IVF/ICSI Support Group

miracles, yes I agree with hazel, TCM can't cure all, can tiao and Bu. I feel that your fren can establish if her uterus and ovaries are in good health cos in my case, I became PCOS, many polyps grew in uterus (hinders implantation) and tiny cysts both got enlarge, after my hormone pills. A gynae advised that cysts and the PCOS bubbles may hinder follicle from entering the tube during ovulation.

TCM can induce ovulation too, I have friends who don't ovulate, took TCM, started ovulating and got pregnant. Diff people respond differently to TCM it appears. But no harm strengthening the body cos liang is not too good for a start. But our body is little liang in general cos of our humid and hot weather, but if body is very liang, then can be more of an issue I guess.

Another test is PCT test, determines if mucus in the uterus is too hostile for the sperms to swim and survive in. My gynae in clinic B kkh didn't suggest much and no follow up throughout clomid too...wondering if same person hee...

Hi Tromso, u feel breathless, I feel it too..I told hubby and he told me dats cos I hv not been walking enough but I feel breathless and stressed after walking or stand too long....
Dilemma, so should I walk more to improve the 气 or better rest more?

Any sisters here can advise?
December, yeast infection....is it because you use panty liner daily?

Btw I think can sorta understand why you stop the TCM and acu, cos say if I'm not successful this time, I seriously have doubts if I can continue to keep up with this 'high maintenance' - money and time and efforts regime....feel a bit like a headless chicken running around at times...
Hi tub, I started the amway protein powder about half year ago, was also on few other amway supplements but then i dropped all but protein powder when I started with Blackmore Conceive Well just before IVF.....still kinda trust amway bit more cos organic.... Yourself?

Hi Sherlyn, no leh...man always think we women are exaggerating lol....hubby dragged me out for a looooong walk last week cos I was feeling quite tired fr jabs, he thot it's b'cos I'm lack of exercise too but I was going to gym every other day before I started stage 2 jabs, how can health deteriorate so fast right? I checked myself on the gym bicycle, heartbeat used to be abt 100 into first minute of cycling but on day 1 of stage 2 jab, heartbeat went up to 130+ in first minute, so I know it's def the jab. Although this being said, you are preggy now right, can do short slow walks esp after meals. Ever though about preggy yoga? But I'm not sure if first trimester ok to do this or not.... Walks can help with blood circulation, good for fetus or can Bu Qi by taking ginseng and cordyceps...oops, sounds like I'm selling herbs, I'm actually trying these out too....
Oceantulips, I've added you to the online spreadsheet as Oceantulips because there's another Ocean sista there, so not sure if it's you. Is this your first ivf cycle? You might want to update your status there.

TriciaT, no prescription is required for syringes and alcohol swaps. You can purchase from other pharmacy (Watson, NTUC Unity, Guardian and etc) near your working area or neighbourhood other than KKH pharmacy. You can get insulin syringe that has the no. of unit you need. I got mine at KKH pharmacy: 3/10cc, BD Ultra-Fine Needle. It's the finest needle I can find.

Ching, Dr Loh's TMC O&G Specialist Clinic's Tel. no.: 6526 1003.

Sherlyn, your "qi" seems not circulating in your body well enough. Are you at any stage of IVF? Or just a normal query?

Exercise will build up your stamina and bring fresh oxygen to your organs and body. Start mild in the beginning and increase gradually. You can walk slowly and gradually do brisk walk. Increase your distance when you are ready and remember gradually. If you are in stimulation stage, please walk slowly.

Swimming is good for building stamina and you don't strain yourself too much compare to other exercise. You can try Qigong for good "qi" flow and yoga for "qi", flexibllity, focus and balance. Alternative, you can see TCM and take their medicine to strengthen your body. You can check with your TCM Dr what herbs you can brew at home for improve "qi".

<font color="0000ff">Please note that If you are in IVF stimulationstage, refrain from strenuous exercise, abdominal exercise and leg raising during stimulation stage.</font> Not sure if can swim during IVF stage. Ever a lady told me can but I'm afraid of infection in public pool so I didn't dare to do it.
Hi Tromso,

yup. i had taken those you mentioned as well.

after ER, do up ur egg whites cos i See you have quite a no. of follicles right now... it helped me tide over the OHSS effect much better after my ER for my second cycle...and prob taking immonucal helped alot too...

