IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi, Ladies. Was busy last week at a funeral and no chance to come in here. Now trying to catch as much rest as possible. There are so many changes and new members here. I just had fever and now down with flu. Wonder do you gals feel tired after failed fresh cycle and FET? I still feel tired (weak) by afternoon after 1.5 months from failed FET although stamina has improved after exercise. Hope to get fully recovered soon. Nov AF seems to be back to normal flow unlike Oct was little. Hope to see it regular this month.

Congratulations to those who has BFP!
Don't be despair for those who didn't make it. Keep on trying and don't give up.

BabyGalore, <font color="0000ff">Ceo38</font>, Elaine, <font color="0000ff">Sarah</font>, Shi Jia Xin, <font color="0000ff">Yogeswari</font>, Ann, <font color="0000ff">Pinpanter</font>, I've added all of you to the status shared spreadsheet online. Feel free to update the rest of your status there.

Jaded and Sugary, how are both of you? What's your next plan?

Heartbeats and Ganie, how's things? Have you started your FET?

for 3dt, the earliest u can test is 11dpt... that's wat i found out from the spreadsheet.

i'll be going for my BT this Friday.
All the best eskimobaby
hee...we are exactly 1 week apart, JY.
yes im more bloated after pregynl jab and after ER..i increased my protein intake and water intake so the bloating was rather manageable this time..you might want to try that as well

Sue &amp; Ceo38
Sorry sorry scare you gals..don't be afraid ..it's not done in singapore, im currently overseas and the ER procedure here is done fully conscious..just painkillers and local anesthetic. But if you do in Singapore, then it's done under general anesthetic (GA) and you'll be fully knock out. So won't feel anything.

welcome back
my last failed cycle i was on and off tired as well as appetite slightly increased..but much more tired after a full meal..i supposed it's carbohydrates i ate..you ate lots of carbohydrates not? like rice or noodles?

haha me got urge to use but tell myself no use cos me today only my 5dp2dt..you might want to try if you master up courage to want to know results..cos according to the spreadsheet..on 9th day should be able to read some reading already..*crossing my fingers for you!*
the first week is always the hardest... during the first few days i was asking myself how to endure 2 weeks hehehe.... but now i'm 13dp3dt...

thanks! baby dust pls! hehehe :p
opps pinkdoll, eskimobaby is probably right..hcg might be still low to be detected thru hpt..so earliest could be 11dpt instead
eskimobaby hahah yes! it's very longgg wait..cos i have some cramps today as well and wondering if it's alright in there...sigh..i supposed have to be patient..you tested or not? Or lacking the courage?
*crossing my fingers for you*
dun worry abt the cramps... take it that it's due to the inserts... positive thoughts ok... try to imagine what's happening inside ur womb as each day passes based on the spreadsheet guide given... i suddenly remember this when i started my 2ww cos i did it during my first cycle..... at least feels more positive and like i'm using my mind power to help even tho all we can do is wait...
Hi joynfaith

i had updated my but.... i got nothing to updated except that decided to go through Prof Wong at NUH...

May I ask what is the Diff between ICSI / IVF / FET
Hi mc_007

This time Dr Tan HH super friendly. I asked for clomind to take while waiting for my 3rd cycle to try naturally. To my surprise he prescript to me for 2 tries.

He also planned short cycle for me. How abt you? Do your hubby and you consider to take up TCM to build up both your health while waiting for April.
Joynfaith, mine was natural fet. Yet to decide when to do the transfer. Can help me change? Tks in advance.

Btw, anybody know whether if I renounce my citizenship n change to singapore citizenship, am I still entitle for the govn grant on Ivf? I did 2 fresh b4.
piglet, i will be doing surgery to remove a suspected polyps this mth and will be going for short protocol due to my low ovarian reserve.

currently, both of us seeing dr zou.

why u ask for clomid during the wait?
Hi Piglet,
U seeing Dr Tan HH today?
In KKIVF Ctr or Clinic D?
I've done my 2nd SIS today...so cramp like the 1st one done in May'11.
They also cldn't inflated the balloon plus this round alot of air inside the cavity so cldn't see much inside.

