IVF/ICSI Support Group

Tromso, glad to see you back at this thread even though you've graduated!

Thanks for sharing the info above. Any idea if the same applies for Dr M?

Ceo, hahah... then we'd spend every waking hour scrutinising what goes on inside! Yeah, sounds like your embies should be starting implantation soon. Yay!

I should be 7dp3dt. Itching to test on Wed after I get my cheap test strips... A little early i know, hehehe...
noi, sorry, can't help you. I was given utrogestan (which doesn't need to be refrigerated; just kept in a cool place like most meds).
Hmm Noi, Joanne say no nd then fret not. I asked nurse that time, she say can put in fridge prevent melt... Now weather so cooling. Shd b ok
CEO, it's good to know the rates and the man himself are both accessible right
He kept saying his rates will be cheaper than KKH cos KKH increasing rates coming year.

LuvnHope, hee...no one really graduates from trying to get pregnant and being pregnant lah...we are all in this together. I do read on and off, good to know how everyone is progressing, still learning a lot from this forum
My MS quite bad leh....
had to lie in bed whole day yesterday, I think I was only awake like total 5 hrs yesterday. I'm experimenting a bit on how to reduce the symptoms, today seems good so far, very manageable, a lot more energy
a lot of times I will feel very uncomfy and break out in cold sweat, my mum says it's normal, sigh...will hv to endure. My only hope is fetus safety now, nothing else...

Haa...kinda felt bad for my hubby, from a chatty wife, to a low energy sickly wife, he was quite hyped up about going misson impossible movie but of course nothing happened. He was very supportive nonetheless, I just hope I can be well enough to start go shopping with hubby for his office Xmas gifts soon. Right now, I can't be outdoor for more than 2hrs, will get very tired and somehow dizzy...arghhh...fight fight fight!!! Count my blessings...happy thots...
Tromso, do take care in the first trimester! Just do things that you feel comfortable and energetic enough to do. Have some biscuits or other food ready with you at all times so that you're not hit by hunger pangs or dizzy spells, or at least can quickly curb it. Think of MS as a sign that baby is doing well!
Your hubby sounds understanding. So don't worry too much! Enjoy the attention while you can, hahah... After baby's born, attention goes to him/her!
thanks for the encouragement LuvNhope. Hope you'll hear good news of Lao Er soon, you take good care too, don't walk too much ok, I was very careful during 2WW, didn't go outdoor except dr visits and family dinners. Good to be more kiasu
Thanks Tromso!

Yes, am erring on side of caution too. Haven't been out much. Well, first week after ER i was feeling too lousy to go out anyway! Thank goodness for the forum and the ladies here to help me keep my sanity, hahah...

So you're following Dr Loh for sure?
Hi tromso, rest well, like Wat LuvNhope say, ms means bb growing well

Wah Cham la, I've been a real naughty girl, I went out on sat and now I'm outside too...
Aiyah, Ceo, dun stress yourself with worry! So long as you're careful when you're out, it's fine too. I'm sure you know your limits mah.
I'm actually just too lazy to go out too, hee...

Remember, ouhmmmm.....
Thanks CEO, I just complained to my sis 1 whole hr over the phone, she gave birth earlier this year. She says she couldnt even stand the smell of folic acid, so didn't take it daily...hmm...her ms like very bad too. Ok, shall count my blessings

Yes LuvNhope, I'm following dr Loh, as i've always preferred private, perhaps better attention (prefers scan from gynae himself/ herself) and hopefully shorter queue.
CEO, sure can go out as long as don't feel too tired. For me, during my 2ww, if I were to be out too much, I will start to feel a pulling sensation in my lower abdominal, hence, I took that as a que to rest more
In the end, I just gave up and homebound myself. Everyone diff reactions it seems, so as long as can stay happy and rested, it's most impt
Just don't tired yourself out
Hi Tromso
Oh no.. Just saw ur email.. I just took some crispy seaweed fr korea once today.. What is iodine? Will it be harmful to my babies? ;( also, i hv been taking kiwi for past 4days.. Didnt know it is liang too.. Sigh.. Hope babies r ok..;( how abt grapes? Cherry? Can take???
Wish to share with u tat i bfn even though i hv no period or spotting during 2ww after FET cycle. I took chicken essence daily, brazil nuts, egg whites (2 each daily) and eat lots of fish n veggies but still bfn. I m not sad as i think ivf is all depend on luck and your embryo quality which is Grade 3. Tot i receive my xmas gift this yr but end up nothing. Nver mind, will try again one last time at kk as i got 3 embryos left only n then hv to start fresh cycle. Can any of u who bfp share with me wat food u eat?
a malaysian friend of mine who lives in sin but went to do ivf at tmc at johor city plaza and she got bfp. Heard that the ivf doc there are gd and embryologist r gd. My friend is quite old and now 39 and she delivered her bb son last wkend.
Hi Joanne, I'm taking kiwi too, should be fine de...I guess just don't take too many a day.

For seaweed/ kelp, my TCM dr says to avoid, I'm not entirely sure why. I think some crispy seaweed should be ok, don't worry ok.

It looks like the standard fruits to avoid are papaya, watermelon, pineapple, as advised by dr Loh. The rest should be ok.

