also depends on the indiv. She will put me on the jab daily for 2 months first and monitor again. Will pm you the price shortly!

Heartbeats, how are your BB twins doing now? Must take good care of yourself and BBs ya... Hope I can strike with twins too!
Usagi, thanks for sharing. My tummy is bloated too, and I have had diahorrea twice last night and this morning. Wondering if it was due to the jab.

All the best to your ET on tue! JY!
Chris, I hope you'll be able to resolve all your problems and be ready to be my cycle buddies in June!

Take care and hope to have you back to SG in 2 months time!
Ive got 1 query ladies... Does LRD messed up ur menses cycle? I hv been drinking LRD everyday. It has been onie a month I started drinkin it. I hv regular cycle menses but tis month it seems kinda weird. Been having spotting (very light brown) for one day n onie one tyme each day for every 3 days apart. Had it for 3 tymes oreadi. M juz waitin for my menses to start my fresh.
Usagi: I agree 4 is good! if you are worried, maybe can call doc and ask? I am sure the doc will know what to do and it will help you ease your mind. don't stress.

Koirc: don't be anxious, cos will affect everything.. breathe in and out.. Listen to music, distract yourself and eat well.. JY!

Joyfully: it's really great sharing. I am facing some obstacles in front of me and I am trying to cope too.. not the fertility thing as yet since I am out of SG as still need to go back, discuss with DH and decide where to go. Does success rate depend on hospital and gynae or just the couple itself? Cost will be factor also. I really wish to start in June and be your cycle buddy but trying to start that month is going to be real hard as I have a feeling that AF will come abt the day we have appt w KKH so i doubt June we can start since there r still paperwork to be done and not even fix gynae yet. haha.. still some way to go. ;) but all the best to yours! I pray you will get your baby this cycle! :D
Nurul: I dont suppose it will.. Its helps to build up the body and it's good for general well-being. I am sure of why the spotting though.
I didn't record the care no in my Hp after office hr. I monitor awhile more since now is more of brown spotting. Record waiting time for me. 2hrs n still waiting at Dr Zou's clinic.
Usagi: maybe can let Dr Zou know so see if she can help also.. must be the dragon baby thing that keeps her busy :p
Think uncle Forgot me when I Makan for 10 min. Now is almost 2.5 hrs. Think should be my turn next le. I am losing my cool. I know they busy but my patience running out. Finally my turn.
Joyfully, what a great testimony! Yes, have faith and believe! I like how Rev Marty prayed, specifically and faithfully! We must also pray specifically and have faith what we ask for, we shall receive! PTL!

If you want twins, boldly ask! Even what gender, look like who, what kind of personality, boldly ask! My aunt who also battled with infertility for almost 10 years shared, day and night she prayed for a child, she asked for specifics like how my cousin should look like, should have what temperament etc ... and when she finally conceived naturally and gave birth, she was astonished how accurate God was!

I did not ask for twins. For many years as my ivf cycles failed, my faith took a battling. So all i dare asked was to have at least 1 child. I said "God please, just give me 1 please?" But God has shown he is gracious and humourous at times!

Right now i dont know how my twins are doing. Last scan was over a week ago. I am only going to see Dr Loh next week. At times i have fears like 'what if no more heartbeats', 'what if they stopped growing', 'what if ... ' but i will pray and believe!
Usagi, Dr Zou admitted before maybe its time to have a proper number system, like clinic take no. and wait, at least no confusion and forgotten and cut Q etc ... but i guess either they are too busy or dont know how to implement. I also ever waited close to 2 hours.
Nurul, dont think LRD mess up menses. I dont think it has such a big impact. It basically helps with better blood circulation and keep warm only leh. Have you tested HPT? Maybe you preggy?!

Koirc, then better bedrest more! Hopefully the spotting stops on its own soon.
Thanks Chris and heartbeats. Heartbeats i hv yet to test HPT. But dont think i preggy. I dont have any symptoms. I'll monitor another few more days.
Hi ladies! Sorry to intrude! I juz failed my 2nd fresh. Was at Kk n care previously. Will rest for a couple of mths b4 I go for my next fresh.

