IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sashamama,
What you have gone thru is exactly what happened to me too. My adeno is severe too. The only major difference is that Dr Loh did not say he was confident of reaching my follicles. In fact he said my chances with IVF is very slim. lol

My ovarian reserve is also very low ... AMH only 0.30 ... there's 6 follicles, retrieved 2 only (because the other 4 were blood follicles), only 1 fertilized successfully with Grade 5, but no implantation .. probably due to my adenomyosis. sian ....

So I just had my lucrin 11.25mg injection last Friday, and will be going for a surgery on the 30th Dec, before attempting for my 2nd fresh cycle in mid Feb 12. By then, I'll start immediately on stage 2 ... since I'm suppressed already.

So if I strike, it's truly a miracle!

Remember to go get some an-tai-yao k ....
Grabbing your (& all other BFP sisters) baby dust!

Joanne : she accepts cash only, it's a small business there.... I still go twice a week if I can... There is a fortune centre or bras basah complex across the road, where there are ATMs.

Shashamama : Lol, my dh nv go before; plain lazy him. Yes yr dh can go and sit outside at the sofa while u go inside the room for healing. But will be boring cos nothing to do, can watch tv or play I phone? Better don't watch tv wait disturb u. Healing best is to be in a v quiet environment. all the best, congratssss!!!!

Elanie: Feeling warmth is right, I felt it too. Another sister who says that she can feel her "strong" powers! I feel warmth where she touch and Tue, I felt a strong swirlIng warm feeling around my tummy. Importantly it's to have faith, ya? Opk - bd as long as the double lines appear.. Two days later maybe too late..

Dee: I wish u all the best!!!

Have you been to any TCM before? TCM may be able to help with the situation, but you will need to take the medication for a period of time.

Strawberry gal
The healing session is for an hour.
Dear sisters, Today is cd10, 9 days of my injection. Scan shows my lining is only 6mm, same as 3 days ago. How ah? I've been taking red bean soup leh... I'm worried now..
Hi gals
Can anyone advise ban choon chan doc fr parkway on leave fr when to when huh?

Hi Tanny
For package at ur lao shi there, do we hv to pay one whole shot or each time we go, we pay once? I call her mdn Tan.. Ok or not huh? Hee..
Hi Joanne,

The package is 6 times for 6 healing sessions. You can choose either 6 yoga sessions free or 6 distant healing sessions free.

Can split into two payment
Oh can split into two payments? Aiya... I tot it's one time payment upon signing up..

I went to see her for the 3rd time yesterday. For the first two times, I can feel the heat when she put her hands on my abdomen and my shoulders.
Mrs Ching

I paid one shot too. I think I heard her say can split two payment. How's ur session yesterday? I went to her yesterday too.
Sashamama..congras to your BFP..You have a long journey too just to get preggy..Dr loh is good and he had miracle hands..Will you be following him to TMC?

Remember not to walk too much during the 1st trimester..rest when possible..take care during your trip to malaysia too
Hi sarah
So far ok for me... I see too many tcm too so hope he suits me...

Hi gals, one whole shot pay 900 very heartpain hor.. ;( but if we can hv healthy bundle of joy in our arms, all r worth it...;)
Dee..dont worry..with your perseverance..i am sure you will get BFP soon too..what is the reason for Dr loh not to reach your follicles?

You are starting your fresh cycle in feb 2012?with Dr loh as well?
Elaine, when u sign up for the package of 6 healing sessions, they will give you free yoga or distant healing sessions? wat is distant healing?
I saw Mdm Tan this week too. 1st session of healing with her was very good. After the session, i felt very light and happy. The next day I was very hyper and my husband commented that he has not seen me this hyper and happy in a long time. I've signed up with her too.. Im very sure everything will go well. She seems very nice. Good luck to all too!
Wow...so many of you ladies planning to do the healing sessions, I'm still contemplating. Joanne, do let us know how you go with it. I need to cross my next week's hurdle first.

Hi CEO, for many of us here, to improve lining, we take brazil nuts and egg whites. Some of us go for acupuncture too. For myself, I also take amway protein powder, my lining was 11mm on my first scan, not sure if it's coincidence but I took all of the above. All the best to you.
Hi Dee, how's your TCM herbs so far? More bitter than dr Zou's right? For me, it helps a lot. The other day, I had a stomach upset from eating at a Chinese restaurant, I think food is too oily for me since I've been only eating home-cooked and noodle soups. But I was unwilling to see doc and take medicine, but tummy was rumbling quite badly. Next day, I took my herbs, the rumbling immediately stopped but I can still feel the remnants 'unhealthy bacteria' inside my stomach cos causing a bit of cold sweats every now and then, a few times had wanted to go 24hrs kk clinic but resisted cos no diarrhea.

So after 4 days of herbs, I think the bacteria is completely gone, tummy finally felt back to normal again
I really miss the days of popping down pills once detected unwell.