Don't worry ok, can take most things in moderation I think. Maybe good to take this offline, I don't wish to create misunderstandings again...
Tromso/joanne *wave* have you gals very off and on bad/good appetitte these days?

i ate everything in moderation and avoid liang food..oh? BFP? Sounds good.. If singaporean ladies go to JB clinic is it cheaper then?
Hi mmfeen2011, glad u r taking it with a positive attitude. I certainly know how it feels and I'm sure some of the sisters here apprehend too. Rest well, recuperate, recharge and cheong again ya.
Tromso, ya I heard some people really suffer very bad MS. I got a friend she Kenna Puke after food all day long for first tri, heartburn, fatigue, pregnancy rash, u name it she got it... But I do wish I can get all this "torture" though. I'm a sadist. Wahahaha
Yup ... hope we BFP tog in our next cycle. When are you doing your next cycle? Fresh or FET?

How's your scan today?

I already had my 11.25mg Lucrin injection on the 02nd Dec 2011. So this should last all the way till after my op & till my next fresh in mid Feb (although I'm expecting my AF within these few days because I was on microgynon at the same time too .... ma chiam like stage 1)

Ms Dandelion,
Sorry to hear about it. Guessed we are in similar situation. I have very low ovarian reserve too. AMH only 0.38. Egg quality I'm not too sure. What test did you do to determine the egg quality? When are you going for your next cycle?

Have you tried TCM? If no, you should seriously consider. At least it would help strengthen your uterus. I've seen TCM for about 2 months b4 IVF, and my only 1 embryo fertilized is grade 5, but still no implantation, probably due to my adenomyosis condition. Maybe go call & make appt with Dr Tan SB?
Hi Tromso
Oops.. Ok ok.. Next time wun do it again.. Paiseh woah.. Will reply ur email soon.. btw, wht is iodine?

Hi Chris!
I totally hv no appetite at night.. Very disgusted with all food so i eat bread etc.. Rather than take cook food..;p breakfast are the best!!
Hi chocolate

I also don't tell my hubby. Just said that I going for yoga lesson. All these sessions I paid myself. So a bit xiong.
Koala, you are added to the status shared online spreadsheet. Help yourself to update your lastest status.

Precious Baby, I can't find your previous nickname but I do remember I've added in before. Nevertheless, you can update your status under your new nickname.

Dandelion, sorry about your case. You might want to try TCM. What is the amount to jab during your stimulation stage? Which hospital are you with and who is your gynae?
Actually that time I also din tell my hubby I went healing. Hahha, I just told him I went yoga.. And I paid all myself. Later when the messages become so much for me to bear cos more n more exciting, cannot tahan must say, then I tell him in went healing etc but I nvr disclose the price. Scared he ask me dun go.. He ask me the I tell him my own money so I wan to go, u cannot care... Maybe it works leh, i cannot miss out this chance... Last time he also ask me dont indulge in it; but now he quite believes in healing after all my encounters.
Oh dear, starting to feel a sore throat coming. Maybe brazil nuts n the shao rou I ate yest too heaty liao. Hope I won't fall sick!
Rainy : maybe it's the weather; I also fell sick recently..

Sashamama : I know there r other silent readers here seeing my laoshi, they don't chat only.

Koala : I'm not atunned yet; that's y my feelings r limited! Someone who is atunned shared with me that she can feel the vibes- and my laoshi is v powerful. Those who r not atunned probably feel relaxed n fall asleep; maybe at time can feel a bit like me - warmth, something running and spinning in our body.. R u attuned already? Las time I wanted to learn reiki but din hv a chance to meet any master in the past.
I've been very good girl, only eat healthy meals, until I can't take it no more, cos that day, I felt like throwing up after 1 mouthful of brown rice and meat. Then I decided to go extreme, I went for a McDonalds burger, to my surprised, I could finish it whole in minutes heee...my first complete meal in about a week plus. My mummy says just eat what I can stomach, don't be too choosy on the nutritional value, other no energy just surviving on bread, beverages and snacks heh...

If you are having poor appetite, just try to eat more smaller portions. I quite like nuts, doesn't cause nausea for me, nutritional and quite filling. I find I only like sour and savory stuffs now, nothing sweet. Yourself?
Tromoso, Chris, Joanne : ya I agree, now I also can't eat much. Just like bread only. I feel can eat bread for all 3 meals...Those oily rich favored food make me v sianz.. For bkfast, someone bought shun kuey and I ate it. After eating halfway, I rem like not so good to eat cos it's liang. Heck care lah, so delicious so I finished it in the end.. Lol.
Morning ladies!

CEO, thanks, am trying to drink more water. Hopefully can avoid a full blown attack. U had a rewarding jalan session yesterday?
Morning LuvnHope, Mmmm... Jus walk ard in Carrefour Abit n bought Abit of groceries only lor... Then head home Lo... But time certainly pass faster when u r outside than at home
Hi Tanny. This is JT. Thanks for your reply last night. I am very excited and looking forward to seeing your laoshi next week

I used to be active in this forum too but stopped after I failed my fet in May this year. Hopefully after seeing your LS, I can strike in my fet next year....
Dee, prof said 9 follicles in all, 6 big ones. 13-14.5mm. But then big doesnt mean got eggs unside right? Likely er on sat and et on tues. Dun think I'll get many follicles too... But quality matters more right? ;p hope I'll get good quality egg like u!

I feel so Quesy lately, machiam like pregnant... Haha except I'm not...
