IVF/ICSI Support Group

LuvNhope, my bloatedness lasted all the way even now few days after 2ww still feel bloated. Nurse told me it's normal b'cos i'm on support med duphaston and with all the hormones change. I feel especially bloated after meal even tho i ate very little. I take egg whites and H2O to relieve bloatedness.

Hi Pinkdoll, I just failed my first SO-IUI (AF came full flow on Monday) and have decided to jump into IVF which landed me here
I am at SGH with Dr. Heema. Initially I wanted to start another SO-IUI but they said no because 26 Dec might be my ovulation day but it is a public hoiday. Two nurses in CARE told me so, one is a Sister. Oh no, that means I just missed this month
She is the head of the dept. No wonder. You have the doctor's email? Maybe I should get from my doctor. She also told me that they are not opened.
Koala, your gynae's email should be on her name card. If not you can call and get from the nurses. I'm not sure if they are open for IUI on weekends and PH but IVF cases definitely they will do.
LuvNhope, don't worry. You will BFP soon

Just stay positive and relax your mind and body. I know easier said than done cos I also quite anxious during 2ww but just try your best to stay stress-free.
Hug hug... Rest well and we JY together.
There is no govt co-funding for private hospital. You can only use your medisave for IVF in TMC.
babyjourney/berryberry/pierced/Mc07/coolcool/Eskimobaby/chocolate/Thank you!

babyjourneyNo i stopped when i started stimulating, but suppression time, i still drink. I added some honey to taste. Oh and i didn't take any tofu or tofu products at all this time!

Chocolate hehe, sometimes i still eat not that healthy lah..i caved in to my temptations..sometimes still made korean spicy instant noodles then that day ate some potato chips..But i think for me, keeping a food diary helps
cos it let me see days that im not too good then i'll see where i could improve on
oh and also if i've eaten something bad..or could potentially trigger allergy, so, it's a good thing to keep track
Crossing my fingers for your FET! Im waiting for you to join me at other thread ok!! Don't give up!

futyusuki01 all the best for your scan! hope to see you over that the other thread soon

To all girls in your 2ww/suppression/stimulating or other stages---BABY DUSTS!!! & keep thinking positive!!
Thanks babyjourney. When is your next try?

How about govt hospital? Any co-funding for the 2nd time? I thought there is according to the govt website. but is it lesser?
Hihi rabbitpig, hugs dear. second time same amount co funding leh.

Hi nurul, I heard royal jelly helps and dhea too. But dhea u better check with doctor
Babyjourney, maybe no cycle buddy for this time. Dr loh reviewed my womb, n said womb bad. Will put me lucrin for six months.
I paid $25 registration fee and $150 consultation fee today. Not cheap. Dr loh's ivf cost at TMC is around $12k-$16k, depending on the dose. Dr loh will give me the highest dose which i guess my price is about $16k .... I told him, i m so old already, pls give me the highest dose lo, he said aiya cannot said like that, you are not the worst case i have. ( dunno should i b happy or sad.... )
i took lots of fish and chicken(all thruout as it's very easily available) + royal jelly (b4 starting suppression way up to a few days b4 ER) hope this helps..oh and cut down carbohydrates and chilli if possible..(some chilli ok as i must have chilli..very difficult to cut for me)
Ceo38, clinic informed that they'll only do scan for me no BT required..im kinda disappointed as i really would like to know the readings
ultra sound scanning next year 5th Jan
Ceo38 haha yes me too very curious! The GP here cannot make it one! Take blood, then still need to send to nearest hospital for test, might take weeks! I took just a few month b4 to check if preggy b4 stimulation started but then paid and done but still no results until now! I really 'like' the system here sometimes..so i save money lah don't intend to check loh..just pray hard..haha impt healthy!