I'm gg to tell Dr Tan HH that I will not want to go thru SIS anymore...I rather they put me on sedation &amp; use scope to see whatever they want to see inside my uterus...hai...

Now then I know Dr Tan HH only see patients at KKIVF Ctr every Tue..I re-arrange to see him on Friday appt at Clinic D and become 1st visit in Clinic D but in actual fact I'm already his patient in KKIVF Ctr.
So my next visit I got to pay $80+ consultation to see him in Clinic D.
KKH really not flexible...

I read that you are also gg thru SIS..when will it be??

Meanwhile, JIA YOU.
Hi Hi mc_007, finally someone who is also planned for ivf in April.

Im half a mind, i dont know if i want to try one more shot of iui while waiting for ivf in april. Ive tried one cycle of iui in July and it failed coz i immediately had chickenpoxs. Doc at clinic D said i can either try another cycle of iui with gonal f. Not sure how that works never done that before. So im just confused.

Another part of me says, just enjoy now and wait for April to come.
Hi joynfaith!
I see myself added to BFP list. Hopefully it's still BFP tmr!!!

hi Sarah,
I'm unsure abt that. Maybe can ask MOH?

Hi Elaine,
I heard not so good things abt Christopher Chen before. Is he the gleneagles one? Something abt diagnosing patients n having them go for surgeries. But there're success stories under him too! Maybe your condition improved? Possible?

Hi pinkdoll,
I have abt 30 over cheap hpt strips. I started testing from day 8 after ET til today day 18. Since day 9 I saw faint line all the way til now. Today's line got darker n turned dark faster. Hope it's a good sign. My last pregnyll jab is day 10 after ET so should have waited til day 12 onwards for higher accuracy but I just test lo, since so many strips.
Hi, I'm new to the forum. Was wondering if cramping followed by spotting a week after transfer means the ivf is unsuccessful?
I saw my doctor's note for the person who'll do my ivf counseling/briefing tmrw.....she circled agonist and then wrote puregon 150iu....hmm..I wonder what's the difference between puregon and gonal-f....
mc_007: clomind help to ovulate.

Tahope: cos kkivf is private pt so can choose Dr. If see Dr Tan in clinic D is also private pt, so when any test he order is also private charges. Unless u want to see MO in clinic D be subsided pt. Clinic D will consider u as first time pt with Dr Tan cos at Clinic D u have not record.
Hello sisters......hmm some of u who saw my 老师 for healing.... Hope that u will have your miracle and get yr bfp soon, whether by assisted or natural conception. Do update me of your experiences and when bfp, must share your joy, tell me ok? 加油!
tanny_angelbaby, saw your blog. After reading it, I feel very comforted and I too want to see Mdm Tan for healing. I wish to also get good results in the upcoming months.
Hi Sashamama

I know what you mean, especially I am also referred to him by the Jurong East TCM previously. I did ask the Jurong East TCM before why other doc say I do not hv polpys while Christopher say I hv. She just mention that other doc skills may not be as good.

Hope you are right about my condition improving,

Mama Leen
From what I know, both drugs have the same effect. I used to take pureogn when I did my SIUI and gonal during IVF. The nurse told me no difference except that gonal is cheaper.
Hi eskimobaby

Thanks for the information. Both Chris Chen and TCM say I have endo too. Of cos Chris Chen wanted me to go through the surgery which I didn't proceed due to his high cost.
Hi gals
I am confuse.. Is the doc christopher chen u gals mention same as doc christopher chong who oways go to violet fm972 show?
Chrisl, I don't eat much carbohydrates. I feel the tiredness difference after IVF that I don't have before.

Shi Jia Xin, you can update later when you have new status to share.
- ICSI is the procedure for injecting a carefully selected sperm cell into the middle of an egg.
- IVF is the procedure involves mixing individual eggs in a petri dish with thousands of motile sperm, they are left overnight, during which time it is hoped that through biochemistry, insemination of the eggs (fertilisation) will occur.
- FET is Frozen Embryo Transfer.