1st fresh, er 10 but only 1 fertilized ! Bfn. Amt spent: $7k. Out of which only need to fork out less than 1k.

2nd fresh,took saizen.. Blah... Er 7 oso 1 fertilized ! Amt spent: 21k!! Minus 5k medisave .. Still need to fork out 16k cash . Super disappointed n dishearted

Conclusion : our egg quality n physical being is way more imp
Than e centre we go to.. There's no point goin to exp private centre if we dun build up our health 1st.

Despite exercising diligently 5-6x a wk, eating healthily , taking supplements.. Coq10, saizen...goin 4 accupuncture,having a positive mindset.. I still failed my 2nd fresh. Well.. Life still goes on

All e best to every1 out there ! There's a will, there's a way!!
Koirc, have a good bed rest BUT if spotting persist then
better go to ur clinic for check and aditional support.

Sisters thanks for the info abt the brazil nut. Will go and find it

Nurul LRD will not disturb ur menses. It is more for blood circulation and to warm our womb. Beside the LRD I use the wofberries and red dates in my kampong chicken soup. So no worry abt taking LRD.
Wow so many encouraging sharing today. Indeed, God is good all the time. He allows us to go through difference times of trials n difficulties to mould n build us up. Recently reading this book 'Broken for a purpose' by Gisela Yohannan, and God reminded me that our life experiences are all different lessons which God is teaching us. It is ok to grieve n cry. So often it's through all the times of grieving and crying that we seek God n draw nearer to Him.

Thanks Joyfully for the encouraging blog link. Really good!

Usagi, thanking God for the 4precious embryos .

Chris, sorry if u hv already mentioned, but where are u currently?

Doudou, hope that u can find encouragement n support from this forum. Jiayou! Each life experience hold precious lessons for us.
Koirc, if the spotting or bleeding continues, give SGH care a call tmr morning n inform them again. That's what happened to me. They also asked me to monitor. And 2nd day still bleeding, then they asked me to go for an early BT. And indeed, my progesterone level is low. So they gave me a support jab. Totally understands how u feel. Don't be disheartened. For it can be implantation bleeding too! And remember my experience of false negative on HPT? Don't trust it....:p haha unless it's positive la
Cool: I am in Japan. I really struggle with job and wanting to have family. Its a dilemma a woman face huh. I feel with current job quite stressful to have family but change job is even more drastic. Really tired.
Hi Joyfully, Chris & Heartbeats,
Thanks for your encouragements and sharing.
Since last year, I had the desire to going ahead with ivf and ICSI, since scientifically, younger has better chances & i believed that God can work in many ways even through this.

However, I started to have doubts, because most friends I spoke to discouraged me against IVF. One of them even gave me a list of bible verses relayed to fertility and told me to pray over them & God will answer & even told me i dont need IVF. But i admit my mind was quite set & determined to proceed with IVF already. I wonder if God was speaking through them.

And last week, out of nowhere, a church acquaintance I didn't see in 2 years, suddenly mentioned when he saw me & hubby have no kids, that he used to have fertility problems & was advised to have IVF, but he & his wife prayed and conceived during the church camp, now his child is 10. I don't know why he suddenly will come and tell me all this, and specifically the words "no need IVF" and have found it rather disturbing, esp since I was in the middle of it. Of course we didn't answer back, just smile.

Could it just be a coincidence? Or is it just the general perception of ppl not to encourage IVF?
Luv, hope your AF comes soon.. So u can start ICSI soon.

Chris, really hope and pray that you'll clear all obstacles soon. For the success rate, I can't comment much as this is gg to be my first try. But I am very particular with the person whom I deal with for fertility issues. I need to be comfortable with her and be able to relate my problems. As for couples problem, most of us who consult the fertility specialists face the same problem. Only difference is that our health conditions differ. Cost is also very important factor as we do not want to be overly stressed with exorbitant bills. But among the three, I rate Gynae as more impt, couples prob second and hospital 3rd.

