IVF/ICSI Support Group

Ceo38... if near to the FET date, then have to do every day? I'm trying to plan my schedule and considering to have healing... hahaha... sound like lots of things to do. I'm trying not to be "over" as I still have to allocate time for my little one.

I started my med from Dr. Zou today, ok... I can accept the taste. :)

Hee... Yeah, I've also learnt a lot from what the ladies here have shared. Otherwise I also wldn't know what to find out from the nurses n docs too.
sistas, also have to take note that Dr Zou is going back to China for 2 weeks for CNY
Hi JT - *Waves!* So nice to see you here again. Glad to hear you arrange for the FET. Looks like the LaoShi is gonna be very busy
<jia-you!> J03 and I were trying earlier to contact CLB as her twins are probably due (or maybe have delivered).

I'm good, looking forward to the Xmas break.. haha.. really no mood to work. Yes, still hanging around - habit liao to check this forum thread...hehehe..
ok. A goondu qn here. When we see dr for scanning and bloodtests during stim, what's the number for the blood test for? Dr said my number up from 168 to 1300++. any idea?
Noy> it depends wor. I asked dr Zou de. She told me to go back more often during jabbing stage so I guai guai listen to her lor. Think she wants to try make our blood circulate better for the meds to run as well as prepare the womb. I would think that it's best you ask Dr Zou for her professional opinion if u shd go back more often nearing FET.

Tub, I also dnt recall any BT during stim stage leh
Hi JT - after the Mar/Apr BFN, I took a few months off to sort out the mind &amp; soul, went to see Dr Zou, back to gymming &amp; healthy eating, and did 3rd fresh in late July. Now 5+ mths preggers
Wow congrats Ron!! So happy for you too. I must really JY. Feeling so motivated now as u and J03 are both pregnant
So is yours twins? Boy or girl?
JT - Thanks. Took a few cycles but the outcome is acceptable
Jia-you, ok? The road may be longer for some of us, but we are getting closer with each attempt. Singleton - should be girl.
Ladies, thank your very much for the advice, hugs and encouragement. Sorry for the late reply as I was feeling very down and gloomy for the past few days, just like the weather. I'm already feeling much better today. I'll need sometime to get myself mentally and physically fit before starting the next cycle. In the meantime, I'll continue to try naturally as suggested by the doctor. I've also decided to try TCM, acupuncture and maybe healing...

As of the egg quantity and quality, I've found an article on the internet that provides good explanation: http://www.advancedfertility.com/eggquantityquality.htm
In short, egg quantity or ovarian reserve can be identified by AMH levels, day 3 FSH or antral follicle counts using ultrasound. However, egg quality can only be determined after retrieval by the embryologist by looking at its maturity level, appearance and etc.

For my case, my FSH = 7.7 and antral follicle count = 13 on day 3. I did my AMH blood test yesterday to double confirm. My doctor was already expecting I might not be responding well but did not expect to be this bad...

Once again, I would like to thank everyone for being so supportive.
I wish all of you a Merry, Blessed Christmas &amp; Happy New Year! May your wish come true!
sistas, just came back from Dr Zou.
as usual, we chat. she told me one of her patient like my case ( bad womb) after 3-6 months treatment got preggie with twins recently! Boy and girl. so, we all must JY JY JY
Ceo38, thx! Will check with her again this Thurs, have appt for the acupuncture. She did mention near the date could be everyday affair.
I sometimes will fall asleep when doing accu (when lying on the back) :p We must try to be as relax as possible when doing accu... dont think about work hor...
piglet, i rem laoshi mention to me that healing cleanse the toxins out from our body. she told me to drink lotsa water after that. maybe i din drink enuff water plus the bad weather, so tats y fall sick.
laoshi's schedule is so packed for dec. think she becomes famous now
i try arranging a session wif her nx wk but is so difficult. hv to tell her my ovulation day falls nx wk &amp; she managed to squeeze some time for me

piglet-how was yr healing today? laoshi got tell u more gd news?
Rainy: today didn't mention anything. She got need to do distant feeling tonight for 2 sisters and 1 one fri. I think you have a session with her this fri?
piglet-yes fri supposed to hv a session wif her but last min, company has event so cant rush dw in time. tat's y quite hard to arrange another timing wif her nx wk. lucky laoshi accomodates to my schedule
Laoshi so cute today ask me whether I got sleep anot. I told her not really. She replied that I go sleep for awhile till the downstairs Reno disturb me. Heehee

I think she used to us falling asleep.
Rainy : wish u best of luck with my Lao shi!!

Ya, Lao shi says it's to cleanse our body of "toxins" and once cleansed, u r ready to conceive; all the proven examples..
Just added 2 more posts - about myself and what i have done to prepare myself for ivf and on conceiving. hope u all find it useful!
piglet, supposed to c laoshi this fri 4pm but i already changed to nx tues afternoon. lucky laoshi accomodates to my time nx wk. thks for offering to change with me
i usually try not to go at night. afraid after healing, i'm too tired to drive home....hehe
Morning ladies! LuvNhope, what I heard is tofu got estrogen n best to avoid during 2ww n preg. Well, I ate yong tau hu last week but only had a few mouth of the beancurd, ate fish all mostly. I think as long as don't eat too much shd b ok la. But of cos to play safe, best is dnt eat tofu lor
Ceo, that's what i'm afraid of too. But i also ate yong tau foo recently, heheh... There are a number of tofu dishes I usually love to eat leh! Sigh...
Dear all,

May be a repeated questions. As the thread go on very fast, pretty tough to search from history. For all those BFP mummies, do you work or stay at home religiously during the 2ww.
Mmmm I'm not too sure y can't take tofu. I also hear from sisters here. If u take a look at this google doc, the "dos n donts" part, it actually state avoid soy products:- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?hl=en_US&amp;key=0Akn4rrFWhKUAdE51a1ZOc1RtQ21sR185Wm52a3daSmc&amp;hl=en_US&amp;f=true&amp;noheader=false&amp;gid=5

I also found via the net the following info:-

"There's some research that suggests that soy products can decrease your fertility slightly. Something to do with the phytoestrogens that are so beneficial during the menopause."
Hi nurul, got milk powder form and also got packet drink form. Vanilla, chocolate n strawberry. I bought milk powder form. Must dissolve in cold water. Ensure got selenium which aids implantation and of cos other vits n mins as well
