IVF/ICSI Support Group

Jeanne: got you. thanks. i hope things will work out for us. i wont know until we see gynae in June cos i am still overseas.

Pancake: happy for u.. like other say, rest and eat well.

Hi cool, so sorry, didn't come in yesterday as my best fren came to visit me, so happy...
but I don't feel very well just now, having a bit crampy, dono wat happen leh....
hopefully they r doing well inside....

How about u?
Actually 豆花 don't eat so much cos they hv this 'sek gou' powder or gypsum powder http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gypsum and not to scare you but share my experience, my 1st failed fresh, i ate lots of tofu and tofu products as in really i ate the whole packet within 2 days cos only i eat hb don't like..so say i cook 1 packet tofu with meat and ate it up within 2 days ..throughout that 2ww a lot of extra tofu dishes so ended up that cycle failed..hmm..but for me cos i ate a lot lah as i used to like tofu so much..tofu puffs/tofu dishes etc..so main thing is moderation lor..cos this kinda things very difficult to say de..better be safe than sorry my 2 cents.. and oh tofu is liang food as well
Thanks Chevy and Biggly for the egg white advice... But I have not been taking any egg white since stimulation period till now. Felt nauseous just looking at it, I simply can't put into my mouth without wanting to puke. Is egg whites the only solution?

Think I'm so lousy,like so easily beaten by the side effects! Today tried to rest alot to avoid walking too much because the stomach hurts. Drank some Gatorade too. Hope the stomach stops swelling... Tmr is ET and I'm so nervous about it.

All the best to everyone here, be it ER.. ET... 2ww or BT! Jia you everyone. All the best to those starting new cycle soon... And those who are taking a break, you deserve it! Enjoy before you start afresh k...

Hope more good news come our way..
Thanks Mamaleen for your reassurance. I guess some of us here goes through these trying periods. I just hope I can be stronger to endure it all...

Pancake, congrats on your grade one!

Jeanne, all the best for ET! Rest well tonight.
Cas....maybe u can take protein shakes. The nurses was telling me abt it before my ET...I didn't buy any though cos I took egg whites instead.
Cas....u r already a strong woman to go thru all these...u can be stronger too...
all the best for ur ET....I'm excited for all sisters who r still in the journey...may we all get our good news one way or another...
If you're overseas and want to shorten the ivf route/time next time when you're back, I would advise you to go to the doc there for basic tests like blood test, pap smear, womb scans etc and bring reports over to SG when you go see ivf doc here, that was what i did too when i was back to SG, i made appointment to see gynae and in the end i shorten the waiting time for at least a month or two

Thanks for the encouragement..you too jia you for your ET tomorrow

Have a great weekend everyone!
Thanks Chevy & Cas, all the best to you too!

Cas, stay strong! You can do it & you have already come this far! me too have been having constant aching pain since yesterday, plus bloated. I know how it feels like. Alone it is difficult to bear and can make us feel down, but with support, encouragement and prayers, we can endure!
Jeanne and Cas, all the best for ur ET today n welcome to 2ww.

Usability, all the best to ur ER too.
How are all of u today?

Jonjonbear, no worries. Thank u! I was feeling a bit breathless yesterday. Today much better.

Sisters, a very informative website for u to enjoy ;)
Cas: yes, u can try protein shake and Gatorade but I think egg whites work better...try to eat bah tho I know it's disgusting after a while...I too feel it but the packs of drip can buy u trays of eggs....not worth the pain to kena the poke for the drip too
Chris if you are not in singapore do not worry
first make an appionment and for me hospital is very importance since you not much time here.
Me and my husband has relocating to other country I actually just fly in on 12 March before my period started but of course all test has been done long time ago but I didnt go ahead because of moving last year and I was pregnant but for 10 weeks and then it didnt go through so I deceide to go ahead with ivf which I didn't try IUI also because my husband won't be able to fly in on the Day that I ovulation and I just want to get it done and fly out but my husband insist me to stay put until stable ... Just let me know if any I can help you
Pancake: ya, actually i am quite clueless.. i wanted to send PM but i am not sure how to do so? How do i send PM? Which hosp and gynae are u with?
Pancake: ya.. cos i dont know how to set up the PM? i tried searching on help but cant find. do u have skype? bumblebeedude
Pancake: i mean i have done the preference thing but i didnt get your PM yet. I just need to click the "click new message" right? aiyo, i sound so ku-ku

