IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi gals,

wonder anyone do a HSG, Hysterscopy or sono saline during the month that they going to start IVF? me did not manage to do last mth so when the mense comes this mth, might need to book to do again but after 21 days later need to start on lucrin leh, so wonder if it is advisable???

hELLO Yvonne,
I've Lucrin for 22 days and started Puregon(+Lucrin) on day 23 for another 12 days. Hope you can plan well.

you are on lucrin for 22days becos of your own body condition or becos you need to extend due to the dr on leave or lab closure.

these kind of things cannot plan leh :) no matter how i plan, if my body dun cooperate, I also no choice and this time is becos of CNY period, lab close for 1 week.
Hi Yvonne,

A friend recommended this site for purchase of OPKs and HTPs. Take a look: http://hoonters.blogspot.com

But I dun understand what is the midstream pregancy test for? Any idea?

BTW, how's ur day @ work? Got ur pay???

OH yes..happy new year to all gals here!
I went back on day 14 for scanning and bloodtest during Lucrin and I was told okay. Most likely is to extend Lucrin to wait for Dr Loh coming back. Cos the nurse suggested to me any other Dr at KKIVF also can do ER for me, and we insisted Dr Loh. We also sent email to confirm with DR Loh, and not sure how Dr and nurses communicate, that they finally delayed it for another 1 week plus.Lucrin is for suppression so timing is better controlled than puregon, as some will be easily stimulated, some need more time. Have you check with Dr loh about your concern(by email)? He can help to advise too.

I have high FSH, so if I go for longer surpression, might affect the growing of the eggs. I dun want just to accomodate CNY have to make such decision. Unless Dr Loh can assure me.

I will confirm with Dr Loh when I see him on 17 Jan on the side effect of the longer surpression. I will share with you by then?
My DH called to check my reading for progesterone bld test is 71.8 (above 60) so luckily dun need to increase dosage in jab. Have you called them?

I'm a PCOs so was given some medicine to take on 1 feb for mensus to come after that start contraceptive pills on day 2 follow by lucrin on day 16. I'm getting very worried if my mensus come itself in Jan (now I got some symtoms of mensus coming liao) cos got CNY holidays and I'm feeling all stress up.. If need to extend lucrin injection, is there any side effect? during the lucrin injections, need to do what? drink more water? rest more? anyone can help????

midstream test kit is the type that we bought from pharmacy, hold the tube half way when we urinate into it, need not collect into a small container like what we are doing now for the strip type, however not sure on type 1 and type 2, there is a hp to sms, maybe you would like to find out in more details. I still got some stock and might do IVF in jan cycle so will hold on to it for the time being :)

I think my menses will come around 17th, 18th or 19th jan the lastest and I will call the nurse to check if it hits the CNY or not.

yes, pls check with Dr loh on this issue, during the CNY period, I will switched to puregon around CNY so wonder will that affect the scan and blood tests for that week too, becos now my menses have not come, I have not talked to nurse yet so I dun want to email Dr loh first, else confused him and myself too :) when do you expect your menses to come this month? 17th then consult, will that be too late, if your menses come after 17th, then it is okay ? will not hit CNY for ER and ET mah, only maybe the puregon injection stage affected cos of the scanning and blood test???

calm down and relax, dun worry. just follow the instruction of the nurse and doctor, even when hit CNY, they will adjust for you one, when this mth, your menses come, just call them on the first day and they will count for you, if hit any holidays, they know what to know and will advise you, some of us are in the same boat as you.

was told to take contraceptive on day 2 as my menses is irregular too but told them that I have got some heart problem and was told in the past that cannot take any contraceptive pill, oral type but the nurse said will double checked again and till today, no news yet, no need to worry one lah, just wait for menses to come and call them. if come in jan, call them too, in IVF treatment no such things as can control, can plan or chun chun your menses sure come on which day, only estimate so even out of estimation, the IVF center knows what to do, all you need is to follow instruction and listen to their advise.

you sounded very stressed up :) no worries, everyone go thru the same thing as you and so far so good, if lucrin extention got side effect, i am sure your doctor will advise you or will not ask you to do it, seems like it is okay to extend. When you do IVF, regardless of what stage you are in, lucrin, puregon or after ET, there is no need for you to do anything, just focus on your normal activities and pertaining to IVF treatment just follow instructions, relax, and ask the experts like your doctor if you encounter problems. Food and water wise, just eat moderate and drink plenty of water. Just remember if any restriction that will cause any changes in the result of your IVF, your doctor will have already told you if not, then as per normal lor. Hope these help to calm you. :) take care
Hi Yvonne

My mensus will come on 7th Jan, 8th is the full flow, the estimation is like tis :-

start lucrin jab on 28th Jan, if take two weeks, then will end at 10 Feb.

start puregon on 11 Feb, if I am taking more than 7 days, then the 1st scan is 18 Feb. So ER and ET would fall on 20 onwards.