Piglet02, just happen to read through the thread, thus update at the same time.

Sarah, it's updated.

Sashamama, I've moved you to BFP category when I saw your BT reading. Be positive and remove your negative thoughts, I'm sure you will graduate from here. All the best.

Geneger, you are added to the status shared spreadsheet online. Feel free to update your status. Some ladies have cramp during 2WW but some don't, so don't worry. Spotting could be implantation.
Hi, Ceo38. How are you? Stil remember me? Started your FET?

ladies, I just read your spreadsheet on the medicines price by Dr Zou. Actually, sometimes I was charged at $88 together with accupuncture.

Tromso, did you do the ET straight away (I mean 2 or 3 days later) after the ER though you are OHSS?
Hi geneger,
Welcome to the thread! Is this yr first IVF cycle? Where are you doing it at? When is your BT? How many days after ET are you at now? If itnis about 12-14 days, can go for BT already and get more support in case of pregnancy. Or else it could also be implantation. As for cramps, it is common to have. Stay positive and all the best!

Hi mama leen,
My first cycle at NUH I was given gonal f. My second cycle at KK I was given Puregon. Both stimulated my eggs. The preparation of the jabs are different. Gonal f uses a new injection gun each time. Puregon uses the same one but just change the jab contents. Yu can ask the nurse tmr too!

Hi Tanny,
How are you? Have you semi-migrated to another thread? Does your shifu do healing for Preggies too? Would that be useful?

Hi Elaine,
Either your condition improved or you don't have polyps at all. So no worries! Or you wanna ask your doc if a saline sonography is needed to diagnose it for sure?

Hi Joanne,
They are different doctors. Christopher chong (chris chong women and urogynae centre) and Christopher Chen (Christopher Chen centre for reproductive medicine pte ltd) both from gleneagles.

Hi joynfaith,
Thx for your well wishes! Hope to update with good news tmr!!!
Joynfaith, thanks for the update.

Mama leen, dr will see which type of med suit to individual. For my case 1st fresh is puregon n 2nd fresh is gonal f. For puregon, I jab for 14 days whereas for gonal f only 8 days. Diff ppl response differently to the med. Dr will decide for us.
Hi sunstillshines, good morning there. Yes, I had my ET 2 days after ER. It was ok because my OHSS wasn't that bad, as in no vomiting and excessive pains. I just had bloatedness, tiredness, a bit of breathlessness, just generally feeling lousy. Are you experiencing OHSS?

I tested hpt test today, heee....first time throughout the entire IVF process, cos trying to confirm my HCG level still high. Good thing it's dark colored lines
I'm thinking to do hpt on and off in between gynae visits in order to gain some assurance....
Hi Gals,

Updated the spreadsheet with my ET date and no. of embryos transferred. Realised tt someone updated the remarks column for me abt the cysts. Was it JoynFaith? Thank you!

Decided to go ahead with the ET cos didnt want to wait till next cycle. Had a total of 6 scans! According to Dr Zou, my ovulation is late by 1 to 2 days from the acceptable range so just want to try our luck.

Wishing all gals in the 2WW luck. Eskimobaby having BT today rite? Good luck and keep us updated.
piglet.. i check with dr Zou on clomid yst and she mentioned that the side effect of clomid is that it will thin the lining and impact,on AF too..so not advisable if u can ovulate normally or used continuosly.

she told me that one of her patient onclomid for 8mths den go see her...she say like tat jialat le.

just fyi..
Clomid should not be used for more than 6 months straight. Another side effect is it can cause ovarian cysts as well.

My BT on Friday
even though I wish it's today!
Hi MC_007 and eskimobaby

Thank you for your advice.I having irregular mens and I am taking TCM medication to tiao my health.

My TCM Dr given me medication to help build up my womb lining and strengthen my eggs. Anyway, Dr Tan HH only give me for 2 cycles.

Hi all,

My fren just ask me that whether she can still entitle for the govt co-funding if to do ART for 2nd child? She have one children conceive naturally. I do not know this co-funding info as I not entitle.