Update: oh, i realise its PM "email", ok.. i will wait for it.
Hi sisters,
I'm here to join the 2ww!
Transferred 2 embbies, both 4 cell. One had no fragmentation, the other one has a bit <15%. The other 2 embbies are being monitored, one 5 cell and one 4 cell, but they have fragments about 30%. May not be able to freeze/store.
Hey Jeanne,
Waz e frament thingy? The embryologist din mention leh.

Did they tell u wat r the must do &amp; not do? When i ask, they just said nothing much to take note wo.

Hi Cas,
How are u today?
Jeanne that ' fast wow welcome on 2ww also now I am bored to die need to lying on the bed for fews day ... Miss to go out with friend already
Hi Chevy, did they show you your embryo pictures? If no fragment means that the grade is good. The embryologist explained and gave us the photo of scan.
They gave me a list what not to do. Don't have intercourse until pregnancy test and clearance fr dr. don't soak in bath tub or lower body in water, don't eat oily or spicy or raw food. Don't sit or stand in one position too long, must move, promote blood circulation. Walk or brisk walk is fine. No strenuous exercise, squatting or carry heavy thing.
Hey Pancake: I replied u but I think I chose the option to reply by email :D

There are quite a few on 2ww now.. Hmm, all the best.. Well, after 2ww then can go out so must continue to jia you!
HI Jeanne, Chris, Cool.

Had my ER this morning by Dr. Yu. This time round, I felt better than the previous. NO dizziness and no vomit. Totally felt ok coz less patients today and I was allowed to rest on the bed for 1.5hr.

Today also took 12 eggs. Now wait tml to see status. Et could be mon-thur.

Congrats, Jeanne and Cas on finishing ur ET. Enjoy ur 2ww.
Chrisl: i realise i havent reply u.. when I was in SG, kkh had taken the blood from me (but I don't know for what) and also the hormone test for day 2-3 this month in Jap. I had ultrasound many months ago in KKH and then again last nov in Jap cos of AF pain (which I m finally told of adenomyosis). I went back to KKH in feb and realise they already know I had adenomyosis
but they didn't tell me (duh!)

I have KKH appt again in Jun when I am back permanently (I should think so) and have no idea what's going to happen next. Meantime DH is seeing an andrologist soon.

What is going to happen next? What else have I not done?
Hi Jeanne,
Oic, yepz, got pix. She mentioned 2 embies tranferred are grades 4 &amp; 5. The rest frozen are 3 &amp; 4.
Hmmm.... I just had mac for brunch! Duh! So much for no oily food

Do you thk we still need to eat egg whites?
Thanks everyone for all the advices and well wishes! I'm so touched by the support and encouragement here.

Finally now on 2ww! Kind of nervous and excited.

Jeanne, what is the fragment and cell? Today transfer in, they just show 2 embryo... Think the cells you talking about its like the bubble thing right? I saw 4 on both. But they never say anything else except, it's grade 4? Then I ask how they grade, the nurse say its 1- 5 with 5 being the best? So mine is the second lower... And those frozen is all 3 or 4. Anything lower will not be frozen.

It was quite a fast process. Like 10mins and done. Then I lie there another 5-10mins they ask me to go le. And I went toilet straight away to pee. Haha...it's safe inside our womb right.. So walking, peeing.. Is all safe ya? Haha..silly concerns right.. Was thinking if both got stick to the womb or not?!

But stil bloated (mild ohss I guess) and crampy. Will try to drink more water.. Gatorade.. And cook eggs to eat!

