IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks Sashamama. All the best to your scan today.

Yes Shashamama...b positive. Everything wil b fine. Don stress out urself

Ganie16 pills wil b fine for me. I m ok wif it. Currently Im taking folic acid onie. So I tot I jus wana add on jus to improvise my eggs cos I m nt sure e quality of my eggs since I m oreadi in e 30s.

Chrisl So far e doc said i hv no cysts. She onie said there is a 2mm kinda blood clot which is normal for ladies who had their menses regularly. So she told me not to worry. Btw Chrisl thx for e info ya.
Hope, thanks for the info. Even thou we cant be cycle buddies, we can still support one another.
Let's JY together.

May I know hv you seen Dr Loh at kkh before? I read some sisters wrote that Dr Loh may give special rates to his patients who followed him to TMC. Not sure how true. :p Now waiting for my menses to report so that can make appt at TMC.

Hi Sashamama, how many weeks are you now? Coz if scan too early, sometimes may not see hb yet. That was wat happened to me during my first pregnancy and I only manage to see bb's hb one week later.
Babyjourney, i asked TMC nurse about the special rate also. she told me the charge is by TMC hence the rate is to follow TMC.... ( by the way, i never have appointment with Dr Loh in KK, maybe there have special arrangement for sistas who transfer from KK to TMC.) but i do learn from TMC nurse that Dr Loh is trying to bring in the discounted medication so the $$ maybe lower abit....
Nurul - are you on basic prenatal vitamin supplements? Can get from pharmacies - GNC womens prenatal, blacksmore conceive well, etc. Go back to basics - eat lots of fresh veg & fruits, still can take but reduce caffine (coffee, tea, colas), a lot of our mee dishes dun have balanced nutrition diet so when eating just choose those w more balanced food groups, etc.

Many of us are mid & late 30s, so it's up to the One above
hmmm... Babyjourney, this is the first time i knew that you've pregant before. i must have missed out alot of your pervious posts....
Nurul - are you on basic prenatal vitamin supplements? Can get from pharmacies - GNC womens prenatal, blacksmore conceive well, etc. Go back to basics - eat lots of fresh veg & fruits, still can take but reduce caffine (coffee, tea, colas), a lot of our mee dishes dun have balanced nutrition diet so when eating just choose those w more balanced food groups, etc.

Many of us are mid & late 30s, so it's up to the One above
ron8129, i like when you said "back to basic" i have been taking all herbal this and herbal that. Womb still bad. so i want to go back to take my fresh veg & fruits liao.
Hope, it will be good if Dr Loh can help to lower the price.

Yes I was preggy before. My gynea was at SGH but I lost my baby at 20 weeks.
thanks all. I am going for a long long long long break. Felt so pain at heart and cannot close eyelid

How does the co-funding actually works? Total cost for KKIVF is about 10K? 3K co funding and 6K medisave and 1K cash? Does it work in this way? I can't really remember what I did for the 1st time. because i used my husband's medisave! :p

I took royal jelly before while TTC naturally. I did ask doc whether it helps improve fertility but she said it's not proven although it is commonly used in arabic countries in female with pcos. After that I was on clomid for 2 cycles. The scan showed no ovulation but presence of a cyst and i went for surgery to remove it. I do not know whether it was royal jelly or clomid or maybe both that caused the cyst but I think it's better to be careful.

*hugs hugs* Rest well and try again. I'm sure you will succeed soon.

Yes, that's how the co-funding works. But 2nd and 3rd tries are $5k and $4k medisave. No longer $6k.