i got over the ohss effect much faster this time compared with the first fresh.
Tromso, pre-natal yoga starts at Trim 2. If you are a regular yoggie, you can continue when pregnant but refrain from abdominal exercise and leg raising. Check with your yoga teacher or do a google search on which pose can/ can't be done during 1st Trim.
Tromso, i never use panty liner daily... sigh...

i noticed when weather is more humid and i sweat i get it... sometimes is after BD a few days later i will get it too... even though i keep gd hygiene. :s and it always hits me mostly before O so like very diff to BD and try naturally also...
Hi Chrisl, I recalled your question about cysts from last night. For myself, I've had scans done both on abdominal and virginal, but the latter is better b'cos gives a clear view of what's inside. Best to let dr know to specifically lookout for cysts and/ or other growths, otherwise some may overlook cos growths can be 'hidden' from plain view. I've had myself checked by 3 diff gynae and all different results, so good to get 2nd opinions if necessary.

In fact, cysts should not be a great cause of alarm as they are not uncommon in female, especially after 30, unless they are larger than 5cm or endometriosis or causes very bad cramps. There is no conclusive studies to show that they are a cause for infertility (unless PCOS and no ovulation) although the positioning can/ may affect implantation in some cases. I think same thing goes for polyps, fibroids...

Just some info from the top of my head, although there's still probably a great deal I dunno about...
Thanks JoynFaith, hope I get to the first trimester stage...don't dare to think too far now but really good tips fr you, thanks, will bear in mind.

Decembers, wearing cotton panties? Washing daily with feminine hygiene wash - Lactacyd? Possible to change panties more than once a day? For myself, I started to have this same problem after taken hormone pills, producing a lot of mucus hence fungal infection. But no more now, actually any infection is no good leh...especially in that area and TTC now. FYI but you may already know, sperms are alkaline, whilst our mucus is acidic, so if below is imbalanced, one reason for fungal infection. Also the body wash we use, cannot use to wash that area cos body wash is alkaline but our mucus is acidic, so again can create imbalance and issues.
You may try to wear cotton panties as they are more airy and breathable. Also, try not to wear legging or those very tight pants.
Tromso, i wear cotton panties... sometimes i don wear at home. air the area.... :p

washing daily twice with Lactacyd femaine wash...

i use Vagisil wet wipes to wipe myself often too. to keep clean.

so cham hor we... i think maybe my hormones are severly unbalanced?? thus causing very easily to be unbalanced down there too...

Ching, i wear cotton panties... don wear leggings and tight pants at all... always skirts for work and loose shorts and 3/4 jeans for weekends...
Tromso, actually i very kiasu... i bought 2 boxes of immonucal and started immouncal one packet per day since start of Lucrin....

egg whites u can start 2 per alternate day from Stage 2. i on and off on egg white in Stage 2 cos was on immonucal so din think much into it. :p

then up to 4 egg whites per day right after ER till i find my OHSS subsided... but u can continue if u wish since we also need high protein diet for pregnancy. ;)
Tromso, of cos once OHSS subsided no need so much egg whites... 2 per alternate should be fine. since you are on immonucal and amway powder.
just my tots...
Thanks December, I see, good to know can reduce on egg whites later. I'm taking 10 egg whites daily now cos bloatedness, just generally feeling lousy, so decided to take more....hope post ER is a breeze...praying hard..

Hmm...can you not wear panties at work too...oops just joking around...hee...glad to see you are light hearted about it nonetheless. Looks like you have done a lot, dunno why persists. True, all these drugs can really change our lifestyle to a certain degree, sometimes I also wonder if it's also age catching up...very aggravating indeed...

Oh 1 more thing I used to do...after each shower, I'll pad that area dry using thick layers of toilet papers, then use those satay man sorta fan to 'blowdry' the area, once satisfied will then put on panty, aim is to not create additional external moisture. Shaving it all away cleanly can help reduce intraday moisture retention too....
Btw December, I used to visit thong chai very early too, to get the first or second number, arrived like 6am plus...get number cards for me and SIL then go back to the car and sleep, then hopefully get to see Tan SB 8am+

Can't say that I'm unhappy now that she has gone private and costing much, I'm actually quite secretly overjoyed about it
cos SIL quite upset by extra costs, so I just kept my joy within

Were you 1 of those early numbers too? I usually see mostly young couples for the 8-10am slots.
Sherlyn, congratulations on your preggy. Did you conceive via IVF? Since you are preggy now, best to slow walk. Don't walk too far as well. You will feel slightly tired during Trim 1, bare with it and rest and relax for now. Remember not to carry heavy stuff and do light household chores. When you are you into Trim 2, it's more stable and can do brisk walk, swimming and pre-natal yoga. You will feel more energetic as well. Enjoy your pegnancy progress.