Jia you everyone!
Thanks Chevy. I did ask Dr Zou abt taking egg white after ET, she said take but can reduce. I am crossing my fingers too for success since this is my 2nd cycle and I did try harder than the first cycle.
Haro Haro Sisters!!! Yesterday I was out the entire day hospital hopping &amp; wah! SO many posts!!! Gosh!! I cannot follow lah...read until I blur liao...hahaha... anyway, congrats to those who just hopped on the 2ww roller coaster ride and gambete ok!

Hi Hi Sunstillshines!! I remember u! How r u?

I went back KK to do re-test for TSH &amp; Free T4 blood test yesterday morning. In the afternoon, I went to Dr Loh at The O &amp; G for the first time to see him! Man...he looks good! He looked so happy. Well, we had a great chat and erm...my consultation with him was somewhat quite long...was abit worried his patients will hammer me when I stepped out of his room. But Im not the one who talked so long wor, he was the one who kept talking...lolx. He helped me to chase KK for my Blood Test results and informed me that I have HYPOTHYRODISM...told me nothing to be fearful abt and just need to take meds. He prescribed me Thyroxine and he told me this meds will help LOSE WEIGHT!!! Wheeeee! ROFL...Oh ya, he also fixed for me a Laparoscopy &amp; Hysteroscopy operation on 15 April 2012...hehe...Im so glad to see him really.... such an angel
Hi Cas/ Chevy

Congrats on your transfers too!!
Different centre use different grading system for embryos... some use A, B, C, some have 1-5 (5 is the best), some use 1-4 (1 is the best), etc. So basically, the best grade is without any fragment (0%) and the second best grade is with minor fragment. According to that, mine will be grade 5 and grade 4.

As for the number of cells, faster growing is supposed to be better. For day 2 transfer, 4 cells or more is good.

After I lay down for a while, the nurse also told me to go to pee, cos she said bladder should not be full for too long, there is risk of infection. So it is good that you went to pee.
Then after 30mins, we left the clinic, cos quite crowded, and i think others need to use the bed.

Cas, i also feel bloated... my stomach skin feel stretched all the time! I walk as if i am heavily pregnant, cos aching.

Pancake, maybe can watch TV? I planned to do some cross-stitch during the 2ww... hehe...

Usagi, congrats on your 12 eggs retrieved! Come and join us on 2ww soon!
Luv, I checked with Angela on the purpose of GH test. She said it is to check quality of our ovaries.

Mine was on the extreme low side, so had to take jabs to improve on my growth hormones.

Hence, we can't be cycle buddies Liao. I will be rescheduled for ICSI in Jun instead.
Ya I feel like pig eat and lying on the bed sometime sofa for the whole day , I normally super active .... I think I only can do this for 3 days ... How many days we need to do this or how many day you plan to stay put ?
All the best to sisters who are going for their ER n ET and those in 2ww to take care n rest well.

i1BB, u have done alot ytd. Dr loh does look better n happier now rite.
Good luck for ur lap on 15 apr. So will u be seeing dr loh for ur next cycle?

Hope, hows ur reading today?
Hello everyone, this is my 10th day after EF (fresh cycle). Now resting at home.

Got one question, few days ago, I went back to do the Progesterone test, but no one informed me about the result so far, what is this test about?

one more question, is it supposed to have some feeling if your embryo are still growing? Because I have no much feeling. A bit worried, don't know what to do
Thks Bbjourney! No lah, I will still b with KK for my last fresh. I only go to dr Loh for lap nia... Cos he got magic hands n awesome skill so I know he wnt "damage" anything in there... I asked him abt if Lap will affect AMH or not leh, he told me wont wor.... Btw how r u dear?

Hello bbjourney,
My reading today is 700, nurse shamseah and dr loh are very happy with the result. Me too, i am feeling happy and peaceful at this stage
my first scan is 12 april.

I1bb, good to hear that your lap is on 15 april
