IVF/ICSI Support Group

Why r u on injection to stop ovulation? I went for total of 4 scans... 1st scan follicle only 9mm... 4th scan I got a surge on the ovulation kit n follicle 20.5mm which is last saturday so which means ovulation happening in the next 48 hrs but my embryo thaw only today n if successfully culture to D5 then transfer on fri.

Btw, I had 4 scans within a span of 10 days. My ovulation is usually late. My mense cycle is 35 day instead of the usual 28 days.
Lvnhope, dr loh will decide wat med & dosage prior to start of Ivf based on his assessment n experience. He will indicate on the memo to KKIVF centre. Other drs I m not sure. Is the discretion of the house dr at KKIVF during the Ivf process to check with our gynae in charge. Alternatively, patients can look for their gynae n discuss. Is easy to bump into dr loh at KKIVF coz he has lots of ER & ET daily every morning. Just wait outside the procedure room, sure will see him along the corridors in & out. Other drs, I m not sure how to "bump" into them.

Found the info on Dr Tan SB on NTU's website
anyone seeing her? Had been seeing the EYS TCM @ Paragon.. thinking of switching to Dr Tan SB at NTU..

Going for op to remove my polyp next week.. seems that it's an annual event already..
Hi Eskimobaby,

I also don't know why. Was said that to prevent me from ovulating before the egg is retrieve. my menses has no cycle... can be from 27 days to 60 days! :p
Congrats Babyme and BabyPenguin! Grabbing your bb dust

Any sistas can share their natural fet experience? As am confuse by their process and day of transfer as it doesnt seems to be the ovulation period. And what are the scans n multiple blood tests meant for?
Hi ladies, thanks for your encouragement. Hope tomolo I will be able to cross KK cutoff.

Hi eskimobaby, mine was a blastocyst transfer. The nurse didn't call me on the day of the thawing. She had briefed me before that to be on standby from the day of thawing. They will call you in the morning if you are activated.. To be sure, I fast every night from 11.30 pm to the next morning till around 10.00 am in case they call.
I have a fren who has mense every 6 months only managed to conceive 2 kids naturally... so i find it's really fated.

Baby penguin,
Which means my embies r not growing well
Hi Cherishu, mine is natural FET. Only went for 1 scan which is Day 10 AF, lining, follicle and ovulation were ok. So proceed with ET 2 days later. Mine is 2 days transfer.

If on Day 10, lining, follicle and ovulation not ok yet, they will ask u to go back for another scan and so on. As for blood test, there is only one time which is hcg BT after your 2ww.
Hi Babyme,

Yours seem much simpler and doesnt need to go for blood test before ET. I am told to go on day 10 for scan and followed by blood test and to be taken morn n and late noon for 5 days or so to check the reading before concluding if thawing can take place. N it doesnt seems to b within the ovulation period n am concern why it is so. As compared yours is within e ovulation period.

R u also with SGH? I'm in the midst of my natural FET now. I had to go for so many scan (because my lining and follicles grow so slowly). I did a baseline scan on D4 (can be between D2-D4), then repeat at D9, still small, so D11 and yesterday D13, so small so i'm going for my D15 scan tomorrow morning, hopefully the follicles will be at least 14mm. Then they will proceed to do the twice daily LH blood test to detect the surge (which means I've ovulated). Only then will the embies be thawed and transfered.
Im in my 2nd stage of 2nd fresh cycle
This friday BT and scan..


Yes brazil nuts is high in selenium and reputed to help in implantation..of course eating food in their natural forms is very best preferred but then if you think out of convenience then pills should also be ok i guess..but for me i choose the former..but hey do check if you're allergic to nuts 1st...
Hi Berrybaby,

Yes, I am with SGH. And I believe your scan will goes well. (",) . What is the ideal follicles size before we start the LH BT? You are under which DR?
I'm not too sure why we eat brazil nuts instead of just taking the selenium directly. Maybe u got to google n find out more whether too much of selenium is harmful to the body or how is it best absorbed.
Anyone felt bloated during week 2 of 2ww? I'm feeling some bloat now and like wanna burp at times as well as a sore throat. Aiyoo.. My only symptom so far...

i had a m/c in late oct and i'm going for fet again once my mense starts either anytime from nw or early dec.i'm depressed for the lost but wish to start asap but my husband is against it coz he wanted me to rest longer.but my MIL is think it the other way.she brewed chinese herbs for me after the m/c and kept asking me when can i start the fet which i assured her soon.because of that me and my husband had fight about it.i'm fine nw and Dr loh said it ok for me to start anytime and i have bought the medication waiting to start anytime...pls advise me..i'm so trouble.
Hi Jasmine
Hugz and know how u feel after ur mc.. But for mc via dnc, usually doc will advise rest for 3 mths before try again as our lining is scrap thin during dnc.. Btw, did u go thru dnc? At how many wks and u hv ur mc? For natural mc which no dnc, doc will advise rest for 1 cycle will do..
Hi jasmine, I also had MC in mid Sept, my first menses only came on 1st Nov and I'm starting my FET now. Going for ET tomolo. From the day I did my dnc, I ate a lot of tonics to recuperate my body. Dunno is it too bu, my lining is now 13mm and follicle size 22 (based on Monday scan). I guess sa long u are mentally n physically ready, u may go ahead and try. I wanted to quickly do the next round of FET because kkivf center will closed in Dec for cleaning. Thus I dun want to wait too long.
Was told must be >14mm before BT but this morning scan was 13mm n they decided to start BT on the spot. So this evening still need to go back for the evening test. Under Dr Yong TT. What abt u?
Hi Chris and Eski.. thanks.

Hi Whitetiger, I did removal of cyst and fibroid. I did with private doctor. He said i can start immediately. I think very much depends on individual health. But i think fibroid should be fine. keyhole ya?
I think bloating in the 2nd wk is good according to I read here before. Stay positive. U r almost there

I've just gone for my ET n officially in 2ww
Thaw 5 embies but only 1 survived n this one the cells multiply very fast n become compacted. I dunno wat compacted means but according to the embryologist n dr Loh this is good. We were still in a dilemma on our way there that since we were told to go in earlier than scheduled for ET so most likely our embies didn't grow well. We chose blastocyst becos we only planned to transfer one only as my hubby is afraid will get twins. Seems like our embies made the decision for us n I'm amazed n thankful as well.
eskimobaby - compacting is when the embryo moves to D4, D5 stage from clearly visible (countable cells) to the next phase whereby there are so many cells that they start to merge/compact into a "compacted" stage. This takes up energy and some 3-day embryos do not make it to this next stage. The embryologist told me "looks like after you chew the bubblegum & spit it out" as the number of cells cannot be easily counted individually anymore. From compacting, it will need to continue to grow to blastocyst stage & hatch, & implant & grow. Congrats on getting to 2ww & good luck.
Ron, ohhh no wonder from the pic given to me, the inside of my embryo looks like cauliflower. I still asked dr loh how many cells cos it looks quite different from my d2 embryos during the 1st cycle. Thanks for the info! Really appreciate ur explanation
sounds really good!! Hope your 2ww will be a breeze and embryo implant very well! All the best hor!!