I will not call KKIVF on my Jan mensus, will collect the med when I see Dr Loh on 17th Jan.
Hi Yvonne

I'm the "jing zhang da shi" type.. Since this is my 1st time doing IVF, I am quite stressed up.
Hubby always asked me to relax.. but sometime I just can't help but kept on thinking about success and failure rate of the whole process.

I had been reading the posting from this forum and it looks like I can't do anything on my part except to flow the instructions and waiting for it to happen.

Anyway, I'm glad that I found this forum for me to learn some experience and get some advise from others. THanks everyone..

I am also like you, always ken cheong, until cant sleep the whole nite, but now I start to understand things are beyond our control. No point stress ourselves, and end up our hubby also suffer, if bbs are belong to us, no matter how they will come to us.

When are you starting? Also under KKH?
hi Koala,

OIC, my menses will only come in 18th Jan so I will be able to do it after CNY lor, only the scanning part, what med you taking when you see Dr loh on 17th? I did not take any med leh.

KKIVF wants us to go down to collect the lucrin when our af came, and they also want to know our full flow date to determine the 1st day of jab of lucrin.

Yes, I dun think yours will crash with CNY, your ET and ER should be on 1st week of March.

I'm under KK also. I had to take pill for mensus to come on 1 feb.. After that see how it goes..Me just afraid mensus come in Jan itself so will disrupt all plan though I knew that KK will know what to do with my case but just can't help worrying hai..

hubby also very poor thing..I tend to get very frustrated nowadays so he always get it from me..I get very moody sometime..don;t know if it's due to the ivf thing..hai...

Think I should calm down and see how it goes..

understand how u feel, as I was in your mood too, I used to fight with my HB for ttc methods, but now I realise it is not worth it.

If we are fated to be childless, my hubby is the only person i can relay on, so better stop fighting with him.... ha ha...

Dr loh just replied me on our doubts, he said that extention of lucrin will not have any health harm to our body and affect the number of eggs later and alternatively I can take contraceptive pill for another 1 week instead, that mean to delay my lucrin injection.

In NUH, I only go down on day 21 to collect the injection leh, yes, my ER and ET will not be during CNY but the scanning will be that week when the lab close lor so wonder will be affected or not.

i shot already, yipee, free like a bird

So you have fired your boss already? hahhah.... good. You will have more time for your golfing, badminton, high tea, etc....

U must be very happy liao as wait so long then can use the rifle...so ur boss kana injure badly! wow..can be tai-tai during this period...oso good for u as u will be going for FET, then u won't be so stress up liao....
hi girls.. i also thinking of resignng to prepare for ivf/icsi... any comments? you think it is worth to resign and rest? what if it is not a successs? wont we be giving up our career then?

How interesting that we are seeing same doc at KK and now you are asking abt Prof Ng which is my current IVF doc. I can only tell you that Prof is a very gentle doc but he does not talks alot or give info. Dr Sheila is a very busy doc (long waiting time to see her)but she explained in detailed. You might want to take into serious consideration on the price. For the same treatment (fresh or frozen) we have to pay double at GE. The only good thing i can say abt GE is that the waiting is only max 30mins. Hope this info is useful to you.
Hope yr boss did not make things difficult for you. So your last day will be 2 weeks fr now. You are same as me now - 2ww.

thank you for your congrats, like as if I tested positive :) so funny :) how i wish those congrats are for after my 2ww in March :)

my boss was injured badly or not? I am not sure but today he not feeling well lor, after i shot, he went hospital :) becos he got a checkup in the hospital, he looked worried lor ( for himself lah) and that's why he did not really talked to me about the counter offer, waiting for the HR director to do so tmr :) mentioned he will talk to me again next week.

nanz, I got no more frozen left, doing fresh one when menses come this mth. Now I think I more or less ready, not as confused as last mth, maybe now mood better ??? :) anyway very happy lor.

no one here can tell you whether or not to quit your job for the IVF, firstly need to alert you that IVF is not 100%, the most is about 35% so you need to weigh for yourself if it is worth it, then again, it is not a matter or worth it or not too, by the way, we are not giving up on our career, we are just taking a break. and maybe your hb will be in a better position to answer this question (he will be feeding you if you quit mah :)

I intend to take a break first and if fail again, then decide again to find job when I get bored :) if you think you can handle your job and IVF at the same time, then do it both as alot of gals are doing so (some even got support from boss so less stress and easier to see dr too), if you think you will be stress up, then rest first lor, we do not know your situation so cannot really comment lah. Perhaps, you shd find out more on the procedures, as in how often you need to go hospital, how much time needed to do the treatment etc... before you decide if you can handle.

yes, me also 2ww, me waiting for the last day, you waiting for the blood test, funny hor, but mine confirm positive one leh, i win you by this point, but I am sure you will be same same too. so lucky to get all 3 in, but hor, then after that you no longer join me for the fresh one leh

got see superstar or not, i like the guys one better, the girls part, very bored, all dunno how to sing and perform leh,

I support le sheng and Daren, one can sing, the other one can dance and perform :)
HI girls..