Hope the herbs can help tiao your body to optimal condition
Hi Rainy

I am not so sure about distant healing. Maybe some sisters here can help.

I saw Brazil's nuts being sold at those kiosk that sell nuts. Available at Bugis Junction basement.
No probs ceo, hope it all goes well for you. If you feel you are worried about something and the IVF nurses are unable to sooth your mind, you can always email/ approach sf Loh direct. For myself, I had to request for sf Loh's intervention because I wasn't satisfied with 1 of my med dosage prescribed by kkivf. Fortunately dr Loh made the neccesary alterations. For kkivf, non ER ET decisions are made by IVF's group of drs, not so much by our gynae, so if you have any concerns esp med, can approach your gynae dr Loh

Hi Ching, i have another soup to add to the stay-away list. Seaweed/ kelps soup. I read that it's nutritious but may contain some slight toxin components. So I SMS my TCM dr to confirm and she has advised to completely avoid it. Just FYI
Baby galore, I used to get mine at AMK hub ntuc but hubby says kiosk no longer there
from what I can recall, you can also find it in carrefour.

One of the sistas in the forum says it's the selenium in brazil nuts that helps with lining. For myself, I was also taking Chew's organic eggs then, there is selenium in them too. Happy shopping
Thanks for the info. Btw, I hv asked dr.zou abt the lotus root soup, she said once in a week is ok.

Egg white can improve lining also? When to start to consume? D1 of menses?
The thing is, I dont eat eggs .. I cant stand the smell of it, same goes to milk. Maybe thats the problem and why im not pregnant yet
Yesterday session was ok. Everytime after the healing, I did feel more relax. The 2nd time I did feel the warmth sensation on my abdomen and my head spinning during the session, but it's just for a short period like 2-3min.

What time did u go yesterday? Before 4pm? I reached there at 4pm and I saw a cup of unfinished water on the table. Was that for u?
Where is ur location? You can get the brazil nuts from a few places... Jurong Giant, Suntec Carrefour, Pat's Oven ( vivocity & parkway parade)
Yup, my session at 2pm. Left around 3:30pm.

I felt the warmth on my shoulder but seems to have wild thoughts coimg into my mind. Guess maybe I have not been relax enough. Will try to relax more in my next session.
Ching...haaa...my TCM dr says lotus root soup ok leh....anyways, I'm just going to stay away. I think most importantly is to not chew on those preserved fresh lotus roots (served in Chinese restaurants) cos very liang.

When I was doing accuouncture with dr Zou, she says egg whites can improve lining and follicles. By right can start to take it once you start stimulation phase. By left, I started taking it during suppression phase to prep my body for it. The 'common wisdom' is to take 4-6 during stimulation phase, then 8 after ER cos to help with OHSS. You can double confirm with dr Zou again

Baby galore, no lah, don't be despair, there is no hard and fast rules about what is compulsory, what isn't. Some of us take everything deemed good, but still wait neck long long. You don't eat eggs, you mean you don't like the Japanese chawamushi? I know some sistas take their whites in this form, our dear Chrisl does that
maybe you can take more red bean products, or try acupuncture? But some don't believe in acupuncture, so it's really fluid. There are many options out there, so don't be despair ok!!
Oh yes Ching you are right, Baby Galore, many of us here drinks red dates, longan, wolf berries drinks daily. But longan can get a bit heaty, so can also take it sparingly. I actually add ginseng into the drink too but stopped ginseng once I start ER ET 2WW.

Hi Elaine, I started accupuncture with dr Zou only when I start the IVF process. I only took her her herbs for 2 days. My longer term TCM dr is Tan Siew Boey, been with her for about 7 mths now. Are you seeing Dr Zou too? I see many of you ladies visit the clement Ban TCM dr, location is too far for me unfortunately
Tromso, I am seeing a Ban Choon Chan. Was thinking of doing accu at the same time.. Does she do for natural conceiving? I am not sure about my next IVF schedule yet.
Elaine, no, tan SB doesn't do accupuncture. Dr Zou is too far for you right?

Hope everything goes well for your upcoming IVF cycle.
Dear dee,
I believe with adenomyosis can also strike. All the best and jiayou!!!

dear Tanny,
Thanks for our advice! My DH used to waiting for me so will ask him to bring me along. Hehe.

Dear wendy,
You're also under dr Loh? I've not thought abt whether to follow him or not. Wait til can see heartbeat then think abt next step, don't think too far first. Will try to be as careful as possible during my trip. Regret agreeing to go, previously didn't have confidence I'd strike, so went ahead to book the trip. Now DH nags me abt it. Lol.
Dear BFP gals,
How do we count our EDD etc, do we use this calculator? I dunno I'm considered preg for how long.

Other gals who done ER can try this calculator too! It works on the basis of PUPO, pregnant unless proven otherwise, sounds comforting

