IVF/ICSI Support Group

Tickles: same here. Even my father in law also asking when my hubby had already told them that we are going for IVF and had a mc before. Now I choose to ignore them and tell them that we don't want any child to shut them off.

Hi sisters who have bfp
May I know any sisters here have no symptoms n have a +ve after your 2ww? This.
Noi, which day post transfer are you now? I think you should not read too much into symptoms as everyone is different. Sometimes u may not have any symptoms but it is bfp. For my first fresh cycle, I had af approaching like symptoms and it was bfp but ended as a mc. For my medicated FET where I conceived my son, I Oso had similar symptoms and spotting on D12. But for the current cycle where it was a bfn, I did not have much symptoms though I had very mild menses cramps though not as bad as the first two cycles where I had bfps.
Yo tickles, hi5! Some of my friends are jus simply soooo fertile. It's like dh touched them only they get pregnant... Zzzz. I have some friends who never STOPPED asking me when when when.... Recently I just decided to answer whoever that comes and ask me that we dnt wan kids anymore, just to shut their f**king mouths up!

Haro sue happy 2ww. Rest n relax ya. In my case I eat everything except those Liang food. But I no bfp lah... Hahaha

Howdy Noi, I got no symptoms at all!!!! But I no bfp lah! Wahahaha
Ladies, I'm keen to go for FET as soon as possible but also understand need to tiao body first. Wonder if i shld wait till Feb to do FET or shld i start in Jan instead... Dilemma now.

Any words of advice?

Sue, congrats on making it to 2ww successfully!
LuvNhope I think lah, rest one cycle n do in feb better. Moreover jan KK closed for cleaning right? U rest one cycle n c if yr af got haywire or not lor... Hopefully not. Mine was haywire for the next month after failed fresh n then resume back to normal
Thanks i1bb, think they r closed from 19 to 25 Jan. So I might b able to squeeze in FET after they reopen. But also worried abt not being in optimal health yet. That's why conflicted... How u know cycle haywire? U tested with Opk?
Babysmurf, unless doc wants me to go for further tests b4 FET I might b able to do in end Jan based on estimated cycle dates. But then again, I'm assuming my cycles r not messed up. Hope not! Well, I'll find out soon enough I guess.
Thanks i1bb and LuvnHope! Don't lose hope! May all our wishes come true!

I still take the bus sometimes and walk. I tried Tanny's laoshi's healing and really enjoy it. Helps me relax. Thanks Tanny for recommending her!
Hi Sue, 2 bad I gave up my job for ttc thus I need to sacrifice certain things...like healing, I cant afford...too taxing on my pocket leh.if not I will go
Hope, my menses is late!!! cannot make appt to see Dr Loh yet leh... dunno when my menses will appear.... has been hvg sore boobs 1-2 weeks b4 menses, den now suddenly no more sore boobs... confused....
LuvNhope, rest one cycle first. My af went haywire as there wasn't proper flow, just spotting for 10 days. U must have full blood flow in order to do ivf or FET. I went to dr Zou to tiao my body and my af went back to normal before I started my FET.

I'll suggest u book FET in Feb and observe ur af in Jan. If it is haywire, request to see ur doc to get medication to regulate ur menses in Feb, then jus nice u will be able to do FET in Feb. In the meantime, you can tiao ur body and make sure ur body is in it's best state before u start the next cycle.
I didnt tell my parents. I scare will make them worry. So I just keep quiet.

Baby smurf,
Mine is actually not my in laws who ask, is more of the relatives. My in laws dun really ask de. At least some peace for me.

Ya.. Its like the hubby touch them they will get preggie type. Its irritating on how they boast on when they wanna try and then def can strike type. Arghh!!!

do it when you feel u are ready dun rush.

Btw, what healing are you ladies talking abt? Its for what purpose? The last time when I did my fresh and FET i went for womb massage. But I'm quite reluctant to go now cos quite ex and they quite pushy to ask people to sign package.
oh... they talking about Tanny's SF who does healing.... you can visit tanny's blog, there hold more details information about this healing...
my husband actually asked me to go for the healing, he said i got too much negective energy inside me. i told him got meh? i just finished 42.1km SC marathon, no more bad energy already. but he still thinks i should. i am still thinking
Hope and i1BB, dont think i am coz i hv the AF coming feeling leh...

Hope, since ur hubby wans to sponsor you for healing sessions, go for it!
Baby journey, rem one of the early preg symptoms is af wanna come feeling wor... These symptoms r damn irritating... So similar to AF de... Sigh

Haven't been logging in & already have a few alot posts to look thru.

I heard of vitex and am taking now. It to help in pcos and regulating menses. Saw alot of good reviews at iherb hence bought to try.