Thank you very much. .. BB you mean you was previously under Dr Loh? and now under Prof Ng ?
I know IVF is not 100% but arent we all are giving it a shot? lets all try to encourage each other. I am most likely going for Prof Ng. I know it is more more more ex... but the wait is faster...
anyone else under Prof Ng?

let me answer for BB, she used to be under Prof Ng but now she is switching to Dr Loh, opposite of what you are saying :)

cheap and good (joking ) :) basically we all look for doctors that we feel comfortable and confident in. Even myself I used to be from NUH, I like my Prof Wong alot too but something he is away and another visiting associate will take over which I dun really like. NUH and gleneagle services are similar, IVF in NUH is fast too and team there very professional. KKH, however is cheaper and the doctors there are quite nice to talk too.

If you read more of the threads, you will realise that there are a few doctors that most gals go to (must have a reason for their popularity right).
gals..... me today on MC!!!!!!

but will be going for my massage heee

Yvonne, BB 2WW is terrible so must must endure leh.. ahahha

I have changed to SF loh and seeing him next thursday and u know what i do have an appt with shelia on 5 feb but hor no one tell me leh until i call the appt centre then they ask me to cancel or not since i am going to see SF loh.
Previous you with sheila or SF Loh? U MC again, always MC dont worry company fire you? U also want to join us for 2ww?

PP & Yvonne, Massage?want to make me jealous har, Cannot tahan my hb, dont even allow me to take taxi to go near by to hv lunch. He very kua chang, say i should not sit too long too must lie down. Aiyo i am not sick! He made me promise so if i dont follow his instruction i also feel very guilty.

I replie to you on the other thread liao.

cannot always lie down leh, must have blood circulation and drink water, then how you eat lunch? if you dun go out, your hb buy back?

just called PP and we still mentioned about playing mahjong with you.... :)

you see SF Loh for what next thur? to book your FET date? this time, the nurse never persuade you to stick with your current doctor?

Be good girl these 2 days for ur hubby. Good signs as show that he oso confident u will make it. See u like tat make me itchy feel like rushing to FET liao...hehee...but me die die will endure till march lah to see if can save $ by striking naturally.

Yvonne, yesterday i test the OPTs liao. Got one dark purple and i faint purple line. Hope can see two dark purple line soon. U were sayin if two dark purple line play kiasu 'bang' consecutively 3 days rite..then after tat can 'shou gong' liao hor...hey but tell u huh I feel very dry and tight when 'bang; after my m/c and cos abit pain lor...Blur was telling me tis is probably due to hormones changing...tat why a bit put off by tis but will die die still do jus hope can get bb soon..

He will tabao for me lor. Aiyo cannot stand him la. But his reason is that we waited so many mths to put it in so why take the risk. Talk like that, he win liao lor. mahjong must wait next week

15th will be a big day for me. If not pregnant it will be too late to buy ticket as hb will be flying on that night. Morning will go GE for blood test but i also hv 2 appt with KK. 1 is with the social worker in the morning and another one afternoon to sign the consent form. My contingency plan good or not?
BB, i down with viral infcetion leh.. should be on MC 2 days agao liao.. but too much work.. so clear all then MC ahhahahah

Me with SF Loh....Yvonne, no this time is nurse tan, so she told me ok. just call and book will do. heeee

Yvonne, today??? i can book but the slot is 12.30pm.. u can??
When u see the 2 dark line, you ovulation is 24 hrs later. Meaning when 2 lines is out, can start to bang. If yr sperm swims very slow it will reach the eggs when you "O" the next day. yes muz kiasu and ML for the next 2 days as well. Is not very romantic to say this but if you are not very in the mood and very dry, tell hb to do whatever he needs to get ready and when the time comes than deposit inside you.
BB, i down with viral infcetion leh.. should be on MC 2 days agao liao.. but too much work.. so clear all then MC ahhahahah

Me with SF Loh....Yvonne, no this time is nurse tan, so she told me ok. just call and book will do. heeee

Yvonne, today??? i can book but the slot is 12.30pm.. u can??
BB, then u guai guai listen to hb lor...but it is ok to walk ard as long as not excessively. else u will feel so bored. But maybe 1st few days just go a little easy.