Hmm abt tofu cos my 1st cycle i bought lots of tofu and not always go to the asian mart so i had to finish a lot throughout the weeks..cos i love tofu and well my hb don't eat so i ate everything! i guess that time overdose lor..but for you, you not everyday eat and not very much so it's ok lah..a piece here and there won't hurt i suppose ;)
Ahhhh Icic.. The "system" there kinda terok hor... Mmmm... Nvm... Everything will b fine. Rem to update us when u go for the scan ya
lucky I not too much of a tofu lover.. Hehe
Ceo38, i have adenomyoma, bad kind. Went for surgery but recur again ( but i do get better quality in life, as my menses is not that painful now). This ade is all over the womb, which affected my linning too; hence, fat hope for implatation.
Funny, when doctor told me that, i am like no feeling already, it's like someone telling me, hey u gain weight already.... Unlike before, when doctor said my womb is bad my tear will start falling. And cry for few days....
Hi Chrisl, not possible to go straight to hospital for such tests? Hmm....then looks like singapore do take quite good care of IVF patients here. Waiting for weeks/ months for a simple result is not acceptable

As for tofu, only the highly processed ones may contain estrogen, not ideal for consumption esp our current conditions. The tofu and soy bean drinks should be fine, but true, everything in moderation

Futyusuki, how did you cope with your morning sickness? Did you take anti nausea pill fr dr or vit B6?

Hi Deeeee, my official scan is tomorrow but I've done a scan earlier this week cos was feeling unwell. All looks well but will only know for sure tomorrow, as my earlier scan wasn't detailed enough. Time flies, your lapro is also coming by soon, any anxieties or anticipations? Good that will recover in time for cny
All the very very best!! Baby dusts to you.
Hi Ladies
I need help from sisters who failed ivf, i fail my ivf last month and mense was due today, since yesterday i keep having on and off slight tummy pain, have water and white discharge these 2 days, is this normal?
Thank you
Looking forward, i failed my cycle in sept this year. My menses was very heavy flow, red dark in color.... I dun recall there is any white discharge or water.... Can call nurse to confirm?
Hello Ladies,
Any idea if need to continue with Brazil nut and Wolf berries, red dates logan tea after BFP?
Any milk powder to recommend after BFP?

Hi Sashamama,
I'm going for laparoscopy cystectomy, hysterscopy, hydratubation ... and he's gonna KIV adeno-mystectomy. In short, remove the cysts, wash out the tubes and remove the adenomyosis if possible.
Is the procedure you were supposed to go for and the one lady who's sewn uterus burst open & baby died called "adeno-mystectomy?"

Dr Loh didn't mention anything about sewing the uterus. He just said he will see what best to do then .. that's why on KIV basis ... I thought he might be referring to finding localized adeno so it's easier to remove. Geez ... what you shared sounded very scary. I wanted to go ahead because the surgeon is Dr Loh and I trust he know best what to do. I heard he has the best surgical hands as well.

You mentioned b4 you did go for some sort of surgery in NUH. What is the surgery?

Good to know you are following Dr Loh to TMC. Don't stress ... go get some supplements for your DH .... wish you all the best!

At least you have 1 kid already ... *envy*

We can understand your despair. Cry if you need but pick yourself up for the next run ....

Congrats gal!!

You have adenomyosis too? How bad is it? What kind of surgery did you go for? Was Dr Loh the surgeon? So u just started on Lucrin suppression for 6 months?

Glad everything is going well for you! And you will be seeing your bb's hb for the first time tmr!! Share with us after that ya!!

I'm not too worried about the upcoming laparoscopy although the "complications" mentioned by Sashamama sounded scary & I'm also not sure about the "sewing" part ... plus my aunty just told me over the weekend not to try too hard cuz she's afraid the cancers will relapse with the changes in the body hormones when pregnant.
Dee,the sewing part did sound abit of scary.... But do share : )
Dr loh wasn't my surgeon that time, i was with dr yu SGH during my 1st cycle, n she was my surgeon. I will start my 6months lucrin from 30th december, the nurse was helping me to calculate the from the 1st day of my menses.....
Dee, the journey seems to be so arduous...sigh...

Just wondering if you'll consider Tanny's sifu healing? I'm not really for or against it, but appears healing through energy circulation may help? Quite concerned about the relapse, like what your aunty advises, good to assess all the risks but once you set your heart on it, I'm sure God will provide. You are a strong gal, I'm sure you'll come out stronger, JY.
6 months is a long time .... Dr Loh wanted to suppress mine for 3 months, I find it too long already. But the suppression may work ..... it worked for Sashamama ....

Yeah, can't help feeling troubled over it. I thought if have a kid, at least we have lived lives once! I can't imagine growing old alone .... (esp if the guy go b4 us) .....

Anyway, you are right, God will provide somehow .... if it's not good for me, if it's not meant to be, then I guess I have no choice but to be strong. But I'm still praying for a miracle!