You can join another thread "2012 (ivf/icsi) Mommies Support Group" that will benefit you more. There are other mommies thread too.
Tromso, wow! thats alot of eggwhites!!

just relax during ur 2ww. ;)

lol... i dont think i dare to not wear!

oh yah, dr did swap for me before when i was having infection once and found i have a bacteria strain too other than yeast... so is like a bacteria and yeast infection. :s

told to cut sugar, sourish food other than yoghurt and apple cider vinegar...

ah ic.... ok... i shall try that to.... main idea is to keep that area dry and more "breezY" hor...
Tromso, wow! you very hardworking...

actually we only went thong chai once but din get to see Dr Tan back then... was another lady who saw us... we went for time off so arrived i think late afternoon...

sometimes rather pay for more convenient to See her right... :p as long as its reasonable...
Yes, JoynFaith m conceived via IVF

Thanks for the advise, will go to the group to read up.
Been on this group since started the procedure n received some good n informative info all these while..

Baby dusts to all again..the path is difficult but persevere and our ultimate goals can b reached :D
Sherlyn, blur me. Just went into the online spreadsheet and realise you are the one having repeated BT. I update until I'm confused with the no. of sistas in this thread. Sometimes I just read trough without seeing the person who put down the message. Did the Dr say can swim during IVF procedure?
Hi all. Confirm negative. How to rest my body during the next 3 mths? Noted that most of you all visited Dr Zou. How abt Eu Yan Sang - Xia rong or Zhong Ximing? Any advise? Dunno if I should visit them soon when I just had failed IVf and per nurse says full blown menses will come within 1 week. Thanks.
Usagi, if both Xia Rong or Zhong Ximing is major in gynaelogy, you can visit them. Give them a call of when you can go down to see either one of them. If they are not doing acupuncture, anytime can go down.
December, thanks for your advice. Hope you'll be able to overcome the current and whatever upcoming hurdles that may come (of course hope no).

Fight strong, fight hard and hopefully all of us here can join the "2012 (IVF/ ICSI) mommies support group" very soon...press on...

Usagi, I'm sorry to hear about this. Hope you'll feel better soon and can tiao your body to optimal condition for upcoming round. Sorry I'm not too sure about EYS TCM.....I think can start to tiao anytime but usually no herbs during first couple of days of AF.
Tromso, thanks for checking abt huai Shan.

What kind of ginseng can we take? Some r too heaty rite?

Joynfaith thanks for sharing on ur red date drink method too!

Chrisl, hope u get to stage 2 smoothly!

Been having a lot of wind today. Wonder if anything to do wif the Lucrin?
Usagi, acupuncture by Dr Zou is $25. Medicine can range from $52 to $56 for 7 days and they are powder form in packages like EYS. Guess EYS should be more expensive. I've one friend seeing other than fertility told me her medicine is ground from herbs to powder. Not sure if fertility ones do that. I guess some herbs need to be process before use as powder. Hope some sistas here can give you the charges for reference. My DH told me brewing herbs is better but I find it troublesome so I go to see Dr Zou. Now, knowing that there is a brew container that don't need to watch the fire, makes me eager to try out. Guess I will just stick to Dr Zou in order not to make the travelling and visit tiring.

Tromso, can you PM the photo of the brew device. Thank you in advance.
Hi looking forward
U r at dpt wht now? When is ur bt? As bloatedness is a gd sign of bfp at 2ndwk of 2ww.. All the best. ;)

Hi usagi
Eys one mth medi can cost up till $300 plus and one time accu is around $75 plus ( few yrs ago rate) not sure whether hv go up. And doc xia and doc zou is cousin, they learn their skill fr the same teacher.. Sometime doc xia will go to doc zou to help out too.. Eys is expensive due to its branded. Actually i heard tt the powder which doc zou using come fr the same distributor of where eu yang sang get. The accupuncture pt that doc zou does is similar to wht doc xia does but is 3times more expensive than doc zou.. Just fyi..;)
Just call up TMC Fertility Centre, cost of fresh cycle is $15K - $17K. As it's a private hospital, no government subsidy but you can use medisave to pay up to 3X (6K, 5K, 4K). FET is $6K. For KKH patient seeing Dr Loh and Dr Marianne transferring to TMC, the consultation fee is not settled yet. Should they charge as 1st time or follow up. The admin staff will inform me once she got a reply from the person-in-charge.

