IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congratulations Chrisl!
Thanks Ceo38/Noy/JoyNFaith/StrawberryGal!

Yesterday was 11dp2dt for me, so i reckoned i can test already after being so tempted as my 1st failed cycle, AF came on on my 11th day..

Symptoms during 1st few days of 2ww:
-Stretching/pulling after ET
-A bit constipated after ER/ET
-No bloating thruout 2ww
All these stopped after 3-4days

But on 6dpt
-Menses like cramping and pulling

-Peeing lots and often
-Menses like cramping
-Nauseous during evening time

-Peeing often
-Woke up middle of night hungry
-Simple things like vacumning floor or walking up small flight of stairs made me breathless
-Nauseous throughout the day

-Peeing often
-Nauseous throughout the day
-Very sensitive to smells--can smell very much the dinner of smoked mutton i made for my HB today! Made me very repulsive..
-Hungry middle of the night

-Peeing often
-Nauseous throughout the day
-Hungry evening after meals /middle of the night

2WW DOs: (esp impt during the early week)
-Rest rest and rest! But walk slowly around hse sometimes to promote blood circulation.
-Alternate eating oatmeal porridge/wholemeal wholegrain bread for breakfast, warm milk
-Drinking Longan/Dates/wolfberry Tea, warm water, taking folate supplement
-Alternate with lots of fish(cod)/chicken/Veggies and mushrooms(brocolli,cauliflower,chyeSum,cabbage,french beans/fruits-persimon,orange,small mandarin oranges,kiwi,english pear/ABC soups (I mostly eat only breakfast(brunch) and dinner
-And if leftover for today's evening i reheat very thoroughly and eat the next day for lunch. (somedays if im hungry i'll take lunch)
-Replacing white rice with brown rice sometimes
-5-6 pcs Brazil nuts on alternate days with a handful of raisins
-Limit canned or preserved food or 'cooling' food
-Oh and i only took 5 egg whites on the day of ET, other than that as i don't feel bloated, i didn't take more except some eggs in cooking here and there.

Jia you ladies! Don't ever ever ever give up!!! Like i've said and will say again..'There'll certainly be more and more good news from this thread!'
Hi gals,
Due to my m/c 3 years ago, I feel worried about my current pregnancy. I went to KK today for my 3rd BT. Last Monday was 167.5, last wed was 411.4 and today is 3014.7. Nurse says its good. I feel so reassured! Thu going to scan and see dr Loh. Hopefully all will be well.

Dear heartbeats,
How is your scan today? Hope your lining has thickened!

Dear nurul,
I'm unsure what helps the egg implant though. Maybe you wanna google or any gals here can advise?

Dear pinkdoll,
You did a lot to help stabilize your pregnancy in your 2ww! Very hardworking! For me, I only rest a lot at home, eat sleep watch tv. I didn't eat egg whites, brazil nuts, chicken essence, wear slippers, etc. hopefully all will be well for us! Are you gonna join the August thread like Tanny? I don't dare to yet.

Dear rabbitpig,
All the best for your BT on thu!

Dear luvnhope,
I had severe lower back ache after ER and ET. Had to take panadol. Went away after 2-3 days but replaced with bloatedness for 1-2 weeks. Is ur pain very jialat?

Dear hope,
All the best for your appt with dr Loh tmr! Share the consultation cost with us ya?

Dear CEO,
All the best for your ET tmr!!!

Dear Chrisl!
CONGRATS!!! When is your bhcg test? Share your reading with us ya!
Thanks Sashamamma!

Im still not sure as pending reply (BT/scan date) from clinic..they usually take their time here, i'll do that
Wow thanks for sharing chrisl! I sure hope all of us here will "graduate". 11dpt very early rite? Mayb twins? Hehe

Thanks sashamama. I'm worried for my embbies n my bladder! Lolx

I tried taking panadol to kill the pain on the night of ER. Ended up aggravating the gastric pain (i think cos of all the meds in stomach) and vomitting it all out again (sorry if TMI!).

Now I understand what you all mean by bloatedness. I think i look like i'm 4 mths preggie. Oh my gosh...

The pains in the sides only comes when i move to certain positions like lying on side or when i'm getting out of bed. But can be quite a sharp pain when it comes. Really hope it's nothing serious and goes away soon.
Ceo, don't worry abt your bladder.
I actually didn't have a very full bladder. Maybe just 3/4 full, and the doc was still able to do the transfer easily. Wasn't uncomfortable at all.
LuvNhope, u retrieved alot of eggs rite? Whereas for me, miserable 6 so not much ohss. Hahaha... I also dnt intend to have full bladder tmr... Too torturous
Congrats Chrisl! Take care.
Hope to catch the baby dust too!

Btw gals, anything in particular I should check with doc during first baseline scan? On lucrin for about 2 weeks, going for scan soon.
Chrisl, I had spotting on Day11 too in my 1st attempt.. I hope I can b as lucky as you!!

Gg for FET in Jan/Feb.. ttc naturally during this period, not sure if eating brazil nuts & drink red date longan tea helps ?
Hey thanks fuyutsuki01! How have you been? been taking care and eating well? How many weeks are you now?
Hi Chrisl, congrats!! May we have a smooth 9 mths ahead

Sashamama, I'm not moving to the aug thread yet. I am actually quite anxious on the 1st scan. Will wait till everything stablise first.
Hello everyone, haven't pop in here for a while.

Just did my FET yest morn and so I'm officially on 2ww now.

congrats to Chrisl! Hope to catch all the babydust too!
Haro berrybaby, my 1st bfn my af reported b4 BT date. 2nd bfn my af reported on BT date itself.. Zzz

Thanks hope! Done. Retrieved 6, transferred 2 grade 4 (cells 2 & 4) only, 1 frozen & 1 under "observation".... Given prog jabs 1000unit every 3 days jab 4 times. Does anyone have any knowledge of the cells ah? Ma chiam not very good leh....I'm keeping whatever tats on me crossed.... Zen zen.... Ouhmmmm
Congrats Chrisl, my previous cycle buddy for first fresh cycle! Your determination in healthy eating finally paid off! Wishing you a smooth 9 months ahead!
Hi, am new in this thread. Is anyone in SGH CARE centre? I see that they do open on Saturday but was told that they don't do any IUI or IVF on Saturdays
Koala, i was with SGH Dr Yu before. they do ET and ER even in holiday (my last FET was done in President Election day...). so not too sure what do you mean don't do IVF, you mean the IVF consultation?
Hi Hope, thanks. The nurses told me that they don't do IUI or IVF on Saturdays, let alone public holidays. No, not counselling but actual procedure. Because I believe I am hitting into the 24 Dec and its a Saturday for my IUI and they told me to drop this cycle
koalo, this cannot be ya. because if the ET fall on saturday / sunday / holiday. Dr will come and perform the procedure, Dr yu does the same, and the on call nurse will be there at CARE to open the door for us too.anyway, they should know how to calculate the ER to match the ET, i persume.

Koala, which nurse advised you to abandon? Is it at CARE or O&G? Hope is right. They will perform regardless whether Sat or PH. That was what the nurses at CARE told me. Our medication and consultations all very expensive and every cycle is very precious. They won't ask us to abandon just b'cos fall on Sat or PH cos sometimes our eggs growth rate unpredictable. You might want to check with another nurse or email your doc to confirm. By the way, which doc are you with?