I'm still considering about the angelic healing .... will be on leave again soon ... maybe will call & check with her soon. Are you still seeing TCM? Dr Tan SB quite talkative leh ...
Six months is abit long, but i trust his judgement ler. He is the first doctor that scan my womb n explain to me what is happening inside my womb. When i was with dr yu SGH, only senior nurse scan my womb n then Bring over the result to her for explaination.
He also said people like us with ade after ET must sleep in certain positions for the implatation work, but he is still working on that theory.... Funny theory but somehow make sense LOL.
Seriously speaking, i have gone thru 1st IVF cycle n surgery n then rested for six months n then FET again, lurcin for 6 months is really not that bigger deal to me alraedy..... LOL : )
Tromoso, to cope with my MS, i took light meals and had abt 6 meals a day. On times when MS really serious, i don't eat at all. I don't really puke coz i control lor. Got anti nausea pills from gynae but seldom take coz i already pop so many pills a day and popping an additional pill just put me off. I am the skinny type so all this MS makes me lose even more weight
can drive direct to hospital but hb can drive me only, i don't hv licence. And it's like 3 hrs to the nearest hospital one way..and then back here another 3 hrs. i think normally they'll need a doc referral again from GP..very leh chay! all the best on yor scan tomorrow! keep us updated!

Hey don't give up ok! Im sure one day you'll get your bundle of joy or joys! I waited 4 years for a positive result..

Im with SGH too, with Dr Yu. Just like to confirm that they do go thru with IVF regardless of sun or PH. What i know is that the dept decided that they will work thru out this Christmas season but they will rest for CNY. So they will block off Jan, starting from 2nd week. Not very sure about IUI though. Maybe they reserve Suns and PHs for IVF as more is at stake, both financially and physically.

Im on track for FET this cycle, going for my day 9 scan this Fri. Any cycle buddies?

Glad to see that there are more sistas here with SGH now.

Pinkdoll, you're with Dr Yu too? Yay... nice to know you BFP. Congrats!

And of cos to all who BFP, Chrisl, Fuyutsuki... so much baby dust i lost track...

All the best for you laproscopy! Continue to have faith and stay strong.. I really like your determination and forward looking attitude. ALL of us here will have our heart's desires, as long as we dun give up and trust God.


2nd time IVF co-fund is the same, just that the cap for medisave is lowered from $6k-$5k. And like a lot has mentioned, pte hospital no co-fund. Take your mind off for a few days, do what you like, pamper yourself, have a good meal, and continue to fight k...
*big hugs*

I can't stand e herbal drinks especially e bitterness n smell. Before I cn finished it, 101% I wil puke, I reali like to try but I just can't!!

Any other suggestions?

There are some TCM that comes in pill form to swallow, you ok with that? Maybe you can start taking multi vits too n folic acid for general well-being.
The discussions here on royal jelly is said to be not good for ladies with cysts and can worsen the condition. Some sisters here took and not knowing have cysts..not good loh..Have to be really sure you got no cysts..go doc to check..if all clear then take. Should be ok to take asap after all clear check. Good luck!

Dear Chrisl,
Thx for sharing with me the link for graduates of this thread. I'm reading that thread daily
hope I'd have the courage to post soon.

Dear luvnhope,
My bloatedness lasted 2 weeks after ER probably due to the pregnyll jabs I had after ET too.

Dear rabbitpig,
Take care as you recuperate for the next try ya? According to what I know, govt will pay $3k for your 1st 3 cycles. For your 1st cycle, medisave can use 6k, 2nd cycle can use 5k, 3rd cycle can only use 4k. Hope I have the right info!

Dear dee,
I'm unsure what the surgery is called. I only know it is to cut off part of the uterus that is infected with adenomyosis then sew back. For my own surgery, was supposed to stitch down my ovaries so that for next cycle, easier to reach the follicles. End up my uterus is swollen til there is no space to stitch, according to the doctor. Doc noticed a blocked tube and cleared it for me, tho the tube not gonna be usable. You wanna check with dr Loh is there's any cutting and sewing? Then again, he has magic hands, can be trusted

Dear hope,
The Lucrin method worked for me. So I hope it'd work for you too
and you'd not have painful menses for 6 months!

Dear heartbeats,
Are you ok? No updates on your scan, hope you're doing good!

Dear gals,
Tmr is my first scan. I brought forward from next week cos I'm in Malaysia next week. Really scared I can't see anything, can't see heartbeat, I'd be very worried.