The new fertility centre at Novena Centre will start operation on 2 Jan 2012.
Thanks JoynFaith and Joanne. What are Dr Zou's contacts and operating hrs? IS she open on weekend? Coz normally weekday we have to work. I ask my hubby tonite when he back from biz trip.

Sianz. Dunno when the full blown menses will come. Been ttc for 2 yrs le but still futile. Cant help feeling depressed. Wonder why the embroys dun implant? My menses usually got clots leh, so I thought my lining shd be thick. The hormone blood test also said i got enough support and I did alot of bed rest. Why is it so tough for even 1 to stick?


A depressed rabbit
Usagi, don't be despair. Cry out if you want to, it will make you feel better. Time will heal. Get up and be strong thereafter. When is your BT? Remember to ask for your BT result, it will tell you whether you are pregnant or MC. Talk to your DR and find out what's wrong and how to improve. Do you still have frozen embryos? You can try FET next round.

You can also refer to the online spreadsheet under TCM DRs tab for consultation hour of Dr Zou. Below is the details. If you plan for acupuncture, don't visit her on heavy flow. Only visit on D4 onwards.

Mon - Thus: 9am - 1pm; 3pm - 5pm; 6pm - 8.30pm
Fri: 3pm - 8.30pm
Sat: 9am - 1pm; 3pm - 6pm
Sun &amp; PH: 9am - 1pm
Closed on Wed.
Thanks gal for taking time to reply, so sweet&amp;nice of you
Im just a tad worried cos i only had a vaginal scan to see..and nothing else..i tot must need to do blood test to know..

thanks gal
im still waiting

*Hugs* Sometimes it might be unknown factors on why the embryo dun stick..but don't give up hope, meanwhile, tone up your body and prepare for the next round..the next round might be twins! hehe
Joynfaith, impressive! Ya, dr loh's chef embryologist at KKH has already left on 31 oct to go over there to get ready the Ivf centre. Consultant fees at dr loh pte clinic at TMC is up to dr loh to charge. Is his own pte clinic. Not like novena Ivf centre.

Thanks. I dun have frozen embroys. Er 12 but only 7 mature. Then 3 fertilised. ET 2, the other 1 they said not good enough to freeze. I dont know the BT results. Nurse only tell me rusult is negative. That's enough. That's what making me even more depressed. Need to redo. No more tears le after yesterday. From this round, i know i got a lot of support from my family, hubby, close friends and u gals from forum.
After this mth, I will go gym again and shed some more wt. Hopefully make myself fitter and try again. I do miss my body balance, body step and body attack. Before this round, I went gym and shed 2-3 kg but i didnt try tcm coz the ivf is too costly. My eggs are few, got PCOS, so doc put me on short protocol and heavy dosage on gonal f (450 le). Wonder what dr Yong will say next mth.
reading thru your post, i remembered i had a yeast infection b4 once years ago, with a curd like discharge.

Then i used cold 100% natural (no sugar added) plain yogurt and just dap a little a few times a day into the vaginal and then leave for a little while before washing it off, wear cotton panties and then after peeing- wash too, refrain from sex. Then surprisingly it has not come back since (touchwood) you might want to try?
So far with dr yong is good. Now lookin forward to meet her nex week to review my report for failed ivf. Quite disappointin n demoralisin to have gone thru e jabs n experience failure. Furthermore, my menses cm accurately based on 28 days cycle.

Thanks for the advise and shall update once my schedule is out. Hope to do fet in jan cycle.
Oh alsoDec, i change panty liner very often to keep dry and pat some antiseptic powder to the area too helped
Hi! Any gals taking Tcm during the jabs? Advisable?

Tromso, thanks! Will get myself some protein powder too. I hv not started on my immunocal cos still waiting to start suprefact jab on day 22 of menses. But eating 3 egg whites a day now with nuts and seeds. Today is day 12... Sigh so 10 more days!!!

Hi Chrisl, I see some sistas here say can tell if PCOS fr BT, the FSH and LH level. But for myself, I was made aware during ultrasound scans, dr showed the scan pix and took measurements of the cysts, same for polyps and PCOS for my case. I did take a variety of BT last year but during review dr didn't link test results to growths. Maybe really can detect cysts through BT, anyone knows?

Usagi, I thought blood clots during mensus are due to have taken cold food? For me, if I take say sugarcane drinks or tea, within hours, will sure get blood clots... If I guai guai stay away from cold food/ drinks, no blood clots will occur during that entire mensus. Wrong linkage is it?