Anyone interested to get immunocal? I bought a box previously but I can't stand the taste. Only took 1-2 packets and didn't continue. Forced hubby to try but he also didn't like it. Now left 26 packets. I bought it from OG at $100 for 30 packets. If interested I can let you have all at $60 and will bubble-wrap and mail them to you. Expiry date is Jul 2012.
Hazel, i saw him yesterday. he has started seeing IVF patients in TMC already. by appoitment ontly. yesterday he was at TMC 4-6pm to see 4 IVF gals.
I continued drinking Royal Jelly every other day when I was stimulating. And Dr Loh said that my follicles looked good. I am not sure if it's because of the Royal jelly or what. I think it very much depends on individual ba.
Hope, oh! No wonder he said he maybe at TMC in dec last mth. Hm. He has tps clinic at KKH yesterday till night, guess he cancelled that clinic yesterday. Did u see him at TMC Ivf centre or his pte clinic - O&G Specialist clinic?
i see him at TMC ivf. Nurse there so mad at him, they said he made them work like 24 hours. i told the nurse there then they better get used to his style, because he got 48hours aday
the nurse said HARRRR.... you all must get pregant and get away from here
Hope, no wonder the hefty charges. TMC IVF charges rates! His pte clinic rates are not ex. $60 excl GST. Cheaper than tps rates! But first consultant for new patients maybe abit ex. He said his vitamins also cheaper..
hmmm.... does his private clnic run IVF too? or his private clinic up and running already? i heard some of your gals were saying that he is setting up the private at Novena right? maybe by the time after my lucrin 6 months i can join his private liao LOL
Hahahaha hope! The nurses so funny. N Erm quite poor thing. I think kkh nurses must b so happy that he's leaving. Guess he's quite a "tyrant" at work...
Hope, the TMC nurse told me the other day that Dr Loh's clinic will be at Novena Medical Center and it will start in Jan 2012. So if we r seeing Dr Loh in Dec2011, it will still be at TMC L5.
Rabbitpig, big bear hugs. It's normal to feel despaired n cry if u must. Take a break and go shopping movie whatever tat makes u happy. But after awhile u must try to pick yourself up and cheong again ok! Jia yo
LuvNhope, him and the nurses very funny ho.
i asked the nurse on 30th Dec, where to buy Lucrin? because perviously in SGH, patient needs to buy drug from clinic and bring back to IVF for injection. TMC nurse said no need, as the doctor is going to buy the drug from somewhere cheaper and bring it back for me to inject. the nurse said they see nothing and heard nothing, so just follow... LOL
Erm, means dr Loh is seeing patients at tmc now and in jan he's seeing patients in novena? I envy u gals who r following him to tmc. I cannot afford
LunNhope, maybe they need to maintain two offices. one private and one in TMC. rule maybe? i ask Dr Loh again when i see him next time

How come you had pregnyll jabs? For progesterone support? Is it determined by the blood test results of whether progesterone level is high enough?
Hope, his pte clinic is "O&G Specialist Clinic" at 5th floor. Same as TMC Ivf centre which will move to novena centre when it is ready. His pte clinic will start in January & will see O&G cases. Ivf patients once pregnant will be converted to O&G cases, same as KKIVF now. O&G basically means all women related problems & wellness. Including health check up, pregnancy cases, etc. In his own pte clinic, his charges are decided by him. He pays rental to TMC hospital for using the Space there. So when he is in full swing, he will see patients at both his pte clinics n Ivf clinic. The latter he has to follow TMC charges. Is the same as TLC clinic on 3/4th floor of TMC. Dr Paul tseng sees O&G cases there but do Ivf n see Ivf patients at Care, Paragon.

His pte clinic also has night clinics 2x a week. If I m not wrong, the only pte clinic there that has night clinic. Yes, u r right, he has 48 hrs there. He still jokes that he goes pte practice to semi-retire!
Hi Piglet,

Can check with HPT after 2ww following your estimated day of conception (most likely ovulation day). Or in other words, if you have a regular period, the day your period is supposed to come.
Hazel, I can't agree more! He's the best doctor I've ever met so I'm pretty sad I can't follow him. Only can hope n pray my toto or 4d open so I can switch over to him! hehe
Hi Luvnhope

Thank you. My mens irregular like abt 2months once. My last mens in 22 nov. recently feeling tired, hungry and dizzy. So do not whether to consult Dr or can self-take medication
What kind of med are u thinking of taking? I guess it's better to see what the doc recommends so that we don't take any chances of harming our bodies...

Thanks Ganie! Let me check with the nurses again when I go for my scan next Monday if they are open through Xmas period. Because if they are, I wanna try my SO-IUI again (I just failed my last try on 29 Nov, menses came 12 Dec). Cried so hard. If they reject me, I will request to start my IVF in Jan and be ready for the procedure in Feb...which is why I am joining this thread to read up.

Jia you everyone... Hopefully our Xmas wish for a baby will come through next year (delivery time)!

Hi Rabbitpig, just cry it out. Then stand up again
You have done your best and took up the chance, the rest is fate.