I will be seeing Dr Loh tomorrow, thinking of checking with him about transferring to TMC for Fet. Are u starting your FET soon?

Same as u, I'm left with 4 embbies. When are u starting your FET? I'm thinking of doing in Feb so as to rest well. My advice is to take a break for few months first cos fresh cycle has more hormones. Told by Dr Loh previously. In the meantime, tiao our body. How old is ur dd? My ds is coming to 3 and I'm so anxious to give him a sibling.
I was deliberating btwn Jan n Feb, but think I'll take everyone's advice here n wait till Feb to give myself more time to tiao my body. I hope my embies survive the thaw well n that I have the chance for two FET if needed. You're following Dr Loh over?

My DD's already 4, will be 5 next year. I also hope to BFP soon so that she can have a companion.
Dear gals,
I saw baby's heartbeat today. 12mm, 400beats, 7w3d, edd 15 aug. but dr Loh is not very optimistic cos of my severe adenomyosis. He has given me mc till the end of my first trimester on 31 jan. will affect my work greatly but nothing is more impt than bb now. Next appt at TMC on 13 jan
will stay hang around this thread ya?

Dear i1BB, Babysmurf, luvnhope, Joanne, hope, 
Thanks so much for your well wishes!!

Dear babyhug,
The passing bhcg at KK is 250. My first measurement was 167.5, second was 400plus 2 days later. If its below 250, they'd ask you to do it again to check if it doubles. Here is a website for average readings of successful pregnancies
www.betabase.info (I can't open the link now though, unsure why)

Dear dolly gal,
I'm keen to go for massage. Your Malay lady does massage for Preggies? Can share contact pls? Thx in advance!
Hi LuvNhope, I'm also preparing myself (went TCM for accup & taking med) & planning to start in Feb, maybe we will be cycle buddy. :)
Hi sashamama
Wah.. Congrat to u... So happy for u..;) but dun understand why doc Loh is not very optimistic since already see hb? Did he say by when then consider more stable? Wah.. Rest for sooo long... So u going to tell ur company abt ur pregnancy? How r u feeling recently? Got any ms? Laoshi must be very happy ya...;) when is ur edd?
Hi Sashamama

Congrate relax yourself. Your beanie is a tough one. Have positive thinking. Continue your healing. Maybe will see you at laoshi's place again. Jia you jia you jia you. Will jia you for your beanie. Minimize your movement. Take care
Noy, u're also planning FET in Feb? Yay, good to have a cycle buddy! Let's keep each other updated yeah?
Perhaps Ocean will also be our cycle buddy too.

Sasha, u shld b more assured now that u've seen bb's heartbeat?
Sasha mama!!!!!! Congrats !!! I'm happy to hear your super good news..... Thx so much for the information, I hope I can go thru all these like u do. I will stay positive from now!!!
Thx so much dear sashamama.
Test HPT is negative. Having pulling pain at my abdomen for the past 2 weeks. Still thinking whether want to wait for my AF to come or do a beta test at kkh.
Noi : I hv no symptoms in my 2ww except a patch of red blood (not spotting) which I tot was menses cos was so much. I hv no sore boobs no cramps no backpain etc whatsoever until 7-8 weeks later. I tested at 12dpt cos of the blood and was bfp. So u see, no symptoms also can! Hv faith! I know it's tough cos yr mind can be running v wild just like me in the past. At 7 to 8 weeks then I felt loss of appetite, pain boobs and queasy. Then at 9 weeks which is now, all gone away and so normal again.. But I know bb is doing well cos got laoshi feedback to me when I still go for healings. I try not to think so much and read into symptoms everyone is different.. My dad stays stay happy n stress free - bb will be a cheerful one!

Sue : u welcome. glad u enjoy the healings!

I felt there are 2 kinds of bosses - one empathetic and allow time off and try to help. Another do things by books and felt that's yr problem. I chose to tell my boss as I like to believe they r from the first group sice I hv been working there for 8 yrs.. And she just said everyone has their own set of problems and we can't be helping everyone if everyone in the Dept also hv such problem. No time off for me; everything must be official; take leave or mc. If u not around, we'll just ask other colleagues to do yr work. I used up all my mc and took leave lor. In the end i work right up to my ET day. No colleagues to cover me or for me to brief before i go. When on 2ww HL, I also work from home to ease my colleagues load. Anyway I regretted telling them. So kns! And got kaypo not sincere people also ask me what happen; can say a not! I told her cannot. Ask for what right? Kaypo and not directly related to my work ask for chit chat topic only.. Plus I know she is the laughing face tiger sort of people. Suck up to big bosses only.