Doudou, sorry to hear about your cases. Please cont to jiayou and hope you will be able to achieve your dreams soon.

Nurul, I don't think LRD will disrupt menses, as I have been drinking it since many years ago. It's one of my Fav drink to order from Cedele. But not all Cedele outlets carry this drink though.

Heartbeats, thanks for sharing your aunt's experience. Yes, I really prayed for twins. One boy and one girl to be specific. But never thought of praying for specific looks or personality. God has already answered your prayer and has given you more than what you have asked for.
like what you mentioned, cont to have faith and trust in him to bless your womb and that you will be able to carry your twins till full term. Don't forget to pray for fast and pain free delivery too.

It's gd that you are visiting dr Loh next week. Yes, pray and believe that your twins will grow healthy and strong.

Cool, couldn't agree more with what you have just shared.
Jeanne: I guess this will be something that we will have to deal with too. I learn that there isnt a right or wrong answer to many difficult situations. God is a personal and like how treatment can vary from one person to another, so is decision-making. what's important is your conviction after you seek God and when you are sure, stand firm on what God has confirm to you. I guarantee you that you will have many suggestions coming that will be upsetting (like Job during his suffering) so prep yourself for it. There is power in agreeement and this is between you and hubby. God is a good Father and no matter what happens, have an attitude of thanksgiving because God knows that it will help see us through the darkest times. We can never shortcut our learning process; we can make less mistakes and through our mistakes we receive grace and strength to come back again. It makes our heart tender towards God.. A broken and contrite heart He will not despise. Nothing can break us unless we allow it but God's grace is enough.. Trust in Him. I am not exactly in a "comfort" zone myself so I am saying all these to myself also.
Hi Jeanne, I understand what you have gone through.

Personally, I believe in listening to God for answers, rather than listening to advice given by others. Yes, they may share their testimonies. But going thru ivf/ICSI also requires us to have faith in HIM. God puts us through different situation for a reason. He knows it is tough for us to talk about such issues openly with our families or close friends. Hence, this forum is such a wonderful channel for us to give support to each other. Since you are already in the midst of it, just pray and believe in GOD!
GBU, Jeanne
Joyfully: thanks for prayer! I hope so too! I agree with you on your order of preferences. And with regard to this topic, I agree with you too.. This is a very good community cos at a point where we need the energy and focus on the treatment, the least we want is someone's kind concern to throw us off. Sorry to put this so plainly.
Hi Chris & Joyfully,

Thanks for your encouragement!
Like joyfully, we also hope for twins (1 girl and 1 boy). Although have not been praying specifically. But more important to us is that the child/ children will be saved. Since the ET yesterday, I have started talking to the embbies.. haha, and last night we read some Bible verses to them.

Also want to share something that I read today. "Faith is like the eye which sees everything in front of it and never sees itself. While we are looking at God, we do not see ourselves..."

Realized that often we can get caught up in looking at our own situations, and forget to look to God & have faith.

Not to worry about the spotting, as it is quite normal after ER, as long as it not a lot. The nurses at TFC also reassured me about this, as I also had spotting for about two days. And congrats on your 4 embryos!

Thanks cool & heartbeats for your sharings also!
Hi Nurul,

Some ladies do not have symptoms and still are pregnant. Therefore, don't give up hope and don't rely on symptoms as an indicator, as it is different for everyone.

Hi Koric,

Brown stain is also common during early pregnancy, so at the moment, keep positive mindset & relax, and as the others said, call the clinic for support if you need to.

But i understand what it is like, as have been through this 2ww many times too... quite irritating that the symptoms of AF is the same as the symptoms of early pregnancy. However, after ET, let us consider ourselves pregnant unless otherwise proven!

Hi Nurul,
oh i had misread your post... hmm... But it could really be a positive sign for you, it could be that you are already pregnant!
